Free Knitting Pattern: Newborn Hat – Knit Flat with Seam y

Free Knitting Pattern: Newborn Hat – Knit Flat with Seam
By Kristen O’Hara
I had a lovely ball of Cascade Superwash yarn just sitting in a basket with no purpose. Fortunately, I found this lovely
pattern for a newborn sweater. Written by Kelly Brooker, the Puerperium Cardigan pattern is available for free on ravelry.
Of course, once I had completed the sweater, I realized my little guy would need a matching hat. So, I wrote this simple
pattern to be completed on straight needles (or knit flat with circulars…my favorite!).
Happy Newborn Knitting!
Yarn: 1 skein Cascade 220 Superwash Sport wool yarn (or yarn with same gauge)
Needles: 1 pair US size 5, 1 pair US size 3
Stitch Markers
Gauge: 22 sts/4 in. – SS
1. CO 68 sts., using size 3 needles.
2. K garter stitch 6 rows.
3. Change to size 5 needles. K SS until work measures 4 in., starting with a purl row.
Begin Decrease:
4. *K6, k2tog, PM, K7, k2tog, PM*. Repeat across row. (Obviously, no marker needed for last set.)
5. P2tog, *P to marker, slip marker, p2tog.* Repeat * to * across row.
6. *K to 2 before marker, k2tog.* Repeat * to * across row to last 2 sts., k2tog.
7. Repeat rows 5 and 6 until 12 sts. remain.
8. P2tog across, removing markers.
9. K2tog across.
10. Loop yarn through the last 3 sts to bind off.
1. Sew up sides.
2. Tuck in ends.
SS: Stockinette Stitch – K one row, purl the next. Repeat.
CO: Cast on
Garter Stitch: Knit every row.
K2tog: Knit two stitches together to decrease by one stitch.
PM: Place Marker
P2tog: Purl two stitches together to decrease by one stitch.