Special Church Meeting March 22, 2015 Prior to the start of the

Special Church Meeting March 22, 2015
Prior to the start of the meeting, Council Chairman Steve Gadaree said that while everyone
should have gotten one mailed or emailed (depending on their preference) to them, if they
didn’t bring it along he had extra copies that could be given out for people to follow along. He
said there were some additional changes that he would be explaining, mostly with wording.
Having determined that a quorum was met, (signatures were obtained of 25 attendees
present), Council Chairman Stephen Gadaree called the meeting to order and clerk Susan
Pianka read the Call:
Notice is hereby given to all members of the North Stonington Congregational Church,
U.C.C., of a meeting to take place on Sunday, March 22, 2015, following worship.
The meeting is being held for the purpose
- to hear and act on proposed changes to the By-Laws of the North Stonington
Congregational Church
- to act on any other said business to come before the congregation.
Mary Wilska, seconded by Kim Gadaree made a motion to accept the Bylaws
with the proposed changes.
Steve then explained that the changes are in bold and underlined. The changes include
cleaning up and clarification of the language in various places; correction of phrasing “Boards”
versus “Committees”. Boards have staff members and/or a financial dealing with the church.
Boards MUST be composed of church members. Committees may have non-members who
attend and are interested in helping. A new committee was formed also, the Personnel
Committee. On page 2, the title “Contents” needed to be added, and in order that we are
consistant, “Music Board” was to be changed to Board of Music. It having been determined
that a better name for the new committee would be “Staff Relations Committee”, all references
to it should be changed. These occurred on page 7, 2a & 2i; p. 9, 8c; p. 10, 10d; p. 1, 11d; p. 12,
14c; and be added in to the slate of officers on p. 15. In addition, on p. 16, “Deacons” needs to
be changed to “Board of Deacons, and on page 10, in the first line of 10d, “an” needs to be
After the list of corrections was made, Steve opened the floor for questions and comments.
Patty Danley asked if it was on the website, and if the corrections would be made there so that
people could get a new listing. Steve said yes to both. Evelyn Bamford asked about the slate of
officers and the number of members needed, and wondered if the wording could be changed
to “up to” the naximum number. Steve said there would be so many changes, and these
requirements should be in conjunctions with what the various committees felt they needed
that that would be better set for another revision. Evelyn also said that the Nominating
Committee “deadline” of two months was unrealistic; that they are always looking to fill some
positions right up to the annual meeting itself; Steve said it is “two meetings” not “two
months” and it has always been that way; that it is meant to be a progress report, not the final
document, and the intent is to see if perhaps Council or others might be able to help the
nominating committee with suggestions, etc.
No further discussion occurring, Steve called for the vote.
Motion VOTE: It was approved, with one abstention; there were no nays.
Kim Gadaree, seconded by Patty Danley made a motion to adjourn. It was
unanimously approved.
Pastor Sue then led us in prayer and the meeting was adjourned.
End of meeting.