Nelson Literacy 8 One of a Kind (p.188-191)

Nelson Literacy 8
One of a Kind (p.188-191)
Video clip: Steve Nash interview, Overcoming the Odds
1. What is the purpose of the italic print on page 188? Briefly list the key points in this section
of the article.
2. Identify the main idea in this article. What text features helped you decide?
3. Summarize the description of Steve Nash given by Ian Hyde-Lay, Steve’s high school
coach. According to his high school coach, what does it take to be recognized as a “great
4. Mark Cuban says “Steve uses basketball to experience and understand life – basketball
doesn’t use him”. What inference can you make from this statement about Steve Nash?
5. Think about the stereotypes associated with pro-basketball players. Do you think Steve
Nash fits this image? Support your response with specific details from the text.