CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH CORPUS CHRISTI PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Shawn T. Daly, Pastor Rev. William Agyemang, Parochial Vicar Seth English, Deacon Dianne Peck, Music Director April 19, 2015 601 Silas Deane Highway WETHERSFIELD, CONNECTICUT Rectory 860-529-2545 Visit the above website to register for Online Giving SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE BAPTISMS Sunday Vigil - Saturday 4:00 PM First and Third Sunday Sunday Morning: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Registration is required. Please call the rectory office. DAILY MASS Rectory Office Hours: 8 AM-4 PM Monday thru Friday 7:30 AM Saturday at 7:30 AM MARRIAGES Please contact rectory office at least six months in advance. Religious Education Office 860-721-9419 CONFESSIONS: Carol Pasternak and Sharon Reynolds, Saturday 2:30-3:30 PM Coordinators of Religious Education Vigil of Holy Days 4:30-5:00 PM OFFICE OF VOCATIONS 860-242-5573 Corpus Christi School SICK CALLS We make weekly visits to Hartford and Saint Francis hospitals. We are happy and honored to visit the sick or homebound. Please notify us. Eileen Sampiere, Principal 860-529-5487 Page Two CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, Saturday, April April 19 18 -- Holy Vigil:Saturday Third Sunday of Easter 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Ceremonies and Mass 4:00 PM 20th Anniversary Donald Fote Jr. req. by his family Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection Sunday, April 19 - Third Sunday of Easterof the Lord 6:30 AM AM For the Intentions ofhis Ourwife Parishioners 7:30 Ted Jachym req. by and family 7:30 For Intentions ofHenry Our Parishioners 9:00 AM AM 33rdthe Anniversary Maciorowski req. 9:00 AM For thedaughter Intentions of Our Parishioners by his Kathy Geltzer and family Children’s Liturgy Mass thisreq. week! NO 10:30 AM Anastasia and Michael Derech by the 10:30 AM For the Intentions of Our Parishioners family 12:00 NN For the Intentions of Our Parishioners Children’s Liturgy! 12:00 NN Fritz Wamester req. by his wife Joyce and Monday, April 21 -family Monday within the Octave of Easter 7:30 AM Rose and Leonard Vendetti req. by the family Monday, April 20 - Easter Weekday Tuesday, April 22 -Mary Tuesday withinreq. the Octave Easter Christi 7:30 AM Murphy by theofCorpus 7:30 AM Giuseppe Rotundo and Anselmo Rotundo Women’s Club req. by daughters and sisters Tuesday, April 21 - St. Anselm, Bishop and Wednesday, April 23 - Wednesday within Octave of Easter Doctorthe of the Church 7:30 AM Anna Rizzo and Nunzia Rizzo req. 7:30 AM Giuseppe Rotundo and Anselmo by Rotundo Raffaele Rizzo and sisters req. by daughter Thursday, April 2422 - Thursday within the Octave of Easter Wednesday, April - Easter Weekday 7:30 Anniversary Jacqueline Schempp req. by the 7:30AM AM Ann Linkovich req. by her sister Lorraine family and family Friday, April 25 23 - Friday within the Octave of Easter Thursday, April - St. George, Martyr; 7:30 AM Candy Loguidice req.Bishop by John Cusano St. Adalbert, and Martyr 7:30 AM The Mullarkey Family req. by Joe and Mary Saturday, April 26 Mullarkey - Saturday within the Octave of Easter 7:30 AM 1st Anniversary Helen Hodnesky Friday, April 24 - St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr 7:30 AM Richard Bonelli req. by the Corpus Christi Women’s Club Saturday, April 25 - St. Mark, Evangelist 7:30 AM Jacqueline Schempp req. by her family 1:30 PM Wedding: Quinn O’Brien and Katie Lamo Saturday, April 25 - Vigil: Fourth Sunday of Easter 4:00 PM 1st Anniversary Maryann Walmsley req. by her family Sunday, April 26 - Fourth Sunday of Easter 7:30 AM Thomas F. Lawton Jr. req. by his wife and family 9:00 AM 8th Anniversary Zofia Tamiola req. by her family 10:30 AM Janina Rawa req. by her family Children’s Liturgy! 12:00 NN 8th Anniversary Mario Mastrantoni req. by his family WETHERSFIELD CANDLES Week of April 19 - 25 The SANCTUARY LAMP will burn this week in memory of John and Julie Olander req. by their niece Barbara. The SANCTUARY LAMP will burn this week in memory of John Childs req. by a friend. The BLESSED VIRGIN 7 DAY CANDLE will burn this week in memory of the deceased members of the Kelly Family req. by their family. The second BLESSED VIRGIN 7 DAY CANDLE will burn in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Lucy, and Our Lord req. by a friend. THIRD SUNDAY of EASTER April 19, 2015 THEME: Peter proclaims the wonders of the Lord: the suffering Messiah is raised from the dead and has been glorified. This Jesus is our intercessor, and our offering for sin, our peace. SACRIFICIAL GIVING April 12, 2015 Online Giving for April 12 $ 7,613.72 $ 1,214.01 Monthly Monthly Online for April $ 3,445.00 $ 321.51 We are grateful to all who continue to support Corpus Christi Parish by your prayers and financial contributions. To register for Online Giving, please visit our website: Should you have a question while signing up, Our Sunday Visitor Online Support is at the ready to help you out. Simply call 1-800-348-2886, ext. 4. READINGS for the WEEK Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; Monday: 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Page Three THIRD SUNDAY of EASTER SCRIP FUNDRAISER The Corpus Christi School Home & School Association (CCHSA) will be selling Scrip Gift Cards at church on: • Saturday, April 25 before & after the 4 PM Mass • Sunday, April 26 after the 9 AM Mass & after the 10:30 AM Masses Gift cards may be purchased with cash or check (made payable to CCHSA). A variety of our most popular cards will be available including: Stop & Shop ($25/$50/$100), West Side Market ($50/$100), Stew Leonard’s ($100), Dunkin’ Donuts ($10/$25), Starbuck’s ($10/$25), Walmart ($25/ $100), Target ($25/$100), ITunes ($15/$25), Toys R Us ($20), and many more. If we do not have just what you are looking for in stock, you can place an order that you will receive the following weekend. For a list of all cards available, please visit Questions, please call CCHSA Scrip Coordinator Carol Davis at 860-828-7555. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE The apostles were afraid of Jesus until He ate with them. In your family the ordinary acts of eating together, touching, embracing not only confirm our love for each other, but also celebrate God’s presence in your family. These ‘ordinary’ moments contain the ‘Extraordinary.’ - by Bud Ozar JOIN the HOMEFRONT TEAM Can you help repair the home of a needy family? We can use your help on Saturday, May 2nd when our parish, along with Sacred Heart and Church of the Incarnation, participate in HomeFront Day and refurbish a home in Old Wethersfield. We have had excellent, hard working teams for many years now. There will be a great deal of work to be done such as minor carpentry, painting, yard clean-up, and clean-up at the end of the day. We need a lot of people. Even just 1 hour of your time would be very much appreciated. Please complete the sign-up below and drop it in the collection basket next weekend. If you have questions, please call Pat McGovern at 860-563-7773 or Tim Nixon at 860-558-4575, email: [email protected]. ------------------------------------------I would like to volunteer for HomeFront Day: Name: ________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ Phone: (home) ______________ (work) ________________ (cell) _________________ Age of child volunteering ____ (if 14-17, signed release from parent needed) Time you are available from 8 AM to 4 PM _____________ Project clean-up from 3 to 5 PM ______________________ I have skills in: ____________________________________ I am a professional in the following area: _________________ I am not skilled, but want to help with (please circle) Painting Yard Cleanup Food for Volunteers Project Cleanup DALYRELIEF NOTESCOLLECTION ... 2013 DISASTER Theyou collection of thesadness tornadothat in IOklahoma As know . .for . Itthe wasvictims with much announcedand at all Masses Catholic last weekCharities that I will be isleaving Christi to support USA being Corpus taken up this parish at the end 29/30. of June.Archbishop Mansell has requested this weekend, June collection to respond toArchbishop immediate Blair needsto for water, food, I have been appointed by be the new Vicar shelter, medical care and the long-term needs of rebuilding for Priests. The Vicar for Priests is appointed by and the reconstruction. be as him generous as you with can. the priests of Archbishop andPlease represents in working the Archdiocese in regard to their parish assignments. While I SANDWICH am honored to accept this newCOLLECTION assignment, obviously, it comes The Social Action Committee collecting with personal loss and with painisfor all of us.sandwiches NEXT weekend, July 6/7. Please bring your sandwiches to church no When I came here in January I knew very little about later than the 12:00 Noon Mass 2012, on Sunday. Corpus Christi. I had no idea how many wonderful people were here in this community. But I TRIPS do NOW . . . CCWC BUS The have Women’s is sponsoring 2 bus trips and this Iyear You been Club my family for these past 3 years thankarrange from work you can join! Response you for for all that day-off you have given meso- your understanding and has beenyour wonderful thus far, bothkindness trips, and invitation support, tremendous faith,foryour andthe love. has gone out to area parishes. trips a sellout by the Please remember, this is yourBoth parish andcan we,beyour priests, are deposit deadline so don’t drag your feet if you’re interesting Christ’s instruments. While I may be leaving Corpus Christi,inI going. will notFlyers forget- Corpus Christi - I will continue to support the parish and school in any way I can. I hate saying goodbye. But I’m trying to focus on all the good times we’ve had over the last 3 years here in Wethersfield, and those memories are giving me some comfort. Corpus Christi is a great parish deserving of our talent, time, and treasure. I’m confident that you will welcome the new pastor and support him with the hospitality for which Corpus Christi is noted. Down the road, I look forward to saying goodbye and thank you to each one of you. ***** WEDDING BANNS III Quinn O’Brien and Katie Lamo ***** REMEMBERING EASTER What are your favorite memories of Easter? Certainly two of the most fantastic, other than the traditional church services, has to be the flowers and music. Lilies are just so not winter - as pure white as new-fallen snow but their smell lifts you towards heaven. Our altar was very beautiful, filled with lilies and other spring flowers! Many thanks to all who donated towards the Easter flower fund. Flyers will be available shortly listing the names of those contributors. We are blessed to have beautiful music every week, but Alleluia for Easter music! Extra steps are taken to make sure that music for Easter (and Christmas) is even more special. Helping to make it so are those who made donations towards the Easter music program: David Kirk, Crosby & Dianne Peck, and Ed & Mary Pergiovanni. Their donations have been made in memory of their parents. Our sincerest thanks for their generosity. 2016 MASS BOOK & CANDLES The Scheduling of Masses and Sanctuary Lamps for our loved ones, living or deceased, for the year 2016 can be arranged by calling the rectory no sooner than Tuesday, May 5th. Page Four April 19, 2015 CATHOLIC LIGHTHOUSE CORNER A free-will donation of $3.00 per CD and $2.50 per booklet keeps this ministry strong and growing. Encountering the Poor - Dr. Timothy Gray Dr. Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well known Scripture Scholar and Catholic Church speaker on social justice in light of Sacred Scripture. He shows us how social justice is not just one small piece of the puzzle - it frames the entire mosaic of the Bible. MASS of HEALING and HOPE Tuesday, April 21st at 7:30 PM at the Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield. It will be preceded by the recitation of the rosary at 6:55 PM. Presider: Most Rev. Peter Buczek. Healing teams are available after Mass. For more information: 860-242-5573, x2695. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY There is a Prayer Shawl Meeting this Wednesday, April 22nd from 2-4 PM in the church hall. Never did anything like this before? You are more than welcome to come and learn to make a prayer shawl - teachers available on the spot! Many thanks to all who have donated medals to the Prayer Shawl Ministry. We have a very busy ministry and are always in need of more medals. Medals can be dropped in the collection basket at Mass or to the rectory during office hours. PAPAL VISIT PILGRIMAGE: 9/27/15 Weekend The Archdiocese of Hartford is sponsoring a pilgrimage to Philadelphia to see Pope Francis during his visit to the United States. Prices vary depending on room occupancy choice. Reservations are now being taken and the deposit deadline has been extended to April 22nd. For further details and to download registration forms, go to: “THE SOUND of MUSIC” St. Paul Performing Arts will present the beloved Rodgers & Hammerstein classic “The Sound of Music” at St. Paul Catholic High School’s Theater beginning on Friday, April 24, Saturday, April 25, Sunday, April 26 and May 3. This new production promises to deliver all your favorite things from this most beloved musical. St. Paul boasts a stellar cast, great sets and costumes, and top-notch singing and dancing. This is one musical you and your family will not want to miss! Performances are at 7:30 PM on April 24 and 25, and at 2 PM on April 26 and May 3. Ticket prices are $20 and $15; all seats reserved. Tickets can be purchased by visiting or by calling 860-584-0911. JAZZ CABARET NIGHT Northwest Catholic will host its 8th annual Jazz Cabaret Night on Saturday, May 9 at 7 PM at NWC. The event will feature performances by NWC’s Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Singers, and Big Band, as well as gourmet desserts, coffee, and Silent & Teacup Auctions. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for students & senior citizens. Tickets must be reserved in advance. Go to for more info & reservations. COMING UP: April showers bring May flowers and . . . . . • Apr. 21 (Tuesday): Social Action Meeting at 7 PM • Apr. 22 (Wednesday): Prayer Shawl Meeting at 2 PM • Apr. 25 (Saturday): Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Supper - Incarnation church hall • Apr. 26 weekend: Scrip Fundraiser (see page 3) • May 2 (Saturday): HomeFront Day (see page 3) • May 2 (Saturday): School First Communion at 9 AM • May 3 weekend: Sandwich/Juice Box/T-Shirt Collection Knights of Columbus Membership Drive • May 7 (Wednesday): May Crowning • May 10 (Sunday): Mother’s Day! • May 14: (Thursday): Holy Day of Obligation: The Ascension of the Lord INVITATION from INCARNATION WOMEN’S CLUB Tea Time with a White House Floral Designer Sunday - May 2nd - 1:30 PM The Incarnation Women’s Club presents a floral demonstration and slide presentation by Ruth Loiseau. Ruth is a well known floral designer and has done many special events for the White House. She has worked with several Presidents and has some stories to share. Following the presentation, we will be serving tea, coffee and dessert. The completed arrangements will be raffled off. Cost is $20.00 per person. Reservations are limited to 125 people. The event is at Incarnation Church in Father Crawford Hall, 544 Prospect Street in Wethersfield. Doors open at 1 PM. For reservations and more info, call Ann Hock at 860-563-0728 or Carol Plona at 860-563-9501. CATHOLIC CEMETARIES ASSOCIATION Choosing a family lot is inevitable. To make an important decision more calmly, prudently and economically, the Catholic Cemeteries Association suggests pre-need cemetery arrangements. For a limited time, all Catholic families have the opportunity to purchase pre-need graves with upright monument rights or shrine graves with interest free installment payments up to 48 months at Holy Cross Cemetery in Glastonbury, St. Mary Cemetery in East Hartford, and St. James & St. Bridget Cemeteries in Manchester. (Mausoleum entombment space for casket and cremation is also available at Holy Cross and St. Mary Cemeteries.) This offer will conclude on May 15, 2015. Please contact the office at St. James Cemetery, 860-646-3772, or by email [email protected], to schedule an appointment or for more information. Be sure to visit our website,, to learn more about The Catholic Cemeteries Association. ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL In just a few short weeks, our parish has raised $100,036 for the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. In these trying times, the need of our surrounding community grows and the assistance provided by the Appeal is crucial. If you have not yet made your commitment to this year’s Appeal, please consider doing so in the days ahead. Your gift to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal will help continue the vital services, ministries and programs that help so many throughout our Archdiocese.
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