CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH CORPUS CHRISTI PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Shawn T. Daly, Pastor Rev. William Agyemang, Parochial Vicar Seth English, Deacon Dianne Peck, Music Director April 26, 2015 601 Silas Deane Highway WETHERSFIELD, CONNECTICUT Rectory 860-529-2545 Visit the above website to register for Online Giving SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE BAPTISMS Sunday Vigil - Saturday 4:00 PM First and Third Sunday Sunday Morning: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Registration is required. Please call the rectory office. DAILY MASS Rectory Office Hours: 8 AM-4 PM Monday thru Friday 7:30 AM Saturday at 7:30 AM MARRIAGES Please contact rectory office at least six months in advance. Religious Education Office 860-721-9419 CONFESSIONS: Carol Pasternak and Sharon Reynolds, Saturday 2:30-3:30 PM Coordinators of Religious Education Vigil of Holy Days 4:30-5:00 PM OFFICE OF VOCATIONS 860-242-5573 Corpus Christi School SICK CALLS We make weekly visits to Hartford and Saint Francis hospitals. We are happy and honored to visit the sick or homebound. Please notify us. Eileen Sampiere, Principal 860-529-5487 Page Two CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, Saturday, April April 19 25 -- Holy Vigil:Saturday Fourth Sunday of Easter 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Ceremonies Mass req. by 4:00 PM 1st Anniversary Maryann and Walmsley her family Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Sunday, April 26 - Fourth Sunday of Easter 6:30 AM AM For the Intentions of Jr. Ourreq. Parishioners 7:30 Thomas F. Lawton by his wife and 7:30 AM For the Intentions of Our Parishioners family 9:00 For IntentionsZofia of OurTamiola Parishioners 9:00 AM AM 8th the Anniversary req. by her Children’s Liturgy Mass this week! NO family 10:30AM AM For theRawa Intentions of her Ourfamily Parishioners 10:30 Janina req. by 12:00 NN For the Intentions of Our Parishioners Children’s Liturgy! 12:00 NN 8th Anniversary Mario Mastrantoni req. by familywithin the Octave of Easter Monday, April 21 -his Monday 7:30 AM Rose and Leonard Vendetti req. by the family Monday, April 27 - Easter Weekday 7:30 AM Vendetti req. by the Tuesday, April 22 -Leonard Tuesday and withinRose the Octave of Easter family 7:30 AM Giuseppe Rotundo and Anselmo Rotundo req. by daughters and sisters Tuesday, April 28 - St. Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Louis Grignion dethe Montfort, Wednesday, April 23St. - Wednesday within Octave Priest of Easter 7:30 AM 3rd Anniversary Mary McCue req. 7:30 AM Anna Rizzo and Nunzia Rizzo req. by by her husband Raffaele Rizzo Wednesday, April - St. Catherine Siena, Virgin and Thursday, April 2429 - Thursday withinofthe Octave of Easter Doctor of the Church 7:30 AM Anniversary Jacqueline Schempp req. by the 7:30 AM Edward B. Biernat family Thursday, April - St. PiusV, Pope Friday, April 25 30 - Friday within the Octave of Easter 7:30 AM For the special intentions of Sebby, Melissa, 7:30 AM Candy Loguidice req. by John Cusano and Jeffrey req. by Joe and Debbie Abbate Saturday, April 26 - Saturday within the Octave of Easter Friday, May Joseph the Worker 7:30 AM1 - St.1st Anniversary Helen Hodnesky 7:30 AM Anniversary Josephine DeNovellis req. by her daughter and son-in-law WETHERSFIELD CANDLES Week of April 26 - May 2 The SANCTUARY LAMP will burn this week in memory of Joseph Fontana req. by his wife and children. The SANCTUARY LAMP will burn this week in memory of Maryann Walmsley req. by Bill. The BLESSED VIRGIN 7 DAY CANDLE will burn this week in memory of Andrea Colella req. by the family. The second BLESSED VIRGIN 7 DAY CANDLE will burn in memory of Helen Chesney req. by Kay Schimanskey. FOURTH SUNDAY of EASTER April 26, 2015 THEME: Jesus is the “stone rejected by the builders which has become the cornerstone.” He is the good shepherd who laid down His life for us. Through His paschal mystery we have become children of God. SACRIFICIAL GIVING April 19, 2015 Online Giving for April 19 $ 7,635.00 $ 1,634.01 Monthly Online for April $ 184.00 We are grateful to all who continue to support Corpus Christi Parish by your prayers and financial contributions. To register for Online Giving, please visit our website: Saturday, May 2 - St. Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 7:30 AM Frank Stavola req. by family and friends 9:00 AM First Holy Communion-Corpus Christi School Saturday, May 2 - Vigil: Fifth Sunday of Easter 4:00 PM 30th Anniversary Charles Oppelt req. by the Wethje Family Sunday, May 3 - Fifth Sunday of Easter 7:30 AM 1st Anniversary Ann Daly req. by her family 9:00 AM Mary and Joseph Mecca req. by their children and grandchildren 10:30 AM Adeline Barnaby req. by her family Children’s Liturgy! 12:00 NN David Scales req. by Mark A. Console and family Should you have a question while signing up, Our Sunday Visitor Online Support is at the ready to help you out. Simply call 1-800-348-2886, ext. 4. READINGS for the WEEK Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Page Three FOURTH SUNDAY of EASTER COMING UP: April showers bring May flowers. . . . . . and May flowers bring pilgrims! • Apr. 26 weekend: Scrip Fundraiser • May 2 (Saturday): HomeFront Day • May 2 (Saturday): School First Communion at 9 AM • May 3 weekend: Sandwich/Juice Box/T-Shirt Collection Knights of Columbus Membership Drive • May 7 (Wednesday): May Crowning • May 10 (Sunday): Mother’s Day! • May 14: (Thursday): Holy Day of Obligation: The Ascension of the Lord • May 25 (Monday): Memorial Day! MASS of HEALING & HOPE You are cordially invited to participate in a Mass of Healing & Hope at Scared Heart Church in Wethersfield on Friday, May 1st at 6 PM. If you are suffering in body, mind, or soul participate with Fr. William Agyemang in this inspiring liturgy of singing, prayer, preaching, anointing, thanks and praise. For more information, contact [email protected]. INVITATION from INCARNATION WOMEN’S CLUB Tea Time with a White House Floral Designer SATURDAY - May 2nd - 1:30 PM The Incarnation Women’s Club presents a floral demonstration and slide presentation by Ruth Loiseau. Ruth is a well known floral designer and has done many special events for the White House. She has worked with several Presidents and has some stories to share. Following the presentation, we will be serving tea, coffee and dessert. The completed arrangements will be raffled off. Cost is $20.00 per person. Reservations are limited to 125 people. The event is at Incarnation Church in Father Crawford Hall, 544 Prospect Street in Wethersfield. Doors open at 1 PM. For reservations and more info, call Ann Hock at 860-563-0728 or Carol Plona at 860-563-9501. WETHERSFIELD KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS Membership Drive: May 3rd Weekend Next weekend the Wethersfield Council of the Knights of Columbus will conduct their annual membership recruitment drive. Wethersfield Council #4193 was established in 1956 and serves Corpus Christi, Incarnation, Sacred Heart and St. Luke Parishes as well as the community of Wethersfield. Support activities include scholarships, seminarian support, the Tootsie Roll Drive, and much more. Membership is open to men 18 years or older. There will be Knights at the exits next weekend to answer any questions or take your name for follow-up from the membership committee. KNOW GREATER JOY . . . Amid the noise and relentless pace of the world today, a weekend retreat is the path leading to balance, wellness, and peace. The final women’s retreat for this season is June 5-7. Please join us! To register visit our website at or call 860-760-9705 or call Mary Jane Densmore at 860-529-9928. 2013 DISASTER RELIEF COLLECTION TODAY! The collection for the victims of the tornado in Oklahoma and SCRIP FUNDRAISER to support Catholic Charities USA is& being up this The Corpus Christi School Home Schooltaken Association weekend, June 29/30. Archbishop Mansell has requested this (CCHSA) will be selling Scrip Gift Cards at church on: collection to respond to immediate needs for water, food, • Saturday, April 25 before & after the 4 PM Mass shelter, medical care and the long-term needs of rebuilding and • Sunday, April 26 after the 9 AM Mass & after the 10:30 reconstruction. Please be as generous as you can. AM Masses Gift cards may be purchased with cash or check (made payable SANDWICH COLLECTION to A variety of our most popular cards will be TheCCHSA). Social Action Committee is collecting sandwiches NEXT available Stop &bring Shop ($25/$50/$100), Side weekend, including: July 6/7. Please your sandwiches toWest church no Market Stew later than ($50/$100), the 12:00 Noon MassLeonard’s on Sunday. ($100), Dunkin’ Donuts ($10/$25), Starbuck’s ($10/$25), Walmart ($25/ $100), Target ($25/$100), ITunes ($15/$25), Toys R Us CCWC BUS TRIPS ($20), and many more. The Women’s Club is sponsoring 2 bus trips this year arrange day-off fromyou work you canforjoin! Response If we dofor notthat have just what aresolooking in stock, you has been for both andthe the following invitation can placewonderful an orderthus thatfar,you will trips, receive has gone out to area parishes. tripsavailable, can be a sellout the weekend. For a list of allBoth cards pleasebyvisit deposit deadline so don’t drag your feet ifplease you’recall interesting in Questions, CCHSA going. Flyers Scrip Coordinator Carol Davis at 860-828-7555. JOIN the HOMEFRONT TEAM Workers are still needed for this year’s HomeFront Day project on Saturday, May 2nd. We need a lot of help to rehab a home in Old Wethersfield near Standish Park and Mikey’s Place. There is a great deal of work to be done including minor carpentry, painting, yard clean-up, and clean-up at the end of the day. Even just 1 hour of your time would be very much appreciated. Please call Pat McGovern at 860-563-7773 or Tim Nixon at 860-558-4575, email: [email protected] if you are able to volunteer. ***** WEDDING BANNS I Anthony Lazzaro and Jill D’Angelo ***** A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Today’s gospel is a job description for Christian parents. For most people the most influential shepherds in their lives are their PARENTS. Every parent is called to be a “good shepherd” to “freely lay down their life” for their children, to “love” and “know” their children and to “lead” them so “they know your voice.” - by Bud Ozar ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL It is important that when you give to any charitable organization, you are confident that the funds are used wisely. Be assured that your gift to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal only supports the ministries and programs indicated in the 2015 Appeal literature. For more information please visit the Appeal website at 2016 MASS BOOK & CANDLES The Scheduling of Masses and Sanctuary Lamps for our loved ones, living or deceased, for the year 2016 can be arranged by calling the rectory no sooner than Tuesday, May 5th. Page Four April 26, 2015 CATHOLIC LIGHTHOUSE CORNER Meet Your Mother - Dr. Mark Miravalle Dr. Miravalle - a professor who has taught and written about Mary for over 25 years - covers most of the major teachings about the Mother of Jesus. He introduces and explores the truth about Mary that will renew your existing knowledge and love for the woman divinely appointed to bring Jesus into the world. “THE SOUND of MUSIC” St. Paul Performing Arts will present the beloved Rodgers & Hammerstein classic “The Sound of Music” at St. Paul Catholic High School’s Theater on Sunday, April 26 and May 3. St. Paul boasts a stellar cast, great sets and costumes, and top-notch singing and dancing - one musical you and your family will not want to miss! Performances are at 2 PM. Ticket prices are $20 and $15; all seats reserved. Tickets can be purchased by visiting or by calling 860-5840911. JAZZ CABARET NIGHT Northwest Catholic will host its 8th annual Jazz Cabaret Night on Saturday, May 9 at 7 PM at NWC. The event will feature performances by NWC’s Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Singers, and Big Band, as well as gourmet desserts, coffee, and Silent & Teacup Auctions. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for students & senior citizens. Tickets must be reserved in advance. Go to for more info & reservations. “THE SCIENCE of HAPPINESS” The Spiritual Growth and Education Committee of Sacred Heart Church in Wethersfield is sponsoring a talk on “The Science of Happiness” on Wednesday, May 13 at 7 PM at the parish hall. The talk is being given by Bill Walsh, associate Director at Holy Family Retreat Center in West Hartford. Have you ever wondered why some people seem happy even during difficult times and others never seem happy? When asked what they want in life, most people reply, “To be happy.” Bill will explore the nature of happiness and will discuss research that identifies both the true paths and the obstacles to happiness that are present in our culture. Come learn about 6 strategies to increase your happiness! ANY ONE CAN WIN!!! Mercy High School is sponsoring a $25,000 Education Raffle. The $25,000 is tax free and can be used at any accredited school in the U.S. (grades K - College) and for student loan payments. Tickets are $100. The drawing is Wednesday, May 13th during intermission at Mercy’s Spring Concert starting at 7 PM. You need not be present to win. Only 600 tickets will be sold. For information, or to order a ticket, go to or call Mercy at 860-347-8957. Sunday, April 26th - World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Pray that men and women of all ages will hear the voice of the Good Shepherd calling them to ordained and lay ministries. YOUR VOICE COUNTS: Help to plan the future of our Archdiocese! In several weeks, you will be asked to take an online pastoral planning survey. The results of this survey will help inform how we can best work together to reposition our Archdiocese in ways that will ensure the success of our mission, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. The link to the pastoral survey will be published in the parish bulletin in early May, and access to the survey will be available at Paper copies will be offered at parishes for those who do not have online access. We ask that you take the time to fill out this 20-minute survey. If you recall, in a February letter to parishioners, Archbishop Leonard Blair indicated that: “ . . . Pastoral planning is meant to be consultative and collaborative at every level, especially the local level.” Together, we will thoughtfully and carefully seek to discern the will of God, and strengthen our Archdiocese for future generations. BUS TRIP to NATIONAL SHRINE An Incarnation Church Pilgrimage bus trip to the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA is planned for Thursday, June 4th. The Shrine is staffed by the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and promotes the message of the Divine Mercy. The Shrine offers Confessions, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary for Life, Holy Mass, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, and Benediction. Blessing of religious articles and opportunity to venerate at first class relic of St. Faustina are also offered. You may visit the gift shop and the Stations of the Cross on the grounds. Lunch is included at Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge. Cost is $63.00. Bus departs from Incarnation Church parking lot at 9 AM and returns at 6 PM. Call Paula Melillo for reservations and further details at 860-563-9506. CATHOLIC CEMETARIES ASSOCIATION For a limited time, all Catholic families have the opportunity to purchase pre-need graves with upright monument rights or shrine graves with interest free installment payments up to 48 months at Holy Cross Cemetery in Glastonbury, St. Mary Cemetery in East Hartford, and St. James & St. Bridget Cemeteries in Manchester. (Mausoleum entombment space for casket and cremation is also available at Holy Cross and St. Mary Cemeteries.) This offer will conclude on May 15, 2015. Please contact the office at St. James Cemetery, 860-646-3772, or by email [email protected], to schedule an appointment or for more information. Be sure to visit our website,, to learn more about The Catholic Cemeteries Association. SANDWICH COLLECTION and . . . The Social Action Committee is collecting . . . • sandwiches, • juice boxes and • T-shirts next weekend, May 2/3. Please bring your donations to church no later than the 12 PM Mass.
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