Covenant Presbyterian Church 9:30 a.m. Austin, Texas April 26, 2015 P REPARATION AND P RAISE My Hope is Built on Nothing Less PRELUDE Raymond H. Haan WELCOME Please sign the friendship register at this time and pass it down the row, then return it to its original position, noting the names of those worshiping with you. At the conclusion of the service, take time to greet one another in the name of Christ. MINUTE FOR STEWARDSHIP Michael Knisely *CALL TO WORSHIP from Psalm 150 Leader: Praise the Lord! People: Praise Him with song and dance! All: Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less *HYMN OF PRAISE Hymn 405 PRAYER OF CONFESSION (silent confession…) We confess that we often take life for granted. Our wonder has been dulled by familiarity, our joy marred by complacency, and our gratitude weakened by indulgence. Forgive us for our apathy, indifference, and inertia in the receiving of your gifts. Grant us a sensitivity to blessings old and new. Let us see life with breathless awe as through the eyes of a child. Give us new luster to our relationships, new vigor to our work, and new love in our hearts. May your grace allow us to experience all things new. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen. Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have Mercy) *RESPONSE Russian Orthodox *ASSURANCE OF GOD’S GRACE AND PARDON *RESPONSE TO OUR FORGIVENESS Gloria Patri (Glory Be to the Father) Hymn 734 PASSING OF THE PEACE As God has greeted us with his peace, please greet those around you with signs of Christ’s peace. M INISTRY OF THE W ORD *HYMN OF PREPARATION SCRIPTURE SERMON Jesus, Come, for We Invite You Romans 5:3-5 HOPE Hymn 669 New Testament, page 917 Thomas Daniel Suffering Produces Endurance * Those who are able, please stand R ESPONSE TO THE W ORD How Can I Keep from Singing ANTHEM The Sanctuary Choir Robert Lowry arr. Jeffrey Honoré My life flows on in endless song, above earth’s lamentation. I hear the real though far off hymn that hails a new creation. No storm can shake my inmost calm, while to that Rock I’m clinging. Since Love is Lord of heaven and earth, how can I keep from singing? Through all the tumult and the strife, I hear that music ringing; It sounds and echoes in my soul; how can I keep from singing? No storm can shake my inmost calm, … The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, a fountain ever springing; All things are mine since I am his; how can I keep from singing? No storm can shake my inmost calm, … (traditional American) PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE OFFERING OF OUR LIVES AND GIFTS OFFERTORY Christus Paradox The Sanctuary Choir French carol arr. Alfred V. Fedak You, Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd. You, Lord, are both prince and slave. You, peacemaker and swordbringer of the way you took and gave. You the everlasting instant; You, whom we both scorn and crave. Clothed in light upon the mountain, stripped of might upon the cross, Shining in eternal glory, beggar’ d by a soldier’s toss, You, the everlasting instant; You, who are both gift and cost. You, who walk each day beside us, sit in power at God’s side. You, who preach a way that’s narrow, have a love that reaches wide. You, the everlasting instant; You, who are our pilgrim guide. Worthy is our earthly Jesus! Worthy is our cosmic Christ! Worthy your defeat and victory. Worthy still your peace and strife. You, the everlasting instant; You, who are our death and life. You, the everlasting instant; You, who are our death and our life. Alleluia, Praise to you, who are our death and our life. (Sylvia Dunstan) *DOXOLOGY Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymn 34 *PRAYER OF DEDICATION AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. *PARTING HYMN Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Hymn 501 *BLESSING Paraphrase on a Chorus from Handel’s “Judas Maccabeus” POSTLUDE A SSISTING IN Alexandre Guilmant W ORSHIP Lay Liturgists – Mike Austin at 8:15, Kim Barnes and Melanie Williamson at 9:30, Julie Bou at 11:00 traditional The Sanctuary Choir, Tom Brown, director John Schmidt, pianist and organist Daniel Izquierdo preaching at 11:30 at Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Luyanó (our sister church in Cuba) Thomas Daniel preaching at 11:00 in the contemporary worship service The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God by Julie and Dudley McClellan in memory of Julie’s dad, Larry Adams. For more information about events at Covenant, please see Covenant Matters . N EW TO C OVENANT P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH ? Welcome! We are thankful you have chosen to worship with us today! Please introduce yourself by signing the red welcome booklet in each pew. Find out more about our community at the turquoise table on the patio following the service. Our prayer is that Covenant becomes your second family. We want you to feel comfortable here and hope that we can help you find ways to grow in your faith. For more information about Covenant’s many groups, programs and events, contact Amy Skaggs at [email protected]. Amy is eager to meet and discuss ways of connecting. You can also find out more by visiting our website at Four services of worship are offered each Sunday — 8:15 a.m. (a traditional communion service), 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (traditional services) and 11:00 a.m. (contemporary service). A shuttle service carries worshipers from the parking lot at the Texan Eye Center at 5717 Balcones Drive at Northland Drive, two blocks west of campus. Shuttle service runs from 7:55 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. C OVENANT P RAYS Prayers of celebration and joy: Georgia Mae Blassingame, born April 21. Parents are Susan and David Blassingame. Grandparents are Sharyn and Bob Westmoreland. Wilhelmina Ann Funk, born April 2. Parents are Hillary and Ryan Funk. Great-grandparents are Gloria and Tony Moreno. Fletcher Henry Smith, born April 1. Parents are Aimee and Brian Smith. Grandparents are Carol and Chuck Smith. John Theodore “Teddy” Lopez, born January 28. Parents are Vanessa and John Lopez. Prayers of sympathy and support: Nola Ross, family and friends, on the death of her brother, Gene Santi, on April 15 in Minnesota. Louisa Chandler, Mary Lee Jonkers, families and friends, on the death of their aunt, Louisa Donoghue, on April 12. Betty Covington, family and friends, on the death of her son, Bryan Covington, on April 11. Diane and Bob Swanson, family and friends, on the death of Diane’s father, Robert Fuchs, on April 11. Helen Swanson, Susan and Tom Hutchison, Diane and Bob Swanson, Hazel Nichols, family and friends, on the death of Walter “Bud” Swanson, on April 6. Larry Mack, family and friends, on the death of his wife, Jane Mack, on April 6. Prayers for: LuAnn Bennett, Cyrus Hughen, Rick Roth, Patricia Jimenez, Junell Mullinnix, Kathleen and parents, Dick Pritchett, Ed Wight, Bud Engstrom, John Minter, Meghan Still, David Pena, Charles Luellen, Ruth McIntosh, Julie Hall, Joy Penrose, Kathryn Cressman, Rick Vail, Gloria Hazelwood, Andrew Sullivan, Joanne Myers, Mike Scott, Judy Cooley, Helen Turnquist, Nancy Fast, Colin Pita, Tom Murphy, Andy Day, Gini Nester, Liz and Grady Willingham, Becky Collins, Fran Langfitt, Mia Sealey, Pam Harper, Kaye Roth, Al Sparks, and Pete Antoniewicz. Prayers for people serving in our country’s armed forces: USMC 2nd Lt. Katherine Ashton, USA Pvt. Jessica Choe, USA 2LT Ben Smith, USN LCDR Bryan Gunkel, USA Col. Janet Riley, USAF Lt. Katy Deiters, USAF A1C Taylor Cotham, USMC 1st Lt. Will Hendrickson, USA Maj. Seth Pruett, USA Capt. Matt Irwin, USN LCDR Austin Wade Latour, USAF Lt. Col. Joseph Chennault, USA SFC Kevin Guy, USMC Staff Sgt. Jeremy Alexander, USN PO1 Drew Schlotter. Prayers requested by our sister church, Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Luyanó, in Havana Cuba: For Angélica María, Yadira, Michel Fernandez, Rolandito & Rolando, Daniel, Carmen, Alberto and Mary. For continued provision of clean drinking water and the bread of life our sister church serves to the neighborhood and for Luyanó members and staff as they witness and serve the “third age” with food, exercise and social programs. Prayers requested by the Mission Committee: Texas Reachout Ministries, and Patricia Caroom at e3Partners. Prayers requested by the Session: For the members and discerning work of the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC). Although prayer requests will be removed from this listing after three weeks, please contact Kay Austin in the church office, 512 3343030, or [email protected], if prayer continues to be requested. Recycling containers for this publication are available in the Narthex.
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