1 November 2nd, 2014 @ 10:00 am Welcome to our Service this Morning Clergy: Rev. Bob Thompson, 519-426-8496, cell: 519-427-6616 V.A.M. – Joan Willis – 905-776-2798 V.A.M. – Rev. Bryan Melick Pianist: Joan Houser ****Please stand if you are able**** Piano Prelude: Please allow for Spiritual Meditation time in preparation of the service. We are called to worship by our Church Bell We light the Christ Candle AThe flame of the Christ Candle symbolizes Christ as the Light of the world and God=s presence in the midst of the Church and our Worship.@ Sung response: VU #679 Let there be light. Let there be understanding. Let all the people praise God. Hallowed be God=s name. Call to Worship: Saint Christopher, Saint Bridget, Saint Augustine, Saint Valentine. We thank you, God, that the church has been built on the selfless lives of the saints. Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Oscar Romero. We thank you, God, that even today saintly people speak for you and act with your loving authority. First Church, the United Church, the World Council of Churches, the Church of Jesus Christ. We thank you, God, for all these faith communities where saints come together to pray and praise, to reflect, to challenge, and to act. You and I, the child who is poor, the neighbour next door, the stranger we meet. For ordinary saints, but precious in your sight: we thank you God! Prayer of Approach ***Hymn: “Lead On, O Cloud of Presence” VU # 421 2 Time with the Children Hymn: “Blessed Assurance” (remain seated) VU # 337 SERVICE OF THE WORD Approach to Scripture Break now the bread of life, dear Lord, to me as once you broke the loaves beside the sea,, Beyond the sacred page I seek you, Lord; my spirit waits for you, O living Word.... SCRIPTURE READING: Revelations 7: 9 - 17 RESPONSIVE READING: Psalm 34 SCRIPTURE READING: 1st John 3: 1 - 13 SCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 5: 1 - 12 ***Hymn: “You Servants of God” VU # 501 VU # 761 & 762 VU # 342 Sermon: “On Revelation” Welcome & Announcements: Our Work Ministry & Sharing Time Offering During the presentation of our offerings, our prayer concerns will be brought forward to be placed on the Communion Table. Offertory Hymn: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise Jesus Christ and In God grow, Praise to the Holy Spirit give, that we with God in Love may live. Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer Hymn: “For All the Saints” Commissioning & Benediction ***Parting Blessing Go now in PEACE, never be afraid. VU # 705 3 God will go with you each hour of ev=ry day, Go now in FAITH, steadfast, strong and true, know God will guide you in all you do. Go now in LOVE, and show you believe, reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there watching from above. Go now in PEACE, in FAITH, and in LOVE. Amen, Amen, Amen. ANNOUNCEMENTS - MINISTRY, WORK AND WITNESS We sincerely welcome you to our service of worship this morning and pray that you might experience the presence of Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we hope you feel welcome. Please introduce yourself to Rev. Bob or a member of the South Cayuga Community Church congregation. As a gesture for Thanksgiving and for each Sunday to Christmas, we are asking the congregation to bring healthy food items to be given to the Dunnville Salvation Army Food Bank for distribution. Items that would be appreciated at this time are: boxed cereal, canned meat, canned vegetables, soups, pasta and sauce, pancake mix and syrup. If you wish to give fresh vegetables they can accept squash, bags of potatoes, carrots or heads of cabbage. A BIG THANK YOU to all those who participated and organized our Fall Feast and Fabulous Musical event. It was a very successful event and enjoyed my all. Be sure to support the Sunday School with their Goodie Bag Bake Sale this morning in the Fellowship hall. Tuesday, Nov. 2nd: Bible Study - 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 pm: The study is based on the book “Christianity after Religion” by Diana Butler Bass. The book theme is “A Reflection on Faith in our lifetime.” The second session looks at questioning the Old Gods. Please read pages 39 – 63. The session is in three parts. A look at our book, special CD 4 presentation with Dr. Butler Bass and time for discussion. If you could bring a toonie ($2.00) each week as that will cover the cost of the books. Thursday, Nov. 6th: Choir Practice - 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9th: Remembrance Day Celebration – please wear your poppies. Wednesday, Nov. 12th @ 1:00 pm: (note afternoon). U.C.W. will meet at the church. Please bring 12 coloured pencils in pkg. and 1 large eraser for school kits. Business meeting with nominating committee to bring list of officers for 2015. Hostesses are Diane winger, Pat Nagel, and Edna Richardson. Wednesday, Nov. 19th – Men’s Club with coffee @ 6:30 p.m. and meal @ 7 p.m. Tickets are $12.00 and available today. The speaker is from the Grand River Conservation Authority A New Fundraiser : Get your Christmas Pies already made. The Fundraising committee are embarking on something new. With help from various groups, plans are underway to make pies for sale in mid December. For $10. you can get one 9 inch deep dish pie in apple, or cherry, or mincemeat. You take it home for freezing and bake when desired. For our first undertaking we are taking orders only…….so please sign the order sheet found on the folding doors in the Fellowship Hall. (Note the example on the sheet.) All our bakers thank you for supporting this challenge!!!! Prayer Cycle for the Churches in Hamilton Conference: Carlisle and Kilbride, Carlisle Pastoral charge, Halton Presbytery Both are very active and vibrant – very close to the Conference office. One of their special outreach events, annually, (in concert with neighbouring churches) are dinners – supporting and providing community for migrant workers in the Spring and Fall. More details at carlisleuc.ca/Servwithus/MigrantWorkersDinnerstabid/5064/Default.a spx. Kilbride: www.kilbrideunited.ca Carlisle: carlisleuc.ca 5 6
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