School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call Board President Richard Nogal called to order the Regular Meeting of the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board at 7:00 PM on March 26, 2015, in the Media Center of Amos Alonzo Stagg High School, after which the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The following members were physically present and answered roll call: Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, Murphy-Peterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Amendments to the Agenda. None. Approval of Consent Agenda. Mr. Nogal referred the Board to the Consent Agenda items, all of which were previously provided to the Board and posted on the District 230 website. There being no requests for further discussion, Member Serratore made a motion, seconded by Member Dalton, that the Board approve the following Consent Agenda items: Approval of Consent Agenda Travel to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Donations from to Stagg and Sandburg; Hair Professionals Career College Agreement; Instructional Materials (Sports/Entertainment Marketing) for Review Instructional materials (English) for Adoption; Renewal of annual IHSA memberships for all three schools; Electrical and Natural Gas Purchase Authorization; 2015-2016 P. E. Uniform Bid to Don’s World of Sports; Routine Business Services resolution including Bills payable totaling $3,534,764.50; payroll totaling $6,931,095.30; insurance totaling $1,033,342.82; and District Receipts and Co-curricular Receipts/Disbursements, as presented; and Page 1 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes from the Open and Executive Sessions of the February 26, 2015 Regular Board meeting, as well as the March 4, 2015 Education, March 10, 2015 Student Services, and March 16, 2015 Building & Finance Committee meetings. All Board and committee meeting minutes approved by the Board will be posted on the District website. Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, MurphyPeterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. Old Business. None. Comments Dr. Gay provided a quarterly FY’14 S4 Goals Update. This Goals Update is provided at the end of these in its entirety. Teachers’ Association. No comments were offered. Education Support Professionals (ESP) Association. No comments were offered. Public. Mr. Bob Shelstrom addressed the Board as to his concerns regarding the focus of Stagg’s School Improvement Plan and shared his opinion that home values in certain sections of the District 230 community are declining. Report on Instruction Member O’Sullivan provided a brief synopsis of the March 5, 2015 Education Committee meeting and stated that the next meeting is scheduled for April 2, 2015 at the Administration Center, 7 PM. Page 2 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Academic Spotlight The 2014-2015 Student Board Representatives (Ashley Perk – Sandburg, Grace Mooey – Andrew, and Julie Zielinski – Stagg) provided their Board reports. The student reports are included in their entirety at the end of these Open Session Board Meeting minutes. The Board recognized the following students from all three schools: Top 1% of all seniors and Department Awards; Andrew Business Professionals of America State Competition Awards; the Sandburg IHSA State Wrestling Champion, Rudy Yates, and the Sandburg IHSA State 2nd Place Varsity Wrestling Team. Mr. Eric Olsen, Stagg Principal, welcomed the Stagg Mentoring Program staff members to the Curriculum Spotlight portion of the meeting. Mary Pat Carr, the program supervisor, introduced team members Hillary Ortiz and Laura McIntyre, who presented information to explain the program, highlighting how it helps the 60 at-risk Stagg students (approximately 15 per class) who participate in the program this year. The Board commended the team for the excellent and important work it is doing to assist these students and stressed the importance of such programs within District 230. Academic Spotlight Curriculum Spotlight Report on Student Services Member Quilty provided a brief report regarding the March 10, 2015 Student Services Committee meeting. Board President Nogal commended Mrs. Quilty for her service to the Board over the past 12 years and specifically to the Student Services Committee, as she will complete her tenure as a District 230 Board member next month. The next Student Services Committee meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2015. Board President Nogal stated that action on the Administration’s Principal Transfer request would occur following Executive Session. Principals’ Transfers Page 3 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Report on Finance and Facilities Member Serratore provided a brief update concerning the March 16, 2015 Building and Finance Committee meeting and reported that the next meeting is scheduled for April 20, 2015. It was noted that three crossing guards are positioned at Sandburg’s LaGrange Road north entrance and two crossing guards are positioned at the 131st Street drive, both of which provide for the safe passage for our students during the LaGrange Road construction project. Mr. Bob Hughes previously provided the Board with information concerning the All School Life Safety and Interior Renovations bid recommendations and reported that said projects will take place during the summer of 2015. Member Dalton made a motion, seconded by Member Quilty, that the School Board award the Life Safety and Interior Renovations bid to Frontier Construction, Willow Brook, Illinois, in the amount of $973,000. Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, Murphy-Peterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. Mr. Hughes referred the Board to the previously-provided information concerning the Stagg South Gym Bleacher bid recommendation. A motion was made by Member Gracias and seconded by Member Serratore that the School Board award the Stagg South Gym Bleacher bid to Larson Company, Palatine, Illinois, in the amount of $19,300. Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, Murphy-Peterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. Life Safety and Interior Renovations bid Stagg High School South Gym Bleacher Bid Recommendation Report of the Superintendent of Schools Dr. Gay stated that action on the March 2015 Personnel Action recommendations would occur following Executive Session. Page 4 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Dr. Gay requested that the Board take action to approve a Board Policy for First Reading. A motion was made by Member Quilty, seconded by Member MurphyPeterson, and approved by unanimous Voice Vote, that the Board approve for First Reading and 30-Day Review Board Policy 7:50 – School Admissions and Student Transfers to and from Non-District Schools. Policies for First Reading Dr. Gay requested that the Board take action to adopt Board Policies. A motion was made by Member O’Sullivan, seconded by Member Serratore, that the Board adopt Board Policies 2:140 – Communications to and from the Board, 5:10 – Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment, 5:125 – Electronic Communication and Electronic Media, 5:130 – Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information, 5:220 – Substitute Teachers, 6:60 – Curriculum Content, 6:110Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out, 6:235 – Graduation Requirements, 6:300 – Graduation Requirements, and 6:340 – Student Testing and Assessment Program. Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, Murphy-Peterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. Policies for Adoption Dr. Gay referred the Board to the previously-provided information regarding Vision 20/20, a collaboration of the state’s educational agencies to improve public education in Illinois and in order to “shape a vision of public education in Illinois to guide educators, legislators, labor, businesses, parents, and community members as we work together for the common goal of fulfilling the promise of public education in Illinois.” A motion was made by Member Murphy-Peterson and seconded by Member Serratore to approve the Vision 20/20 Resolution as presented. Roll call vote: Yea— Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, Murphy-Peterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Nay— 0. Motion carried. Vision 20/20 Mr. Langert provided an IDOT update, reporting that the District is working cohesively IDOT update with IDOT as the LaGrange Road project continues, stating that IDOT has agreed to make changes that the District has requested in order provide the safest environment possible for Sandburg students and staff during the construction period. Page 5 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Mrs. Carla Erdey provided the Board with a District 230 Foundation update: She invited the Board to attend the Final Event college basketball fundraiser on April 4 at Homewood Suites in Orland Park. Tickets are $25 for entry; raffle tickets will be sold for $50 for a Grand Prize of $10,000. Tickets are available through Carla Erdey or the Foundation’s page on the District’s website. She also reported that the Legacy Hall Dinner will take place on April 17, 2015 at Silver Lake Country Club and invited the Board to attend to recognize District 230 alumni. Foundation Grant Application forms have been sent to the three schools and are due by April 1; approved grants will be awarded at the April 24 Institute Day. District 230 Foundation update Dr. Gay reported that the South Cook Intermediate Service Center has informed the District that all three District 230 high schools have been awarded the status of “Fully Recognized” by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), and said information has been posted on the ISBE website. Recognition of Schools Dr. Julia Wheaton reported that there was no PERA update this month. PERA Dr. Gay reported that ISBE recently released a revised Senate Bill 1, and that he continues to work with our partner school districts concerning the impact of Senate Bill 1 on District 230 and its partner districts. Dr. Gay stated that a Senate Bill 1 workshop is planned for April 1, 2015 for District 230 and its partner superintendents, business managers, and school board member representatives in order formulate ideas and recommendations to bring to our state legislators. Dr. Gay reported that PARCC testing has been successfully completed at all three schools and that the tests will be returned to the state next week. Dr. Gay commended the staff at each building for an excellent job in administering the PARCC tests to District 230 students. Senate Bill 1 Update PARCC Update Page 6 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Executive Session Member Quilty made a motion, seconded by Member Serratore, and unanimously voted, that the Board adjourn to Executive Session at 9:13 PM to (1) consider information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee of or legal counsel for the public body; (2) discuss student disciplinary cases; (3) discuss matters relating to placement of individual students in Special Education programs, and to consider other matters relating to individual students; (4) discuss collective bargaining matters or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; and (5) discuss pending or probable litigation against, affecting, or on behalf of the public body. A motion was made by Member Quilty seconded by Member Serratore and unanimously voted, that the Board return to Open Session at 10:22 PM. A motion was made by Member O’Sullivan and seconded by Member Serratore to approve the below-listed Personnel Action concerning certificated staff co-curriculars, leaves of absence, request to continue part-time assignment, job shares 2015-2016; support staff leaves of absence, requests for sick bank leave, and resignations. Personnel Action CERTIFICATED STAFF – CO-CURRICULARS Name Boll, Brian Faraj, Abdallah Jemilo, Matt Marinello, Gina McBride, Anna *Moylan, Krista Walters, Alyssa Zahrobsky, Alexandra School CS CS VJA AAS CS VJA VJA CS Position Stipend Soccer Asst. Girls Track W/Indoor Asst. Girls Track W/Indoor Asst. Boys Occupational Information Club (Partial) Water Polo Asst. Girls Track W/O Indoor Asst. Boys Water Polo Asst. Boys Athletic Trainer Asst. $8,328.00 $5,893.00 $5,893.00 $1,273.74 $6,947.00 $5,893.00 $5,381.00 $5,893.00 *Pending Drug and/or CI Page 7 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting CERTIFICATED STAFF – LEAVES OF ABSENCE Name School Position Azhari, Arwa AAS Art Teacher Buglio, Brian AAS PE Teacher Koleno, Jessica VJA Special Services Lombard, Sarah VJA Foreign Language Teacher Pila, Kristin Reedy, Anne Varriale, Lori AAS AAS CS Physical Education Foreign Language Teacher English Teacher CERTIFICATED STAFF – REQUEST TO CONTINUE PART TIME ASSIGNMENT Name School From To Dan Roche VJA .8 Special Service .8 Special Service Education Teacher Education Teacher Effective Intermittent 8/11-11/5/2015 8/11-11/4/2015 11/5-11/6/2015 8/11-11/4/2015 11/5-12/21/2015 5/11-5/26/15 Intermittent 8/11-10/15/2015 Effective 2015-2016 CERTIFICATED STAFF – JOB SHARE 2015-2016 Name School Position Dee, Lori VJA .4 English Snyder, Ellen VJA .6 English Driscoll, Donna VJA .5 Guidance Fabrizio, Tom VJA .5 Guidance McCreary, Diane VJA .4 Math Keane, Julie VJA .6 Math Holtrop, Ashley VJA .4 Special Services Lisa Mondragon VJA .6 Special Services Sikkema,Katie VJA .4 Special Services Mozden, Christin VJA .6 Special Services Nelson, Laura CS .4 Math Broderick, Elisabeth CS .6 Math Sexton, Lisa CS .4 English McAuliffe, Judy CS .6 English Page 8 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting SUPPORT STAFF – LEAVES OF ABSENCE Name School Position Cole, Mary AAS Special Services Aide Heneghan, Audry VJA Food Service/General Worker Koleno, Alice CS Guidance Secretary Martin, Brenda AAS DC Secretary for English/Music Rosetti, Norma VJA Media Secretary Schifano, Mary Rose AAS Title I Intervention Assistant SUPPORT STAFF – REQUEST FOR SICK BANK LEAVE Name School Position Cole, Mary AAS Special Services Aide Koleno, Alice CS Guidance Secretary SUPPORT STAFF – RESIGNATIONS Name School Livolsi, Mattea VJA Mendoza, Holly AAS Vega, Joseph CS Position Dean’s Secretary Special Services Program Aide Building Security Effective 4/13-end of 14-15 4/7-end of 14-15 Intermittent Intermittent Intermittent 3/9-3/13/2015 No. of Days 15 15 Effective 6/02/2015 3/17/2015 3/27/2015 Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, Murphy-Peterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. Member Dalton made a motion, seconded by Member Quilty, that the School Board approve the Resolution – Dismissal of First Year Teachers, Amanda DelBianco and Lauren Holoubek and Third Year Teacher Jason Gbur for reasons other than Reduction in Force. Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, MurphyPeterson, O’Sullivan, and Quilty, Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. Dismissal of Teachers Page 9 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Member Serratore made a motion, seconded by Member Murphy-Peterson, that the School Board approve the Resolution – Honorable Dismissal of Teachers, Brian Cheesman, Kerry O’Connell, Jackie Roth, Lisa Rybak, and Kathleen Ward for Reduction in Force reasons. Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, Murphy-Peterson, O’Sullivan, and Quilty, Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. Honorable Dismissal of Teachers A motion was made by Member Gracias and seconded by Member Murphy-Peterson, that the School Board approve the Out-of-School Suspension report for the period February 13 – March 13, 2015. Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, Murphy-Peterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. Out of School Suspension Report A motion was made by Member O’Sullivan, seconded by Member Serratore, that the School Board approve the Principals’ Transfer Request for Student PT 15-05 effective immediately. Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, MurphyPeterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. Principals’ Transfer Request Board Comments In response to a board inquiry, it was noted that the District’s workers’ compensation claims are audited periodically and remain under control. Discussion took place concerning the April 30, 2015 Board Meeting, when new Board members are traditionally installed as District 230 Board members, following the April 7, 2015 School Board election. Page 10 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Member O’Sullivan made a motion, seconded by Member Serratore and unanimously voted, to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 PM. Roll call vote: Yea—Serratore, Dalton, Gracias, Murphy-Peterson, O’Sullivan, Quilty, and Nogal. Nay—0. Motion carried. _____________________________ President _______________________________ Secretary March 26, 2015 Student Board Representatives’ Reports Sandburg – Ashley Perk Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Let me start off by saying it’s a great day to be an Eagle! March Madness - Sandburg Style - has generated a lot of excitement for the Eagles. The month started with the NHS blood drive, our second one of the school year. All appointments were filled and students were eager to help make a difference. The Music Department’s spring concert season featured Choir, Orchestra, and Jazz Band performances which were amazing and very well attended by students, families, and members of the community. The Band program also hosted its annual PercussO-Rama event, which is a unique performance that shows off the talents of percussion students. Students put forth much effort and were happy to perform in front of their parents and community. Our Debate Team traveled to Springfield last weekend for the IHSA State Debate competition. The dynamic duo of Bill Kolpak and Ally Arena brought home a big trophy and medal for 2nd place in State Public Forum. Our WYSE team took home Page 11 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting two medals at the Sectional competition that took place at North Central College this month. They have advanced 6 students to the State competition in the areas of Chemistry and Engineering Graphics which will take place at U of I on April 13th. Student Council just finished our fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House. The fundraiser was called "carnations for kids" and this was our first year to do this and it was a huge success. Our PEOPEL program participated in the Special Games held at Lincoln Way on Thursday, March 12th. Students and staff gave the participants a very cheerful send off at the conclusion of 1st hour. Sandburg hosted the IHSA Regional Scholastic Bowl competition on Monday, March 9th. Our team had victories over Tinley Park HS, Stagg, and Rich East to win the Regional. The Winter Guard Invitational took place on Sunday, March 22nd, at Sandburg. 26 teams participated, including teams from all over the Midwest, in this all-day event. The Winter Recognition Assembly was Friday, March 13th, in the Eagle Gym. A total of 145 students were recognized for their accomplishments within Co-Curricular Clubs, Activities and Athletics. Sandburg’s Captain’s Council executive board hosted the annual St. Baldrick’s event in conjunction with the recognition assembly; this group has raised over $155,462 over the past 7 years. This is when students who raised money for kids with cancer shaved their head in front of the whole school. And being a girl with long hair I give everyone major respect. A student group worked with Mr. Gardner to create a Student Survivor Recognition video that was included in the assembly. Students featured in the video delivered a powerful message about how to overcome obstacles and stay positive. Skills students participated in the Moraine Valley Community College Technology Challenge Competition and earned 1st place in Photoshop and 1st Place in Mechanical Drafting Inventor categories. Page 12 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting The Spring athletic season is off and running! The boys and girls indoor track teams finished 3rd and 9th place, respectively at last weekend’s SWSC Conference Meet. Boys and girls water polo are undefeated. Badminton is off to a great start at 3-1. Softball, baseball, tennis, and soccer will start competitions this week. Boys volleyball start competition next week. Earlier today, hundreds of students visited Sandburg’s Psychology Fair. Students were able to choose to participate in a number of experiments. Their student peers collected data and will complete a statistical analysis to present their findings after Spring Break. Our pre-prom parent meeting was very well attended last night. Our prom will, once again, be held at the Field Museum. The theme for this year is “Masquerade.” Spring break is approaching the first week of April leaving many students eager for vacations and relaxation. April is a full month for us and I can't wait to share the exciting details of prom, relay, and the senior party! Thanks for letting me share with you the major events that took place! Can't wait to see you next month! Andrew – Grace Mooney Despite extraneous wintery conditions, the Thunderbolts are springing ahead into a full schedule of activities. Last week, Andrew took part in the second half of the school exchange with Reavis High School in order to show the students what Andrew has to offer and to compare facilities, embrace each school’s pride, and to learn from one another. Parent University also took place alongside the prom parent meeting to educate parents about post-secondary planning and teen decision making. Students also rallied together to take part in the SWSC Special Games alongside our fellow Eagles and Chargers. Page 13 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Other recent events that Andrew had proudly taken part in was the grandparent’s luncheon in the beginning of March, which featured a free lunch and entertainment from our choir and band for senior citizens in the community. The Performing Arts Center has been bustling with other events, including Andrew’s Got Talent and the “Dancing with Diversity Show.” The Diversity Show was held in the beginning of March as well in order to celebrate and demonstrate appreciation for the diverse ethnic backgrounds that are proudly represented at Andrew. In addition, the VJA Prism Concert took place and featured the students from the band and choir program, including the VJA orchestra. The cast of “Beauty and the Beast” has been practicing diligently in preparation for their greatly anticipated performances at the end of April and beginning of May. Our 2014 World Champion Winter Percussion group has also been busy practicing and competing and we wish them the best of luck as they strive for the gold once again this year. The Thunderbolt’s co-curricular activities have had much to brag about, including multiple qualifications for state and a state champion. The Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering (WYSE) Team had two students, Matt Gross and Alan Wang, qualify for the state competition to be held at the University of Illinois on April 16th. The VJA Mathletes also qualified for state this year and will be attending their competition in May. The other state-qualifying club was Business Professionals of America, who had a state champion, Nathan Xiao, and other medalists as well. The Illinois Youth and Government conference was held last week in which students simulated the roles of congressmen and women. Student Council hosted its fourth annual dodgeball tournament in which all proceeds went to benefit Relay for Life. In addition, the Senior Leaders group at Andrew has put together an initiative to help fight hunger in developing countries using the website, which features questions on educational topics from a variety of different categories. For every correct answer, the website donates ten grains of rice to those in need. As the weather hopefully continues to improve, Andrew is excited to see what the spring sports have in store. This year, Doug Bozych is the head coach of Boy’s Track and Field. Boy’s water polo, soccer, softball, baseball, badminton, and volleyball are also in season and the teams look promising. Students are continuing to work diligently in their classes Page 14 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting and seniors are resisting their senioritis in the final months of the school year. We will continue on our successful path for the rest of the school year and as always, be bold, be gold. Stagg – Julie Zielinski Hello everyone! It's nice to see you all join us at Stagg again tonight. Through both the warm and cold weeks we've had this month, much work and preparation has been going on between the three schools. As students begin intense studying for AP exams, keeping up on all their classes, and staying involved in all their different clubs and sports, March has undeniably flown by. To begin with, our spring sports have started off well as games, tournaments, and practices are beginning. Both our Girls’ Softball and our Girls’ Soccer teams have begun some games and we have already seen victories! This also corresponds with our Boy’s Baseball. We cannot wait to see what their season holds for them. Go Chargers! A few weeks ago, ACT, practice ACT, and PLAN testing went on for the underclassmen and juniors. In addition, last week, freshmen took the PARCC exam. Our teachers and staff provided support as our students proceeded with this challenging and sometimes stressful testing. Needless to say things ran smoothly and students are anxious to receive the results for these exams. The annual Snowball Retreat is being held this weekend in Frankfort. Participating in Snowball proves to be such an amazing opportunity for our students. There, they are able to build on their leadership skills, learn to work successfully with one another, and meet students from across the whole district! We are so excited for all the students involved as they head out this weekend and connect with their peers from across the district. Page 15 of 19 School Board Minutes DATE: March 26, 2015 Regular Meeting Our committee for Relay for Life is in the process of recruiting new and old participants, reaching out to local businesses, and beginning to plan the logistics of the event. March and April are the busiest times for these committee members as they prepare for the big event at the beginning of May. Stagg kicked off our building’s support for cancer research with our annual St. Baldrick’s Day fight against pediatric cancer. Held last Tuesday, also St. Patrick’s Day, students, staff, and community members shaved their head in symbolic solidarity with those fighting cancer. Our goal was to raise $7000, but in true Charger fashion we exceeded our goal and raised over $11,000 in support of pediatric cancer research. At the beginning of March, each of the schools within the district hosted a Prom Parent Meeting with the intent of informing our guardians of what Prom entails. In addition, parents also participated in a Parent University focusing on supporting students’ positive decision-making and providing important resources for parents to help encourage their children to avoid the use of alcohol and drugs. After talking with a few of my peers, it was shown that this meeting was able to spark beneficial conversations between parents and their children. Stagg’s Annual 5K Run/Walk will be held on Saturday May 2 nd. The great success of the event last year when the race was opened up to the entire community inspired the new tradition of encouraging the whole community to come out as Stagg Chargers and in the spirit of wellness and healthy choices. As always, our deans and staff at Stagg have been working very hard to keep our school a safe and positive environment for all of the students. We have taken surveys during our gym periods this past month, part of them questioning the way in which we feel at Stagg. Questioners, such as this one, help our staff pinpoint what is working well and what can be improved upon in our school. Thank you all so much for joining us here once again at Stagg, I can’t wait to share with you what April brings! Have a good night and enjoy your spring break! 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