14 500619 supplementary , item 6(A) PDF 151 KB

Planning Committee
8 April 2015
Ref No: 14/500619
Erection of retail warehousing comprising 2no. Class A1 retail units including mezzanine and
associated Outdoor Project Centre and Secure Compound; together with car parking,
landscaping and servicing
ADDRESS: Site of former Courier House and Printing Works, Longfield Road,
Tunbridge Wells TN2 4HL
Condition Summary
A. Completion of Legal Obligation under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990
Developer contribution towards mitigation of highways impact
Developer contribution towards lighting/cycle provision
Developer contribution towards public art/water features
Section 106 Monitoring sum
Legal costs
B. With the imposition of the following planning conditions:
Time limit
Approved plans
Remediation strategy
Culvert repair
Protection of public sewers
Drainage scheme
Construction Environmental Management Scheme
Compliance during construction, on completion and/or post completion
Unexpected contamination
(10) Arboricultural Method Statement
(11) Tree protection
(12) Landscaping and boundary treatments
(13) Retaining wall rear of site
(14) Reptile mitigation strategy implementation
(15) External materials
(16) Renewable energy, energy efficiency and water conservation
(17) Access and works on highway
Pre occupation
(18) Verification report
(19) Parking and servicing
(20) Visibility splays
(21) Electricity charging points
(22) Cycle parking
(23) Lighting
(24) Overspill of light
(25) Travel plan
(26) Control over nature of retail sales in larger unit
Planning Committee
8 April 2015
Control over nature of retail sales in smaller unit
Mezzanine installation
Prevention of subdivision into smaller units
Planning Committee
8 April 2015
Site Location Plan (Postcode: TN2 3HL)
Planning Committee
8 April 2015
Block Plan