VIBE DANCE CO. 1671 W. Sterns Rd Suite B Temperance, MI 48144

1671 W. Sterns Rd Suite B
Temperance, MI 48144
(734) 497-4534
Students Name _________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _____________________
Students Home Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________ State ______ Zip _________ Phone ____________________
Email _________________________________________________________________________________________________
School Attending ________________________________________________________________
Grade ___________
Parent Information
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________________________ State _______ Zip ______________
Emergency Contact
Name __________________________________________________________
Phone 1 ______________________________________
Relationship __________________________
Phone 2 _______________________________________
Enrollment Information
Please indicate your level and preferred day and time. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please refer to our website regarding the number of classes recommended.
Class _____________________________________
Class _____________________________________
Class _____________________________________
Class _____________________________________
Class _____________________________________
Class _____________________________________
Day _____________
Day _____________
Day _____________
Day _____________
Day _____________
Day _____________
Time _________________
Time _________________
Time _________________
Time _________________
Time _________________
Time _________________
Register early to ensure class day and time. We have a 12 Student maximum per class.
Please mail- in form to above address.
Payment Information
Vibe Dance Co Registration Fee $20…… .………………………………$ _____________
Vibe Cheer Elite Registration Fee $35……………………………………$ _____________
1st Month’s Tuition………………………………………………………...$ _____________
TOTAL…………………………………………………………………….$ _____________
CHECK (Made Payable to Vibe Dance Co.)
Indicate any additional medical conditions, chronic aliments, allergies, or personal issues we should be made aware of:
Any activity involving height or motion incurs the possibility of accidental injury. While it is our intention to
provide your child with safety and protection, it is not the responsibility of The Vibe Dance Co and Vibe Cheer
Elite or its staff to be held liable for any injury occurring while under The Vibe Dance Co. and Vibe Cheer Elite
instruction or supervision. As parent or guardian of student, I hereby agree to hold harmless The Vibe Dance
Co. and Vibe Cheer Elite and assume full financial responsibilities for any and all treatment required due to
injury while training at The Vibe Dance Co and Vibe Cheer Elite.
In the event we are unable to contact the authorized person(s) listed on the front of this form, I the parent or
legal guardian of the student, hereby give my consent for emergency medical care as prescribed by a duly
licensed doctor or medicine or dentistry. Transportation to the hospital will be at the discretion of the
Emergency Technicians on site.
All students and the parents/legal guardian are aware of possible physical injury that may occur during
dance/gymnastics classes, performances and/or rehearsals and are willing to assume those risks. It is agreed
that The Vibe Dance Co and Vibe Cheer Elite its Director, Teachers and Staff are not responsible for personal
injury or property loss.
I understand I am responsible for timely payments of my child’s classes and realize he/she will lose their
reserved place in class if our account does not remain current.
I understand that The Vibe Dance Co and Vibe Cheer Elite supports a website/FaceBook and may post
student’s pictures. I grant permission to The Vibe Dance Co and Vibe Cheer Elite the use of photographs
or video of my child to promote dance and/or the dance studio.
I have read and understand The Vibe Dance Co and Vibe Cheer Elite studio policies and will follow them as a
member of the studio.
PARENTS SIGNATURE _____________________________________
Date ___________________