Republic of the Philippines iBcwarttnent of @bucation Region VII, Central Visayas DIVISION OF BOHOL City of Tagbilaran June 1, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 214 To: s., 2015 Education Program Supervisors/Division Coordinators n. .1@ ".@ c*_u !_ r\ _i.:@i r. . _,..:@.@@ ;/-\ /~- nrnr Elementary and Secondary School Heads/Teachers Aii Concerned 1. Attached please find Regional Memorandum No. 300 series 2015 re: Judicious Management and Utilization of School-Based Resources in Public Elementary, Secondary Schools and Learning Centers for the information and guidance of aii concerned, 2. All Public Schools District Supervisors/OIC-PSDS and School Heads are enjoined to comply. 3. Wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. WILFREDA D. BO^GALOS, Ph.D., CESO Vl ^ Schools Division Superinfenclent /$$> SGOD/dvd REPUBUXA NG PUJPIN AS REPUBLICOf THEPHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON VII, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION YSL, CSmitAL YZSAK4S Sudion. Lahug, Csba City May 25, 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No.Tf 3 0 & 2015 juerctous management and utilization of school-based resources IN PUBLIC ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND LEARNING CENTERS TO: SegJGTtai Functional Areas SDS/ASDSandOIC's EPS/PSDS Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads Public Elementary and Secondary Schooi Teachers AH Concerned Schools via Republic Act 9155 have been bestowed with authority, responsibility and accountability to develop, adapt, of ter programs arid services which fit local needs. The AURA empowers the schools to pbn along these domains; school continuous improvement process. Stakeholders management, school-based resources and school performance and accountability. The schooi progress frer a one f evei to another depending on the level of growth and development and maturity degree of competencies exhibited by school officials, stakeholders, teachers and pupils/students being served. Despite introduction of Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA), School-Based Management (SBM) and other strategies for good governance, there are gray aspects on the policies issued governing implementation of various educations) programs m the field offices. To ensure widespread adherence to these policies, rules and regulations, the following guidelines are set. 1. On Opening of Classes Report on enrolment of pupils/students interested to attend a particular grade level is required to be submitted on Friday the last day of the first week. The number reflects the extent of eff ort on early registration campaigns for 5-year olds for universal participation rate and increase in the number of 6 to 11 / 12-15 year olds in the schools. The grade 2 to 6 and the grade 8 to 10 are ali returnees while the new entrants are both rh'Mrm in kinfiprEFar tef t. grade one and grade seven. <Mt ee Bf e r er{Of tDir), W_ Mn @ ift^?)IBJ-WM: 23J-J3O9;414-7399;4J4-7325;GOec*ft teAMHtaatOat ttw, Te(. No.:(t tSi)iiJ-4J42 Ff eHTKtsf cal Aj^stases RSvf eiea (FTAD),Tel. N@: (032)414-T!?4 C*iri lr ai laming IVUmagnKOtOMMoa (CLMD). Tel Nos.: (032)414-7323 QualityAaar aace MvMob (QAD).Tei. Nos.: <O32)231-107i K.nuu. BoHinDuveiiipwml 0ivW i(HRDCX Tcl. No.; (032)2SS-5Z3V Edncarion Suppor t Services Dmsioa (ESSD).Tei. No.. (032)254-7062 Ftassiag, PeBcy and Rtscarcli UMst oo (PFRD), Td. Nos.: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065 Ad i Mrat t* DMn.Tel. Nos,:(032)414-732& 414-4367;414-7366;414-7322:414-4367 Ft a3a Dt ef at oo,liLNos.:((B2)2Sf r237S;253-8061;414-732t " E30.2(7/5:3f aMpat an*& tdM> Sjuuuiagutan nq. a&at"' "Wo Collection Policy" or children can enroll even without money to be paid to teachers or PTA groups is emphasized and monitored to ensure that schools can gather as many enroiiees as they can thereby realizing the Miiieruum Development Goal No. 2 of "universal participation rate" for all school-age children because they are in school or being served by alternative delivery systems. Head counts and checking that atl schools start classroom instruction by June 1 shall be devised by all SDS and will involve EPS/PSDS. Consolidated repor ts of the 19 divisions on observance/adherence to these policies shall bs submitted to the Regional Office by June 5,. 2015, 2. inventory of all Curriculum Guides, Teacher's Guides and Learner's Materials, Schools shall inventory per teacher the availability of CG, TG and learner's materials. Reproduction of TG's and Learner's Materials in Kinder, Grades 1 to 4/Grade 7 to 9, snail be given priority. MODE and school boards shaii be utilized for reproduction cost particularly in Kinder to Grade 3. All division offices should distribute Grade 4 and grade 10 newiy delivered materials to all schools. 3. RPMS Commitment and Review Forms as Document for Target Setting. School-based personnel shall start the SY 2015-2016 target setting this Opening week by using the time in the afternoon (during pupiJs/students independent period) meet by grade level and set individual target identifying their KRA's and performance indicators individually. All Public Schools District Supervisor shall monitor target setting of the schools in their area of jur isdiction and submit a report at the end of the week on their percentage of compliance. At the sr,6 of the June ail targets have been set in all schools/districts and divisions. Non-school based personnel shaii make their July to December commitment and review form in consonance with the mandate of their offices. 4. PTA Guidelines as stated in DepED Order No. 54, s. 2009 shall be strictly followed in homeroom/schooi PTA operations. 5. AH systems/structures in school like the school governing councils, grievance, child protection, EBEiS, school inspectorate committee should be activated, updated and operationaiized. Conflicts classified as grievance must be acted at school level before elevating to higher levels. Transparency mechanisms should be installed in all schools to promote open communications to all. School heads shall strengthen horizontal linkages (external stakeholders) at their setting and shall coordinate with their NGO's, DSWD on Pantawid Pamilya Program, supplementary feeding,, and other activities which would generate support for their schools 6. Closing or Graduation Rites in simple, non costly but meaningful way shall be discussed with the teachers and parents at the start of the schooi year. AH non-school based officials shall take note that MOOE claims by January to March of 2016 shall be on testing program and graduation preparation. No collection shall be done by any teacher nor PTA on the purpose, if PTA wants to donate cash it must be the proceed of fundraising activity or income generating project not from the contribution of the parents of the graduating students. Ait schooi heads at the end of March 2016 as part of their clearance and performance appraisal shall submit certification subscribed and sworn that no money has been collected to finance graduation ceremony of grade 6 or grade 10. Validating this claim shall be done by all PSDS at the opening of rbwps hy Rir.e from the PTA or from the parents of graduates that year or simply by reading the certif ication in front of an assembly of teachers, parents or students. Vehement denial or exclamation of dismay from the audience signify- disbelief and may become a ground for initiating sanction on the school head's sworn statement. 7. All Public Schools District Supervisors as DepED representative in the Local School Board and act as Co-Chairman shaii make adjustments/recommend to the body, that priority should be given to reproduction of teaching and learning materials for grades 1-3 to ensure early acquisition of reading and numeracy skills as tools for iearning. Preparation for Senior High School such as facilities on track offering of high schools in their area of jurisdiction shall likewise be given attention. 8. Issuances, notices and other memoranda are in the website, acquire a habit or designate the !CT or information officer to open the web-site and print all relevant mater ials for information, reference or aid in decision-making process. The region cannot all the time furnish the implementing field offices on these issuances. Individual official shall be held responsible for his/her updating/generation of Information from all sources. 9. Widest dissemination and compliance is enjoined. JUIIET A. JERUTA Director 111 Officer-in-Charge RO-JAi/jjp
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