April 26, 2015 - the Catholic Community of Divine Savior

The Catholic Community
Divine Savior
Norridge, IL
Page Two
Fourth of Easter Sunday
Family Game Night
Thank you to all who
came out and played!
April 26, 2015
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Fourth of Easter Sunday
Women’s Club
Our next Women’s Club meeting will be held on
Monday, May 4th at 6:30PM. The highlight of the
evening will be a book, Perhaps Tomorrow by Erna
Russnak, reviewed by two sisters who fulfilled
their deceased mother’s dream by having her book
Join us for an entertaining evening along with
Market Day
Pick-up is Tuesday, April 28th, from 1:00-2:00 PM
or from 6:00 - 7:00 PM, in the church vestibule.
Morris Drop In
Reserve the Date
Join us for an enjoyable luncheon and
entertainment at the White Fence Farm on
Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Performance will be
by a fabulous entertainer "Patty Waszak" whose
talents are in singing, comedy, and music. Cost of
$40.00 includes lunch, entertainment, and bus
transportation. Reservations and payment are due
by Sunday, April 26, 2015 by calling either Rita
Gignac at (708) 457-1128 or Florence Porada at
(708) 453-4214.
We welcome the following new member of
our Christian community who was baptized
during the month of April.
Joseph Riley White
May God bless him and his family.
Food for the Needy
Next weekend, May 2/3, the targeted items for
our weekly food collection are: SPAGHETTI &
donations may be left in the church vestibule.
April 26, 2015
Assistance Needed
We are looking for a few individuals to help “spruce up”
the church. To find out more information or if interested,
please call Mary Sammarco at (708) 456-6127.
Weekly Offering
April 18/19
Envelopes used:
Cash/Checks in Envelopes
Loose cash
Give Central
Collection Total
$ 5,376.72
$ 672.17
$ 626.00
$ 6,674.89
Children’s Envelopes = $16.09
Please Keep Our Sick and Homebound
in Your Prayers
Please remember Dorothy Aiello, Bienvenido Arquiza,
Sebastian Attardo, Linda Puetz Babusci, George Bagarella,
Fran Barnas, George Belitz, Maria Bordignon, David
Brichetto, Rose Marie Brown, Joan Caponigro, Edith Corrado,
Greg Cazolas, Biagio Cirrincione, MaryAnn Entrup, Barbara
Fandrey, Elvera Fulhorst, Eugene & Lucille Gibula, Michael
Gignac, Lola Golonka, Lucille Glassner, Kay Hayden, Gina
Hess, Janet Humanski, Anna Jakubowska, Sylvia Johnnic,
Alice Jurek, John Kielczynski, Mary Kriz, Ryszard Lizak, Erica
Lursky, Lois Mack, Pamela Margelewski, Ethel Marzano,
Bernice Mateja, Eugene Mateja, James Melnychuk, Kevin
Moore, Mary Morreale, Ernest Morris, Tom Neuhengen,
Stephanie Niedbala, Autumn Novielli, Luke O’Donnell,
Edward Pasdiora, James Pastorino, Marie Pastorino, Frank
Pisello, Jerry Priest, Frances Rehfuss, Rose Ryan, Matt
Schoenbach, Maria Scimeca, Mary Dolores Serio, Meghan &
Paul Smeenge, Emil Sterkowicz, Steve Strzelecki, Vincent
Thome, Anthony Ungaro, James Walsh, Geraldine West, and
all parishioners, family members, and friends in your
Please pray as well for Alice Cichowski, Francis Cardinal
George, OMI, Ray Jensen, and all who have died. May they
now rest in eternal peace.
If you know of any members of Divine Savior Church who are
homebound or temporarily homebound and would like a
Minister of Care to bring them the Eucharist please let us
know. Just call the Rectory and ask for Frank.
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Fourth of Easter Sunday
Divine Savior Class of 1965 Reunion
A 50 year class reunion is planned for this Fall (2015)
and we need assistance locating some of our
classmates. Should you know anyone graduating from
Divine Savior in 1965, please have them contact Mike
Carroll at (847) 825-4821, or Mary Gorogianis at (630)
323-7660. Thank you for your help.
Flea Market 2015
On Saturday, June 6, 2015, Boy Scout Troop 922 and the
Men’s Club of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, 8747 W.
Lawrence Ave. in Chicago, will be holding its annual Flea
Market in the North Parking lot, from 8:00 AM—3:00
Rental spaces are available for both vendors and
crafters. The cost is $25.00 per space. There are a limited
number of tables for rent at $15.00 per table. Please
contact Keith Kinslow at (312) 914-6940 for more
April 26, 2015
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Fourth of Easter Sunday
April 26, 2015
Faith F
Prayer Group
Please place your particular written intentions in the box
near the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, located in the
back of the church. The Intercessory Prayer Group will pray
over them during their meeting. The Prayer Group meets
every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM
in the Rectory basement. The next meeting is Tuesday,
April 28th.
The meetings are devoted to praise and thanksgiving,
praying, scripture sharing, recitation of the rosary,
teachings, songs, and witnessing to the goodness of our
Lord. All are welcome.
Reflections from our Holy Father Pope Francis
We need to care for the earth so that it may continue, as God willed, to be a source of life for
the entire human family.
—Tweet April 21, 2015
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Fourth of Easter Sunday
April 26, 2015
Readings for the Week
Liturgies for the Week
Monday, April 27, 2015
7:30 AM— Dominic & Josephine Rossi
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
St. Peter Chanel
7:30 AM— Elayne Boddicker
Acts of the Apostles 11:1-18
John 10:1-10
Acts of the Apostles 11:19-26
John 10:22-30
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
St. Catherine of Siena
7:30 AM— Pietro Pizzo
Wednesday: Acts of the Apostles 12:24—13:5a
John 12:44-50
Thursday, April 30, 2015
St. Pius V
7:30 AM— Michael Broderick
Frank Maggio
Angela Sander
Friday, May 1, 2015
St. Joseph the Worker
7:30 AM— James D. Guest
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Vigil: Fifth Sunday of Easter
4:00 PM— Stanley Bielanski
Patricia Burke
Jose Chiu
Intentions of Anne Dittrich
Intentions of Jackie Leland
Acts of the Apostles 13:13-25
John 13:16-20
Acts of the Apostles 13:26-33
John 14:1-6
Acts of the Apostles 13:44-52
John 14:7-14
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31
1 John 3:18-24
John 15:1-8
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter
7:30 AM— Patricia Burke
Alice & Hillard Castan
Thoughts for the Week
9:30 AM— Maria Rosa Alfano
Caterina, Vincenzo, Maria, & Giuseppe Campisi
Rosario, Giacoma, Salvatore, & Antonino Geraci
Betty Glomski
Domenico & Anna Iannelli
Makos Family
Evelyn Piszczek
Leonard Stancy
11:30 AM— Janet Angelos
The glory of God is humanity fully alive.
--St. Irenaeus
Nothing is more fallacious than wealth. It is a
hostile comrade, a domestic enemy.
--St. John Chrysostom
Ministers and Servers Schedule for the Weekend of May 2/3
Eucharistic Ministers
4:00 PM
Fr. LoBianco
O. McAteer
M. Coban
K. Jarosz
S. Kukielka
E. Kwasinski
J. Rein
D. Budnik
7:30 AM
Fr. Manka
J. Klafta
D. Ellsworth
M. Flesch
J. Kolaski
U. Kucharski
D. Sulimowski
9:30 AM
Fr. Manka
J. Marley
J. Fornek
L. Gale
M.A. Glassner
J. Pomis
M. Stancy
D. Ferdinardo
N. Ferdinardo
11:30 AM
Fr. LoBianco
T. Forbes
M. Coban
K. Jarosz
V. Chernich
G. Krasinski
C. Lizak
J. Blevins
E. Sienkiewicz
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Fourth of Easter Sunday
April 26, 2015
Mission Statement of The Catholic Community of Divine Savior
We are a faith community that seeks the fullest relationship with Jesus, by our communion with each other, through
the Eucharist, Sacraments, Prayer, and Service.
This Week
Pastoral Staff
Associate Pastor
Rev. Richard J. LoBianco
Rev. Mariusz G. Manka
10:30AM —Rectory
Director of Religious Education/Business Manager
Ms. Mary E. Coban
Assisting Priests
Rev. William Holbrook
Rev. Michael Madigan
Rev. Terrence A. McCarthy
Music Director
Mrs. Mary Herman
Bulletin Editor
Mrs. Linda Gurklis
Coordinator of Adult Formation Mr. Frank Lizak
7740 W. Montrose Avenue Norridge, IL 60706
(708) 456-9000
Fax: (708) 456-7838
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: divinesaviornorridge.org
Saturday: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 AM
Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM
Every Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45 PM. Please call the rectory.
One Sunday a Month. Please call the rectory.
Please call the rectory.
— Bible Discussion Group
— Market Day Pick-Up
Wednesday: — Choir Practice
— First Eucharist Liturgy
— First Eucharist Liturgy
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