QUEEN OF MARTYRS CHURCH Evergreen Park, Illinois Rev. Edward M. Mikolajczyk, Pastor Rev. Kevin McCray, Associate Pastor Rev. Thomas McCarthy, OSA, Weekend Associate Robert Landuyt , Permanent Deacon We pray for those who were Confirmed by Bishop Francis Kane on Friday, April 17, 2015 Jesus Michael Aguila Jacob John Ahrens Grace Victoria Arvesen Jonathan Peter Babayode Matthew James Beam Margaret Elizabeth Bojan Patrick Bracken Benjamin Peter Burchett Ciara Madeleine Burke Mikayla Emma Caponera Terese Margaret Clifford Eugene Sebastian Cronin Rena Cecilia Cudecki Mia Patricia DeMonica Caroline Genevieve Docherty Jacob Christopher Doyle Caitlin Bridget Dowd Patrick Michael Flynn Ashley Blaise Gasienica Keith Michael Gniady Allison Elizabeth Graff Brandon Michael Graves Kyle Michael Granat Marissa Cecilia Harvey Padriag Francis Jacobus Matthew James Jakob Kevin Michael Johnson Madison Elizabeth Justic Charles Thomas Laurencell Meghan Elizabeth Lotti Ryann Maria Lunk Fiona Cecilia Martin Aidan Patrick McGuire April 19, 2015 3rd Sunday of Easter Kiley Cecilia Melean Christopher Laszlo Minnick Maxwell Patrick Monterastelli Max Christopher Murphy Sara Judith Mustari Kelsey Cecilia Nelligan Kyle Constantine Nieciak Maggie Mary O’Neill Rose Therese O’Shea Juan Paul Partida Olivia Lucy Partida Joseph Sebastian Pater Alexandra Elizabeth Seton Pazienza Nicholas James Plumb Maeve Patricia Poole Hannah Judith Potter Abigael Philomena Powell Regan Vitus Rayl Matthew Sebastian Reidy John Patrick Rice Alexander Anthony Roeske Sarah Elizabeth Sanders Kristine Elizabeth Schoenecker Rebecca Francis Schofield Daniel Francis Spellman Meghan Elizabeth Sullivan Molly Elizabeth Sullivan Adam Francis Sundquist Amy Cecilia Sundquist Haley Frances Tracy Joseph Christopher Vojacek Patrick Maximilian Walsh Mark Sebastian Ward Page Two 3rd Sunday of Easter April 19, 2015 The Readings from Scripture this week focus on the connection of the Resurrection of Jesus to the forgiveness of sins. The Lord helped the disciples to open their minds so that they could understand the Scriptures. We are called to live lives in pursuit of truth and leave behind those things that distract us or are rooted in ignorance and sin. We are called to bear witness to our faith in the Resurrection of Jesus: How do we live this message of the Resurrection in our lives? What prevents us from putting our trust in God? What are we doing to live out the Gospel message in our lives? God is there to guide us. If we are to appreciate all that Jesus did for us, then we need to admit our faults and sins and accept forgiveness. Hopefully, through this Easter season, we can continue to grow in our faith and recognize that God truly is on our side. Last Sunday, I attended the Vicariate V Youth Leadership Awards Banquet at the Lexington House. We are fortunate to have Ms. Tina O’Shea as our Youth Minster. She has brought vitality and enthusiasm to our Youth Ministry program and has instilled in our youth a sense of being active in their faith and living out the mission of the Church. I want to congratulate the students who were recognized for their achievements. Kate McHugh for Catechesis, Daniel Reidy for Prayer and Worship, Macy Andlinger for Catechesis, Tim Doohan for Service and Social Justice, Kylie Lis for Community Life, Abby Sheahan for Peer Ministry and Lauren Stevens for Community Life. Keep up the wonderful work you do for our parish community. Confirmation was an uplifting and spiritual celebration. Bishop Kane challenged our students to go out and use the gifts of the Spirit by being examples of God’s love to one another. To be lights that illuminate their faith in the world and help to promote the message of the Gospel. My thanks to the 7th grade moms from School and Saturday School of Religion who hosted the reception afterwards. We welcome Fr. McCarthy back and wish him a Happy 50th Birthday. We welcome Fr. Kevin back from his week away. Have a good week. God Bless, Queen of Martyrs Rectory Business Hours Sharing your talents, time and treasure. Queen of Martyrs Sunday Comparison—April 12, 2015 Last Week Year-To-Date Amount Needed ..................$10,000.................... $410,000 Amount Collected .................$8,698.................... $354,184 Surplus (Deficit) .................. $(1,302). .................. $(55,816) Number of Weekly Envelopes……….. ......................... 342 Easter 2015 (thus far) .................... ...................... $30,009.10 Please consider increasing your weekly contribution to decrease our deficit. Your sacrifice is appreciated. Monday thru Friday — 9:00 A.M. to Noon and 1:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. The office is closed from Noon until 1:00 for lunch. The Rectory is also open for key pick-up/drop-off and pre-arranged appointments with Fr. Ed: Monday thru Thursday—3:30 to 8:30 PM Friday—3:30 to 8:00 P.M Saturday—9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. and Sunday—9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Please call or visit the Rectory during scheduled business hours to ensure prompt attention to your requests. April 19, 2015 3rd Sunday of Easter St. Vincent de Paul Society News Sandwich Schedule for Adult Members at 9:00 A.M. in the Convent on the following Wednesdays: 2015 April 22 May 6 & 20 Queen of Martyrs Adoration Chapel of Divine Mercy “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations.” (Lk 24:45-47) Forgiveness of our sins cost Jesus everything! Come to Him in Adoration filled with thanksgiving. Become a Eucharistic Adorer. Sign up at the Adoration Chapel or call Marion at 708-424-8433 for more information. Results for 04/13/15 On Monday, April 13th, Envelope No. 0823 was drawn. There was NO winner. The total amount of the prize pot was $4,136.00. To be eligible for the raffle, you must use two separate envelopes for the current week. In your regular weekly envelope, your contribution must be at least $5.00; and you must use the corresponding week’s 50/50 envelope with a $5.00 contribution in that envelope. To be included in the weekly 50/50 drawing, envelopes must be in the rectory office by 8:30 A.M. on the Monday morning immediately after the weekend. Good luck next week! Page Three Spring Fundraising Event: As you will recall from our Town Hall Meeting this past January, Queen of Martyrs Church and School ministries agreed to join forces to support two major fundraisers, one of which is a Spring Fundraising Event. On Monday, April 27, 2015 @ 6:30pm a steering committee kick off meeting for our Spring Event scheduled in the school library. For this event to be successful, we need to have representation from all parish and school ministries as well as school family representation, past and present; and, we need alumni involvement. At this meeting on the 27th, we would like to select a date, venue and theme/name for our Spring Event. We would also like to lay the groundwork for needed committees such as dinner, raffles, sponsorship, etc. Please consider becoming part of what is expected to be a wonderful event for our community. Community building will be equally as important as any funds raised for this event. On the 27th, bring your ideas, contacts and enthusiasm. Please contact the School Office at 708-422-1540 if you will be in attendance for this Steering Committee Kick-Off meeting. Go Wildcats! THE CIRCLE OF LIFE "The Heart's Journey through the Seasons" By Joyce Rupp & Macrina Wiederkehr Wednesday, April 22nd from 10:00 - 11:00 am or Monday, April 27th from 7:00-8:00 pm This is our last session for this school year. ALL MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN THE "NEW" WOMEN'S MINISTRY ROOM - LOCATED IN THE CONVENT, FIRST DOOR ON THE LEFT UPON ENTERING. We will be discussing the seasons of spring and summer and connect our experiences of these seasons with our spiritual growth. All women are welcome to come to any or all sessions to discover the link of the seasons to our lives. If you have any quesƟons please contact JoAnne at 773-520-7454 ([email protected]) or Margie at 773-842-4104 ([email protected] Total Parishioners Pledged:……………………………… 285 Total Pledges:……………………………………... $518,083.00 Amount on Deposit as of 02/28/15 In “To Teach Who Christ Is” Account:…..………..$131,238.09 **Important!! Please do not send your contributions for the campaign to the Rectory or put it in the collection basket, please send it directly to the Processing Center at: Archdiocese of Chicago, PO Box 6076, Albert Lea, MN 56007-6676 Quote from our Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Women’s weekend: --------------------------------------------------------------------------— Page Four 3rd Sunday of Easter Martyrs Youth Ministry QMYM Youth Leadership Awardees Congratula ons April 19, 2015 Pick up Sunday April 19th Between 8am-1pm Spaces for Chaperones are s ll open!! Contact Tina if you are 25+, interested in a week of service, and in compliance with Archdiocese of Chicago Protec ng God’s Children (or willing to go to Virtus class and fill out background check form, Code of Conduct, & become a mandated reporter via online course.) Ques ons about QMYM? Contact Tina O’Shea at [email protected] Religious Education News Thank you to the school families who donated $935.83 in Macy, Danny, Kylie, Kate, Abby, Lauren, & Tim Sunday Evening Mass ALL ARE WELCOME! How is God calling you to serve?? Basketball Games Monday Nights at 9pm 4/20, 4/27 the Hunger Day collection. Children were given quarter folders at the Ash Wednesday liturgy and asked to see what they could collect by the end of Lent. The donation was given to Tina O’Shea, youth minister, for the Youth Group Summer Mission trip to Harlan, Kentucky. What a joy-filled weekend at Queen of Martyrs! Sixty-six young people celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation on Friday evening with Bishop Kane as the presider of the liturgy. Thanks to their parents who prepared them assisted by Patricia Pekelnicky, religion teacher, Ann Doyle, catechist Julie O’Connor, 8th grade homeroom teacher and members of the parish staff. “Jesus, be with today in everything I do and say.” Mission Trip 2015 HEROES Thank you so much to all the QM families who so generously donated Lenten offerings on Hunger Day for the Mission Trip this summer. The Mission Trip team and I are overwhelmed by your support!! We thank you for making this trip possible and being everyday HEROES for us and the people of Harlan. CRHP 5 Forma on Mee ngs have begun for the teen leaders. Please keep all of them in your prayers. Hidden Talents News…. Fiddler on the Roof Tickets— Now on Sale Fiddler on the Roof tickets is now on sale at the Queen of Martyrs rectory and at all Hidden Talents practices. Show times are 6 and 8 pm on Thursday April 30th, and Friday May 1st. Tickets are $9.00, and discounts are available for Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops. Show will take place at the Oak View Community Center in Oak Lawn. Come support kids from Queen of Martyrs and 16 other grade schools. For more information, please call Jeff Kenny at 773-233-3575. Notice: Bulletin articles must be received in the Rectory office by Noon on Tuesdays. Please drop them off or e-mail them to [email protected]. Thank you! April 19, 2015 3rd Sunday of Easter Q of M Hunger Day 2015, Helping Everyone Reach Out Everywhere In Service The students and faculty of Queen of Martyrs School gathered together to Observe Hunger Day 2015. The students along with their teachers gathered in the gym on Monday, March 30th to view a slide show presentation by Q of M Youth Ministry Leader Ms. Tina O’Shea. The students were asked to pack a simple lunch, leaving out chips, candy and deserts. The students did this as a way to show a discipline for the Lenten Season. The students and their teachers ate in silence while viewing the slideshow which highlighted the Queen of Martyrs Youth Ministry 2014 Service Trip to Harlan Kentucky. Over thirty eight teens along with Q of M Youth Ministry Leader, Ms. O’Shea will travel to Harlan this Summer. The group will spend time helping others in need by repairing homes throughout the Harlan, Kentucky area. They will work alongside volunteers from the Christian Outreach Program. Queen of Martyrs students had the opportunity to donate money by sending in Quarter Folders that were given to each school family at the beginning of Lent. Close to $1,000 has been collected already, with donations still coming in. The money raised will go towards transportation to Harlan for the teens traveling there this Summer. The Queen of Martyrs Youth Ministry Group is very grateful to the students and their families for their support of this wonderful project, helping to make the needs of others matter! Market Day Pick Up is Saturday, April 25th 9:45-10:30am St. Joseph's Room FREE 1 lb. bag of California Blend with $40 purchase FREE 1 lb. bag of Chicken Gems with $90 online purchase using code APRBONUS Reminder: Market Day no longer accepts cash as a form of payment. Checks will be accepted or orders can be placed online using a credit card. Thank you for supporting the Market Day program. Page Five Please Pray for Our Sick Relatives and Friends Prayer is a powerful prescription for whatever ails you. Please remember our sick in your prayers: Luke Amelio Bill Barts Jerry Becmer Maddux Blunt Jack Carr Jan & Jack Clisham Carol Coleman Baby Patrick Cox Janice Della Posta Don DiFilippo William Dillon Jim Downing Erin Eustaquio Raymond Farano Vikki Finkel Mary Fergus Jean Harazin Joyce Hoff Conor Kilmartin Teresa Li Doris Locascio Lauren McGovern May Mesco Georgene Mitchell Judy Mitchell Sharon Nanesta Jacqueline Olsen Bernie O’Reilly Laura Orlando Alex Pier Richard Pollack Mary Kay Prucha Daniel Ramsden Elizabeth Reilly June Royals Mary Schneider Bob Sigel Judy Ulrich Winnie Walter Bob Warda While They Serve… We pray for our Parishioners and the Relatives of Parishioners who are serving in the Military and protecting us… Matthew Beemsterboer - USMC - nephew of Barry and Joan McClorey Daniel Birmingham - USMC - son of Ed & Mary Birmingham Captain Daniel R. Johnson—US Army—son of Betty and Roy Johnson Colton Kielbasa-US Marine-Son of Rich & Charmaine Kielbasa-Brother of Chris Kielbasa Matt Kovats Ryan Marth Sgt. First Class Wayne Mutnansky Lt. John Mutnansky Lt. Col. John “Pete” Petracca—US Army—nephew of John and Judy Berleman Colin Prendergast—son of Carole Prendergast Lt. Col. Ellen Shannon-Ball—daughter of Barbara and sister of Jack Shannon Mike Slomski—US Marine—nephew of Steve & Mary Currier David Slomski—US Army—nephew of Steve & Mary Currier 2LT Martin J. Springer - US Army—son of John Springer 2LT Robert J. Springer - US Army—son of John Springer Daniel Talty—USMC—grandson of Colleen & Pete Cunningham Cpl. Clifford Oskvarek—USMC—son of Chuck & Carol Oskvarek Ted Bos—USMC—grandson of Theresa Bos If you would like us to pray for a Parishioner or a Relative of a Parishioner serving in the Military, please contact the rectory at 708-423-8110 or email [email protected]. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP! The members of St. Vincent de Paul would like to send out a big “thank you” to all who purchased raffle tickets for the new car. The winner will be drawn on April 19th as part of the Friends of the Poor benefit taking place at the Drury Lane in Oakbrook. Hopefully I will know the name (or at least the parish) of the winning ticket in the next week or so. I will share that information with you as well as our final numbers in the next week or two. Again, thanks for your help! Page Six 3rd Sunday of Easter MONDAY — 6:30 AM— 8:30 AM— Apr. 20, 2015 Communion Service Michael P. Reilly Charles Corso Theresa Misunas TUESDAY — 6:30 AM— 8:30 AM — Apr. 21, 2015—St. Anselm Communion Service Malachy McLoughlin Frank Corso Virginia York—Healing WEDNESDAY—Apr. 22, 2015 6:30 AM— Communion Service 8:30 AM — Irene Stritch Susan Handler—Healing THURSDAY — Apr. 23, 2015—St. George, St. Adalbert 6:30 AM— Communion Service 8:30 AM— Ray & Millie McCarthy Thomas Barrett William Crot FRIDAY — 6:30 AM— 8:30 AM — Apr. 24, 2015—St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen Communion Service Joseph DiPietro Martin McIntyre Anne Carbonneau SATURDAY — Apr. 25, 2015—St. Mark 8:30 AM — Fr. Marion Soprych 4:00 PM— Theresa Refermat Frank Scheuerell, Sr. James Davin SUNDAY — 7:30 AM — 9:30 AM — 11:30 AM — 4:00 PM— Apr. 26, 2015—4th Sunday of Easter Casey, Mark & Matthew Maciasz Fred O’Reilly Stephen Maurizi Tom Hopkins Virgil Bone Alvin McCormick Mary Ann Skwarek Richard Gwozdz Fr. Peter Heidenrich Robert Cachor April 19, 2015 Apr. 25 7:30 PM (L) Altar Servers Apr. 26 7:30 AM (L) Altar Servers J. Gasienica T. Haas J. Martin D. O’Callaghan E. Dvorak D. Farritor R. Paglia D. Siska M. Griegel E. Griegel K. Bukowski B. Reidy F. Balto P. Flynn N. Cummings J. Jager 9:30 AM S. Lorimer R. Cudecki M. Walsh L. McGuire K. Sampson K. Durkin (L) M. Evans Altar Servers K. Gniady J. Hogan J. Anderson 11:30 AM K. O’Neil (L) J. Donnelly Altar Servers M. Kramer L. Manning S. Moss T. Gump R. Mahoney 4:00 PM TBD (L) TBD Altar Servers D. McGuire M. Murray TBD TBD J. McKenna M. Evans J. Granat Altar Servers Week Days Apr. 20—25, 2015 Mon. — Wed. 8:30 A.M. (Apr. 20 - 21 - 22) A. Capuano N. Capuano E. Carey Thurs.—Sat. 8:30 A.M. (Apr. 23 - 24 - 25) N. Currier C. Dahill S. Dahill April 19, 2015 3rd Sunday of Easter Page Seven QUEEN OF MARTYRS CHURCH - PARISH INFORMATION RECTORY 10233 S. Central Park Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805 708-423-8110 FAX 423-7372 Parish Secretary: Janine Missey Business Manager: Irene Smith Administrative Assistant: Peggy Klein Bulletin Editor: [email protected] SCHEDULE OF MASSES: Anticipated Mass on Saturday: ............................... 4:00 P.M. Sunday: ................ 7:30 A.M., 9:30 A.M.,11:30 A.M., 4:00 P.M. Vigil of Holy Day: ..................................................... 7:00 P.M. Holy Day: Eucharistic Service ................................ 6:00 A.M. Masses ............................... 8:30 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. Weekdays: Eucharistic Service Mon.—Fri. .............. 6:30 A.M. Morning Mass Mon.— Sat. ……………..8:30 A.M. MUSIC DIRECTOR Carole Prendergast 708-423-8110 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Bernadine Smierciak — 708-422-1647 [email protected] Religious Education Classes for Public School Children, Gr. 1-8 YOUTH MINISTRY Tina O’Shea, Youth Minister —773-332-7553 SCHOOL Ted Morgan— Principal: [email protected] 3550 W. 103rd Street Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805 708-422-1540 FAX 422-1811 Website: www.qmschool.com EXTENDED CARE PROGRAM Amy Bauman, Coordinator — 708-423-8120 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Jennie Schmitt—708-252-0359 [email protected] SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Pre-marriage instructions required. Arrangements must be made by the engaged couple, in person, at the Rectory six months prior to the wedding. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY: For membership info or assistance call the Rectory. Confidentiality assured. MINISTRY OF CARE Jane Dunne, Coordinator — 708-499-9808 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL 10240 South St. Louis Open daily from 9:00 A.M. until 9:00 P.M. Registration of New Parishioners: Please register at the Rectory at your earliest opportunity. Moving: Please notify the Rectory of your departure or of a new address in the parish.
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