New Mexico Department of Transportation DISTRICT 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Reporting Period: January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014 Per the requirements of our NPDES Permit, NMDOT is posting this Draft 2014 Annual Report for public review and comment. The comment period is 30 days, 3/21/2015 and the comment period will end on ____________. If you have a comment, please e-mail it to: [email protected]. Prepared by: BOHANNAN HUSTON, INC. COURTYARD I 7500 JEFFERSON STREET NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87109 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NMDOT) – DISTRICT 1 EPA NPDES Permit #s: NMR04E005 & NMR04L005 Reporting Period: January 1, 2014- December 31, 2014 PHASE II Small MS4 2014 Annual Report General Information Contact Person: Trent Doolittle Title: District 1 Engineer Telephone#: 575-544-6621 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 2912 E. Pine Street, Deming, NM 88030 Certification: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature: Printed Name: Trent Doolittle Title: Date: District 1 Engineer Executive Summary This annual report has been prepared in compliance with the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s (NMDOT) permitting requirements for Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) permit. The NMDOT District 1 office is currently permitted under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Nos. NMR04E005 (El Paso Urbanized Area) & NMR04L005 (Las Cruces Urbanized Area). To monitor progress of the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP), the permit requires permittees to conduct an annual evaluation and submit the results to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, in the form of an Annual Report. The tables in this report summarize the SWMP minimum control measures and include an assessment of the best management practices (BMPs), a summary of the progress made for the measurable goals for each of the BMPs, and planned activities for the BMPs. The NMDOT has advanced the SWMP minimum control measures this year. Noteworthy milestones and achievements during the past year include: • • • • • • • • Placed illicit discharge and water quality pamphlets/posters at the District 1 office, Las Cruces Solano Complex, as well as, at the Anthony Welcome Center. Added the 2013 Annual Report and Phase II MS4 Permit to the District 1 website to allow public access. This Annual Report for 2014 will also be added to the website. Followed a written policy and documentation procedure for NPDES compliance for District 1 construction projects. Continued employee education, including key personnel participation in the Stormwater Qualified Person training and EPA hosted Post-Construction workshop. Updated the Geographic Information System (GIS) maps of the urbanized areas to include the existing drainage culverts (Appendix 7). Completed an in-depth program assessment meeting with key personnel during the Annual Report evaluation, which included discussion of ideas for advancing the SWMP activities. Established a two-year water quality on-call contract which allows contracting with two engineering consultants to assist the District with MS4 compliance. Finalized contract to revise the NMDOT Drainage Manual to incorporate MS4 requirements. New Mexico Department of Transportation District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report EPA NPDES Permits: NMR04L005 & NMR04E005 Table of Contents NMDOT Certification Executive Summary Table of Contents List of Acronyms NMDOT District 1 - Summary of Minimum Control Measures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Public Education and Outreach Public Involvement and Participation Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment 6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping in Municipal Operations Appendix 1 – Public Education and Outreach Supporting Documents Appendix 1A – 2014 Training Documentation Appendix 1B – Toss No Mas Documentation Appendix 1C – 2014 Local Outreach Documentation Appendix 2 – Public Involvement and Participation Supporting Documents Appendix 2A – 2014 Public Meeting Documentation Appendix 2B – 2014 Adopt a Highway Documentation Appendix 2C – 2014 Litter Pickup Documentation Appendix 3 – Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Supporting Documents Appendix 3A – 2014 Maintenance and Inspection Documentation Appendix 3C – IDDE Pamphlet Documentation Appendix 4 – Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Supporting Documents Appendix 4A – 2014 Construction Project Documentation 1 5 8 13 18 23 Appendix 6 – Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping in Municipal Operations Supporting Documents Appendix 6C – 2014 Good Housekeeping Documentation Appendix 7 – Urbanized Areas Maps LIST OF ACRONYMS AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACNM Associated Contractors of New Mexico ADE Assistant District Engineer AMAFCA Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority BMP Best Management Practice CGP Construction General Permit CWA Clean Water Act D1 District 1, New Mexico Department of Transportation EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTE Full Time Employee GI Green Infrastructure GIS Geographic Information System IDDE Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination LID Low Impact Development MCM Minimum Control Measure MI Mile MM Mile Marker MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System NOI Notice of Intent NOT Notice of Termination NMDOT New Mexico Department of Transportation NMSHTD New Mexico State Highway Transportation Department, previous acronym used for the NMDOT NMENV New Mexico Environment Department NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration RFP Request for Proposal sMS4 Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System SWMP Stormwater Management Program SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan UA Urbanized Area P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-3 Draft Final List of Acronyms.docx NMDOT District 1 - Summary of Minimum Control Measures NMDOT District 1 is permitted under the small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (sMS4) permit, under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Tracking Number NMR04L005 (Las Cruces Urbanized Area - UA) and NMR04E005 (El Paso UA). The sMS4 permittees are often also referred to as Phase II permittees. This Annual Report serves as a summary indicating the status of compliance with permit conditions, an assessment of the best management practices (BMPs), an assessment of 2014 annual progress towards achieving the measurable goals for each of the BMPs and minimum control measures (MCM). 1. Public Education and Outreach The goal of the public education and outreach MCM is to implement a public education program to distribute educational materials to the community, and/or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impact of stormwater discharges on waterbodies and the steps that the public can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The objective of MCM #1 is to encourage people to change their behavior in ways that reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The Phase II permit defines the NMDOT target audience (Permit Section for public education and outreach as the community working on or served by the transportation network within the MS4 including employees, contractors, and the general public. The NMDOT District 1 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) implemented the following BMPs for the public education and outreach MCM. A summary of the assessment of the BMPs is included in the following tables. Appendix 1 contains the supporting documentation associated with the BMPs for this MCM. BMP ID # 1A BMP Description Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training Workshop Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT Construction Bureau Measurable Goal(s) The ACNM conducts the training workshops twice a year. NMDOT staff trained annually. Progress on Goal(s) NMDOT District 1 continued to educate and train its employees related to Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Construction General Permit (CGP), and water quality. Appendix 1A has a list of the NMDOT District 1 employees who have completed the ACNM - Stormwater Qualified Person training and the NMDOT Roadside Revegetation training in 2014. Personnel from NMDOT Drainage Design Bureau completed th several trainings as well as attended the EPA 16 Annual Region 6 Stormwater Conference in 2014. Appendix 1A has a list of the 2014 NMDOT Drainage Design Bureau training and conference attendance. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx Planned Activities Continue ACNM training or an equivalent training class for NMDOT employees. NMDOT is continuing its search for a new CGP training class for construction and maintenance personnel. 1 BMP ID # Revised 1/2015 BMP Description Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT District 1 Office Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) Planned Activities The Associated Contractors of New Mexico (ACNM) conducts the Stormwater Qualified Person training workshops twice a year. NMDOT District 1 staff is trained annually, as needed. This training is good for 4 years according to the certification cards issued by ACNM. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 2 BMP ID # 1B BMP Description Toss No Mas – NMDOT’s “throw no more” program has been a very successful anti-litter campaign. Pamphlets asking motorists not to throw litter on highways are available at the State Fair during September and throughout the year at the General office in Santa Fe. Responsible Dept./Person Name NM Clean and Beautiful Council, under the Department of Tourism with support from NMDOT General Office Public Relations Department Measurable Goal(s) The ongoing campaign provides the public with antilitter bumper stickers, leaflet information, and children’s coloring books throughout the year and specifically at the New Mexico State Fair in September of every year where many people are exposed to the Department’s booth at the State Fair. Progress on Goal(s) The NMDOT continues to partner with “New Mexico – Clean and Beautiful” and continues to coordinate the Adopt-aHighway program throughout the state. These two programs help educate the general public. Toss No Mas Internet Links: Radio spot - You-tube video Planned Activities Continue to partner with “New Mexico – Clean and Beautiful” and continue to coordinate the Adopt-a-Highway program throughout the state. Supporting documentation provided in Appendix 1B. Revised P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 3 BMP ID # 1C Revised 2/2014 Revised 1/2015 BMP Description Local Agency pamphlets – The MS4 entities are to provide pamphlets regarding waste disposal, littering, and dumping to storm sewer system. Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT District 1 Office Measurable Goal(s) List of persons or agencies requesting information. Number of pamphlets distributed. Progress on Goal(s) Pamphlets have been made available at the District 1 office, Las Cruces Solano Complex, and all patrols within Dona Ana County. Information related to water quality has been posted at the NMDOT Anthony Welcome Center as a public education and outreach activity targeting the general public audience. In addition, water quality posters have been posted at the District 1 office and the Las Cruces Solano Complex. Supporting documentation related to the brochures and posters is provided in Appendix 1C. Two new IDDE pamphlets were developed along with an online IDDE brochure and an online Illicit Discharge Report Form (Feb. 2014). Record the number of pamphlets picked up. Pamphlets will be stocked and made available to the public in numerous locations covering both the Las Cruces UA and the El Paso/Anthony UA. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx Planned Activities Pamphlets will continue to be available at front desk of District 1 offices in Anthony and Las Cruces. Water quality information will continue to be posted at the NMDOT Anthony Welcome Center. NMDOT/District 1 will continue to look for partnerships with local governments adjacent to NMDOT roadways for litter control education programs. This will be pursued with respect to the draft Statewide MS4 Permit for the Las Cruces and El Paso UAs, expected to be issued in draft form by EPA in 2015. 4 2. Public Involvement and Participation Public involvement and participation solicits valuable input from the community regarding stormwater management issues and provides the opportunity for interested stakeholders to become actively involved in program implementation. The objective of MCM #2 is to develop community involvement and opportunities for the public to participate in stormwater program development and activities. The permit requirements include developing and implementing a plan to encourage public involvement and participation in the development and implementation of the SWMP; developing and implementing a process by which public comments to the SWMP and Annual Reports are received and reviewed by the person(s) responsible for the SWMP; and making the Notice of Intent (NOI), SWMP and Annual Reports available to the public and to the operator of any MS4 or Tribal authority receiving discharges from the small MS4. Appendix 2 contains the supporting documentation associated with the BMPs for this MCM. Last year’s Annual Report (January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013) as well as the NPDES Permit for sMS4s is available online at: This 2014 Annual Report (January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014) was placed on the NMDOT D1 website to allow public review and comments for 30-days, in accordance with the NPDES Phase II permit requirements. BMP ID # 2A BMP Description Public Meetings During Design Phase – The Department design teams and consultant designers conduct public meetings for each project. In the public meeting, all issues of design, including NPDES, minimizing environmental impacts, protecting the habitat and waterways, are open for public input and discussion. Public participation continues to be of great importance to NMDOT’s design consideration. Responsible Dept./Person Name District Technical Services Engineer, NMDOT Drainage Section Measurable Goal(s) The Department conducts public meetings on each project during the design stage. This ongoing policy will be maintained to avail the public of all information during design. Progress on Goal(s) Public Meetings are required for NMDOT projects per Federal Regulations. NMDOT has met the goal of the addition of NMDOT MS4 Engineer (1 FTE). In 2013, NMDOT produced new MS4 slides for inclusion in project public meetings. See Appendix 2A for a copy/example of these slides. No public meetings were held in 2014 in the Las Cruces or El Paso UAs. Planned Activities Continue to include the MS4 slides in project public meetings. Continue to compile an annual list of projects with public meetings. District 1 plans to include water quality discussion and make pamphlets available at pre-construction meetings in 2015. Addition of NMDOT MS4 Engineer (1 FTE). P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 5 BMP ID # BMP Description Revised 1/2015 2B Revised 2/2014 Responsible Dept./Person Name Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) Planned Activities In addition, NMDOT District 1 Office beginning in 2015. Adopt a Highway – The Department Districts encourage entities to adopt a section of the highway and clean that segment periodically. The program has resulted in many cleanups of New Mexico highways. NMDOT District 1 Office The Department Districts continue to offer this program to individuals, private businesses, city entities, and other government agencies. 15.8 road miles in El Paso, 63.0 road miles in Las Cruces Adopt-a-Highway annual documentation is included in Appendix 2B. In 2014, 279 volunteers participated in the Adopt-a-Highway program with NMDOT District 1. Of these volunteers, 136 were within the UAs. A total of 399 bags of trash were collected (approx. 10 tons). Specific to the UAs, 132 bags of trash were collected (approx. 3.3 tons). P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx Continue to compile a list of volunteers and collected trash through the Adopt-a-Highway public involvement program in MS4 area. 6 BMP ID # 2C BMP Description Litter Pickup and Disposal – NMDOT has routine maintenance contracts for litter pickup and disposal; the Department has a cooperative agreement with the Corrections Department that enable the inmates to pick up highway litters. Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT District 1 Office Revised 2/2014 2D Community Service – NMDOT has a program allowing for litter pickup on the highways through people performing community service. NMDOT District 1 Office Measurable Goal(s) This program is on a contract basis and it is routinely performed. All NMDOT roads in the MS4 areas get litter pickup a minimum of once per year. This program is ongoing and is based on availability. Progress on Goal(s) Planned Activities 2014 litter pickup documentation is included in Appendix 2C. Through this program, 764 roadway miles were cleaned in District 1, with 484 miles cleaned within the UAs. Continue litter pickup activities and annual recordkeeping/reporting. This program has been discontinued and all litter pickup is by Corrections Department (Item 2C) or Adopt-a-Highway (Item 2B). Discontinued. No additional activities planned for this BMP. All litter pickup is by the Corrections Department (Item 2C) or Adopt-aHighway (Item 2B). Revised P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 7 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The MS4 Phase II Permit definition for an “illicit discharge” to an MS4 under the NPDES program is any discharge “that is not composed entirely of stormwater,” with a few exceptions. Sources of illicit discharges in MS4s can include sanitary sewer overflows from either sewer pipes or septic systems; wash water flows from such activities as commercial carwash wastewater, laundry wastewater, or shop drains; and liquid wastes such as oil, paint, automotive maintenance fluids, and household chemicals. Illicit discharges can be from direct entry, such as a sewer pipe improperly connected to a storm drain system, or indirect entry from flows that enter storm drain inlets or infiltrate into storm drain systems. Indirect entry can occur through illegally dumping liquids, accidental spills, landscape runoff, or outdoor washing activities. For NMDOT, the following activities are examples of potential illicit discharges: illegal dumping, illegal connections, accidental spills, road maintenance, and dumped trash and debris. The objective of MCM #3 is to prevent, find, and eliminate sources of illicit discharges to the MS4. BMP ID # 3A BMP Description Detection and Elimination of Illicit Discharge The Department is dedicated to stop storm drainage systems from conveying runoff from areas outside of the right-of-way with illicit discharges to the system; NMDOT will detect and eliminate illicit discharges by having the following procedures: • Periodic culvert inspections • A utility permit process for storm drain connections • Coordination with municipalities and other regulatory agencies Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT District 1 Office Measurable Goal(s) The Department will perform periodic inspections and comply with established permits in place. Progress on Goal(s) Records & results for 2014 are included in Appendix 3A and include the following information: - Drainage Structure Cleaning Record - Vactor Truck Cleaning Record - Erosion Repair Record - Records of Utility Permits Issued Culverts and drainage structures in the MS4 areas were visually inspected in 2014. Federal policy (23 CFR 650C m) requires NMDOT to conduct National Bridge Inspections, which include roadway drainage crossing structures greater than 20 feet in span length. These inspections occur at regular intervals, not to exceed 2 years. NMDOT follows the “AASHTO Guide Manual for Bridge Element Inspection” and the “Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the nation’s Bridges”, FHWA-PD-96-001. Planned Activities Continue conducting and reporting of culvert/drainage structure cleaning, repair, and inspections. Continue to require Utility Permit applications and report annually on the Utility Permits issued. No illicit discharges were discovered or reported in 2014 in the UAs. In 2013, two new IDDE pamphlets were developed along with an online IDDE brochure (a copy is provided in Appendix 3C) and an online Illicit Discharge Report Form (Feb. 2014). -Discharge-Brochure-and-Form.pdf No reports were received in 2014 through the online NMDOT Illicit Discharge Report Form. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 8 BMP ID # BMP Description Responsible Dept./Person Name Revised 2/2014 Revised 1/2015 3B NPDES Manual, – Appendix 6c of this Manual lists the spill reporting protocol mandated by the EPA. Phone numbers are listed for contact personnel in case of illicit discharge. District Office Measurable Goal(s) Visual inspection of all culverts and drainage structures in the MS4 areas. Visual inspections occur after large rainfall events and as needed. Patrols travel roads once per week and track visual inspections in a maintenance diary. Federal Policy is followed for Bridge Inspections. The Department offers the Manual to the public and government agencies for use and is available online. The phone numbers will be updated online periodically. Progress on Goal(s) The Manual is available online to the public all year. ESM.pdf During the Annual Report review, the spill reporting phone numbers were checked in the NPDES Manual, and they are current. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx Planned Activities Continue to make the most current version of the NPDES Manual available online. 9 BMP ID # BMP Description Revised 1/2015 In Revision 2, August 2012 of the NPDES Manual, the spill reporting references have changed. The following sections have references to spill reporting: Sec. I.B.2.d (p. 8), Sec. I.D.2.g.(F) (p.35), Sec. II.B.2.d (p. 51) and Appendix A5 (p.A5-9). Use of the MS4 entity Handouts for Illicit Discharge – The MS4 entities are to provide pamphlets regarding illicit discharge. 3C Responsible Dept./Person Name Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) Planned Activities NMDOT Drainage Section District Office List of persons or agencies requesting information. Number of pamphlets distributed. Pamphlets have been made available at the District 1 office, Las Cruces Solano Complex, and all patrols within Dona Ana County. Information related to water quality has been posted at the NMDOT Anthony Welcome Center as a public education and outreach activity targeting the general public audience. In addition, water quality posters have been posted at the District 1 office and the Las Cruces Solano Complex. Pamphlets will be made available at District 1 office, the Las Cruces Solano Complex, and online. Supporting documentation related to the brochures and posters is provided in Appendix 1C. An online pamphlet is also available. -Discharge-Brochure-and-Form.pdf. A copy of this is provided in Appendix 3C. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 10 BMP ID # BMP Description Revised 1/2015 3D Maintenance of Culverts, Drop Inlets, and Other Drainage Structures – The District offices have patrol yards that have equipment to clean drainage structures periodically. One of the main functions of the patrol yard personnel is to inspect, clean, and maintain the drop inlets, culverts, sediment ponds, etc. Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT Drainage Section (develop and update brochure) and NMDOT District 1 Office (provide and stock brochures) District Office Measurable Goal(s) The District patrol yards maintain, inspect, and clean all drainage structures periodically. Progress on Goal(s) Records & results for 2014 drainage structure cleaning and maintenance are included in Appendix 3A. Culverts and drainage structures in the Las Cruces and El Paso UAs were inspected in 2014 – refer to Section 3A. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx Planned Activities Continue periodic culvert inspections, cleaning, repair and annual reporting. 11 Revised 1/2015 NMDOT District 1 Office The District patrol yards inspect culverts and drainage structures after large storm events and as needed. Maintenance and cleaning are performed as needed. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 12 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Stormwater runoff from construction sites is a significant contributor to surface water degradation, both in terms of sedimentation and pollutants. The objective of MCM #4 is to reduce pollutants that flow into the MS4 from construction activities that disturb one acre or more of soil or that are part of a common plan of development that disturbs one acre or more of soil. The construction contractors, as well as the NMDOT, are responsible for following the requirements in the Construction General Permit (CGP). The Phase II Permit requirements are in addition to the CGP requirements. BMP ID # 4A Revised 1/2015 BMP Description Drainage Manual, Volume 1, Hydrology, – The Manual is used for drainage design of culverts. With its continuing use, the Department ensures that the methodologies used to calculate runoff are sound and represent the different climatic regions of New Mexico. Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT Drainage Section Measurable Goal(s) The Department will continue to comply with the Manual in designing drainage systems. Progress on Goal(s) NMDOT projects located within an MS4 with drainage design elements are checked by a NMDOT MS4 Engineer. District 1 has a review procedure and tracking system for all NOI/NOTs. See Appendix 4A for a copy of this written policy and a list of NOI/NOT submissions in 2014. NMDOT Drainage Section has received funding for updating the Drainage Design Manual. The contract for this work was awarded in 2014. Planned Activities Continue project plan checking and compiling an annual list of projects reviewed as well as NOIs/NOTs related to MS4 permit and CGP requirements. Continue project to update Drainage Design Manual. NMDOT Drainage Section (Drainage Design Manual update) and District 1 Construction Department (tracking of NOIs/NOTs). P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 13 BMP ID # 4B BMP Description Drainage Manual, Volume II, Hydraulics, Sedimentation and Erosion, – The Department utilizes the Manual for hydraulic design of culverts and erosion control. There are design guidelines for various tools used in erosion control, such as riprap design, sediment transport, outlet protection, channel lining, and vegetation. Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT Drainage Section Measurable Goal(s) To comply with the Manual and update based on new technologies and information. Progress on Goal(s) NMDOT projects located within an MS4 with drainage design elements are checked by a NMDOT MS4 Engineer. Planned Activities Continue project to update Drainage Design Manual. NMDOT Drainage Section has received funding for updating the Drainage Design Manual. The contract for this work was awarded in 2014. Revised P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 14 BMP ID # 4C BMP Description NPDES Manual, This recently finished Manual was a collaboration of extensive work among NMDOT, the City of Albuquerque, and Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority (AMAFCA). It is a guide on how to prepare a SWPPP and what BMPs to use for runoff control during construction, and it serves as a guide to fill out NOI forms for construction and industrial activities. NPDES regulatory summary and requirements regarding MS4s are part of the Manual, informing the users of the nature of compliance with rules and regulations regarding NPDES. Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT Drainage Section Measurable Goal(s) To use the Manual for all State construction projects and to provide the document online for use by other government agencies and private entities by January 2004. Progress on Goal(s) Manual in use by multiple regional governments. Manual was last updated (Revision 2) in August 2012. This update included new Construction General Permit requirements, LID/GI measures & BMPs. /NPDESM.pdf Planned Activities NMDOT will update the NPDES Manual based on the new requirements in the Middle Rio Grande Watershed Based Permit, issued December 22, 2014 in the Federal Register. . P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx A sub-consultant contract for this task is planned for 2015 to update the NPDES Manual. 15 BMP ID # BMP Description Responsible Dept./Person Name Revised 1/2015 4D Revised 1/2015 NPDES Phase II Information Document – The Department will develop an Information Document for all MS4 entities. This Document will outline the phase II requirements that pertain to MS4 entities. NMDOT Drainage Section Measurable Goal(s) To use the Manual for all State construction projects and to provide the document online for use by other government agencies and private entities. http://dot.state.n m/nmdot/Infrastr ucture/NPDESM .pdf The Information Document will be available on NMDOT website by January 2004. Progress on Goal(s) This information is included in the NPDES Manual, and is available online. /NPDESM.pdf Planned Activities NMDOT will update the NPDES Manual based on the new requirements in the Middle Rio Grande Watershed Based Permit, issued December 22, 2014. Available on NMDOT website by January 2014. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 16 BMP ID # 4E BMP Description Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training Workshop Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT Construction Bureau Measurable Goal(s) The ACNM conducts the training workshops twice a year. NMDOT staff trained annually. Progress on Goal(s) NMDOT District 1 continued to educate and train its employees related to SWPPP, CGP, and water quality. Appendix 1A has a list of the NMDOT District 1 employees who have completed the ACNM Stormwater Qualified Person training in 2014. Personnel from NMDOT Drainage Section completed th several trainings as well as the EPA 16 Annual Region 6 Stormwater Conference in 2014. Planned Activities Continue ACNM training or an equivalent training class for NMDOT employees. NMDOT is continuing its search for a new CGP training class for construction and maintenance personnel. Appendix 1A has a list of the 2014 NMDOT Drainage Section training and conference attendance. Revised 1/2015 NMDOT District 1 and NMDOT Drainage Section P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 17 5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment Research funded by the EPA has shown that the post-construction change in land use is a significant contributor to degradation of surface water quality. Low impact site planning and grading and drainage design can be used to reduce the surface water quality impact of development. The objective of MCM #5 is to implement maintenance, planning and design practices for development and redevelopment that reduce the increase in stormwater runoff quantity, rate, and pollutant load under post-construction conditions. BMP ID # 5A BMP Description NMDOT’s Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction – Section 603 (Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control) of this book outlines the postdevelopment responsibilities regarding erosion control. Responsible Measurable Dept./Person Goal(s) Name NMDOT Drainage Section The Standards book is updated every few years and all the revisions are reflected in the most recent version. Progress on Goal(s) NMDOT has completed this BMP. NMDOT has updated the SWPPP Plan Sheet, which is a portion of Section 603. Specification 603: “Temporary Erosion And Sediment Control” has been revised and adopted. Planned Activities NMDOT is contemplating the development of an internal training program that will address postconstruction responsibilities. Revised P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 18 BMP ID # 5B Revised 1/2015 BMP Description Erosion Control Measures Revision Committee – This committee revises the standard specifications that pertain to erosion control and postdevelopment measures. The Department started this committee to include any new technologies that are used in erosion control and to edit the existing standards for the erosion control measures. Responsible Measurable Dept./Person Goal(s) Name NMDOT Construction Bureau/Drain age Section. The committee meets twice a year to document any changes in the standard specifications regarding erosion control measures and to prepare them for the most recent publication NMDOT Drainage Section The committee was disbanded once the standard specification update project was complete. The committee can be reconvened if needed for future projects. Progress on Goal(s) NMDOT has completed this BMP. All BMPs are listed in the NPDES Manual. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx Planned Activities NMDOT Drainage Section will continue to evaluate BMP effectiveness and make improvements as needed. 19 BMP ID # 5C BMP Description Responsible Measurable Dept./Person Goal(s) Name Maintenance NMDOT and Inspection District 1 of Erosion Office Control Measures – The District Office Patrol Yards inspect and maintain the erosion control measures in the post-construction phase after the contractor has finished construction. They ensure that vegetation reaches 70% of the preconstruction condition before applying for the NOT permit. The guidelines for inspections and maintenance are found in Section 603 of the NMSHTD’S Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction, latest edition. The BMPs are inspected after a rainfall of 1” or more a maximum of 24 hours after the rainfall. Progress on Goal(s) SWPPP inspection forms are included in NMDOT’s District 1 NPDES Policy (see Appendix 4A). Within the Las Cruces/El Paso UAs, there were no closed construction projects in 2014 within District 1 that maintenance patrols are performing post-construction inspection and maintenance. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx Planned Activities NMDOT District 1 will continue postconstruction inspections within the UAs. 20 BMP ID # BMP Description Responsible Measurable Dept./Person Goal(s) Name Revised 1/2015 5D Progress on Goal(s) Planned Activities The BMPs are inspected after a rainfall of 0.25” or more within 24 hours after the rainfall. This revision is in compliance with the 2012 CGP. Maintenance of NMDOT Culverts, Drop District 1 Inlets, and Office Other Drainage Structures – The District offices have patrol yards that have equipment to clean drainage structures periodically. One of the main functions of the patrol yard personnel is to inspect, clean, and maintain the drop inlets, culverts, sediment ponds, etc. The District patrol yards maintain, inspect, and clean the all drainage structures periodically. Records & results included in Appendix 3A. Culverts and drainage structures in the Las Cruces and El Paso UAs were inspected in 2014. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx Continue periodic culvert inspections, cleaning, repair and annual reporting. 21 BMP ID # Revised 1/2015 BMP Description Responsible Measurable Dept./Person Goal(s) Name Progress on Goal(s) Planned Activities The district patrol periodically inspects culverts and drainage structures. Maintenance and cleaning are performed as needed. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 22 6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping in Municipal Operations The amount and types of pollutants discharged into surface waters from a MS4 are highly variable and often difficult to discern in terms of source. Pollution prevention represents a cost-effective approach to stormwater quality management for MS4 operators who have the responsibility to reduce pollutants in their stormwater discharges. The objective of MCM #6 is to prevent or reduce discharges of pollutants from NMDOT operations and maintenance by incorporating pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices into operational and maintenance plans, policies, and procedures and through employee education and training. BMP ID # 6A Revised 1/2015 BMP Description NPDES Workshop The Department has an oversight contract with Huitt-Zollars to provide training workshop on NPDES. Once the contract is granted, Huitt-Zollars will prepare and conduct the workshop for NMDOT personnel. Huitt-Zollars is no longer under contract with NMDOT. NMDOT has several on-call water quality engineers that may help with developing training workshops on NPDES. Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT Drainage Section/ District 1 Office Measurable Goal(s) The workshop will be offered to all Districts and the General Office Personnel on the asneeded basis. Progress on Goal(s) No workshops were requested or conducted in 2014. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx Planned Activities NMDOT Drainage Section will continue to consider developing a NPDES workshop for NMDOT personnel. 23 BMP ID # 6B Revised 1/2015 BMP Description Oversight Contract for NPDES Compliance -The Department is in the process of approving an oversight contract to be used for inspecting erosion control measures and to give assistance to the District offices for NPDES compliance. The upcoming agreement with Huitt-Zollars will provide any necessary help the Districts need in regards to NPDES rules and erosion control measure inspection and documentation. Huitt-Zollars is no longer under contract with NMDOT. NMDOT has two oncall water quality engineers that are available to help district offices with regards to NPDES rules and erosion control measure inspection and documentation. Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT Drainage Section / District 1 Office Measurable Goal(s) The contract is for three years and its use is on an as-needed basis. Progress on Goal(s) In 2014, two on-call water quality engineers were selected through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Tasks have been issued on an as-needed basis for NPDES compliance. Planned Activities NMDOT Drainage Section and districts will continue to utilize their on-call water quality engineers on an asneeded basis for NPDES compliance. The on-call contract is for two years (through Oct. 2016) with Bohannan Huston, Inc. and CDM Smith Inc. and its use is on an as-needed basis. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 24 BMP ID # 6C BMP Description NPDES Manual, – NMDOT has completed a NPDES Manual to be used by all MS4s, State agencies, Local agencies, and private businesses. The Manual’s Appendix A3, entitled “Housekeeping Practices,” lists the following housekeeping measures: Responsible Dept./Person Name NMDOT Drainage Section Measurable Goal(s) The Manual will be available for public use on NMDOT website by January 2004. Progress on Goal(s) The NPDES Manual was updated in 2012. The NPDES Manual is available online to the public all year. ture/NPDESM.pdf NMDOT follows the Good Housekeeping practices at the District 1 patrols. District 1 conducts annual safety inspections of the yards, which includes many of the NPDES Good Housekeeping requirements. See Appendix 6C for Good Housekeeping information for District 1. Appendix 6C also includes 2014 yard inspections for District 1. Planned Activities Continue offering the NPDES Manual online to the NMDOT and the public. Continue conducting District 1 annual safety inspections of the yards. Continue an annual review of the Good Housekeeping practices as part of the Annual Report. * Sanitary Facilities * Equipment Maintenance * Protected Chemical and Materials Storage Areas * Spill Prevention Plan * Protection of Trees * Concrete Waste Management * Solid Waste Management * Hazardous Waste Management * Dust Control * Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Revised 1/2015 Available on NMDOT website in January 2014. P:\20150295\WR\Reports\Preliminary & Draft\D1 Annual Report\Draft Final Feb 2015\D1-4 Draft Final Annual Report 2014 Draft.docx 25 APPENDIX 1 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS APPENDIX 1A 2014 TRAINING DOCUMENTATION NMDOT – District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 1A – 2014 District 1 Training Documentation The following NMDOT District 1 employees attended Stormwater Qualified Person Training through Associated Contractors of New Mexico (ACNM) in 2014. NMDOT Employee Feliciano Bravo David D. Gonzales Santos Gonzales Gilbert Gutierrez Manuel Ibarra Erik Madrid Shelly May Leandro Montoya Joseph Paez Gene Paulk Ryan Tafoya Position/Title Civil Engineer Highway Maintenance Civil Engineer Tech. Highway Maintenance Civil Engineering Tech. Civil Engineering Tech. Civil Engineering Tech. Civil Engineer Supervisor Civil Engineering Tech. Civil Engineer Civil Engineering Tech. In addition, there are 23 District 1 employees who took this training between 2011 through 2013. This training is good for four years. These names and supporting data are available upon request. NMDOT conducted Roadside Revegetation Training, a Post-Construction training, on 2/21/14 for District 1. This training was given to all of the NMDOT Districts in 2014. A copy of this training presentation is included in this Appendix for reference. The following NMDOT District 1 employees attended the Roadside Revegetation Training: NMDOT Employee Roxann Jones Fred Urieta Vince Pena Jose Gonzales Jose R. Martinez Brian Torres Feliciano Bravo Mike Castillo Andrew Gonzales Benito Trevino Chris E. Holguin NMDOT Employee Margaret Baca Ryan Tafoya Gene Paulk Aaron Chavarria Shelly May Filiberto Castorena Nina Jones Harold Love Gabriel Garcia Tisha Lujan NMDOT – District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 1A – 2014 District 1 Training Documentation The following NMDOT District 1 employees attended the EPA, Region 6, Post-Construction Workshop on 12/1/14: NMDOT Employee Trent Doolittle Santos Gonzales Leandro Montoya Gene Paulk Position/Title District I Engineer Civil Engineer Tech. Civil Engineer Supervisor Civil Engineer The following NMDOT Drainage Design Bureau employees attended the EPA, Region 6, PostConstruction Workshop on 12/4/14: NMDOT Employee Teb Barber Hashem Faidi Steven Morgenstern Position/Title Drainage Design Manager Civil Engineer Civil Engineer NMDOT - District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 1A - 2014 Training Documentation for NMDOT Drainage Section NMDOT Training Documentation - 2014 Location Duration (Hour) 2/12/2014 General Office Training Room 1 6/19/2014 General Office Training Room 1.5 Date(s) 7/27/2014 Fort Worth, TX 7/28/2014-8/1/2014 Fort Worth, TX 9/9/2014-9/10/2014 General Office Training Room Los Alamos National 9/30/2014-10/1/2014 Lab Subject Introduction to RUSLE 2Webinar Trainer/Sponsor NMDOT Attendees EPA Hashem Faidi, Ted Barber, and Steven Morgenstern EPA NPDES ConstructionWebinar EPA Hashem Faidi, Ted Barber, and Steven Morgenstern 8 Training for Certified Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Specialist EnviroCert International Hashem Faidi, Ted Barber, and Steven Morgenstern 36 EPA 16th Annual EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference EPA Hashem Faidi, Ted Barber, and Steven Morgenstern 16 Using RUSLE 2 on Construction Sites Hashem Faidi, Ted Barber, Steven Terry Troy and David Morgenstern, David X. Trujillo, Nicole Friedt and Manuelito Maestas T. Lightle 16 Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control CISEC, Inc. Timothy Zimmerly and Terrill Lemke Hashem Faidi, Ted Barber, and Steven Morgenstern Page 3 of 3 Appendix 1A EPA Post-Construction Region 6 Workshops New Mexico Las Cruces/El Paso Farmington Urbanized Area Workshop Date: December 1, 2014 Time: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm >ŽĐĂƟŽŶ͗ŽŹĂŶĂ Government Center 845 N. Motel Blvd. Las Cruces, NM 88007 Urbanized Area Workshop Date: December 3, 2014 Time: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm >ŽĐĂƟŽŶ͗^ĂŶ:ƵĂŶŽƵŶƚLJ Commission Chambers ϭϬϬ^ŽƵƚŚKůŝǀĞƌƌŝǀĞ Aztec, NM 87410 Albuquerque Urbanized Area Workshop Date: December 4, 2014 Time: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm >ŽĐĂƟŽŶ͗ŝƚLJŽĨ ůďƵƋƵĞƌƋƵĞŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶ Center, Taos Room ϰϬϭϮŶĚ^ƚEt Albuquerque, NM 87102 WŝƐŝŶǀŝƟŶŐLJŽƵƚŽƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂƚĞŝŶŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞƚŚƌĞĞƉŽƐƚͲĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶƐƚŽƌŵǁĂƚĞƌǁŽƌŬƐŚŽƉƐ ďĞŝŶŐŚĞůĚŝŶ>ĂƐƌƵĐĞƐ͕njƚĞĐ͕ĂŶĚůďƵƋƵĞƌƋƵĞ͕ED͕ĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞĚĂƚĞƐĂŶĚůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐůŝƐƚĞĚ ĂďŽǀĞ͘/ŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚĂƟŽŶŽĨ'ƌĞĞŶ/ŶĨƌĂƐƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞĂŶĚ>Žǁ/ŵƉĂĐƚĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚƉƌĂĐƟĐĞƐĂƌĞĂŶ ŝŵƉŽƌƚĂŶƚƚŽŽůĨŽƌƉƌŽƚĞĐƟŶŐǁĂƚĞƌƋƵĂůŝƚLJĂŶĚƵƐĞĨƵůŝŶŵĞĞƟŶŐƉŽƐƚͲĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶƌƵŶŽīĐŽŶƚƌŽů ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐŝŶD^ϰƉĞƌŵŝƚƐĂĐƌŽƐƐƚŚĞĐŽƵŶƚƌLJ͘ dŚĞŐŽĂůŽĨƚŚĞǁŽƌŬƐŚŽƉƐŝƐƚŽĞĚƵĐĂƚĞŵƵŶŝĐŝƉĂůƐƚĂīĂŶĚĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌƐŽŶŚŽǁƚŽĚĞƐŝŐŶƐŝƚĞƐƚŽ ŵŝŵŝĐƉƌĞĚĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶƐ͘dŚĞǁŽƌŬƐŚŽƉƐǁŝůůŝŶĐůƵĚĞĐĂƐĞƐƚƵĚŝĞƐŽĨƉƌŽũĞĐƚƐƚŚĂƚŚĂǀĞ ŝŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚĞĚƐƚŽƌŵǁĂƚĞƌĐŽŶƚƌŽůƐŝŶĂƌŝĚĂŶĚƐĞŵŝͲĂƌŝĚĂƌĞĂƐ͘dŚĞǁŽƌŬƐŚŽƉƐǁŝůůĂůƐŽƉƌĞƐĞŶƚ ƚŚĞĂŶĂůLJƐŝƐĐĂƌƌŝĞĚŽƵƚŝŶĂDŝĚĚůĞZŝŽ'ƌĂŶĚĞWƌĞĚĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ,LJĚƌŽůŽŐLJ^ƚƵĚLJ͘^ĞĞĂĚĚŝƟŽŶĂů ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶŽŶƚŚŝƐƐƚƵĚLJĂƚ ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬĞƉĂ͘ŐŽǀͬƌĞŐŝŽŶϲͬǁĂƚĞƌͬŶƉĚĞƐͬƐǁͬŵƐϰͬŶĨƐͺĂůďƵƋƵĞƌƋƵĞͺƌĞƉŽƌƚͺĂƉƌŝůϮϬϭϰͺǀϮ͘ƉĚĨ dŚĞǁŽƌŬƐŚŽƉƐĂƌĞŽƉĞŶƚŽD^ϰƐ͕ĚĞǀĞůŽƉĞƌƐ͕^ƚĂƚĞĂŶĚ&ĞĚĞƌĂůƌĞŐƵůĂƚŽƌƐ͕ĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌƐƚŽƌŵǁĂƚĞƌ ƉƌĂĐƟƟŽŶĞƌƐŝŶǀŽůǀĞĚǁŝƚŚƚŚĞŵƵŶŝĐŝƉĂůƐƚŽƌŵǁĂƚĞƌƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ͘dŚĞǁŽƌŬƐŚŽƉƐǁŝůůďĞĂƚŶŽĐŽƐƚ͕ ďƵƚĚƵĞƚŽůŝŵŝƚĞĚƐƉĂĐĞ͕ĂƩĞŶĚĞĞƐŶĞĞĚƚŽƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌƵƐŝŶŐƚŚĞĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐǁĞďƐŝƚĞ͗ ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬǁĂƚĞƌ͘ĞƉĂ͘ŐŽǀͬƉŽůǁĂƐƚĞͬŶƉĚĞƐͬEW^ͲdƌĂŝŶŝŶŐͲŽƵƌƐĞƐͲĂŶĚͲtŽƌŬƐŚŽƉƐ͘ĐĨŵ MUNICIPAL STORMWATER PROGRAM &ŽƌĂĚĚŝƟŽŶĂůŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚEĞůůLJ^ŵŝƚŚ;WZϲD^ϰŽŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŽƌͿ ĂƚϮϭϰͲϲϲϱͲϳϭϬϵŽƌǀŝĂĞͲŵĂŝůĂƚƐŵŝƚŚ͘ŶĞůůLJΛĞƉĂ͘ŐŽǀ Appendix 1A US54NorthofCorona 1 DirectoryofSlides Title Directoryofslides Revegetationdefinition Legalrequirements SampleNOT Revegetationbenefits Designsteps NRCSmaps Sampleplansheet Whatplantsneedtogrow Workrequirements Equipmentneeded Materialsneeded Timeframe MandatoryPreǦseedingconference Measuring Calculatingquantities TypicalSubmittals TypicalCertifications RequiredInformationonCertifications Class‘A’(drillseeding)Sequence&Video 22.Class‘A’readytostart 23.Class‘A’rippingthesoil 24. Class‘A’disking 25. Class‘A’compostspreader 26.Class‘A’drillseeding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 27.Class‘A’strawblowingandcrimping 28.Class‘A’tackifierapplication 29.Class‘A’StraussRoadimage 30. Class‘A’StraussRoadimage 31. Class‘A’US82Hopeimage 32. Class‘A’IǦ10MotelBlvdLasCrucesimage 33. Class‘A’NM128Jal image 34.Class‘C’(hydroseeding)Sequence&Video 35. BondedFiberMatrixinstallationimages 36. AmericanSocietyforTesting&Materials(ASTM) 37.Rockslinger 38.Rockmulchinplaceoverhydroseed andmulch 39.SpecialChallenges 40.TopTenProblems 41.Samplecompostandweedfreehaycerts 42. Samplestrawbaleandseedcerts 43. Samplingstrawbalesformoisturecontent 44Ǧ47.2014632Specifications 48. TypicalNM15RoadsideEnvironment 49.Ǧ55.ConstructionGuide 56.AverageBidUnitPriceTrend 57.Contactinformation 58.Revegetated RoadsideNM15image 59.Questions,Quiz,Evaluation 2 Whatisrevegetation? y ReplantingofdisturbedareasinourrightǦofǦway (ROW)throughseeding y Disturbanceisusuallyfrom construction,mayalsobecausedby utilityinstallation,naturalerosion, fire,orotherevents Bluegramagrass 3 Legalrequirements y RequirementoftheUSCleanWaterActwhichis y y y y administeredbytheUSEnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA) RequiresustohaveaStormWaterPollutionPrevention Plan(SWPPP)underourConstructionGeneralPermit RevegetationispartoftheSWPPPplanprovidedbythe contractorwithinformationprovidedbyNMDOT. Requirementisthatthepercentofvegetativecover followingrevegetationmustequal70%ofadjacent undisturbed. OncecompletewecangetaNoticeofTermination(NOT) ontheprojectandtheprojectisclosedout 4 NoticeofTermination(NOT) 5 RevegetationBenefits y LesserosioninourROW y Lesssiltcloggingourculverts,CBC’s,downstream y y y y waterways Fewerdustevents,saferforthetravelingpublic Betterroadsideappearance Reducedmaintenance Carbonsequestrationinplant materials Fourwingsaltbush 6 DesignSteps… y Analyzeslopestodeterminetheclassofseeding y Investigatesoiltypetoseeifthereareproblemsoils needingspecialtreatmentorfertilizers y CheckNRCSvegetationchartforbase seedmix y Customizemixfromfieldobservation y Addressanyothersiteissuessuchas steepslopes,runǦoffchannels,etc. 7 SoilMaps PlantZones NaturalResourceConservationService(NRCS) 8 TypicalRevegetationPlan 9 Whatplantsneedtogrow… y Improvedsoil(compost,mycorrhiza) y Nativeseedplantedatthecorrect y y y y depth(1to2”) Mulch(straw,rock) Correcttemperatures(over50Fat night) Moisture(rainorsnow) Sunlight 10 Workrequirements y Licensedrevegetationsubcontractors y Trainedequipmentoperatorsandfieldlaborers y Understandthescopeofwork,acreagetobeseeded y Approvedsubmittalsandcertifications y Equipmentingoodworkingcondition y CommunicationwithNMDOTProjectManagers y Timetablewithintheoverallprojectschedule y Inspectoronjobentiretimecontractorisworking 11 Withwhatequipment? y Tractorwithripperteeth,diskattachment y Frontendloader y Skidsteer y Compostspreader y Drillseeder y Strawblower y Hydroseeder y Rockslinger 12 Andwhatmaterials? y Compostmulch y Strawmulch y Rockmulch y Amendments y Seed y Tackifier y Woodfibermulchorbonded fibermatrix 13 Whendowedoit? y Attheendoftheproject y Whentheslopesareready y Whengroundisnotfrozen y WhenNMDOTproject managementandinspectors areavailable Apacheplume 14 MandatoryPreͲseedingconference y Projectmanager y Primecontractorrep. y Inspector y Revegetationcontractor y Landscapearchitect y Reviewfieldconditions y Reviewsubmittals y Inspectequipment y ReviewcertificationsWesternwheatgrass 15 Measuring 16 ExamplesofCalculatingClass‘A’MaterialQuantities Compostmulch 1. NumberofClass‘A’acresX 134cubicyardscompostperacre=totalcubicyardscompostmulch 2. Amendments NumberofClass‘A’acresX 15lbsmycorrhiza peracre=totallbsmycorrhiza onproject 3. Seed 4. Strawmulch 5. Tackifier NumberofClass‘A’acresXlbspureliveseed(PLS)peracre=totallbsseedneeded NumberofClass‘A’acresX2tons(4,000lbs)strawperacre=totallbsstrawneeded NumberofClass‘A’acresX200lbsMǦbinderperacre=totallbstackifierneeded Problem:A5acreClass‘A’projectwouldrequirehowmuchofeachoftheabove? _________compost,_________mycorrhiza,___________seed,___________straw,________tackifer 17 TypicalSubmittals:mustbeapprovedbyus before projectbegins y Temporarysoilstabilant(tackifier) y Compostmulch y Seed y Amendments(fertilizerandor mycorrhiza) y Strawmulch y Tackifier y Bondedfibermatrix(BFM) y Rockmulch MountainBrome 18 Typicalcertifications:volumesorweights approvedbyusduring constructionprocess y Temporarysoilstabilant(tackifier) y Compostmulch y Mycorrhiza andfertilizer y Seed y Strawmulch y Tackifier y Bondedfibermatrix y RockMulch 19 Certifications y Mustbeinkedoriginals y Mustnotbesplitloads y Mustindicateprojectcontrolnumberandlocation y Mustindicatecorrectdayanddate WesternWheatgrass 20 Class‘A’(drillSeeding)Sequence y Measureareastobeseeded(bycontractor,withGPS) y Forareaslessthan3:1inslope(cangouptoslopes2.5:1,is y y y y y y about5XaseffectiveasClassCseeding) Disk1”compostmulchinto top4”ofsoil Diskmycorrhiza (amendment) into4”ofsoil RemoveoverǦsizerocks(larger than4”) Drillseed Crimpstraw Applytackifier 21 Readyforrevegetation Whatclasswouldbeusedhere? 22 RippingSoil 23 Disking 24 Compostspreaders 25 Drillseeding 26 Strawblowerandmechanicalcrimper 27 TackifierInstallation 28 CNǦCP701StraussRdDǦ1Sept‘13 Class‘A’:drillseeded,crimpedstraw,tackifier 29 CNǦCP701StraussRd 30 CNǦ2100780US82HopeAugust,‘13 y Class‘A’:germinatingseed,starttoNOTin60days 31 CNǦ1100360IǦ10MotelBlvdLasCruces 32 NM128towardsJal ’70%coverage? Class‘A 33 Class‘C’(hydroseeding)Sequence y Scarify(breakcrust)onslopeswithharrow,rake,etc y Hydroapply seedwithmycorrhiza, tackifier,anddye y Hydromulch (BFMorother)over thetopoftheseed y Applyrockmulchoverhydromulch (ifspecified) 34 BondedFiberMatrixat3,000lbs/acre 35 36 Rockslinger 37 RockmulchoverhydroǦappliedseedandmulch 38 Specialchallenges y y y y y y Rockysoils Slopesnotready Wind Equipmentbreakdown Groundfrozen Inaccessibleareas y Galleta 39 TopTenProblems UnderǦdeliveryofmaterialstoproject(checkallsubmittals,certs) 2. Nottillingordiskingsoiltofull4”depth(usemeasurer) 3. Drillseederfeedertubesclogging,seednotdropping(walkbehind) 4. HydroǦseederhosesleakingattruckorjoints(checkoften) 5. Crimpingtooquicklysostrawisnotanchored(slowspeeddown) 6. Insufficienttackifiercoverage(checkratesandapplication) 7. Notcompensatingequip.operatorsat‘operator’rate(interviews) 8. Workingwhenwindspeedisover15mph(usewindgauge) 9. Workingonholidays,weekendswheninspectorisnotpresent 10. CompostfromnonǦapprovedsource(checkapprovedproductslist) 1. 40 Certs#1 CompostBillofLading WeedFreeCertification 41 Certs#2 Strawbaleweighticket Seedcertification 42 StrawBaleMoistureReader • Rejectanybalewith over20%moisture • Highermoisturemay indicatemold • Bacteriamayalsogrowin highermoisturebales andgenerateheat,someǦ timesleadingtocomǦ bustion 43 2014StandardSpecifications 44 45 46 47 Revegetated RoadsideNM15nearDatil 48 49 50 DraftConstructionManual 51 52 53 54 55 56 DaleaspeciesonUS82 57 Contactinformation: y BillHutchinson505Ǧ795Ǧ1275 LandscapeArchitect [email protected] y ArnoldMurphey505Ǧ417Ǧ6293 DǦ5ProjectManager [email protected] y MargueriteMartinez505Ǧ827Ǧ5312 NorthRegionEngineeringCoordinator [email protected] 58 Questions Quiz Evaluation 59 APPENDIX 1B TOSS NO MAS DOCUMENTATION Cooney Watson and Associates: Case Studies Appendix 1B - Toss No Mas Documentation Page 1 of 2 HOME » CASE STUDIES » WATER/ENVIRONMENT » TOS NO MAS Case Studies Home About Us Contact Us Staff News Awards Services Clients Case Studies Healthcare Water/Environment Judicial/Government Non-Profit Portfolio Toss No Más – New Mexico Clean & Beautiful, New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Dept. In 1992, Cooney, Watson & Associates, Inc. was selected by the New Mexico Clean & Beautiful and the New Mexico State Highway & Transportation Dept. to develop a unique anti-litter campaign for the state. Challenges: • Develop a brand that would work in both English and Spanish and that was distinctly New Mexican, along the same lines as “Don’t Mess with Texas.” • Stretch the campaign’s limited budget through identifying and recruiting potential partners such as fast food providers and grocery store chains • Work with all of the Keep America Beautiful (KAB) affiliates throughout the state to assist them in taking and using campaign elements for local events and promotions • Assure the campaign was culturally appropriate for both Anglo and Hispanic groups due to the fact the slogan utilized “Spanglish,” a combination of English and Spanish words Materials developed for this campaign: • Logo • Fast Food Wrappers • Litter Bags • Bumper Stickers, Pencils and other Giveaways • Flyers • Print Ads • TV & Radio Ads • Press Conference • Community Outreach Programs at Major Events (State Fair, Balloon Fiesta) • Research on the extent of the litter problem in New Mexico • Development of campaign strategies focusing on targeted population with the highest rate of littering (males 18-34) Activities: • Development of a campaign logo • Development of a song that could be used in radio and television commercials • Development of 4 radio commercials and 4 television commercials utilizing a variety of formats appropriate for urban, rural and Native American audiences • Kickoff of the campaign at two large public events – the New Mexico State Fair and the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta • Development of a brochure • Recruitment of major corporate sponsors including Furr’s Supermarkets, Sonic Drive-Ins and Alsup’s convenience stores. Sponsors paid for litter bags, posted messages on reader boards, posted messages on fast food wrappers and assisted with special events 11/19/2014 Cooney Watson and Associates: Case Studies Appendix 1B - Toss No Mas Documentation Page 2 of 2 • Focus group testing of campaign concepts with English and Spanish speaking groups throughout New Mexico • Booking of radio and interviews for campaign spokespeople Results: • The campaign was an instant success, even receiving coverage in the New York Times • The campaign was adopted by all of the state’s KAB affiliates • Major corporate sponsors donated more than $75,000 in in-kind support • More than 25 print/television and radio interviews were scheduled over a sixmonth period • Six years after its inception, the campaign garnered a 67% unaided recall rate in an independent survey done for the NMSHTD by Research & Polling © 2012. Cooney, Watson and Associates. All Rights Reserved. 2201 San Pedro NE, Building 2, Suite 100, Albuquerque, NM 87110 Phone: 505.293.2000 • Fax: 505-293-2121 • Email: [email protected] 11/19/2014 APPENDIX 1C 2014 LOCAL OUTREACH DOCUMENTATION NMDOT – District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 1C – Local Agency Pamphlets and Educational Materials NMDOT District 1 Office Brochure Display District 1 Office Poster Display Las Cruces Solano Complex Poster Display Anthony Welcome Center Poster Display Protect our waters: REPORT ILLICIT DISCHARGES!! Storm drains and arroyos are for transporting rainwater runoff. Keeping our stormwater channels clean helps keep our waters clean. Dumping any pollutants into storm drains or arroyos is an illicit discharge, is illegal, and is a violation of the Clean Water Act. Report illicit discharges or illicit connections by one of the methods listed at the bottom of this poster. WHAT IS AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE? • Sewage, pollutants, or hazardous materials introduced into the public stormwater system Examples of public stormwater systems are curb inlets, catch basins, median drop inlets, roadside ditches, or arroyos. Stormwater systems flow untreated to natural water bodies and can directly affect water quality. Storm drains are there to collect stormwater runoff only! Oil/gas sheen Pollutant suds Photo courtesy NCTCOG WHAT ARE SIGNS OF AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE? • staining, residues, • oily substances • odors • dry weather flows (no rain in previous 72 hours) • cloudy waters • suds Photo courtesy NCTCOG WHAT ARE EXAMPLES OF AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE? • pet waste (even when left on the ground during your walk) • changing oil or antifreeze over or near a storm structure • washing paint or construction waste down the storm drain • yard waste • leaking trash dumpsters • failing septic systems Natural sheen Natural foam Natural sheens may appear as discrete blocks with sharp edges, and when broken up will remain separated, while oil/gas sheens will re-attach themselves and appear smoother. HOW DO I REPORT AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE OR SPILL? To report an illicit discharge, illicit connection, roadside trash along the Interstate or a state road send an email to [email protected], or call 505-827-5330. To report a spill call NM Environment Dept. at 505-827-9329. Photo courtesy NCTCOG WHAT IS NOT AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE? Allowable discharges include: • firefighting activities • water line or hydrant flush water • lawn water • air conditioning condensate • street/sidewalk wash water without detergents • dust control water • individual residential car washing • irrigation water from agricultural sources Photo courtesy NCTCOG Oil or gas is recognized as sheen on the water. Natural sheens may be differentiated from an oil/gas sheen by swirling the sheen around in the water. If it re-attaches to itself, the sheen is oil/gas. Natural sheens will remain separated. APPENDIX 2 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS APPENDIX 2A 2014 PUBLIC MEETING DOCUMENTATION Appendix 2A - Public Meeting Documentation Thisprojectiswithinthe Albuquerque/MiddleRio GrandeMunicipal SeparateStormSewer System(MS4)urbanized area,andsubjecttothe requirementsofthe associatedNational PollutionDischarge EliminationSystem (NPDES)permit,issued bytheEPA. Thenorthernportionof thisprojectiswithinthe Albuquerque/MiddleRio GrandeMunicipal SeparateStormSewer System(MS4)urbanized area,andsubjecttothe requirementsofthe associatedNational PollutionDischarge EliminationSystem (NPDES)permit,issued bytheEPA. PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Appendix 2A - Public Meeting Documentation Stormwaterrunoffcanpickupdebris,petwastes,chemicals, sediment,andotherpollutantsandflowintoastormsewer systemordirectlytotheRioGrande. USEPA,EPA841ͲFͲ03Ͳ003 AsitespecificStormwaterPollutionPreventionPlan(SWPPP)will bedeveloped,andpostedattheconstructionsite,tominimize constructionsiterunoffandassociatedsedimentloading. Appendix 2A - Public Meeting Documentation AlternativesconsideredduringProject developmentwillincorporateGreen Infrastructure(GI)andLowImpact Development(LID)wherepossibleand appropriate. Oneoptionforcapturedrunofffromthe bridgeoverEdithBlvd.wouldrouterunoff toadetention/retentiontrenchwhere sedimentmayberemovedandstormwater willinfiltrateratherthanbedischargedas runoff. Appendix 2A - Public Meeting Documentation OneoptionforcapturedrunofffromIͲ25 wouldrouterunofftoaroadside detention/retentionpondwheresediment willberemovedandstormwaterwill infiltrateratherthanbedischargedas runoff. APPENDIX 2B 2014 ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY DOCUMENTATION NMDOT - District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 2B - Adopt a Highway Documentation Adopt-A-Highway Cleanups January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 District 1 Note: Much of the Adopt-A-Highway cleanup occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. Trash pickup, even outside of the UA, also helps contribute to improved water quality. Cleanup Date 1/8/2014 2/24/2014 2/24/2014 2/27/2014 3/28/2014 3/15/2014 3/19/2014 3/29/2014 3/29/2014 4/2/2014 4/15/2014 4/19/2014 3/31/2014 4/19/2014 3/30/2014 3/30/2014 4/28/2014 5/12/2014 5/6/2014 5/27/2014 5/7/2014 5/23/2014 5/16/2014 6/7/2014 6/3/2014 6/8/2014 6/21/2014 6/21/2014 7/24/2014 7/27/2014 8/31/2014 9/10/2014 9/5/2014 10/25/2014 10/25/2014 10/25/2014 10/25/2014 11/1/2014 11/4/2014 11/1/2014 11/14/2014 TOTAL Tons Organization Michael Myers Rick Baley Kappa Sigma Fraternity Universalist Church of Las Cruces Family of Patrica Gomez Faust Cattle Co. WCCED Com. Assoc. Lambda Chi Alpha Socorro Unitarian Universalists Unitarian Universalist Las Cruces NM Professional Surveyors Santa Teresa HS Thomas Ryan Chamize Cowbelles NMSU Tennis Socorro Unitarian Universalists Back Country Horseman Faust Cattle Co. NM Professional Surveyors Magdalena Trail Drivers KAPPA Sigma Fraternity FiteRanch Friends of Leasburg May Ranch Socorro Striders & Riders Sunrise Lions Club Friends of Leasburg Fred & Olivia Smith Friends of Leasburg Richard D Gonzales Chamiza Cowbelles Patricia Gomez Chamiza Cowbelles Socorro 7th Day Adventist Church Chaser Chris Maes Mike M. Montoya Family Friends of Leasburg State Park Socorro Unitarian Universalists Chaser Chris Maes Mike M. Family of Ricadro Gonzales Sunrise Lions Club AFELMTC Route NM 78 FR 1036 NM 28 US180 NM 159 NM 52 FR 1034 US 60 NM 28 FR 1035 NM 273 US 180 NM 52 FR 5537 US 60 US 180 NM 159 FR 1035 US 60 FR 1036 US 380 NM 157 NM 143 US 60 NM 478 NM 157 NM 90 NM 157 NM 90 NM 52 US 180 NM 52 US 60 NM 1 US 180 NM 157 US 60 NM 1 NM 90 NM 478 US 70 Mile Markers Cleaned 5-6 11-12 27-28 133-134 0-1.5 25-31 1-1.6 132-133 27-28 1-2 7-9 115-116 19-23 0-1.5 132-133 108-109 0-1.5 1-1.6 110-111 11-12 7-8 0-2 4-5 129-131 18-19 0-2 40-41 0-2 2 2 2 2 2 13-15 61-62 0-2 132-133 14-16 40-41 17-16 158-160 Total within Urbanized Areas - volunteers Total within Urbanized Areas - bags of trash Total within Urbanized Areas - tons of trash Volunteers 3 25 4 7 4 11 10 2 7 4 8 5 2 24 2 11 4 10 6 19 1 15 2 2 12 15 2 9 2 2 6 2 9 2 4 6 2 2 2 6 8 279 Bags Collected 7 8 2 2 7 6 12 6 6 7 12 6 4 14 6 9 2 10 4 8 6 10 3 3 8 21 18 25 21 4 6 5 14 21 11 11 4 13 25 12 20 399 9.96 136 132 3.30 APPENDIX 2C 2014 LITTER PICKUP DOCUMENTATION NMDOT ‐ District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 2C ‐ Corrections Department Litter Pickup Documentation Corrections Department Litter Pick Up January 2014 to December 2014 District 1 Note: Much of the Corrections Department Litter Pick Up occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. Trash pickup, even outside of the UA, also helps contribute to improved water quality. PREFIX FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RTE # DWR DATE BEG MM END MM TOTAL MI ACCOM 1030 30-Jan-14 2.8 4.8 2 4 1030 22-May-14 2 5.3 3.3 7 1030 24-Jul-14 5.3 0 5.3 11 1031 22-May-14 2.6 2.3 0.3 1 1035 16-Jan-14 12.3 9.5 2.8 3 1035 21-Jan-14 9.5 8.7 0.8 2 1035 17-Mar-14 12.5 17 4.5 9 1035 18-Mar-14 17 20.1 3.1 6 1035 24-Mar-14 0 1.1 1.1 2 1035 26-Mar-14 12 3.8 8.2 8 1035 10-Apr-14 12.8 15 2.2 2 1035 10-Apr-14 0 3 3 5 1035 14-Apr-14 15 17 2 2 1035 15-Apr-14 3 8 5 5 1035 10-Jun-14 14 14 0 1 1035 25-Jun-14 12.4 8.7 3.7 7 1035 18-Aug-14 14 17.8 3.8 4 1035 24-Sep-14 12.8 19 6.2 12 1035 25-Sep-14 19 20.5 1.5 3 1035 26-Nov-14 12.8 14 1.2 1 1035 1-Dec-14 12.5 18 5.5 6 1035 2-Dec-14 18 20.5 2.5 3 1035 16-Dec-14 12 4.8 7.2 3 1037 16-Apr-14 0 5 5 5 1037 17-Apr-14 5 11 6 6 1043 22-Apr-14 0 1.3 1.3 1 1043 23-Apr-14 0 1.3 1.3 1 1043 16-Jun-14 0 1.3 1.3 5 10 7-Jan-14 151 154.5 3.5 7 10 8-Jan-14 154.5 155 0.5 6 10 9-Jan-14 141.5 144.1 2.6 8 10 13-Jan-14 144 148.3 4.3 4 10 14-Jan-14 148.3 151 2.7 5 10 15-Jan-14 146.5 151 4.5 5 10 16-Jan-14 146.5 144 2.5 3 10 28-Jan-14 136.5 134 2.5 3 10 30-Jan-14 160 161 1 1 10 30-Jan-14 129.5 132.1 2.6 5 10 5-Feb-14 116 119.4 3.4 7 10 10-Feb-14 118 125.2 7.2 7 10 11-Feb-14 160 164.2 4.2 4 10 12-Feb-14 159 163 4 4 10 20-Mar-14 159 162 3 3 10 24-Mar-14 162 164 2 2 10 25-Mar-14 160 163 3 3 10 25-Mar-14 143.2 141.5 1.7 2 10 26-Mar-14 160 155 5 5 10 27-Mar-14 151 154.8 3.8 4 10 27-Mar-14 164 155 9 9 10 1-Apr-14 150.5 153 2.5 3 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) EQUIP $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ COST MATRL COST TOTAL COST 9.00 $ 3.00 $ 12.00 98.00 $ 4.00 $ 102.00 195.00 $ 5.00 $ 200.00 98.00 $ 3.00 $ 101.00 23.00 $ 6.00 $ 29.00 23.00 $ 7.00 $ 30.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 98.00 $ 5.00 $ 103.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 98.00 $ 5.00 $ 103.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 78.00 $ $ 78.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 6.00 $ 201.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 195.00 $ 15.00 $ 210.00 98.00 $ 5.00 $ 103.00 195.00 $ 16.00 $ 211.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ 10.00 $ 205.00 195.00 $ 4.00 $ 199.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 45.00 $ 15.00 $ 60.00 45.00 $ 14.00 $ 59.00 45.00 $ 17.00 $ 62.00 45.00 $ 20.00 $ 65.00 36.00 $ 17.00 $ 53.00 45.00 $ 19.00 $ 64.00 23.00 $ 6.00 $ 29.00 23.00 $ 6.00 $ 29.00 45.00 $ 3.00 $ 48.00 36.00 $ 15.00 $ 51.00 45.00 $ 12.00 $ 57.00 45.00 $ 9.00 $ 54.00 45.00 $ 9.00 $ 54.00 45.00 $ 7.00 $ 52.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 98.00 $ 8.00 $ 106.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 195.00 $ 6.00 $ 201.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 Page 1 of 5 NMDOT ‐ District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 2C ‐ Corrections Department Litter Pickup Documentation Corrections Department Litter Pick Up January 2014 to December 2014 District 1 Note: Much of the Corrections Department Litter Pick Up occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. Trash pickup, even outside of the UA, also helps contribute to improved water quality. PREFIX I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RTE # 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 DWR DATE BEG MM END MM TOTAL MI ACCOM 2-Apr-14 144 147 3 3 7-Apr-14 136.7 134 2.7 3 9-Apr-14 160 160 0 0 22-Apr-14 135.2 136.5 1.3 3 29-Apr-14 143.3 141.8 1.5 2 12-May-14 132 132.4 0.4 1 29-May-14 159.4 162 2.6 2 2-Jun-14 160 160 0 0 3-Jun-14 162 164.2 2.2 4 4-Jun-14 164 161 3 3 5-Jun-14 161 158 3 3 9-Jun-14 158 155 3 3 18-Jun-14 146 144.3 1.7 1 23-Jun-14 155 154 1 1 24-Jun-14 155 152.4 2.6 5 9-Jul-14 135.3 137 1.7 3 10-Jul-14 135 137 2 4 14-Jul-14 154.9 160 5.1 5 14-Jul-14 143.5 142.3 1.2 3 15-Jul-14 160 163.3 3.3 3 22-Jul-14 160 155 5 5 4-Aug-14 122 126.5 4.5 5 5-Aug-14 132 129 3 3 6-Aug-14 129 127 2 4 7-Aug-14 132 134.3 2.3 5 3-Sep-14 154.9 160.3 5.4 5 6-Oct-14 154.9 158 3.1 3 7-Oct-14 143.3 136.5 6.8 5 15-Oct-14 154.9 158 3.1 3 5-Nov-14 141 143.2 2.2 2 19-Nov-14 135.3 136.7 1.4 3 2-Dec-14 162 164.2 2.2 2 2-Dec-14 144 146.5 2.5 3 3-Dec-14 146 148.5 2.5 3 3-Dec-14 158 162 4 8 4-Dec-14 159 164.2 5.2 5 8-Dec-14 156 159 3 56 8-Dec-14 148.5 149.2 0.7 1 9-Dec-14 155 156 1 2 9-Dec-14 152.5 154.5 2 2 10-Dec-14 153.7 155 1.3 3 15-Dec-14 142.2 144.5 2.3 6 23-Jan-14 0 5.8 5.8 6 27-Jan-14 3.5 7.5 4 8 28-Jan-14 0 3.5 3.5 4 19-Feb-14 6 8.5 2.5 3 25-Feb-14 8.5 9.7 1.2 1 25-Feb-14 7.5 10 2.5 5 26-Feb-14 7.5 14 6.5 7 27-Feb-14 14 18.9 4.9 5 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) EQUIP $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ COST MATRL COST TOTAL COST 98.00 $ 5.00 $ 103.00 98.00 $ 5.00 $ 103.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 98.00 $ 5.00 $ 103.00 98.00 $ 5.00 $ 103.00 98.00 $ 4.00 $ 102.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 6.00 $ 201.00 195.00 $ 10.00 $ 205.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 195.00 $ 6.00 $ 201.00 195.00 $ 12.00 $ 207.00 98.00 $ 3.00 $ 101.00 98.00 $ 3.00 $ 101.00 195.00 $ 12.00 $ 207.00 156.00 $ 13.00 $ 169.00 195.00 $ 13.00 $ 208.00 195.00 $ 12.00 $ 207.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 6.00 $ 201.00 195.00 $ 10.00 $ 205.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 98.00 $ 6.00 $ 104.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 98.00 $ 8.00 $ 106.00 78.00 $ 5.00 $ 83.00 98.00 $ 5.00 $ 103.00 195.00 $ 12.00 $ 207.00 195.00 $ 14.00 $ 209.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 195.00 $ 6.00 $ 201.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 98.00 $ 4.00 $ 102.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 195.00 $ 16.00 $ 211.00 195.00 $ 15.00 $ 210.00 45.00 $ 17.00 $ 62.00 45.00 $ 17.00 $ 62.00 23.00 $ 8.00 $ 31.00 23.00 $ 9.00 $ 32.00 23.00 $ 7.00 $ 30.00 45.00 $ 15.00 $ 60.00 45.00 $ 14.00 $ 59.00 45.00 $ 12.00 $ 57.00 Page 2 of 5 NMDOT ‐ District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 2C ‐ Corrections Department Litter Pickup Documentation Corrections Department Litter Pick Up January 2014 to December 2014 District 1 Note: Much of the Corrections Department Litter Pick Up occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. Trash pickup, even outside of the UA, also helps contribute to improved water quality. PREFIX I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM RTE # 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 28 28 136 138 185 185 213 213 213 213 213 273 273 273 273 DWR DATE BEG MM END MM TOTAL MI ACCOM 3-Mar-14 18.3 11 7.3 4 4-Mar-14 6 2 4 4 5-Mar-14 0 3.5 3.5 7 5-Mar-14 0 3.5 3.5 7 6-Mar-14 3.5 6 2.5 3 19-Mar-14 0 4 4 2 20-Mar-14 4 6 2 3 24-Mar-14 3.5 6 2.5 2 2-Apr-14 0 3 3 3 3-Apr-14 3 6.5 3.5 4 22-Apr-14 10 6 4 4 23-Apr-14 6 2 4 4 24-Apr-14 0 4.2 4.2 8 28-Apr-14 2 6 4 8 8-May-14 0 4 4 8 10-Jun-14 0 2.5 2.5 3 12-Jun-14 2.5 4.7 2.2 2 16-Jun-14 4.7 7 2.3 2 18-Jun-14 6 3.5 2.5 3 23-Jun-14 3.5 0 3.5 4 16-Jul-14 0 4.5 4.5 5 17-Jul-14 4.5 6.5 2 2 22-Jul-14 6 3 3 3 23-Jul-14 3 0 3 6 18-Aug-14 0 2 2 2 24-Sep-14 0 3.5 3.5 3 6-Oct-14 0 5 5 5 7-Oct-14 5 7.5 2.5 3 16-Oct-14 7 10 3 3 5-Nov-14 2 9 7 3 13-Nov-14 5 6 1 1 17-Nov-14 3 7.2 4.2 11 17-Dec-14 0 4 4 3 18-Dec-14 1.7 5.8 4.1 4 31-Dec-14 6 3 3 3 1-May-14 28 22 6 12 11-Jun-14 6 6.4 0.4 4 28-Apr-14 4 5.8 1.8 2 30-Apr-14 0 1 1 2 10-Apr-14 28 23 5 10 3-Sep-14 29 35.3 6.3 13 15-Jan-14 0 6 6 12 14-Feb-14 4 6 2 2 1-Apr-14 0 4 4 4 10-Sep-14 0 6 6 6 20-Nov-14 0 6 6 6 27-Jan-14 6.3 4.8 1.5 3 28-Jan-14 4.8 6 1.2 2 29-Jan-14 6.5 4.5 2 4 4-Feb-14 4 6 2 4 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) EQUIP $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ COST MATRL COST TOTAL COST 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 45.00 $ 12.00 $ 57.00 45.00 $ 12.00 $ 57.00 45.00 $ 9.00 $ 54.00 195.00 $ 6.00 $ 201.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 98.00 $ 4.00 $ 102.00 98.00 $ 3.00 $ 101.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 98.00 $ 8.00 $ 106.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 195.00 $ 10.00 $ 205.00 195.00 $ 6.00 $ 201.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 98.00 $ 6.00 $ 104.00 98.00 $ 7.00 $ 105.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ 6.00 $ 201.00 195.00 $ 4.00 $ 199.00 98.00 $ 3.00 $ 101.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 98.00 $ 4.00 $ 102.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 98.00 $ 4.00 $ 102.00 39.00 $ 3.00 $ 42.00 195.00 $ 14.00 $ 209.00 195.00 $ 12.00 $ 207.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ 4.00 $ 199.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 98.00 $ 2.00 $ 100.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 180.00 $ 6.00 $ 186.00 45.00 $ 12.00 $ 57.00 45.00 $ 7.00 $ 52.00 98.00 $ 3.00 $ 101.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 45.00 $ $ 45.00 45.00 $ $ 45.00 45.00 $ $ 45.00 45.00 $ $ 45.00 Page 3 of 5 NMDOT ‐ District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 2C ‐ Corrections Department Litter Pickup Documentation Corrections Department Litter Pick Up January 2014 to December 2014 District 1 Note: Much of the Corrections Department Litter Pick Up occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. Trash pickup, even outside of the UA, also helps contribute to improved water quality. PREFIX NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM US US US RTE # DWR DATE BEG MM END MM TOTAL MI ACCOM 273 26-Feb-14 1 3 2 5 273 27-Feb-14 0 14.4 14.4 14 273 3-Mar-14 2 4 2 4 273 4-Mar-14 3.5 5.5 2 4 273 5-Mar-14 5.5 8.5 3 6 273 6-Mar-14 8 10 2 4 273 29-Apr-14 0 0.3 0.3 0 273 30-Apr-14 0.3 0.8 0.5 1 273 5-May-14 0.8 1 0.2 0 273 16-May-14 1.7 2 0.3 1 273 7-Jul-14 9 4 5 5 273 8-Jul-14 0 4 4 4 404 6-Jan-14 0 9 9 18 404 9-Jan-14 6 9 3 6 404 25-Feb-14 5 2 3 6 404 1-Apr-14 9 5 4 4 404 19-May-14 9 5 4 4 404 20-May-14 5 1 4 4 404 21-May-14 0 2 2 4 404 17-Jun-14 5 9 4 4 404 18-Jun-14 5 0 5 5 404 9-Jul-14 0 5.5 5.5 6 404 9-Sep-14 0 9 9 9 404 18-Nov-14 0 4 4 47 404 19-Nov-14 4 9 5 56 404 17-Dec-14 0 9 9 10 460 23-Jan-14 0 3.5 3.5 7 460 7-Apr-14 0 3.8 3.8 4 460 8-Apr-14 2 3.8 1.8 2 460 15-Apr-14 0.3 1.2 0.9 9 460 16-Apr-14 0.3 1.2 0.9 9 460 19-Jun-14 0 3.5 3.5 7 460 23-Jun-14 0 3.8 3.8 4 478 21-Jan-14 9 14 5 10 478 22-Jan-14 14 21 7 14 478 25-Mar-14 9 15 6 12 478 2-Apr-14 0 3 3 6 478 3-Apr-14 3 7.5 4.5 5 478 29-Apr-14 9 15 6 12 478 30-Apr-14 15 21 6 12 478 23-Jun-14 0 1 1 1 478 30-Jun-14 0 3 3 6 478 1-Jul-14 3 6 3 6 478 3-Jul-14 5.5 8 2.5 5 478 4-Aug-14 0 6 6 4 478 24-Nov-14 3 8.5 5.5 30 478 30-Dec-14 0 5 5 5 70 14-Jan-14 163.1 163.2 0.1 0 70 11-Feb-14 151.4 157.1 5.7 6 70 17-Feb-14 157.1 161 3.9 3 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) EQUIP $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ COST MATRL COST TOTAL COST 45.00 $ 11.00 $ 56.00 45.00 $ 9.00 $ 54.00 45.00 $ 9.00 $ 54.00 45.00 $ 10.00 $ 55.00 45.00 $ 12.00 $ 57.00 45.00 $ $ 45.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ 3.00 $ 198.00 195.00 $ 4.00 $ 199.00 45.00 $ 8.00 $ 53.00 45.00 $ 10.00 $ 55.00 45.00 $ 7.00 $ 52.00 98.00 $ 3.00 $ 101.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ 10.00 $ 205.00 195.00 $ 9.00 $ 204.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 10.00 $ 205.00 195.00 $ 11.00 $ 206.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 $ 9.00 $ 9.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 45.00 $ 3.00 $ 48.00 195.00 $ 10.00 $ 205.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ $ 195.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 98.00 $ 9.00 $ 107.00 23.00 $ 9.00 $ 32.00 45.00 $ 12.00 $ 57.00 98.00 $ 4.00 $ 102.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 5.00 $ 200.00 98.00 $ 4.00 $ 102.00 98.00 $ 4.00 $ 102.00 98.00 $ 3.00 $ 101.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 12.00 $ 207.00 195.00 $ 7.00 $ 202.00 195.00 $ 8.00 $ 203.00 $ $ 195.00 $ 4.00 $ 199.00 9.00 $ 2.00 $ 11.00 45.00 $ 12.00 $ 57.00 45.00 $ 7.00 $ 52.00 Page 4 of 5 NMDOT ‐ District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 2C ‐ Corrections Department Litter Pickup Documentation Corrections Department Litter Pick Up January 2014 to December 2014 District 1 Note: Much of the Corrections Department Litter Pick Up occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. Trash pickup, even outside of the UA, also helps contribute to improved water quality. PREFIX US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US RTE # DWR DATE BEG MM END MM TOTAL MI ACCOM 17-Feb-14 157.1 161 3.9 3 18-Feb-14 154.8 159.5 4.7 5 19-Feb-14 154.8 152 2.8 3 7-Apr-14 141.5 143.8 2.3 5 8-Apr-14 153.5 160.5 7 7 9-Apr-14 160.5 157.5 3 3 10-Apr-14 156 151 5 5 5-May-14 164 169 5 10 6-May-14 177.8 173 4.8 5 7-May-14 173 169 4 4 12-May-14 151.2 152.5 1.3 1 15-May-14 152 156 4 4 15-May-14 152.5 156 3.5 4 27-May-14 159.5 157.4 2.1 4 28-May-14 157 152 5 5 18-Jun-14 149.2 150.8 1.6 3 15-Jul-14 151.5 156.5 5 5 27-Oct-14 160.5 156.5 4 4 28-Oct-14 156.5 153.3 3.2 6 29-Oct-14 155 153 2 4 29-Oct-14 153 156.5 3.5 7 3-Nov-14 157.5 156 1.5 2 19-Nov-14 142.4 144.5 2.1 4 29-Dec-14 158.1 151.5 6.6 7 30-Dec-14 155 152 3 3 Total Roadway Miles Cleaned 764 Total Roadway Miles Cleaned within UAs 484 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 EQUIP $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ COST MATRL COST 45.00 $ 7.00 45.00 $ 12.00 23.00 $ 3.00 98.00 $ 9.00 195.00 $ 9.00 195.00 $ 8.00 98.00 $ 6.00 195.00 $ 13.00 195.00 $ 9.00 195.00 $ 12.00 195.00 $ 3.00 195.00 $ 8.00 195.00 $ 8.00 195.00 $ 10.00 195.00 $ 9.00 195.00 $ 8.00 195.00 $ 10.00 195.00 $ 13.00 195.00 $ 12.00 195.00 $ 11.00 195.00 $ 11.00 195.00 $ 5.00 117.00 $ 8.00 195.00 $ 19.00 195.00 $ 15.00 Total Cost Total within UAs TOTAL COST $ 52.00 $ 57.00 $ 26.00 $ 107.00 $ 204.00 $ 203.00 $ 104.00 $ 208.00 $ 204.00 $ 207.00 $ 198.00 $ 203.00 $ 203.00 $ 205.00 $ 204.00 $ 203.00 $ 205.00 $ 208.00 $ 207.00 $ 206.00 $ 206.00 $ 200.00 $ 125.00 $ 214.00 $ 210.00 32,790.00 $ $ 20,383.00 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) Page 5 of 5 APPENDIX 3 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS APPENDIX 3A 2014 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION NMDOT - District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 3A - Drainage Structure Cleaning Records Drainage Structure Cleaning Records January 2014 to December 2014 District 1 Note: Some of the Drainage Structure Cleaning occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. PREFIXRTE #DWR DATEBEG MM END MM ACCOM LABOR COST NM 273 19-Mar-14 1.1 1.1 0 $ 368.00 NM 273 24-Mar-14 0.8 0.8 0 $ 491.00 NM 273 25-Mar-14 1.1 1.1 0 $ 491.00 NM 273 26-Mar-14 0.3 0.3 0 $ 491.00 NM 404 28-Mar-14 4 4 0 $ 482.00 NM 404 31-Mar-14 4 4 0 $ 357.00 NM 404 1-Apr-14 4 4 0 $ 357.00 NM 404 1-Apr-14 4 4 0 $ 31.00 NM 404 2-Apr-14 4 4 0 $ 357.00 NM 404 3-Apr-14 4 4 0 $ 265.00 NM 213 7-Apr-14 3 3 0 $ 592.00 NM 213 9-Apr-14 0.3 0.3 0 $ 476.00 NM 213 10-Apr-14 0.3 0.3 0 $ 347.00 NM 213 15-Apr-14 0.8 0.8 20 $ 452.00 NM 213 16-Apr-14 0.3 0.3 50 $ 433.00 NM 213 17-Apr-14 0.8 0.8 56 $ 433.00 NM 213 22-Apr-14 0.8 0.8 52 $ 433.00 NM 213 23-Apr-14 0.3 0.3 40 $ 433.00 NM 213 29-Apr-14 0.8 0.8 42 $ 433.00 I 10 5-Aug-14 154.4 154.4 20 $ 110.00 I 25 6-Aug-14 16.2 16.2 120 $ 359.00 I 25 7-Aug-14 16.2 16.2 60 $ 112.00 I 10 18-Aug-14 136 136.4 20 $ 461.00 US 70 16-Sep-14 146 158 50 $ 220.00 I 10 16-Sep-14 134 134.5 60 $ 262.00 US 70 16-Sep-14 143 143.5 20 $ 87.00 I 25 17-Sep-14 0 12 50 $ 224.00 I 25 17-Sep-14 0 18 20 $ 138.00 US 70 17-Sep-14 152 158 30 $ 130.00 US 70 17-Sep-14 143.5 143.5 35 $ 302.00 I 25 24-Sep-14 0 8 8 $ 168.00 US 70 14-Oct-14 167 165 25 $ 245.00 # of structures Totals 32 $ 10,540.00 Totals Within UAs 18 $ 5,420.00 EQUIP COST $ 1,370.00 $ 577.00 $ 338.00 $ 458.00 $ 622.00 $ 622.00 $ 622.00 $ 54.00 $ 783.00 $ 434.00 $ 1,452.00 $ 1,358.00 $ 1,256.00 $ 1,413.00 $ 1,570.00 $ 1,570.00 $ 1,570.00 $ 1,622.00 $ 1,570.00 $ 682.00 $ 1,378.00 $ 957.00 $ 947.00 $ 216.00 $ 996.00 $ 332.00 $ 216.00 $ 135.00 $ 239.00 $ 789.00 $ 318.00 $ 1,119.00 MATRL COST $ $ $ 25,380.00 $ 16,920.00 $ 39,480.00 $ $ 29,610.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 111,390.00 $ 111,390.00 $ 149,515.00 $ 125,882.00 27,585.00 9,072.00 TOTAL 1,738.00 1,068.00 26,209.00 17,869.00 40,584.00 979.00 30,589.00 85.00 1,140.00 699.00 2,044.00 1,834.00 1,603.00 1,865.00 2,003.00 2,003.00 2,003.00 2,055.00 2,003.00 792.00 1,737.00 1,069.00 1,408.00 436.00 1,258.00 419.00 440.00 273.00 369.00 1,091.00 486.00 1,364.00 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) Shaded Cells = in Uranbized Areas (UAs) Page 1 of 1 NMDOT - District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 3A - Vactor Truck Drainage Structure Cleaning Documentation Vactor Truck Drainage Structure Cleanups 2014 District 1 Note: Some of the Vactor Truck Drainage Structure Cleanup occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. ORG # EQUIP ID 4143 16556 4143 16555 4143 16556 4143 16555 4188 16556 4188 16555 4188 16556 4188 16555 4188 16556 4188 16555 4188 16556 4188 16555 4188 16556 4188 16555 4188 16556 4188 16555 EQUIP DESC JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER TRUCK JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER TRUCK JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER TRUCK JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER TRUCK JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER TRUCK JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER TRUCK JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER TRUCK JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER TRUCK JET RODDER/CATCH BASIN CLEANER BEGIN END MM TIED UP HOURS DWR DATEROUTE # MM 19-Mar-14 NM 273 1.1 1.1 8 NM 273 1.1 1.1 8 10-Apr-14 8 8 16-Apr-14 NM 51 3.5 3.5 10 NM 51 3.5 3.5 10 17-Apr-14 NM 51 4 4 8 NM 51 4 4 8 21-Apr-14 NM 51 4 4 10 NM 51 4 4 10 22-Apr-14 NM 51 4 4 10 NM 51 4 4 10 23-Apr-14 L 11 1.3 1.3 5 L 11 1.3 1.3 5 NM 187 30.1 30.1 5 NM 187 30.1 30.1 5 DWR # ACTY Equipment Cost 378027 510 $ 720.00 378027 510 $ 360.00 379656 940 $ 720.00 379656 940 $ 360.00 380055 510 $ 900.00 380055 510 $ 450.00 380224 510 $ 720.00 380224 510 $ 360.00 380372 510 $ 900.00 380372 510 $ 450.00 380360 510 $ 900.00 380360 510 $ 450.00 380534 510 $ 450.00 380534 510 $ 225.00 380535 510 $ 450.00 380535 510 $ 225.00 Total cost $ 8,640.00 Total cost within UAs $ 2,160.00 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) Page 1 of 1 NMDOT - District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 3A - Erosion Repair Records for 2014 Erosion Repair Records January 2014 to December 2014 District 1 Note: Some of the Erosion Repair occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. UAs are shown in Appendix 7. ORG PREFIX RTE # 4143 FR 1038 FR 1038 FR 1038 FR 1038 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 404 NM 213 NM 213 NM 213 NM 213 NM 213 NM 404 NM 273 NM 213 NM 213 NM 213 NM 273 NM 273 NM 273 NM 136 NM 136 NM 136 NM 136 I 10 I 10 4151 I 25 US 70 FR 1035 FR 1035 FR 1035 FR 1035 FR 1035 US 70 I 10 US 70 I 10 US 70 FR 1035 FR 1037 US 70 FR 1035 FR 1037 FR 1035 FR 1037 FR 1035 FR 1037 FR 1037 FR 1035 DWR # DWR DATE BEG MM END MM ACCOM 372965 6-Jan-14 0 4 200 373094 7-Jan-14 0 4 220 373152 8-Jan-14 0 4 220 373269 9-Jan-14 0 4 240 373941 21-Jan-14 5 5 60 374116 22-Jan-14 5 5 120 374147 23-Jan-14 5 5 160 374267 24-Jan-14 5 6 120 374354 27-Jan-14 6.5 4.8 195 374456 28-Jan-14 6.5 4.8 180 374554 29-Jan-14 6.5 4.5 120 374655 30-Jan-14 5 6 80 374870 3-Feb-14 4.8 6 40 374978 4-Feb-14 6 5 30 375108 5-Feb-14 4 7 50 375346 7-Feb-14 0.9 1.2 40 375958 17-Feb-14 0.5 3.5 60 376052 18-Feb-14 0 3 80 376284 20-Feb-14 0 6 55 376308 19-Feb-14 0 5 160 379240 4-Apr-14 1.3 1.3 0 379471 8-Apr-14 0.3 0.7 4 380867 30-Apr-14 7 7 5 380902 30-Apr-14 0 6 110 381038 1-May-14 1.2 1.2 90 381083 2-May-14 0.8 0.8 40 385007 2-Jul-14 10.5 10.5 70 387698 12-Aug-14 8.5 8.5 20 387844 13-Aug-14 5 7 50 388178 19-Aug-14 7 8 30 390291 19-Sep-14 7 6.5 70 390627 24-Sep-14 8.7 8.7 10 391016 29-Sep-14 7.5 7 50 395717 8-Dec-14 154.9 154.9 105 395903 10-Dec-14 156 157.5 10 373528 13-Jan-14 5.9 5.9 70 379298 4-Apr-14 161 161 20 379440 7-Apr-14 11.1 11.1 60 379459 8-Apr-14 11.1 11.1 190 379530 9-Apr-14 11.1 11.1 120 379668 10-Apr-14 11.1 11.1 155 379754 11-Apr-14 11.1 11.1 160 381625 9-May-14 165.5 165.5 50 385227 7-Jul-14 134.7 135 350 385660 14-Jul-14 143 143 150 385661 14-Jul-14 135.6 135.6 155 385678 11-Jul-14 157 161 100 386445 23-Jul-14 8.5 12 25 386461 23-Jul-14 0 6 80 387035 1-Aug-14 157 161 30 387137 4-Aug-14 5.2 5.5 30 387138 4-Aug-14 7.5 7.5 30 387237 5-Aug-14 5 11 50 387238 5-Aug-14 0.5 8 50 387336 6-Aug-14 5 10.5 90 387337 6-Aug-14 0 2 100 387347 7-Aug-14 0.5 3.1 40 387348 7-Aug-14 11.5 10.5 45 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) LABOR COST $ 478.00 $ 478.00 $ 362.00 $ 478.00 $ 456.00 $ 699.00 $ 473.00 $ 464.00 $ 725.00 $ 725.00 $ 725.00 $ 362.00 $ 463.00 $ 228.00 $ 240.00 $ 454.00 $ 349.00 $ 349.00 $ 358.00 $ 465.00 $ 594.00 $ 518.00 $ 164.00 $ 393.00 $ 578.00 $ 134.00 $ 599.00 $ 374.00 $ 485.00 $ 535.00 $ 345.00 $ 627.00 $ 168.00 $ 336.00 $ 140.00 $ 426.00 $ 150.00 $ 347.00 $ 672.00 $ 675.00 $ 675.00 $ 672.00 $ 325.00 $ 306.00 $ 203.00 $ 266.00 $ 227.00 $ 54.00 $ 54.00 $ 55.00 $ 231.00 $ 231.00 $ 230.00 $ 230.00 $ 230.00 $ 230.00 $ 230.00 $ 230.00 EQUIP COST $ 524.00 $ 1,316.00 $ 1,294.00 $ 1,180.00 $ 739.00 $ 1,513.00 $ 1,198.00 $ 1,294.00 $ 1,512.00 $ 1,812.00 $ 1,594.00 $ 1,076.00 $ 958.00 $ 519.00 $ 340.00 $ 864.00 $ 779.00 $ 856.00 $ 634.00 $ 971.00 $ 2,179.00 $ 1,255.00 $ 473.00 $ 1,570.00 $ 2,593.00 $ 526.00 $ 1,397.00 $ 1,346.00 $ 1,238.00 $ 1,941.00 $ 1,673.00 $ 1,374.00 $ 855.00 $ 1,457.00 $ 460.00 $ 956.00 $ 353.00 $ 682.00 $ 2,536.00 $ 1,883.00 $ 2,668.00 $ 2,778.00 $ 1,119.00 $ 1,655.00 $ 698.00 $ 1,275.00 $ 698.00 $ 190.00 $ 190.00 $ 241.00 $ 839.00 $ 839.00 $ 731.00 $ 731.00 $ 731.00 $ 731.00 $ 731.00 $ 731.00 MATRL COST $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 19,740.00 $ $ 150.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - TOTAL $ 1,002.00 $ 1,794.00 $ 1,656.00 $ 1,658.00 $ 1,195.00 $ 2,212.00 $ 1,671.00 $ 1,758.00 $ 2,237.00 $ 2,537.00 $ 2,319.00 $ 1,438.00 $ 1,421.00 $ 747.00 $ 580.00 $ 1,318.00 $ 1,128.00 $ 1,205.00 $ 992.00 1,436.00 $ $ 22,513.00 $ 1,773.00 $ 787.00 $ 1,963.00 $ 3,171.00 $ 660.00 $ 1,996.00 $ 1,720.00 $ 1,723.00 $ 2,476.00 $ 2,018.00 $ 2,001.00 $ 1,023.00 $ 1,793.00 $ 600.00 $ 1,382.00 $ 503.00 $ 1,029.00 $ 3,208.00 $ 2,578.00 $ 3,363.00 $ 3,470.00 $ 1,444.00 $ 1,961.00 $ 901.00 $ 1,541.00 $ 925.00 $ 244.00 $ 244.00 $ 296.00 $ 1,070.00 $ 1,070.00 $ 961.00 $ 961.00 $ 961.00 $ 961.00 $ 961.00 $ 961.00 Page 1 of 2 NMDOT - District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 3A - Erosion Repair Records for 2014 Erosion Repair Records January 2014 to December 2014 District 1 Note: Some of the Erosion Repair occurs outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. UAs are shown in Appendix 7. ORG PREFIX RTE # FR 1035 FR 1037 I 10 FR 1035 I 10 NM 28 FR 1035 FR 1035 US 70 FR 1035 FR 1035 FR 1035 FR 1037 US 70 FR 1035 FR 1037 US 70 FR 1037 NM 320 FR 1034 FL 5537 I 10 US 70 US 70 I 10 US 70 FL 5537 FL 5537 FR 1037 DWR # DWR DATE BEG MM END MM ACCOM 387526 8-Aug-14 11 0 250 387565 11-Aug-14 3 11 45 388107 18-Aug-14 139 139 55 388573 22-Aug-14 11.8 11.8 150 388574 22-Aug-14 143 143 140 388598 22-Aug-14 28 28 40 388599 22-Aug-14 11.8 1 50 388680 26-Aug-14 1 12 300 388828 27-Aug-14 158 158 5 388829 27-Aug-14 1 1 50 388831 27-Aug-14 1 12 155 389171 2-Sep-14 10 12 75 389172 2-Sep-14 1 1.8 75 389189 3-Sep-14 141 142.4 75 389362 5-Sep-14 0 1.7 10 389363 5-Sep-14 0 12 10 390450 19-Sep-14 143 143 50 390593 23-Sep-14 9.7 9.7 11 390594 23-Sep-14 0.6 0.6 12 390595 23-Sep-14 0.5 0.5 9 390597 23-Sep-14 0.5 0.5 7 391413 3-Oct-14 135.2 137.1 20 391489 6-Oct-14 164.5 164.5 50 392528 21-Oct-14 158 156 10 392755 22-Oct-14 143 143 50 394074 12-Nov-14 151.7 151.7 40 394812 21-Nov-14 1 1 10 394881 24-Nov-14 1.5 1.5 10 396576 18-Dec-14 12 12 20 Total Total Within UAs LABOR COST $ 682.00 $ 375.00 $ 471.00 $ 112.00 $ 128.00 $ 112.00 $ 222.00 $ 556.00 $ 146.00 $ 63.00 $ 471.00 $ 111.00 $ 111.00 $ 224.00 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 $ 250.00 $ 14.00 $ 28.00 $ 14.00 14.00 $ $ 180.00 $ 355.00 $ 48.00 $ 69.00 $ 182.00 $ 140.00 $ 224.00 $ 55.00 $ 27,737.00 $ 11,083.00 EQUIP COST $ 1,761.00 $ 881.00 $ 1,598.00 $ 380.00 $ 380.00 $ 421.00 $ 636.00 $ 1,755.00 $ 437.00 $ 262.00 $ 1,437.00 $ 349.00 $ 349.00 $ 698.00 $ 349.00 $ 349.00 $ 628.00 $ 48.00 $ 95.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 524.00 $ 1,499.00 $ 166.00 $ 238.00 $ 343.00 $ 501.00 $ 380.00 $ $ 81,856.00 $ 28,271.00 MATRL COST $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 19,950.00 $ 150.00 TOTAL $ 2,443.00 $ 1,256.00 $ 2,069.00 $ 492.00 $ 508.00 $ 533.00 $ 858.00 $ 2,311.00 $ 583.00 $ 325.00 $ 1,908.00 $ 460.00 $ 460.00 $ 922.00 $ 404.00 $ 404.00 $ 878.00 $ 62.00 $ 123.00 $ 62.00 $ 62.00 $ 704.00 $ 1,854.00 $ 214.00 $ 307.00 $ 525.00 $ 641.00 $ 604.00 $ 55.00 $ 129,543.00 $ 39,504.00 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) Page 2 of 2 NMDOT - District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 3A - 2014 Utility Permit Documentation UTILITY PERMITS (2014) Note: Some of the Utility Permits in Dona Ana County occur outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. The UA boundaries are shown in Appendix 7. Permit Number Date Approved Applicant 1-14-01 1/22/2014 Las Cruces Utilities 1-14-02 1/22/2014 Las Cruces Utilities 1-14-04A 1/29/2014 Century Link 1-14-04B 1/29/2014 Century Link 1-14-07 2/10/2014 Time Warner Cable 1-14-08 2/10/2014 Time Warner Cable 1-14-09 2/10/2014 Time Warner Cable 1-14-10 2/10/2014 New Mexico Gas Company 1-14-11 2/10/2014 1-14-14 1-14-16 Type Highway Number County Mile Marker Date Received 1-1/2 Water Service US 70 Dona Ana 148.660+ 12/20/2013 US 70 Dona Ana 148.660+ 12/20/2013 NM 185 Dona Ana 29.167 1/27/2014 NM 185 Dona Ana NM 184 Dona Ana NM 273 Dona Ana 6" Hydrant Assembly With 6" Hydrant Line and 6" Valve 4" HDPE, Futurepath, 6 Pair Dervice Wire Bore Futurepath, 6 Pair Dervice Wire Parallel Overhead Areal Cable & Overhead New Build Cable Underground New Build Coax Cable Bore Overlash Areal Cable & Overhead New Build Cable 29.124+ to 1/27/2014 29.167+ 0.26+ to 12/10/2013 0.12+ 8.064 1/6/2014 13.883 + to 1/21/2014 14.951+ 7.520- to 1/17/2014 8.016- NM 273 Dona Ana 4" PE Natural Gas Main NM 136 Dona Ana El Paso Electric Installation of 2-Class 4 Wood Poles (40') and 1Riser for Underground Service to Subdivision. NM 136 Dona Ana 7.5 2/4/2014 2/18/2014 El Paso Electric Replace 2 Pole Structure with 1 New 45' Pole NM 28 Dona Ana 25.833+ 2/4/2014 2/24/2014 NMED PSTB (by Western Technologies Inc.) Groundwater Monitoring Well 2" PVC NM 185 Dona Ana 2.68+ 2/19/2014 NM 373 Dona Ana 2.2- 2/26/2014 NM 136 Dona Ana 7.550+ to 7.559+ 3/5/2014 NM 136 Dona Ana 7.559 3/5/2014 NM 90 Dona Ana 38.46 3/10/2014 NM 185 Dona Ana 35.057+ 3/17/2014 US 70 Dona Ana 146.554- to 146.607- 3/5/2014 US 70 Dona Ana 146.554 3/5/2014 FR 1035 Dona Ana 12.327- to 12.337- 2/20/2014 FR 1035 Dona Ana 12.337 2/20/2014 1-14-17 3/11/2014 El Paso Electric 1-14-20A 4/1/2014 Century Link 1-14-20B 4/1/2014 Century Link 1-14-21 4/1/2014 Century Link 1-14-22 4/1/2014 Century Link 1-14-23A 4/1/2014 Century Link 1-14-23B 4/1/2014 Century Link 1-14-24A 4/1/2014 1-14-24B 4/1/2014 Century Link 1-14-28 4/7/2014 Alto De Las Flores MDWCA New Residential Water Meter NM 28 Dona Ana 19.13- 3/28/2014 1-14-29 4/7/2014 El Paso Electric Install 2 New 40' Poles; Replace 1-40' Pole in Existing 3 Phase 24KV Powerline NM 187 Dona Ana 3.00+ 3/19/2014 4/11/2014 Comcast/SEFNCO Communications Fiber Optic Line NM 28 Dona Ana 28.2+ 4/9/2014 3/17/2014 1-14-32 1-14-33 4/14/2014 1-14-36 4/15/2014 1-14-37 4/15/2014 Century Link Replace 45' Century Link Pole With New 50' Century Link Pole Armored Futuredpath, 72 Strand Fiber Parallel 4" HDPE, Armored Futurepath, 72 Strand Fiber Bore 4" HDPE, Innerduct, 72 Strand Fiber, 200 Pair Copper Cable Bore (1) Pedestal, 300 Pair Copper Cable Trenching 1.84" Futurepath, 72 Starnd Fiber Cable Bore Parallel 1.84" Futurepath, 72 Starnd Fiber Cable Bore Armored Pestduct, 72 Strand Fiber Parallel Armored Pestduct, 72 Strand Fiber Handhole Bore Dona Ana MDWCA 18" PVC C900 Waterline NM 320 Dona Ana 0.74- to 0.82- El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company Install New 45' Pole & 3 Phase 24KV Circuit Remove Existing 3 Phase Circuit NM 28 Dona Ana 14.91 4/4/2014 Install 1-45' Pole in Existing 3 Phase 24KV Powerline NM 373 Dona Ana 0.43- 3/28/2014 3/24/2014 1-14-38 4/15/2014 Century Link 25 Copper Cable, 50 Pair Copper Cable, (2) Poles 1-14-39A 4/22/2014 Century Link 2" HDPE, 6 Pair Service Wire Parallel NM 185 Dona Ana 7.777- to 7.784- 4/7/2014 1-14-39B 4/22/2014 Century Link 2" HDPE, 6 Pair Service Wire Bore NM 185 Dona Ana 7.777 4/7/2014 shaded cells = Urbanized Areas (UAs) As-Build Received NM 226 Dona Ana 2.396+ to 2.436+ 4/29/2014 4/8/2014 6/19/2014 6/19/2014 6/19/2014 Page 1 of 3 NMDOT - District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 3A - 2014 Utility Permit Documentation UTILITY PERMITS (2014) Note: Some of the Utility Permits in Dona Ana County occur outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. The UA boundaries are shown in Appendix 7. Permit Number Date Approved Applicant 1-14-40A 4/22/2014 City of Las Cruces 1-14-40B 4/22/2014 City of Las Cruces New Mexico Gas Company New Mexico Gas Company Highway Number County US 70 Dona Ana US 70 Dona Ana 2" PE Natural Gas Main NM 187 Dona Ana 2" PVC Natural Gas Main NM 187 Dona Ana Type 8" and 12" Watermain and all Necessary Appurtenances Bore 8" Asphaltic Cement Waterline, Out of Service Mile Marker 144.8+ to 143.8+ 144.8+ to 143.8+ 5.550- to 5.5375.550- to 5.537- Date Received 12/9/2014 12/9/2014 1-14-42A 4/28/2014 1-14-42B 4/28/2014 1-14-43 4/29/2014 Century Link 25 Pair Copper Cable, (1) Pole NM 185 Dona Ana 29.735 3/31/2014 1-14-45 5/13/2014 New Mexico Gas Company 2" PE Natural Gas Main NM 273 Dona Ana 7.642+ to 7.701+ 4/29/2014 Century Link 2" Innerduct, 24 Strand Fiber Cable Bore NM 478 Dona Ana 21.187 4/21/2014 1-14-16A 5/20/2014 21.149+ to 21.187+ 1.358- to 1.367- 4/4/2014 10/27/2014 4/4/2014 10/27/2014 1-14-46B 5/20/2014 Century Link 2" HDPE, 24 Strand Cable Parallel NM 478 Dona Ana 1-14-48 6/9/2014 New Mexico Gas Company 2" PE Natural Gas Main NM 187 Dona Ana 1-14-51 7/21/2014 Century Link Futurepath, 72 Strand Fiber Cable NM 273 Dona Ana 3.650- 6/26/2014 1-14-54 7/21/2014 Dona Ana 1.1+ 7/3/2014 7/21/2014 NM 390 Dona Ana 0.5+ 7/3/2014 1-14-57 8/4/2014 Install 2 New 45' Poles and Replace 145' to 50' Pole New 1-35' Pole, 1-40' Pole and New Span of 120V Secondary Circuit Install 30' 1/2" Pipe, PE Natural Gas Service for Well Pump. NM 187 1-14-55 El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company New Mexico Gas Company NM 182 Dona Ana 0.66+ 7/18/2014 5/21/2014 Century Link Armored Futurepath, Fiber Cable US 70 Dona Ana 1-14-63 8/25/2014 Underwood Engineering 8" Sewer Line Parallel NM 227 Dona Ana 1-14-64 8/26/2014 Engineeres Inc. Fiber Optic Line NM 185 Dona Ana 2.6+ 7/28/2014 NM 373 Dona Ana 1.70- to 1.22- 7/28/2014 NM 225 Dona Ana 0.02 8/13/2014 NM 28 Dona Ana 6.15 8/13/2014 NM 28 Dona Ana 6.6 7/25/2014 1-14-66A 9/9/2014 1-14-66B 9/9/2014 1-14-67 9/10/2014 1-14-68 9/23/2014 1-14-70 9/24/2014 1-14-72 10/8/2014 1-14-73 10/14/2014 1-14-74 10/15/2014 1-14-75 10/15/2014 1-14-76 10/20/2014 1-14-77 10/20/2014 shaded cells = Urbanized Areas (UAs) Engineeres Inc. Fiber Optic Line El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company Jornada Water Company Inc. New 3 Phase 24 KV Powerline Crossing New 3 Phase 24 KV Powerline Removal of Existing Powerline 2" Steel Casing for Water Service Line Under NM 28 Bore (1) Handhole, Futurepath, 72 Strand Fiber Parallel Century Link El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company Century Link 3 Pair Service Wire Parallel Replace Existing Secondary Powerline and Upgrade Transformer on Existing Pole Replace Damaged 40' Pole with New 40' Pole El Paso Electric Company Upgrade Existing Powerline to 3 Phase 24KV for Approx. 1.6 Miles El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company Replace Existing Powerline with 240V Secondary Circuit Crossing Replacement of Existing 45' Pole with New 50' Pole Upgrade Existing Powerline to 3 Phase 24KV for Approx. 2.07 Miles 2.665+ to 3.914+ 10.065+ to 10.067+ FR 1030 Dona Ana NM 187 Dona Ana NM 28 Dona Ana 14- 8/6/2014 NM 478 Dona Ana 17.05+ 10/7/2014 NM 28 Dona Ana 1.54- to 3.27- 8/26/2014 NM 187 Dona Ana 6.85 9/15/2014 FR 1038 Dona Ana 2.936 S. from Vado Int. 9/15/2014 Dona Ana 26.44+ to 28.51+ 9/11/2014 NM 185 8/13/2014 143.884- to 7/21/2014 143.8891.55- to 7/7/2014 1.64- 8/4/2014 8/26/2014 9/11/2014 4/21/2014 1-14-59 1-14-65 As-Build Received 9/15/2014 8/18/2014 Page 2 of 3 NMDOT - District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 3A - 2014 Utility Permit Documentation UTILITY PERMITS (2014) Note: Some of the Utility Permits in Dona Ana County occur outside of the Urbanized Areas (UA). The shaded rows below indicate routes within the UAs. The unshaded routes are in the areas surrounding the UAs. The UA boundaries are shown in Appendix 7. Permit Number Date Approved Applicant Type Highway Number County Mile Marker Date Received 1-14-78 10/21/2014 Lower Rio Grande PWWA 8-inch Water Line NM 478 Dona Ana 15.45+ to 15.88+ 7/8/2014 1-14-79A 10/27/2014 Century Link 72 Strand Fiber Cable Bore NM 26 Dona Ana 46.563 9/19/2014 Century Link 72 Strand Fiber Cable, Down Guy & Anchor Parallel NM 26 Dona Ana 46.563+ to 46.868+ 9/19/2014 46.868 9/19/2014 162.63 8/15/2013 1-14-79B 10/27/2014 1-14-79C 10/27/2014 Century Link 72 Strand Fiber Cable Bore NM 26 Dona Ana 11/6/2014 Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC (1) 48 Count Fiber, 6.6M Strand Attached to EPE Poles. 1.063' (Fiber Optic) I-10 Dona Ana NM 185 Dona Ana 1-14-80 1-14-83 11/15/2014 Century Link 25 Pair Copper Cable Parallel GO Deanna Chacon 1-14-86A 11/17/2014 Century Link 4" HDPE, Service Wire NM 185 Dona Ana 1-14-86B 11/17/2014 Century Link Service Wire NM 185 Dona Ana 1-14-87 11/24/2014 Dona Ana County 6-in, HDPE Sewer Force Main NM 478 Dona Ana 1-14-92 12/8/2014 Century Link (1) 48" Round Handhole US 70 Dona Ana 1-14-93A 12/8/2014 1-14-93B 12/8/2014 1-14-94 12/9/2014 1-14-95 12/9/2014 1-14-96 12/9/2014 1-14-97 12/9/2014 1-14-98 12/9/2014 1-14-99 12/9/2014 1-14-5A 1/29/2014 9/2/14 to 3/2/15 BS 1st Extension Century Link 100 Pair Copper Cable NM 136 Dona Ana Century Link 4" HDPE Conduit NM 136 Dona Ana El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company El Paso Electric Company Remove Pole and Install New 45' Riser Pole 14KV Powerline Circuit - No Poles in Hwy ROW NM 273 Dona Ana NM 182 Century Link 1-14-05B 1/29/2014 9/2/14 to 3/2/15 BS 1st Extension Century Link 1-14-19 4/1/2014 10/14/14 to 4/14/15 BS 1st Extension El Paso Natural Gas As-Build Received 24.814+ to 10/21/2014 10/21/2014 24.841+ 35.057 10/17/2014 35.057- to 10/17/2014 35.0622.45+ to 10/14/2014 3.39+ 142.9710.423 to 0.441 0.423 to 0.441 11/21/2014 11/14/2014 11/14/2014 13.7- 11/7/2014 Dona Ana 0.32+ 11/20/2014 11/7/2014 Remove of Existing Powerlines & Installation of New 3 Phase Powerline & Span Guy NM 28 Dona Ana 15.47 to 15.68 Replace 45' Pole With New 50' Pole in Existing 3 Phase 24 KV Powerline NM 28 Dona Ana 15.1+ 11/17/2014 Replace & Install Approx. 25 Pole and Replace Existing Circuit with New 3 Phase 24 KV Circuit NM 185 Dona Ana 14.4- to 15.6- 11/7/2014 6.2+ 11/21/2014 Remove Existing Powerline - Install New 3 Phase 24KV Powerline Crossing 4" HDPE, Innerduct, 24 Strand Fiber Cable Bore Armored Pestduct, 24 Strand Fiber Cable Parallel NM 273 Dona Ana FR 2031 Dona Ana 6.998+ 1/10/2014 FR 2031 Dona Ana 6.998+ to 7.000+ 1/10/2014 12" O.D. Pipeline Bore NM 404 Dona Ana 1 3/7/2014 shaded cells = in Urbanized Areas (UAs) shaded cells = Urbanized Areas (UAs) Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX 3C IDDE PAMPHLET DOCUMENTATION Appendix 3C - IDDE Pamphlet Documentation A-1301 Revised 02/14 HELP PROTECT OUR MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCE: WATER Drainage Design Bureau Educational Brochure & Report Form JUMP TO REPORT FORM Appendix 3C - IDDE Pamphlet Documentation A-1301 Revised 02/14 HELP PROTECT OUR MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCE: WATER Storm drains and arroyos are for transporting rain water runoff. Keeping our stormwater channels clean helps keep our waters clean. Dumping any pollutants into storm drains or arroyos is an illicit discharge, is illegal, and is a violation of the EPA’s Clean Water Act. Additionally, it is illegal to connect any unauthorized pipe, ditch, or other manmade structure to a storm drainage system (an illicit connection). Report illicit discharges, illicit connections, or spills by one of the methods listed at the end of this page. Reporting one of these can help prevent degradation of our precious waters and harm to the environment. WHAT IS AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE? An illicit discharge is the introduction of non-stormwater runoff, sewage, pollutants, or hazardous materials into the public stormwater system, such as catch basins, median drop inlets, ditches, or arroyos. Studies have shown that pollutant discharge from stormwater systems in dry weather due to illicit discharges can exceed the total pollutant flow from storm event flows. Stormwater systems flow untreated to natural water bodies and can directly affect water quality. Storm drains are there to collect stormwater runoff only. The dumping of oil, grease, dirty wash water, or in most cases anything at all into a storm drain is illegal and may cause severe damage to the environment. This includes solid waste, such as trash or yard debris. WHAT ARE EXAMPLES OF AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE? Examples of illicit discharges include: pet waste, changing oil or antifreeze over or near a storm structure, washing paint or construction waste down the storm drain, yard waste, leaking trash dumpsters, failing septic systems, overflowing grease traps, operational wash water, hazardous waste, and chemical spills. WHAT ARE SIGNS OF AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE? Signs of an illicit discharge can include: staining, residues, oily substances, odors, dry weather flows, turbid (cloudy) waters, or suds. Dry Weather Flow is observed when it has not rained for at least 72 hours and the storm drain has flow or the drain shows signs of intermittent flow (staining, odor). Oil/Gas is recognized as sheen on the water. Natural sheens may be differentiated from an oil/gas sheen by swirling the sheen around in the water. If it re-attaches to itself, the sheen is oil/gas. Natural sheens will remain separated. Oil or gas enters water bodies via storm water runoff (spills while topping off at gas stations, oil leaks on pavement, etc.) and illegal dumping. Sanitary Sewage may be present if there is black staining inside the drainage pipe; visible evidence of sanitary waste, such as toilet paper; or opaque or gray water. Sewage may originate from septic tank overflow pipes or improperly dumped travel trailer waste. Appendix 3C - IDDE Pamphlet Documentation A-1301 Revised 02/14 Oil/gas sheen (photo courtesy NCTCOG) Pollutant suds (photo courtesy NCTCOG) Wash water draining to a storm drain Dark staining in waterway (photo courtesy WSDOT) WHAT IS NOT AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE? Allowable discharges include: firefighting activities, water line or hydrant flush water, lawn water, swimming pool discharge (if not recently chlorine shocked), air conditioning condensate, street/sidewalk wash water, dust control water, individual residential car washing, or irrigation water from agricultural sources. Natural sheens may appear as discrete blocks with sharp edges, and when broken up will remain separated, while oil/gas sheens will reattach themselves and appear smoother. Natural suds or foam is only associated with high flows at the “drop off” and will not persist downstream. Appendix 3C - IDDE Pamphlet Documentation A-1301 Revised 02/14 Natural sheen (photo courtesy NCTCOG) Natural foam (photo courtesy NCTCOG) WHAT IS AN ILLICIT CONNECTION? An illicit connection is any unauthorized pipe, ditch, or other manmade structure that is physically connected to NMDOT's property or drainage system, which allows the discharge of non-stormwater to the storm drain system. Examples of possible illicit connections include: Floor drains going into the storm drain system, pipe from a washing machine tying into storm drain structure, a sewer service pipe tying into a storm structure, septic or sewer connections. A surface hose discharging into a storm drain inlet. This may be an illicit connection. (photo courtesy WSDOT) WHAT IS A SPILL? A spill is a single-event, unintentional or intentional release of a non-stormwater substance to NMDOT's roadway, property, or stormwater drainage system. Many times they are associated with emergency situations such as an automobile accident spilling oil or other automotive fluids onto the highway surface and potentially flowing into the stormwater drainage system. For spills on state highways THAT IMPACT THE SAFETY OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC or the environment, such as spills related to vehicle accidents, fires, unknown chemicals, or an explosion hazard, CALL 911. For all other spills, please use one of the reporting methods listed below. Appendix 3C - IDDE Pamphlet Documentation A-1301 Revised 02/14 ILLICIT DISCHARGE, ILLICIT CONNECTION, OR SPILL REPORT FORM IF THIS IS A SPILL OR DISCHARGE THAT IS IMMEDIATELY ENDANGERING THE LIFE OR SAFETY OF MOTORISTS CALL 911! You can submit a report one of three ways: 1) Email: Copy the form below to the clipboard (highlight the text, select Edit from the menu bar, then Copy). Click on this link [email protected]. Paste the copied form into the body of your email (select Edit from the menu bar, then Paste). Fill out the information in the form. Send the email. 2) Postal mail: Fill in the form below. You will not be able to save the completed form, but you will be able to print it out. Print out the form. Mail it to: IDDE, Rm. 218, Drainage Bureau, NMDOT, PO Box 1149, Santa Fe, NM 87507-1149 3) Telephone: call 505-827-5330 Fill out the form as completely as possible. Not all fields will be relevant for all cases. Leave blank any fields that you don’t know or that don’t apply. The more information you provide the better we can respond. We will contact you only if we need more information regarding this issue. Ύ/ŶĚŝĐĂƚĞƐƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚĨŝĞůĚ * Date of observation: Time of observation: * Description of problem (Is there an obvious source? Is there an odor? What color is it? How many gallons?): Event/observation Location Business name: Street address (including city): * Highway/Road: County: Mile marker: Driving directions: * Specific location (median, ditch, which side of highway, etc.): Contact Information Your name: Your preferred contact method: Your telephone number (###-###-####): Your email: APPENDIX 4 CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS APPENDIX 4A 2014 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DOCUMENTATION Appendix 4A Form A-110 Rev. 2/2009 INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE SUBJECT: TO: FROM: District One NPDES Policy Project Supervisors Area Maintenance Superintendents DATE: FILE REFERENCE: December 5, 2012 NPDES Policy - 2012 Trent Doolittle District Engineer The following is written to clarify district policy regarding construction projects that are required to have permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) federal requirements. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds for enforcement action. 1. The Assistant District (Construction) Engineer (ADE) will request that a Notice of Intent (NOI) be filed with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for eligible projects once a construction project has been awarded. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be completed and certified prior to submittal of the NOI. Coverage commences 14 days after submission of the NOI to EPA. 2. At that point, construction can begin. 3. The Contractor/Construction crew will perform and document inspections of the contractor’s SWPPP at least once every 14 days and within 24 hours of every 1/2” rainfall event. Once stabilization has occurred, inspections may be reduced to once per month. Corrective action/maintenance of devices should be documented. 4. Upon final acceptance of the project, the Contractor should submit all documentation to the Project Manager. This transmittal will be done using Attachment A. 5. The Contractor can request a Notice of Termination (NOT) for the project at this time. He will receive a letter stating that from the Project Manager. (See Contractor to Submit NOT Letter, attached.) 6. The Project Manager will then transfer the entire SWPPP documentation to the appropriate Patrol Supervisor using Attachment B. Prior to SWPPP transfer, the Project Supervisor or designee and Patrol Supervisor or designee shall meet on the project and perform a review of the SWPPP and each feature contained therein on the ground to ensure a complete understanding of the location, design and purpose of each Best Management Practice or pollution prevention device. 7. The Patrol is responsible for performing and documenting inspections of the SWPPP at least once every 14 days and within 24 hours of every 1/2” rainfall event. Once stabilization has occurred, inspections may be reduced to once per month. Corrective action/maintenance of devices should be documented. 8. All inspections by Contractor/Construction/Maintenance will be documented using Attachment C. 9. Should maintenance be required as a result of the inspections, the Patrol will be responsible for this work and documentation. 10. The Patrol Supervisor should inform the Assistant District (Construction) Engineer when 70% of ground cover is achieved, as compared to adjacent undisturbed ground. The patrol will then submit all SWPPP documentation and records to the ADE using Attachment D. 11. The ADE will then request that the NOT be filed for the project. 12. Once the NOT has been filed, the patrol will then be responsible for removing all temporary SWPPP devices within the project limits. 13. After the NOT has been approved by the EPA, the ADE will maintain all SWPPP documentation for all projects for three years, at which time these records will be destroyed. Attachments TD/rkj XC: Construction/Maintenance ADEs Patrol Supervisors Audit Supervisor Form A-110 Rev. 2/2009 INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE SUBJECT: TO: FROM: District One NPDES Policy Project Supervisors Area Maintenance Superintendents DATE: FILE REFERENCE: June 28, 2013 2012 Construction General Permit Trent Doolittle, District Engineer The following is written to clarify district policy regarding construction projects that are required to have permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) federal requirements. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and is grounds for enforcement action. 1. The Assistant District (Construction) Engineer (ADE) will request that a Notice of Intent (NOI) be filed with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for eligible projects once a construction project has been awarded. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be completed and certified prior to submittal of the NOI. Coverage commences 14 days after submission of the NOI to EPA. 2. At that point, construction can begin. The Project Manager appoints the Department’s Storm Water Team from Construction Personnel for the project. 3. The Contractor/Construction crew will perform and document inspections of the contractor’s SWPPP at least once every 7 days and within 24 hours of every .25” rainfall event. Corrective action/maintenance of Best Management Practices (BMP) devices should be documented, one report noting the maintenance that is needed (signed, dated and the time noted) and the corrective action report showing when and by whom the corrections were made (signed, dated and the time noted) within 7 days of the initial inspection report which noted the needed maintenance. 4. Upon final acceptance and stabilization of the project, the Contractor should submit all documentation to the Project Manager. This transmittal will be done using Attachment A. 5. The Contractor can request a Notice of Termination (NOT) for their permit coverage of the project at this time. When the Project Manager determines that all BMP device and all other plan requirements are met the Project Manager will submit a letter to him allowing them to submit their NOT. At that point the Department assumes the SWPPP and all documentation from the Contractor. (Sample letter attached.) 6. The Project Manager then determines if the permit is ready to be terminated, at which time an NOT is also filed for the Department and the 3 year record retention period begins. If the Project Manager determines that continued inspections will be needed it will be necessary to immediately transfer the SWPPP documentation to the appropriate Patrol Supervisor using Attachment B. The Patrol Supervisor appoints the Department’s Storm Water Team from Maintenance Patrol Personnel for the project. District One NPDES Policy, 2013 7. At the time of the SWPPP transfer, the Project Supervisor (or designee) and Patrol Supervisor (or designee) shall meet on the project and perform a review of the SWPPP and each feature contained therein on the ground to ensure a complete understanding of the location, design and purpose of each BMP or pollution prevention device, and will give the SWPPP to the Patrol for the continued inspections. The Project Supervisor should ensure that a rain gauge is on the project. 8. The Patrol is then responsible for performing and documenting inspections of the SWPPP at least once every 7 days and within 24 hours of every .25” rainfall event. Corrective action/maintenance of Best Management Practices (BMP) devices should be documented, one report noting the maintenance that is needed (signed, dated and the time noted) and the corrective action report showing when and by whom the corrections were made (signed, dated and the time noted) within 7 days of the initial inspection report which noted the needed maintenance. 9. All inspections by the Contractor, Construction or Maintenance Patrol personnel will be documented using Attachment C or a similar form contained in the SWPPP. The inspections must be performed by qualified personnel, listing the date and the name and title of the personnel performing the inspections. A list of SWPPP Competent Person(s) on the project, using NMDOT form A-1085 is to be completed by each group at the beginning of their responsibility for the project and placed in the SWPPP, along with copies of each of the Competent Person Training Certificates. Each inspection report should have two signatures on them, the inspector and the designated person listed by the certifying official for that project’s SWPPP. 10. Should maintenance be required as a result of the inspections, the Patrol will be responsible for this work and the documentation of it. 11. The Patrol Supervisor shall inform the Assistant District (Construction) Engineer when 70% of ground cover is achieved, as compared to adjacent undisturbed ground. The patrol will then submit the SWPPP, documentation, inspection forms, photos of the return growth and any other records to the ADE using Attachment D. 12. The ADE will then request that the NOT be filed for the project to end EPA coverage for the Department. 13. Once the NOT has been filed, the Patrol will then be responsible for removing all BMP devices within the project limits. 14. After the NOT has been approved by the EPA, the ADE will maintain all SWPPP documentation for all projects for a three year retention period, after which time these records will be destroyed. Attachments: Attachment A – Transfer of Storm Water Management Authority to NMDOT DE Letter to Contractor - Allowing the Contractor to submit their NOT to end their EPA permit coverage Attachment B – Transfer of Storm Water Management Authority from Construction to Maintenance Attachment C – EPA NPDES Construction Inspection Form and NMDOT SWPPP Inspection and Maintenance Report Attachment D – Transfer of Storm Water Management from Maintenance to Construction NMDOT Form A - 1085 – Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Qualification TD/rkj XC: Construction/Maintenance ADEs Patrol Supervisors Audit Supervisor Abbreviations and Terminology: CWA – Clean Water Act or the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1987) Page 2 District One NPDES Policy, 2013 NPDES – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System EPA – Environmental Protection Agency – (The government agency responsible for permitting and enforcement of the Clean Water Act.) SWPPP – Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (The book containing the pollution control plan, all inspections, documentation, etc.) NOI – Notice of Intent (EPA’s form for applying for coverage.) NOT – Notice of Termination (EPA’s form for terminating coverage.) BMP - Best Management Practices (Pollution Prevention Devices (e.g. silt fences) used to minimize the discharge of pollutants and erosion from earth-disturbing activities. Page 3 A-1085 Rev 2/04 New Mexico Department of Transportation Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Qualification Control Number: Project Number: Termini: Contractor: Address: Phone No: List of SWPPP Competent Person(s) on the Project: Name Certificate Number Please attach copies of SWPPP Competent Person Training Certificate. Name of person filling out the form: Signature: Date: Expiration Date TRANSFER OF STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Contractor to District Engineer NMDOT Project Number On (Date) was completed per NMDOT specifications by (Contractor) For the purposes of compliance with the Storm Water General Permit for Construction, control of the project for Storm Water Management purposes is hereby transferred to the District One Engineer representing the New Mexico Department of Transportation. Attached to this transfer document is the original of the complete Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan that includes a report on the Final Inspection conducted on by the (Date) Storm Water Competent Persons representing (Contractor) and NMDOT. (Contractor Signature) (Title) , Project Supervisor for District One On this date, I, (Name) and ___________________________________________________, Patrol Supervisor for District One (Name) of the New Mexico Department of Transportation, do hereby accept management control of Project Number for purposes of Storm Water Management under the provisions of the Storm Water General Permit for Construction. I further certify that NMDOT has a Notice of Intent (NOI) established for this project as required by the Construction General Permit. It is further acknowledged that the completed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan document and all attachments thereto have been received as part of this transfer of authority. (Signature of Patrol Supervisor (Signature of Project Supervisor (Title) (Title) (Date) (Date) Copies: Project Supervisor Construction ADE Project Files Contractor to DE (Attachment A) Today’s Date Susana Martinez Contractor’s Name Governor Address Tom Church Acting Cabinet Secretary Address City State and Zip code Commissioners Attn: Contractor Project Manager's Name Inserted Here Pete K. Rahn Re: SWPPP Termination Authority Chairman District 3 Project Number and Control Number Dr. Kenneth White Dear Mr. (Name Here): Secretary District 1 Per EPA General Permit Requirements the above‐referenced project is now completed. All Best Management Practices (BMP) have been inspected and are fully functional. All punch Robert R. Wallach Commissioner list items concerning NPDES on the project are also completed. District 2 Therefore, the Department is assuming control in accordance with Appendix G, Section 11.C Schmeits of the General Permit over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized until: Ronald Commissioner Coverage under an alternative NPDES permit has been obtained, or final stabilization has District 4 been achieved on all portions of the site. Please proceed in filing the Notice of Termination (NOT) of Coverage Under an NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated Butch Mathews Commissioner with Construction Activity. District 5 Thank you for your service as it is essential to comply fully with the EPA General Permit Jackson Gibson Requirements. Commissioner District 6 Sincerely, Name of PM Here XC: Construction Administrative Assistant (e‐mail) Patrol Supervisor (e‐mail) Maintenance ADE (email) Construction ADE (email) G e n e r a l O f f i c e P. O. B o x 1 1 4 9 S a n t a F e, N M 8 7 5 0 4 R E F S N A R T E L I F S E D P N (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Construction to Maintenance (This form is to be filled out after final acceptance of a project.) Responsibility for Routine Maintenance of NPDES installed Features is hereby transferred as follows: Project Number Control Number Project Termini From: Project Manager Crew Date Signature To: Patrol Supervisor Patrol Date Signature The following documentation is attached: (check as appropriate) NOI (Notice of Intent) Completed Inspection Reports to Date PPP (Pollution Prevention Plan) Inspection Report filled out with locations and descriptions of features Set of small project plan sheets showing location of each feature The above listed documentation shall be maintained in an appropriately labeled folder, along with all maintenance inspection reports, and shall be readily available for inspection upon request. Important Note: These NPDES features are to be inspected at a minimum of once a month. Maintenance of the features is to continue until an NOT (Notice of Termination) form is issued by the District Engineer. A copy of the NOT shall be filed with the NPDES file folder. Copies: Construction ADE Maintenance ADE Project Supervisor Patrol Supervisor AMS District Audit Unit Project Files Construction to Maintenance (Attachment B) R E F S N A R T E L I F S E D P N (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Maintenance to Construction (This form is to be filled out when Patrol Supervisor is ready to file the NOT) (70% of ground cover has been achieved) Project Number Control Number: Project Termini From: Patrol Supervisor Crew Date Signature To: Construction, ADE Date Signature The following documentation is attached: (check as appropriate) NOI (Notice of Intent) Completed Inspection Reports to Date PPP (Pollution Protection Plan) Set of small project plan sheets showing location of each feature Copies: Construction ADE Maintenance ADE Project Supervisor Patrol Supervisor AMS District Audit Unit Project Files Maintenance to Construction (Attachment D) NMDOT – District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 4A – NOI/NOT Tracking NOI/NOT STATUS – DISTRICT ONE PROJECTS updated 12/12/2012 (“ * ” In front of CN denotes 2012 CGP Projects with Re-Submitted NOI’s ) TERMINATED BY EPA NOT TO EPA NOI RESUBMI T 7/22/2013 2/13/2012 & 5/11/2012 8/30/2013 6/28/2011 3/20/2012 11/30/2011 3/20/2012 4/15/2011 4/26/2011 5/14/2012 NMR10HE4 8 5/20/2011 5/27/2011 10/30/201 3 5/11/2012 10/30/2013 *CN 1100460 (3 of them for this project!) NMR10HN1 6 NMR10HN1 7 NMR10HN1 8 1/19/2012 1/26/2012 2/14/2013 (all three of them) 5/11/2012 2/28/2013 *CN D1028 (Maint. Johnny Cordoro has) NMR10HN6 8 1/30/2012 2/6/2012 10/30/201 3 5/11/2012 10/30/2013 *CN 1100360 NMR10HO3 3 2/13/2012 2/20/2012 9/15/2014 5/11/2012 (Ext. until 12/15/14) 9/15/2014 3/6/2012 3/20/2012 07/3/2012 11/13/201 3 (Mailed Hard copy 5/11/2012 6/19/2012 Cert. Receipt signed by EPA on 11/19/2013 NOI APPROVED PROJECT TRACKING # NOI TO EPA *NM11 Drainage Ditch Regrading (Trent Doolittle) NMR10HB5 8 3/11/2011 3/18/2011 NMLEWHC 32 3/29/2011 3/30/2011 NMLEWHC 33 3/29/2011 3/30/2011 NMLEWHC 34 3/29/2011 3/30/2011 CN D1079 NMR10HF86 6/21/2011 *CN ES02107 NMR10HD1 8 *CN D1038 Maint. (J.Cordoro) Has CN 1100021 LEW Waiver I-10 ITS Project-Las Cruces CN 1100021 LEW Waiver I-10 ITS ProjectLordsburg CN 1100021 LEW Waiver I-10 ITS ProjectDeming CN D1611 (Ernest Sedillo has as of March, 2013) NMR12A024 FILE TO MAINT. 3/2013 5/21/2012 NMDOT – District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 4A – NOI/NOT Tracking NOI/NOT STATUS – DISTRICT ONE PROJECTS updated 12/12/2012 (“ * ” In front of CN denotes 2012 CGP Projects with Re-Submitted NOI’s ) PROJECT TRACKING # NOI TO EPA NOI APPROVED FILE TO MAINT. NOT TO EPA NOI RESUBMI T TERMINATED BY EPA NOT) CN LC00060 Johnny Cordero(Maint.) has SWPPP as of 6/26/13 NMR12A089 4/2/2012 4/25/2012 10/30/201 3 3/18/2013 10/30/2013 CN CP701 NMR12A477 5/29/2012 6/12/2012 10/6/2014 12/10/2013 (Time ext. to 12/30/14) 10/6/2014 NMLEWHP1 0 3/15/2012 3/15/2012 NMR12AD2 2 10/1/2012 10/15/2012 CN E100030 (Date extended on 1/27/14 for one yr., until 2/5/2015)Given to maint. on 3/12/2013 NMR12AF81 1/23/2013 2/6/2013 CN LC00090 NMR12AF80 1/15/2013 1/29/2013 1/21/2014 CN 1101000 NMR12AF03 11/21/201 2 12/5/2012 6/3/2013 NMR12AJ27 4/15/2013 4/29/2013 US 180 GlenwoodWhitewater LEW Permit (Trent Doolittle’s Permit) CN G3731 11/5/2013 3/12/2013 11/5/2013 1/27/2014 12/10/2013 6/3/2013 CN 7682 CN 1100361R NMR12AL5 2 6/13/2013 6/26/2013 1/21/2014 9/23/14 extended time until 9/29/15 NMDOT – District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 4A – NOI/NOT Tracking NOI/NOT STATUS – DISTRICT ONE PROJECTS updated 12/12/2012 (“ * ” In front of CN denotes 2012 CGP Projects with Re-Submitted NOI’s ) NOI APPROVED TRACKING # NOI TO EPA NMR12A004 8/30/2013 9/12/2013 NMR12AV0 3 5/2/2014 5/16/2014 CN G18A4 NMR12AT6 3 3/14/2014 3/28/2014 CN 1100910 LEW Permit NMLEWA03 2 2/3/2014 CN 1100510 NMR12AX3 3 7/11/2014 NMR12B010 10/6/2014 NMR12AZ6 7 9/15/2014 PROJECT CN 1100710 CN 1100900 7/25/2014 CN 1100600 CN E100060 CN LC00100 NPDES Project Update.doc 9/26/2014 FILE TO MAINT. NOT TO EPA 12/8/2014 NOI RESUBMI T 3/3/2014 (To Increase Time to 3/15/15) TERMINATED BY EPA APPENDIX 6 POLLUTION PREVENTION AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING IN MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS APPENDIX 6C 2014 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING DOCUMENTATION NMDOT – District 1 Phase II MS4 2014 Annual Report Appendix 6C – 2014 Good Housekeeping Summary Tres Cruces Complex (Solano Yard) 750 N. Solano Las Cruces NM 88001 Housekeeping is done by Horizons of New Mexico. Sewer is connected to City of Las Cruces system. Fuel station is inspected and permitted by Storage Tank Bureau of NMENV. Inmate labor does periodic clean up on yard/landscaping. Construction Lab: Three sided containment area that is periodically cleaned up by Las Cruces Maintenance Patrol. Solid Waste disposal done by Las Cruces Utilities. Las Cruces Maintenance Patrol 8070 Bataan Memorial East Las Cruces NM 88001 Housekeeping is done by Patrol employees. Sewer is connected to septic tank. Fuel station is inspected and permitted by Storage Tank Bureau of NMENV. Yard is maintained by Patrol employees. Used oil is place in storage tank and picked up by Safety Kleen. Solid Waste disposal done by Las Cruces Utilities. Scrap metal is sold to a vendor thru Price Agreement. Scrap tires are sold to vendor thru Price Agreement. Patrol barn has wash bay for equipment. Patrol has a spill prevention plan. Dust control is done by Patrol. Herbicides are stored in separate storage container that is labeled. Anthony Maintenance Patrol Yard NM 460 mm 3.2 Anthony NM 88021 Housekeeping is done by Patrol employees. Sewer is connected to septic tank. Fuel station is inspected and permitted by Storage Tank Bureau of NMENV. Yard is maintained by Patrol employees. Used oil is place in storage tank and picked up by Safety Kleen. Solid Waste disposal done by Southwest Disposal of El Paso. Scrap metal is sold to a vendor thru Price Agreement. Scrap tires are sold to vendor thru Price Agreement. Patrol barn has wash bay for equipment. Patrol has a spill prevention plan. Dust control is done by Patrol. Herbicides are stored in separate storage container that is labeled. Page 1 of 1 From No. A-1191 Rev. 06/08 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE SELF-INSPECTION / SAFETY AUDIT REPORT DATE: 3/4/2014 TIME: A.M. BUILDING ROOM: Solano 41-16 P.M. 10:00 SUPERVISOR: Vince Pena BUREAU CHIEF: SECTION I. 1. Are floors and other walking surfaces in good material condition (i.e. no cracks, holes, depressions) and are these areas free of clutter, and obstructions? YES (OSHA 1910.22) ✔ NO N/A 2. Are floors free from oil and grease spills? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are holes on walking surfaces (i.e. drains) covered? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Is adequate aisle space provided? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is floor space around fire extinguishers, circuit breaker panels, air compressors, and hot water heaters clear of stored items? (OSHA 1910.40) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are carpeted areas free from trip hazards such as tears, holes, and separated seams? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are all the exits free of obstructions or materials that block egress? (OSHA 1910.36 / 37) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are the threshold plates secured around the doors? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are the exit signs over the doors present and illuminated? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are exits clearly marked and is the direction of the exits clearly visible throughout the building? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is a minimum clearance of 44 inches provided for hallways and major egress routes from offices and buildings? YES ✔ NO N/A 6. If the building is designed for occupancy by more than 50 people, do main exit doors swing outward in the direction of egress from the building? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION II. From No. A-1191 Rev. 06/08 SECTION II. (Continued) 7. Is the path leading form the exterior exits reasonably straight and free of obstructions? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION III. 1. Are all windows in good condition so as to not present a cut hazard to employees? (ANSI 16, CFR 1201) YES ✔ SECTION IV. 1. Are any exposed electrical conductors, frayed cords, or deteriorated insulation present? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO 2. If number 1 is "YES" have these conditions been scheduled for repair or properly tagged to identify the conditions? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO N/A ✔ N/A 3. Do junction boxes, receptacle outlets, switches, etc. have the proper box covers, YES and are these devices in good material condition? (OSHA 1910.304) ✔ NO N/A 4. Are circuit breaker panels properly marked as to circuit designation? (OSHA 1910.303) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are flexible extension cords and cables routed so that they do not run through holes in the wall, ceiling or windows? (OSHA 1910.305) YES ✔ NO N/A 8. Are flexible extension cords free of splices and electrical tape? (OSHA 1910.305) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 5. If required, does equipment connected by cord and plug have ground connections and is the connection properly made and serviceable? (OSHA 1910.304) 6. Do all flexible extension cords in use have a ground wire (3 wire type cord), and are the plugs equipped with the ground pin and the plug insulator disc? (OSHA 1910.305) 9. Are the plug receptacles and junction boxes on cords and cables assembled so that there is not direct pull on the wire joints or terminal screws? (OSHA 1910.305) 10. Are there any overloaded outlets / circuits? (OSHA 1910.304) COMMENTS: YES NO ✔ N/A ✔ From No. A-1191 Rev. 06/08 SECTION V. 1. Are monthly fire extinguisher inspections being performed and properly documented? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are extinguisher stations properly marked or identified? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is access to or visibility of the extinguishers obstructed? (OSHA 1910.157) YES 4. Is the type of extinguisher adequate for the type of fire hazards that exist in that particular area? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is a current emergency plan available for the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Have documented emergency evacuation drills been conducted within the past 12 months? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are emergency evacuation plans available and posted in readily visible locations throughout the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 8. Are there at least two exits of each work area? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 9. To prevent obstructing the sprinkler spray pattern, is a clearance of 18 inches or more provided beneath all sprinkler heads? (OSHA 1910.159) YES ✔ NO N/A NO N/A 10. Do fire emergency doors have panic hardware, other quick release devices, or designed in such a way that they cannot be locked from the inside? (OSHA 1910.37) 11. Are fire doors held open by non-approved methods? ( Fire doors must remain closed at all times except when in use and be able to close automatically by fusible link or electromagnetically. ) (OSHA 1910.38) NO YES ✔ N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are readily available First Aid Kits provided and fully stocked for the unit? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Do all assigned vehicles have fully stocked First Aid Kits? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A 12. Do all telephones display a label bearing the emergency phone numbers and the facility location? (OSHA 1910.38) COMMENTS: SECTION VI. COMMENTS: From No. A-1191 Rev. 06/08 SECTION VII. 1. Are there any broken chairs or office equipment in need of repair? YES 2. Do all chairs have 5 casters? YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is the office free of any slip / trip / fall hazards? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Do all desk and file drawers have stops on them? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is weight evenly distributed in all file cabinets? YES ✔ NO N/A Chair YES ✔ NO N/A Keyboard YES ✔ NO N/A Monitor YES ✔ NO N/A Document Holder YES ✔ NO N/A Wrist Pad YES ✔ NO N/A Proper lighting YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are all computer work-stations equipped with an ergonomically adjustable: 7. Is each work-station equipped with: 8. Have all employees who operate computers received VDT Ergonomic Training? NO ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION VIII. 1. Are there any self-identified " Specially Challenged " employees in the unit? YES NO 2. If " YES " does this employee require any special accommodations? YES NO N/A ✔ 3. Have reasonable accommodations been met? YES NO N/A ✔ COMMENTS: ✔ N/A From No. A-1191 Rev. 06/08 SECTION IX. ( Training Audit ) List all employees in the Unit and check the appropriate circle for each kind of mandatory training that has been completed. Workplace Supervisor Violence Safety New Employee Defensive First Aid / Ergonomics Prevention Training Orientation Driving CPR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. COMMENTS: SECTION X. ( Assigned Vehicles ) 1. Are preventative maintenance ( PM) forms being properly completed for all assigned vehicles on a daily basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are PM forms reviewed by supervisors on a monthly basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is appropriate corrective action being taken on noted discrepancies in a timely manner? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Identify when assigned vehicles were last inspected by a Department Vehicle Inspector below. From No. A-1191 Rev. 06/08 Vehicle Number SECTION X. ( Assigned Vehicles ) (Continued) Vehicle Type Inspection Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SECTION XI. List your last six safety meetings by date and subject. Note: The Department Safety Handbook is an excellent source for meeting topics. Date COMMENTS: Subject From No. A-1191 Rev. 06/08 SECTION XII. A. Identify the noted discrepancy B. Enter the date you submitted a work order to the General Services / Buildings and Grounds or corrected the discrepancy. C. Indicate the status of the discrepancy. Send correspondence / corrective action(s) along with this inspection to the Risk Management Bureau / District Safety Section. IDENTIFY NOTED DISCREPANCY DATE SUBMITTED STATUS: PENDING/ ON ORDER/ COMPLETED From No. A-1191 Rev. 06/08 Supervisor Signature: SECTION XII. ( Signatures ) Title: Date: COMMENTS: Bureau Chief / A.M.S. Review: Date: COMMENTS: Division Director/ Business Manager Review: Date: COMMENTS: No Discrepancies were found. Great Job ! Person Conducting Inspection: Gabe Marin Date: 3/4/2014 Title: Occp. Health & Safety From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PATROL SELF-INSPECTION / SAFETY AUDIT REPORT 41-43 DATE: 6/17/2014 TIME: A.M. P.M. 11:30 FOREMAN: Ernest Sedillo PATROL: Anthony A.M.S.: Chris Holguin SECTION I. 1. Are floors and other walking surfaces in good material condition (i.e. no cracks, YES holes, depressions) and are these areas free of clutter, and obstructions? (OSHA 1910.22) ✔ NO NO N/A 2. Are floors free from oil and grease spills? (OSHA 1910.22) YES 3. Are holes on walking surfaces (i.e. drains) covered? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Is adequate aisle space provided? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is floor space around fire extinguishers, circuit breaker panels, air compressors, and hot water heaters clear of stored items? (OSHA 1910.40) YES NO 6. Are carpeted areas free from trip hazards such as tears, holes, and separated seams? (OSHA 1910.22) YES NO N/A ✔ ✔ N/A N/A COMMENTS: Minor housekeeping in shop area(floor,workbenches) needed. Jacks and other items blocking electrical panel in back room by east exit of shop. SECTION II. 1. Are all the exits free of obstructions or materials that block egress? (OSHA 1910.36 / 37) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are the threshold plates secured around the doors? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are the exit signs over the doors present and illuminated? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are exits clearly marked and is the direction of the exits clearly visible throughout the building? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Is the path leading form the exterior exits reasonably straight and free of obstructions such as railings, barriers, or gates? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A ✔ From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION II. (Continued) COMMENTS: SECTION III. 1. Are all windows in good condition so as to not present a cut hazard to employees? (ANSI 16, CFR 1201) YES ✔ NO N/A SECTION IV. 1. Are any exposed electrical conductors, frayed cords, or deteriorated insulation present? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO 2. If number 1 is "YES" have these conditions been scheduled for repair or properly tagged to identify the conditions? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO N/A ✔ N/A 3. Do junction boxes, receptacle outlets, switches, etc. have the proper box covers, YES and are these devices in good material condition? (OSHA 1910.304) ✔ NO N/A 4. Are circuit breaker panels properly marked as to circuit designation? (OSHA 1910.303) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are all fixed metal equipment grounded? (OSHA 1910.304) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 6. If required, does equipment connected by cord and plug have ground connections and is the connection properly made and serviceable? (OSHA 1910.304) 7. Do all flexible extension cords in use have a ground wire (3 wire type cord), and are the plugs equipped with the ground pin and the plug insulator disc? (OSHA 1910.305) 8. Are flexible extension cords free of splices and electrical tape? (OSHA 1910.305) 9. Are the plug receptacles and junction boxes on cords and cables assembled so that there is not direct pull on the wire joints or terminal screws? (OSHA 1910.305) 10. Are all electrical disconnect boxes, receptacles, cords, switches, and light fixtures which are exposed to the outside elements weatherproof? (OSHA 1910.304) 11. Are there any overloaded outlets / circuits? (OSHA 1910.304) COMMENTS: YES NO ✔ N/A ✔ From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION V. 1. Are existing stairs and steps in sound material condition? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 2 Are there standard handrails (30"-34") on stairs and steps equipped with four or more risers? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are there standard guardrails (42") on all storage lofts, platforms, balconies etc. that are more than four feet (4') off the floor / ground? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES NO N/A YES NO 8. On "FIXED" ladders, are the side rail extensions above the top of the landing at YES least three and one half (3 1/2) feet? (OSHA 1910.27) NO N/A NO N/A NO N/A 4. Do fixed stairs and steps comply with the Federal Register width requirements?(industrial areas 22" and building areas 36") (OSHA 1910.24)(UBC 3305) 5. Are stairs and platforms free of trip / slip hazards? (OSHA 1910.22) 6. Are lofts and balconies where personnel or machinery could be exposed to falling objects guarded with standard four inch (4') toe boards? (OSHA 1910.23) 7. Are there any defective ladders that need to be removed from service for repair or destruction and have they been tagged to indicate "DANGEROUS" or "DO NOT USE"? (OSHA 1910.25, 1910.26) 9. Do portable rung ladders have serviceable non-slip leg / rail bases? (OSHA 1910.36/37) YES 10. Are wooden ladders unpainted and normally stored in an area were they are not exposed to the elements? (OSHA 1910.25) YES ✔ ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION VI. 1. Are monthly fire extinguisher inspections being performed and properly documented? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are extinguisher stations properly marked or identified? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is access to or visibility of the extinguishers obstructed? (OSHA 1910.157) YES 4. Is the type of extinguisher adequate for the type of fire hazards that exist in that particular area? (OSHA 1910.157) YES 5. Is a current emergency plan available for the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES NO ✔ ✔ NO NO N/A N/A ✔ ✔ N/A ✔ ✔ From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION VI. ( Continued ) 6. Have documented emergency evacuation drills been conducted within the past 12 months? (OSHA 1910.38) YES 7. Are emergency evacuation plans available and posted in readily visible locations throughout the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES 8. Are there at least two exits of each work area? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 12. Do all telephones display a label bearing the emergency phone numbers and the facility location? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A ✔ NO NO N/A ✔ N/A COMMENTS: Evacuation plans need to be posted in office, break room and shop area. SECTION VII. 1. Are readily available First Aid Kits provided and fully stocked for the unit? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Do all assigned vehicles have fully stocked First Aid Kits? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION VIII. 1. Are tools and equipment which are not in direct use reasonably clean and secured in a designated place? YES NO ✔ N/A 2. Are there any tools with mushroomed heads, broken handles, worn out and bent or otherwise defective? (OSHA 1926.301) YES NO ✔ N/A 3. Are available air hoses in good condition and are the proper crimp type clamps being used? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are all defective tools stored in a location where they may not be used until they are repaired? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are operators utilizing properly rated lifting devices to lift & sustain loads? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are all jacks and other hydraulic lifting devices in good material condition? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Is the rated load capacity stamped or marked on the lifting device ( Jack stands must also be appropriately marked)? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION VIII. ( Continued ) 8. Are lifting devices inspected at regular intervals for mechanical or hydraulic defects? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Is there a daily inspection of the area for the purpose of detecting and removing hazardous conditions (NFPA 88-B.3-6) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are metal receptacles with self-closing lids provided for storage / disposal of oil soaked waste or clothes? (NFPA 88-B.3-6) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are wall lockers free of potential fire and personal injury hazards? YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are drawers and shelves clear of trash and disposable scrap materials? YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are isles clear of stored / discarded items? YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are natural gas / propane appliances and tanks free of gas leaks? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are acetylene tanks (both empty and full) stored and secured properly ? (OSHA 1910.101) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are acetylene tanks visually inspected on a monthly basis to determine if the tanks are in safe condition? (OSHA 1910.101) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Is the proper personal protective equipment available for use around these tools? (OSHA 1910.101) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: Tools laying on work bench in shop. SECTION IX. 3. Is flammable / combustible rubbish in covered metal containers? (NOTE: Contents of these containers should be properly disposed of daily) (NFPA 88-B.3.6) 4. Is waste oil properly stored and properly disposed of? COMMENTS: SECTION X. From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION X. ( Continued ) COMMENTS: SECTION XI. 1. Are there any broken chairs or office equipment in need of repair? YES 2. Do all chairs have 5 casters? YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is the office free of any slip / trip / fall hazards? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Do all desk and file drawers have stops on them? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is weight evenly distributed in all file cabinets? YES ✔ NO N/A Chair YES ✔ NO N/A Keyboard YES ✔ NO N/A Monitor YES ✔ NO N/A Document Holder YES ✔ NO N/A Wrist Pad YES ✔ NO N/A Proper lighting YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Is there a inventory list of the chemicals used in the work area? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are there Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all chemicals used in the work area? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are all computer work-stations equipped with am ergonomically adjustable: 7. Is each work-station equipped with: 8. Have all employees who operate computers received VDT Ergonomic Training? NO ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XII. From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XII. ( Continued ) 3. Is the chemical inventory list / MSDS location known and readily accessible to all employees? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Have all employees who use chemicals received Right-to-Know training? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available for use when handling chemicals. (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XIII. 1. Is there a designated place for the storage and charging of batteries? YES NO N/A ✔ 2. Are the required signs posted? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES NO N/A ✔ 3. Are the required personal protective devices immediately available and are these devices serviceable and clean? (OSHA 1926.403) YES NO N/A ✔ COMMENTS: SECTION XIV. 1. Is a copy of the Department's Bloodborne Pathogen Program completed and posted? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Has the supervisor conducted an inspection to determine if hazards are present, or likely to be present which necessitate the use of PPE? (OSHA 1910.132) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Has the supervisor identified proper PPE for assigned employees? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Has the supervisor certified in writing that all assigned employees have been trained on and understand the proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE? COMMENTS: From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XV. 1. Are there any self-identified " Specially Challenged " employees in the unit? YES NO 2. If " YES " does this employee require any special accommodations? YES NO N/A ✔ 3. Have reasonable accommodations been met? YES NO N/A ✔ ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XVI. ( Training Audit ) List all employees in the Unit and check the appropriate circle for each kind of mandatory training that has been completed. New Employee Defensive First Aid / Ergonomics Orientation Driving CPR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. COMMENTS: Right to Know P.P.E. Bloodborne Pathogens From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XVII. ( Assigned Vehicles ) 1. Are preventative maintenance ( PM) forms being properly completed for all assigned vehicles on a daily basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are PM forms reviewed by supervisors on a monthly basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is appropriate corrective action being taken on noted discrepancies in a timely manner? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are parked vehicles weighing greater than one ton properly chock blocked? (*Note some districts require all parked vehicles to be chock blocked.) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Identify when assigned vehicles were last inspected by a Department Vehicle Inspector below. Vehicle Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Vehicle Type Inspection Date From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XVIII. List your last six safety meetings by date and subject. Date Subject COMMENTS: SECTION XIX. 1. Are all vehicles properly locked and keys secured when not in use? 2. Is the fencing around the patrol yard in good condition with no holes in or under the fence line? YES NO ✔ N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Does the patrol yard have the proper lighting and are all lights in good material condition? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is a sign stating "NO PRIVATE VEHICLES" posted at the front of the patrol yard? YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Is the patrol yard, patrol barn, locked and secured when no employees are present? YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are the patrol barn windows reinforced with steel mesh or secured on the outside with bars? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 3. If the fencing is topped with barbed wire, is the wire in good condition? 8. Are the gas pumps locked and turned off when no employees are present? COMMENTS: FA 38966 found unlocked. Tool box on passenger side of FA 31444 found open and unlocked. From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XIX. A. Identify the noted discrepancy B. Enter the date you submitted a work order to the General Services / Buildings and Grounds or corrected the discrepancy. C. Indicate the status of the discrepancy. Send correspondence / corrective action(s) along with this inspection to the Risk Management Bureau / District Safety Section. IDENTIFY NOTED DISCREPANCY DATE SUBMITTED STATUS: PENDING/ ON ORDER/ COMPLETED From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XX. ( Signatures ) Foreman Signature: Date: COMMENTS: A.M.S. Review: Date: COMMENTS: Risk Management Review: Armando Carrillo Date: 6/17/2014 COMMENTS: Patrol has been extremely busy and shorthanded lately and therefore have not had anyone in the shop to help keep it clean as it would be kept normally. From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PATROL SELF-INSPECTION / SAFETY AUDIT REPORT DATE: 10/2/14 TIME: A.M. P.M. 9:00 FOREMAN: Jesus Torres 41-51 PATROL: Las Cruces A.M.S.: Chris Holguin SECTION I. 1. Are floors and other walking surfaces in good material condition (i.e. no cracks, YES holes, depressions) and are these areas free of clutter, and obstructions? (OSHA 1910.22) ✔ NO N/A 2. Are floors free from oil and grease spills? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are holes on walking surfaces (i.e. drains) covered? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Is adequate aisle space provided? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is floor space around fire extinguishers, circuit breaker panels, air compressors, and hot water heaters clear of stored items? (OSHA 1910.40) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are carpeted areas free from trip hazards such as tears, holes, and separated seams? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are all the exits free of obstructions or materials that block egress? (OSHA 1910.36 / 37) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are the threshold plates secured around the doors? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are the exit signs over the doors present and illuminated? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are exits clearly marked and is the direction of the exits clearly visible throughout the building? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Is the path leading form the exterior exits reasonably straight and free of obstructions such as railings, barriers, or gates? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION II. From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION II. (Continued) COMMENTS: SECTION III. 1. Are all windows in good condition so as to not present a cut hazard to employees? (ANSI 16, CFR 1201) YES ✔ NO N/A SECTION IV. 1. Are any exposed electrical conductors, frayed cords, or deteriorated insulation present? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO 2. If number 1 is "YES" have these conditions been scheduled for repair or properly tagged to identify the conditions? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO N/A ✔ N/A 3. Do junction boxes, receptacle outlets, switches, etc. have the proper box covers, YES and are these devices in good material condition? (OSHA 1910.304) ✔ NO N/A 4. Are circuit breaker panels properly marked as to circuit designation? (OSHA 1910.303) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are all fixed metal equipment grounded? (OSHA 1910.304) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 6. If required, does equipment connected by cord and plug have ground connections and is the connection properly made and serviceable? (OSHA 1910.304) 7. Do all flexible extension cords in use have a ground wire (3 wire type cord), and are the plugs equipped with the ground pin and the plug insulator disc? (OSHA 1910.305) 8. Are flexible extension cords free of splices and electrical tape? (OSHA 1910.305) 9. Are the plug receptacles and junction boxes on cords and cables assembled so that there is not direct pull on the wire joints or terminal screws? (OSHA 1910.305) 10. Are all electrical disconnect boxes, receptacles, cords, switches, and light fixtures which are exposed to the outside elements weatherproof? (OSHA 1910.304) 11. Are there any overloaded outlets / circuits? (OSHA 1910.304) COMMENTS: outlet on far end of the shop needs to be replaced, (outside) YES NO ✔ N/A ✔ From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION V. 1. Are existing stairs and steps in sound material condition? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 2 Are there standard handrails (30"-34") on stairs and steps equipped with four or more risers? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are there standard guardrails (42") on all storage lofts, platforms, balconies etc. that are more than four feet (4') off the floor / ground? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A NO N/A 4. Do fixed stairs and steps comply with the Federal Register width requirements?(industrial areas 22" and building areas 36") (OSHA 1910.24)(UBC 3305) 5. Are stairs and platforms free of trip / slip hazards? (OSHA 1910.22) 6. Are lofts and balconies where personnel or machinery could be exposed to falling objects guarded with standard four inch (4') toe boards? (OSHA 1910.23) 7. Are there any defective ladders that need to be removed from service for repair or destruction and have they been tagged to indicate "DANGEROUS" or "DO NOT USE"? (OSHA 1910.25, 1910.26) YES 8. On "FIXED" ladders, are the side rail extensions above the top of the landing at YES least three and one half (3 1/2) feet? (OSHA 1910.27) ✔ NO N/A 9. Do portable rung ladders have serviceable non-slip leg / rail bases? (OSHA 1910.36/37) YES ✔ NO N/A 10. Are wooden ladders unpainted and normally stored in an area were they are not exposed to the elements? (OSHA 1910.25) YES NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION VI. 1. Are monthly fire extinguisher inspections being performed and properly documented? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are extinguisher stations properly marked or identified? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is access to or visibility of the extinguishers obstructed? (OSHA 1910.157) YES 4. Is the type of extinguisher adequate for the type of fire hazards that exist in that particular area? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is a current emergency plan available for the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A NO ✔ N/A ✔ ✔ From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION VI. ( Continued ) 6. Have documented emergency evacuation drills been conducted within the past 12 months? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are emergency evacuation plans available and posted in readily visible locations throughout the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 8. Are there at least two exits of each work area? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 12. Do all telephones display a label bearing the emergency phone numbers and the facility location? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are readily available First Aid Kits provided and fully stocked for the unit? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Do all assigned vehicles have fully stocked First Aid Kits? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are tools and equipment which are not in direct use reasonably clean and secured in a designated place? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are there any tools with mushroomed heads, broken handles, worn out and bent or otherwise defective? (OSHA 1926.301) YES 3. Are available air hoses in good condition and are the proper crimp type clamps being used? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are all defective tools stored in a location where they may not be used until they are repaired? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are operators utilizing properly rated lifting devices to lift & sustain loads? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are all jacks and other hydraulic lifting devices in good material condition? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Is the rated load capacity stamped or marked on the lifting device ( Jack stands must also be appropriately marked)? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION VII. COMMENTS: SECTION VIII. NO ✔ N/A From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION VIII. ( Continued ) 8. Are lifting devices inspected at regular intervals for mechanical or hydraulic defects? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Is there a daily inspection of the area for the purpose of detecting and removing hazardous conditions (NFPA 88-B.3-6) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are metal receptacles with self-closing lids provided for storage / disposal of oil soaked waste or clothes? (NFPA 88-B.3-6) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are wall lockers free of potential fire and personal injury hazards? YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are drawers and shelves clear of trash and disposable scrap materials? YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are isles clear of stored / discarded items? YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are natural gas / propane appliances and tanks free of gas leaks? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are acetylene tanks (both empty and full) stored and secured properly ? (OSHA 1910.101) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are acetylene tanks visually inspected on a monthly basis to determine if the tanks are in safe condition? (OSHA 1910.101) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Is the proper personal protective equipment available for use around these tools? (OSHA 1910.101) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: tool cage and shop are clean and well organized SECTION IX. 3. Is flammable / combustible rubbish in covered metal containers? (NOTE: Contents of these containers should be properly disposed of daily) (NFPA 88-B.3.6) 4. Is waste oil properly stored and properly disposed of? COMMENTS: SECTION X. From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION X. ( Continued ) COMMENTS: SECTION XI. 1. Are there any broken chairs or office equipment in need of repair? YES 2. Do all chairs have 5 casters? YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is the office free of any slip / trip / fall hazards? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Do all desk and file drawers have stops on them? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is weight evenly distributed in all file cabinets? YES ✔ NO N/A Chair YES ✔ NO N/A Keyboard YES ✔ NO N/A Monitor YES ✔ NO N/A Document Holder YES ✔ NO N/A Wrist Pad YES ✔ NO N/A Proper lighting YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Is there a inventory list of the chemicals used in the work area? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are there Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all chemicals used in the work area? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are all computer work-stations equipped with am ergonomically adjustable: 7. Is each work-station equipped with: 8. Have all employees who operate computers received VDT Ergonomic Training? NO ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XII. From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XII. ( Continued ) 3. Is the chemical inventory list / MSDS location known and readily accessible to all employees? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Have all employees who use chemicals received Right-to-Know training? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available for use when handling chemicals. (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Is there a designated place for the storage and charging of batteries? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are the required signs posted? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are the required personal protective devices immediately available and are these devices serviceable and clean? (OSHA 1926.403) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Is a copy of the Department's Bloodborne Pathogen Program completed and posted? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Has the supervisor conducted an inspection to determine if hazards are present, or likely to be present which necessitate the use of PPE? (OSHA 1910.132) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Has the supervisor identified proper PPE for assigned employees? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XIII. COMMENTS: SECTION XIV. 4. Has the supervisor certified in writing that all assigned employees have been trained on and understand the proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE? COMMENTS: From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XV. 1. Are there any self-identified " Specially Challenged " employees in the unit? YES NO N/A ✔ 2. If " YES " does this employee require any special accommodations? YES NO N/A ✔ 3. Have reasonable accommodations been met? YES NO N/A ✔ COMMENTS: SECTION XVI. ( Training Audit ) List all employees in the Unit and check the appropriate circle for each kind of mandatory training that has been completed. New Employee Defensive First Aid / Ergonomics Orientation Driving CPR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. COMMENTS: Right to Know P.P.E. Bloodborne Pathogens From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XVII. ( Assigned Vehicles ) 1. Are preventative maintenance ( PM) forms being properly completed for all assigned vehicles on a daily basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are PM forms reviewed by supervisors on a monthly basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is appropriate corrective action being taken on noted discrepancies in a timely manner? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are parked vehicles weighing greater than one ton properly chock blocked? (*Note some districts require all parked vehicles to be chock blocked.) YES NO ✔ N/A 5. Identify when assigned vehicles were last inspected by a Department Vehicle Inspector below. Vehicle Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Vehicle Type Inspection Date From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XVIII. List your last six safety meetings by date and subject. Date Subject COMMENTS: 10 yard Mack was not chocked SECTION XIX. 1. Are all vehicles properly locked and keys secured when not in use? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Does the patrol yard have the proper lighting and are all lights in good material condition? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is a sign stating "NO PRIVATE VEHICLES" posted at the front of the patrol yard? YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Is the patrol yard, patrol barn, locked and secured when no employees are present? YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are the patrol barn windows reinforced with steel mesh or secured on the outside with bars? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Is the fencing around the patrol yard in good condition with no holes in or under the fence line? 3. If the fencing is topped with barbed wire, is the wire in good condition? 8. Are the gas pumps locked and turned off when no employees are present? COMMENTS: From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XIX. A. Identify the noted discrepancy B. Enter the date you submitted a work order to the General Services / Buildings and Grounds or corrected the discrepancy. C. Indicate the status of the discrepancy. Send correspondence / corrective action(s) along with this inspection to the Risk Management Bureau / District Safety Section. IDENTIFY NOTED DISCREPANCY have outlet replaced chock all parked vehicles DATE SUBMITTED STATUS: PENDING/ ON ORDER/ COMPLETED From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XX. ( Signatures ) Foreman Signature: Date: COMMENTS: A.M.S. Review: Date: COMMENTS: Risk Management Review: Doug Turner COMMENTS: Shop and open barn were very clean and well organized. Date: 10/2/14 From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PATROL SELF-INSPECTION / SAFETY AUDIT REPORT DATE: 10-03/2014 TIME: A.M. P.M. 10:30 FOREMAN: Ernest Sedillo PATROL: 41-43 Anthony A.M.S.: Chris Holguin SECTION I. 1. Are floors and other walking surfaces in good material condition (i.e. no cracks, YES holes, depressions) and are these areas free of clutter, and obstructions? (OSHA 1910.22) ✔ NO N/A 2. Are floors free from oil and grease spills? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are holes on walking surfaces (i.e. drains) covered? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Is adequate aisle space provided? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is floor space around fire extinguishers, circuit breaker panels, air compressors, and hot water heaters clear of stored items? (OSHA 1910.40) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are carpeted areas free from trip hazards such as tears, holes, and separated seams? (OSHA 1910.22) YES NO N/A 1. Are all the exits free of obstructions or materials that block egress? (OSHA 1910.36 / 37) YES NO 2. Are the threshold plates secured around the doors? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are the exit signs over the doors present and illuminated? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are exits clearly marked and is the direction of the exits clearly visible throughout the building? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Is the path leading form the exterior exits reasonably straight and free of obstructions such as railings, barriers, or gates? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION II. ✔ N/A ✔ From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION II. (Continued) COMMENTS: Barbaque grill was blocking southeast exit door. SECTION III. 1. Are all windows in good condition so as to not present a cut hazard to employees? (ANSI 16, CFR 1201) YES ✔ NO N/A SECTION IV. 1. Are any exposed electrical conductors, frayed cords, or deteriorated insulation present? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO 2. If number 1 is "YES" have these conditions been scheduled for repair or properly tagged to identify the conditions? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO N/A ✔ N/A 3. Do junction boxes, receptacle outlets, switches, etc. have the proper box covers, YES and are these devices in good material condition? (OSHA 1910.304) ✔ NO N/A 4. Are circuit breaker panels properly marked as to circuit designation? (OSHA 1910.303) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are all fixed metal equipment grounded? (OSHA 1910.304) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 6. If required, does equipment connected by cord and plug have ground connections and is the connection properly made and serviceable? (OSHA 1910.304) 7. Do all flexible extension cords in use have a ground wire (3 wire type cord), and are the plugs equipped with the ground pin and the plug insulator disc? (OSHA 1910.305) 8. Are flexible extension cords free of splices and electrical tape? (OSHA 1910.305) 9. Are the plug receptacles and junction boxes on cords and cables assembled so that there is not direct pull on the wire joints or terminal screws? (OSHA 1910.305) 10. Are all electrical disconnect boxes, receptacles, cords, switches, and light fixtures which are exposed to the outside elements weatherproof? (OSHA 1910.304) 11. Are there any overloaded outlets / circuits? (OSHA 1910.304) COMMENTS: YES NO ✔ N/A ✔ From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION V. 1. Are existing stairs and steps in sound material condition? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 2 Are there standard handrails (30"-34") on stairs and steps equipped with four or more risers? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are there standard guardrails (42") on all storage lofts, platforms, balconies etc. that are more than four feet (4') off the floor / ground? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Do fixed stairs and steps comply with the Federal Register width requirements?(industrial areas 22" and building areas 36") (OSHA 1910.24)(UBC 3305) 5. Are stairs and platforms free of trip / slip hazards? (OSHA 1910.22) 6. Are lofts and balconies where personnel or machinery could be exposed to falling objects guarded with standard four inch (4') toe boards? (OSHA 1910.23) 7. Are there any defective ladders that need to be removed from service for repair or destruction and have they been tagged to indicate "DANGEROUS" or "DO NOT USE"? (OSHA 1910.25, 1910.26) YES NO 8. On "FIXED" ladders, are the side rail extensions above the top of the landing at YES least three and one half (3 1/2) feet? (OSHA 1910.27) NO N/A NO N/A NO N/A 9. Do portable rung ladders have serviceable non-slip leg / rail bases? (OSHA 1910.36/37) YES 10. Are wooden ladders unpainted and normally stored in an area were they are not exposed to the elements? (OSHA 1910.25) YES ✔ ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION VI. 1. Are monthly fire extinguisher inspections being performed and properly documented? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are extinguisher stations properly marked or identified? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is access to or visibility of the extinguishers obstructed? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Is the type of extinguisher adequate for the type of fire hazards that exist in that particular area? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is a current emergency plan available for the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A ✔ ✔ From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION VI. ( Continued ) 6. Have documented emergency evacuation drills been conducted within the past 12 months? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are emergency evacuation plans available and posted in readily visible locations throughout the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 8. Are there at least two exits of each work area? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 12. Do all telephones display a label bearing the emergency phone numbers and the facility location? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are readily available First Aid Kits provided and fully stocked for the unit? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Do all assigned vehicles have fully stocked First Aid Kits? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION VII. COMMENTS: SECTION VIII. 1. Are tools and equipment which are not in direct use reasonably clean and secured in a designated place? YES NO ✔ N/A 2. Are there any tools with mushroomed heads, broken handles, worn out and bent or otherwise defective? (OSHA 1926.301) YES NO ✔ N/A 3. Are available air hoses in good condition and are the proper crimp type clamps being used? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are all defective tools stored in a location where they may not be used until they are repaired? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are operators utilizing properly rated lifting devices to lift & sustain loads? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are all jacks and other hydraulic lifting devices in good material condition? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Is the rated load capacity stamped or marked on the lifting device ( Jack stands must also be appropriately marked)? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION VIII. ( Continued ) 8. Are lifting devices inspected at regular intervals for mechanical or hydraulic defects? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Is there a daily inspection of the area for the purpose of detecting and removing hazardous conditions (NFPA 88-B.3-6) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are metal receptacles with self-closing lids provided for storage / disposal of oil soaked waste or clothes? (NFPA 88-B.3-6) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are wall lockers free of potential fire and personal injury hazards? YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are drawers and shelves clear of trash and disposable scrap materials? YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are isles clear of stored / discarded items? YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are natural gas / propane appliances and tanks free of gas leaks? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are acetylene tanks (both empty and full) stored and secured properly ? (OSHA 1910.101) YES 3. Are acetylene tanks visually inspected on a monthly basis to determine if the tanks are in safe condition? (OSHA 1910.101) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Is the proper personal protective equipment available for use around these tools? (OSHA 1910.101) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: Grainder not being used not put away in tool room. SECTION IX. 3. Is flammable / combustible rubbish in covered metal containers? (NOTE: Contents of these containers should be properly disposed of daily) (NFPA 88-B.3.6) 4. Is waste oil properly stored and properly disposed of? COMMENTS: SECTION X. NO ✔ N/A From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION X. ( Continued ) COMMENTS: Oxygen and Acetylene tanks locked up in cage but not secured with chain or other means to keep from falling over. SECTION XI. 1. Are there any broken chairs or office equipment in need of repair? YES NO ✔ N/A 2. Do all chairs have 5 casters? YES NO ✔ N/A 3. Is the office free of any slip / trip / fall hazards? YES NO ✔ N/A 4. Do all desk and file drawers have stops on them? YES NO ✔ N/A 5. Is weight evenly distributed in all file cabinets? YES NO ✔ N/A 6. Are all computer work-stations equipped with am ergonomically adjustable: Chair YES ✔ NO N/A Keyboard YES ✔ NO N/A Monitor YES ✔ NO N/A Document Holder YES ✔ NO N/A Wrist Pad YES ✔ NO N/A Proper lighting YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Is there a inventory list of the chemicals used in the work area? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are there Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all chemicals used in the work area? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Is each work-station equipped with: 8. Have all employees who operate computers received VDT Ergonomic Training? COMMENTS: SECTION XII. From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XII. ( Continued ) 3. Is the chemical inventory list / MSDS location known and readily accessible to all employees? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Have all employees who use chemicals received Right-to-Know training? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available for use when handling chemicals. (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XIII. 1. Is there a designated place for the storage and charging of batteries? YES NO 2. Are the required signs posted? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES NO N/A ✔ 3. Are the required personal protective devices immediately available and are these devices serviceable and clean? (OSHA 1926.403) YES NO N/A ✔ ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XIV. 1. Is a copy of the Department's Bloodborne Pathogen Program completed and posted? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Has the supervisor conducted an inspection to determine if hazards are present, or likely to be present which necessitate the use of PPE? (OSHA 1910.132) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Has the supervisor identified proper PPE for assigned employees? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Has the supervisor certified in writing that all assigned employees have been trained on and understand the proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE? COMMENTS: From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XV. 1. Are there any self-identified " Specially Challenged " employees in the unit? YES NO 2. If " YES " does this employee require any special accommodations? YES NO N/A ✔ 3. Have reasonable accommodations been met? YES NO N/A ✔ ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XVI. ( Training Audit ) List all employees in the Unit and check the appropriate circle for each kind of mandatory training that has been completed. New Employee Defensive First Aid / Ergonomics Orientation Driving CPR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. COMMENTS: Right to Know P.P.E. Bloodborne Pathogens From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XVII. ( Assigned Vehicles ) 1. Are preventative maintenance ( PM) forms being properly completed for all assigned vehicles on a daily basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are PM forms reviewed by supervisors on a monthly basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is appropriate corrective action being taken on noted discrepancies in a timely manner? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are parked vehicles weighing greater than one ton properly chock blocked? (*Note some districts require all parked vehicles to be chock blocked.) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Identify when assigned vehicles were last inspected by a Department Vehicle Inspector below. Vehicle Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Vehicle Type Inspection Date From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XVIII. List your last six safety meetings by date and subject. Date Subject COMMENTS: SECTION XIX. 1. Are all vehicles properly locked and keys secured when not in use? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Does the patrol yard have the proper lighting and are all lights in good material condition? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is a sign stating "NO PRIVATE VEHICLES" posted at the front of the patrol yard? YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Is the patrol yard, patrol barn, locked and secured when no employees are present? YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are the patrol barn windows reinforced with steel mesh or secured on the outside with bars? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Is the fencing around the patrol yard in good condition with no holes in or under the fence line? 3. If the fencing is topped with barbed wire, is the wire in good condition? 8. Are the gas pumps locked and turned off when no employees are present? COMMENTS: From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 SECTION XIX. A. Identify the noted discrepancy B. Enter the date you submitted a work order to the General Services / Buildings and Grounds or corrected the discrepancy. C. Indicate the status of the discrepancy. Send correspondence / corrective action(s) along with this inspection to the Risk Management Bureau / District Safety Section. IDENTIFY NOTED DISCREPANCY grill blocking southeast exit door grinder not put away tanks need to be secured to prevent falling DATE SUBMITTED STATUS: PENDING/ ON ORDER/ COMPLETED From No. A-1190 Rev. 05/08 Foreman Signature: SECTION XX. ( Signatures ) Date: COMMENTS: A.M.S. Review: Date: COMMENTS: Risk Management Review: Armando Carrillo COMMENTS: Date: 10-3/2014 From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INDUSTRIAL SELF-INSPECTION / SAFETY AUDIT REPORT DATE: 11/12/2014 TIME: A.M. UNIT / ROOM: P.M. 10:00 SUPERVISOR: Gabe Garcia Solano Lab BUREAU CHIEF: SECTION I. 1. Are floors and other walking surfaces in good material condition (i.e. no cracks, holes, depressions) and are these areas free of clutter, and obstructions? YES (OSHA 1910.22) ✔ NO N/A 2. Are floors free from oil and grease spills? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are holes on walking surfaces (i.e. drains) covered? (OSHA 1910.23) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Is adequate aisle space provided? (OSHA 1910.22) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is floor space around fire extinguishers, circuit breaker panels, air compressors, and hot water heaters clear of stored items? (OSHA 1910.40) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are carpeted areas free from trip hazards such as tears, holes, and separated seams? (OSHA 1910.22) YES NO N/A NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION II. 1. Are all the exits free of obstructions or materials that block egress? (OSHA 1910.36 / 37) YES 2. Are the threshold plates secured around the doors? (OSHA 1910.37) YES NO ✔ N/A 3. Are the exit signs over the doors present and illuminated? (OSHA 1910.37) YES NO ✔ N/A 4. Are exits clearly marked and is the direction of the exits clearly visible throughout the building? (NFPA 101) YES NO ✔ N/A 5. Is a minimum clearance of 44 inches provided for hallways and major egress routes from offices and buildings? YES ✔ NO N/A 6. If the building is designed for occupancy by more than 50 people, do main exit doors swing outward in the direction of egress from the building? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A ✔ ✔ From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION II. (Continued) 7. Is the path leading form the exterior exits reasonably straight and free of obstructions such as railings, barriers, or gates? (NFPA 101) YES ✔ NO N/A NO N/A COMMENTS: The threshold and exit sign are needed on the north side of building. SECTION III. 1. Are all windows in good condition so as to not present a cut hazard to employees? (ANSI 16, CFR 1201) YES ✔ SECTION IV. 1. Are any exposed electrical conductors, frayed cords, or deteriorated insulation present? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO 2. If number 1 is "YES" have these conditions been scheduled for repair or properly tagged to identify the conditions? (OSHA 1910.303) YES NO N/A ✔ N/A 3. Do junction boxes, receptacle outlets, switches, etc. have the proper box covers, YES and are these devices in good material condition? (OSHA 1910.304) ✔ NO N/A 4. Are circuit breaker panels properly marked as to circuit designation? (OSHA 1910.303) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are all fixed metal equipment grounded? (OSHA 1910.304) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 8. Are flexible extension cords and cables routed so that they do not run through holes in the wall, ceiling or windows? (OSHA 1910.305) YES ✔ NO N/A 9. Are flexible extension cords free of splices and electrical tape? (OSHA 1910.305) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 6. If required, does equipment connected by cord and plug have ground connections and is the connection properly made and serviceable? (OSHA 1910.304) 7. Do all flexible extension cords in use have a ground wire (3 wire type cord), and are the plugs equipped with the ground pin and the plug insulator disc? (OSHA 1910.305) 10. Are the plug receptacles and junction boxes on cords and cables assembled so that there is not direct pull on the wire joints or terminal screws? (OSHA 1910.305) 11. Are all electrical disconnect boxes, receptacles, cords, switches, and light fixtures which are exposed to the outside elements weatherproof? (OSHA 1910.304) 12. Are there any overloaded outlets / circuits? (OSHA 1910.304) YES NO ✔ N/A ✔ From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION IV. ( Continued ) COMMENTS: SECTION V. 1. Is open storage of flammable liquids LESS than 25 gallons? (Any quantity that exceeds 25 gallons must be stored in approved storage cabinets) (OSHA 1910.106) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Are all spills of flammable / combustible liquids promptly cleaned up? (OSHA 1910.106) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Are accumulations of flammable / combustible liquid waste promptly and properly disposed of? (OSHA 1910.106) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are containers of flammable / combustible liquids laying about the premises? (OSHA 1910.106) YES 6. Are containers properly identified as to either combustible or flammable? (OSHA 1910.106) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are flammable / combustible liquids segregated from ignition sources (i.e. smoking areas, welding areas)? (OSHA 1910.106) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are monthly fire extinguisher inspections being performed and properly documented? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are extinguisher stations properly marked or identified? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is access to or visibility of the extinguishers obstructed? (OSHA 1910.157) YES 4. Is the type of extinguisher adequate for the type of fire hazards that exist in that particular area? (OSHA 1910.157) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is a current emergency plan available for the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 2 Is the current OSHA requirement that there must not be more than one days supply of flammable liquids in the immediate work area strictly enforced? (OSHA 1910.106) NO ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION VI. NO ✔ N/A From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION VI. ( Continued ) 6. Have documented emergency evacuation drills been conducted within the past 12 months? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Are emergency evacuation plans available and posted in readily visible locations throughout the area? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ NO N/A 8. Are there at least two exits of each work area? (OSHA 1910.37) YES ✔ NO N/A 9. To prevent obstructing the sprinkler spray pattern, is a clearance of 18 inches or more provided beneath all sprinkler heads? (OSHA 1910.159) YES NO N/A NO N/A 10. Do fire emergency doors have panic hardware, other quick release devices, or designed in such a way that they cannot be locked from the inside? (OSHA 1910.37) 11. Are fire doors held open by non-approved methods? ( Fire doors must remain closed at all times except when in use and be able to close automatically by fusible link or electromagnetically. ) (OSHA 1910.38) 12. Do all telephones display a label bearing the emergency phone numbers and the facility location? (OSHA 1910.38) YES ✔ YES NO ✔ ✔ N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are readily available First Aid Kits provided and fully stocked for the unit? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Do all assigned vehicles have fully stocked First Aid Kits? (OSHA 1910.151) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Are tools and equipment which are not in direct use reasonably clean and secured in a designated place? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are there any tools with mushroomed heads, broken handles, worn out and bent or otherwise defective? (OSHA 1926.301) YES NO 3. Are available air hoses in good condition and are the proper crimp type clamps being used? YES NO COMMENTS: SECTION VII. COMMENTS: SECTION VIII. ✔ N/A N/A ✔ From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION VIII. ( Continued ) 4. Are all defective tools stored in a location where they may not be used until they are repaired? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Are operators utilizing properly rated lifting devices to lift & sustain loads? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are all jacks and other hydraulic lifting devices in good material condition? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 7. Is the rated load capacity stamped or marked on the lifting device ( Jack stands must also be appropriately marked)? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 8. Are lifting devices inspected at regular intervals for mechanical or hydraulic defects? (OSHA 1910.244) YES ✔ NO N/A 1. Is there a daily inspection of the area for the purpose of detecting and removing hazardous conditions (NFPA 88-B.3-6) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are metal receptacles with self-closing lids provided for storage / disposal of oil soaked waste or clothes? (NFPA 88-B.3-6) YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION IX. 3. Is flammable / combustible rubbish in covered metal containers? (NOTE: Contents of these containers should be properly disposed of daily) (NFPA 88-B.3.6) 4. Are wall lockers free of potential fire and personal injury hazards? YES 5. Are drawers and shelves clear of trash and disposable scrap materials? YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are isles clear of stored / discarded items? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION X. 1. Are natural gas / propane appliances free of gas leaks? ✔ From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION X. ( Continued ) 2. Is the proper personal protective equipment available for use around these appliances? YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XI. 1. Are there any broken chairs or office equipment in need of repair? YES 2. Do all chairs have 5 casters? YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is the office free of any slip / trip / fall hazards? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Do all desk and file drawers have stops on them? YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is weight evenly distributed in all file cabinets? YES ✔ NO N/A Chair YES ✔ NO N/A Keyboard YES ✔ NO N/A Monitor YES ✔ NO N/A Document Holder YES ✔ NO N/A Wrist Pad YES ✔ NO N/A Proper lighting YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 6. Are all computer work-stations equipped with am ergonomically adjustable: 7. Is each work-station equipped with: 8. Have all employees who operate computers received VDT Ergonomic Training? NO ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XII. 1. Is there a inventory list of the chemicals used in the work area? (OSHA 1910.1200) From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION XII. ( Continued ) 2. Are there Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all chemicals used in the work area? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is the chemical inventory list / MSDS location known and readily accessible to all employees? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Have all employees who use chemicals received Right-to-Know training? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A 5. Is the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available for use when handling chemicals. (OSHA 1910.1200) YES ✔ NO N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XIII. 1. Is there a designated place for the storage and charging of batteries? YES NO N/A ✔ 2. Are the required signs posted? (OSHA 1910.1200) YES NO N/A ✔ 3. Are the required personal protective devices immediately available and are these devices serviceable and clean? (OSHA 1926.403) YES NO N/A ✔ COMMENTS: SECTION XIV. 1. Has the supervisor conducted an inspection to determine if hazards are present, or likely to be present which necessitate the use of PPE? (OSHA 1910.132) YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Has the supervisor identified proper PPE for assigned employees? YES ✔ NO N/A YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Has the supervisor certified in writing that all assigned employees have been trained on and understand the proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE? COMMENTS: From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION XV. 1. Are there any self-identified " Specially Challenged " employees in the unit? YES NO 2. If " YES " does this employee require any special accommodations? YES NO N/A ✔ 3. Have reasonable accommodations been met? YES NO N/A ✔ ✔ N/A COMMENTS: SECTION XVI. ( Training Audit ) List all employees in the Unit and check the appropriate circle for each kind of mandatory training that has been completed. Personal New Employee Defensive First Aid / Ergonomics Right-to-Know Protective Orientation Driving CPR Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. COMMENTS: From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION XVII. ( Assigned Vehicles ) 1. Are preventative maintenance ( PM) forms being properly completed for all assigned vehicles on a daily basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 2. Are PM forms reviewed by supervisors on a monthly basis? YES ✔ NO N/A 3. Is appropriate corrective action being taken on noted discrepancies in a timely manner? YES ✔ NO N/A 4. Identify when assigned vehicles were last inspected by a Department Vehicle Inspector below. Vehicle Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Vehicle Type Inspection Date From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION XVIII. List your last six safety meetings by date and subject. Date COMMENTS: Subject From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 SECTION XIX. A. Identify the noted discrepancy B. Enter the date you submitted a work order to the General Services / Buildings and Grounds or corrected the discrepancy. C. Indicate the status of the discrepancy. Send correspondence / corrective action(s) along with this inspection to the Risk Management Bureau / District Safety Section. IDENTIFY NOTED DISCREPANCY DATE SUBMITTED STATUS: PENDING/ ON ORDER/ COMPLETED Threshold on north door needs to be put 11/12/2014 60-Days to comply Exit sign on north exit needs to be put 11/12/2014 60-Days to comply From No. A-1189 Rev. 02/13 Supervisor Signature: SECTION XX. ( Signatures ) Title: Date: COMMENTS: Everything looked Great !! We just need to take care of the door and exit signs. Good job guys ! Bureau Chief / A.M.S. Review: COMMENTS: Date: APPENDIX 7 URBANIZED AREAS MAPS ³ El Paso Urbanized Area 2000 Legend " ! Mile Posts F G EPculverts2000 ! F GG F F G " ! Patrol Yards F G NM 460 NMDOT Roads El Paso F G NMBnd ! G F F G El Paso UA 2000 NM ! 478 ! G F F G I 10 NM 460 F G ! F G ! FR 1035 NM 273 NM 460 I 10 NM 136 NM 478 NM 184 NM 404 NM 498 FL 6301 From MP To MP From MP To MP 17.69 17.84 17.96 18.06 0.04 5.22 6.6 10 0 0.67 0.82 3.63 163.83 164.34 8.03 8.52 0 1.63 Length = 0.55 miles Length = 0.01 miles Length = 0.86 miles Length = 1.11 miles Sunland Park Drive Mileposts increase W->E; S->N G F F G F G NM 136 F FG FG G G F F G F G GG F F! NM F 27 G 3 F G FG G FG FG F F G GG F ! F F G NM 184 FG G F FG ! N M 27 3 ! G F F F G GF ! G G F 0 0.75 1.5 2.25 F G 49 8 NM GG F F! FL 6301 F G ! F G 3 Miles Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, 2013 2 3 4 Miles ! 70! I-10 I-25 NM 101 NM 138 NM 185 NM 188 NM 28 NM 292 NM 320 NM 359 NM 372 NM 373 NM 478 US 70 F FG 7!0"G From MP To MP From MP 137.0 147.49 0.0 11.0 0.0 1.4 0.66 miles long 0.0 5.23 0.0 2.99 25.50 27.10 27.57 0.0 0.30 1.32 0.0 1.93 0.0 0.28 0.36 1.36 1.62 0.26 0.76 1.00 15.49 23.60 142.47 148.05 US F G 2.56 0.51 30.30 1.44 To MP Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, USGS, Intermap,Mileposts iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI,S->N Esri China (Hong increase W->E; Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, 2013 8 47 0 0.5 1 LCua2000 NMDOT Roads Las Cruces Patrol Yard NM " 5 I2 LCculverts2000 Mile Posts NM F G ! Legend ! 5 I2 28 US GG F G FG FF FG G F 0G F G F G F G 2 F G F G F F G FF G F 3 F!G FG G G M G F 0 7 NG G F F G ! F ! FG US! F G F G F F G !G FG G ! FG G F FG G F FG FG G F!! G F F FG G F G F G F F G F G F G F G F G F G F G F G F G F! G F G F G F G F G F G ! F G 70 F! G F G F G S F G F G U F G F! G FG G F ! F G ! F F G F G GG F F G F G ! F G F G F FG G F G ! F G F G ! FG G F FG G F F G F G FG G F G F F G F G ! F G ! F G F G F G " F G F G F F G ! G F G F G F G F G F G F G F G ! F G F G F G F G 0 G ! ! F 7 F G F G F G S F G F G UG F G ! F F G F G F G F G F G F G G F F G ! F G F G F G F G F G F G ! F G F G G F F! G ! ! F G F G ! F G FG F G I 10 FG ! G F G F G F G F F G G F F G F G ! IG FG G F G F G F G 1 F0 G F G F ! F G !F F G F G ! 1 F G F G 0 F G ! F G ! 1 ! F G ! FG G F ! NMG G F F G F F G F G F G F G F38G G F G F G F G F G 1 F 3 F G F G F G ! FM G ! F G F G FG G F G 37G ! N F F F G M ! F G N! F G FG G ! F F G F G F G ! F G F G F G ! F F G F FG !G GG F G F F G F G F G ! F G ! F G F G F G F G F G FG G ! F ! F! G F G FG !G F ! F G F G F G F G FG G F F G F G F G F G F G ! ! F G F G ! ! FG G FG F G FG F G F F G F G F G F G ! F G ! F G F G ! F G F G F G F G F G F G NM NM NM US ³ G F F G F G F G FG G F 70 Las Cruces Urbanized Area 2000 0 I1 28 8 18 185
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