Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Non-eucalypt Forest and Woodland NAV Allocasuarina verticillata forest: open forest facies Community Description: Allocasuarina verticillata woodland varies from pure stands with 100 % litter layer or with little else but leaf litter beneath the trees, to stands in which umbrageous trees are interspersed in a speciesrich sward dominated by tussock grasses. These woodlands and forests occupy very dry sites and some have emergent eucalypts or Callitris rhomboidea. This benchmark is one of 2 benchmarks available to assess the condition of NAV. Overstorey: Tree Canopy Cover: Woodland – 50% Large Trees: Height (m) DBH (cm) #/ha 15 25 90 Woodland Large Tree Species Common Name Allocasuarina verticillata drooping sheoak Notes Understorey: Life Forms Immature tree Tree or large shrub Shrub Prostrate shrub Herbs and orchids Grass Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily Scrambler/Climber/Epiphytes Mosses and Lichens LF code #Spp %Cover IT T S PS H G LSR SCE ML n/a 3 3 4 5 1 1 1 n/a <1 70 <1 3 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Non-eucalypt Forest and Woodland NAV Allocasuarina verticillata forest: open forest facies LF Code Typical Understorey Species* Common Name T T T T T T T T S S S PS PS H H H H G LSR SCE Acacia dealbata Acacia mearnsii Allocasuarina verticillata Beyeria viscosa Bursaria spinosa Callitris rhomboidea Eucalyptus viminalis Myoporum insulare Lissanthe strigosa Pimelea serpyllifolia Rhagodia candolleana Acrotriche serrulata Astroloma humifusum Ajuga australis Caladenia spp. Dichondra repens Xerochrysum papillosum Ehrharta stipoides Lepidosperma gladiatum Clematis microphylla silver wattle black wattle drooping sheoak pinkwood prickly box oyster bay pine white gum common boobialla peachberry heath thyme riceflower coastal saltbush ants delight native cranberry australian bugle finger-orchid kidneyweed cliff everlasting weeping grass coast swordsegde small-leaf clematis *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Ground: Woodland Organic Litter Cover Logs (m/0.1ha) Recruitment 100% 10 Episodic Last reviewed – 24 March 2015 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
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