April 2015 A growing family of faith that welcomes you into our midst! From The Rev… The Great News… Luke 24 New King James Version-He Is Risen 24 Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, [a] came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. 2 But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. 3 Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 And it happened, as they were greatly[b] perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. 5 Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee, 7 saying, ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.’” 8 And they remembered His words. 9 Then they returned from the tomb and told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest. 10 It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them, who told these things to the apostles. 11 And their words seemed to them like idle tales, and they did not believe them. 12 But Peter arose and ran to the tomb; and stooping down, he saw the linen cloths lying [c] by themselves; and he departed, marveling to himself at what had happened. What more beautiful words can be shared as we celebrate Easter and the Resurrection of our Lord, “He is not here, but is risen!” No longer does death have the final say for HE IS RISEN! The moment of resurrection is on what we Christians hang our hats. This truly is not only Good News, but Great News. It is Great News of God’s steadfast love and endless mercy for God’s beloved children. This Easter and always may you live in the life renewing hope of the resurrection of Jesus the Christ. May this hope give you a peace that passes all understanding this day and forever more. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Jesus Christ is RISEN!!! Immanuel, God with us in our nature, in our sorrow, in our lifework, in our punishment, in our grave, and now with us, or rather we with Him, in resurrection, ascension, triumph, and Second Advent splendor. Charles Spurgeon Grace and peace, Jennifer Eastman Hinkle Dublin Presbyterian Church 5775 Dublinshire Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 Sunday Worship Adult Study 9:15AM Worship 10:30AM Rev. Jennifer Eastman Hinkle, Pastor Randy Warner, Director of Music Ministries Barb Blanke, Director of Program Ministries Nola Taracko, Office Manager Tel: 614.793.8694; Fax: 614.799.1375; Email: [email protected]; Web: DublinPresbyterian.org April 2015 Newsletter page 2 Deadline for articles For May Newsletter April 20, 2015 NEWSLETTER AT A GLANCE Page 3 Holy Week at DPC EDUCATION Multiplying Joys / Dividing Sorrows Page 4 Kid’s Klub Page 5 VBS Page 6 Second Sunday Pages 7 Sunday School Schedule WORSHIP/MUSIC Pages 8 Worship and Music Committee article FELLOWSHIP / COMMUNITY Page 9 Prayers for: The families who have lost loved ones. All who are sick in body, mind or spirit. Those who are looking for employment. Continued Prayers for: Allen Hayes Anna Pratt Hubbard Nancy Pratt John and Julie Martin New Members Luncheon Community Easter Egg Hunt Page 10 Gail’s Garden Page 11 Meadows Academy MISSION Page 12 Mission Trip 2015 Page 13 Open Shelter Lunches Page 14 Max & Erma’s Fundraising Page 15 Eco-Palms Page 16 Meetings and Upcoming Events Reminder: The church office will be closed Good Friday, April 3 and Easter Monday, April 6. April 1 April 3 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 18 April 22 April 25 April 28 Cheryl Varian Fran Nagy Betsy Grodhaus; Eric Schoening Grace Miehls Lindsay Miller Krista Selig Mark Clelland Kathy Ferguson; Dee Nagy Debbie Sundheimer Kathy Sarver Sean Clelland; Claire Reynolds Don Warehime April 2015 Newsletter page 3 April 2 — Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM—Light Supper 7:30 PM—Maundy Thursday Last Supper Remembrance with Communion Service and Tenebrae Childcare and Fireside Room are available. April 3 — Good Friday 12:00 Noon—Crosswalk (begins promptly at noon from the south parking lot of Dublin-Coffman High School). The walk will end at Dublin Community Church where a brief service will follow. Reverend Jennifer Eastman Hinkle will be participating in the walk and worship service. April 5 — EASTER 9:15 AM—Easter Praise Service 9:30 AM—Easter Continental Breakfast 10:30 AM—Easter Worship with Communion There will be no Fireside Chat or Preschool Class this morning. Nursery care will be provided. April 2015 Newsletter Kids Klub Ends with Trip to Emerald Crossing and Family Pizza Party page 4 April 2015 Newsletter page 5 SAVE THE DATES for DPC VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015!!! Dates: June 8—12, 2015 9 AM—Noon ages: 4 years old—completing 5th grade Cost: $35 for single participant; $30 for each additional sibling Registration forms will be available beginning in May. Too old to be a participants? There is an open invitation to all youth in grades 6-12 to assist VBS leaders through the week. There will be science projects, crafts, grams, singing, snacks and storytelling each day from 9 AM until noon. Sign up with a friend and come play, learn and grow through the force of God in our lives. FIRST VBS MEETING: SUNDAY, April 12, 11:45 AM—12:15 PM in the Youth Room. Interested in helping with VBS—class leader, games, crafts, science, etc??? Come to the meeting! April 2015 Newsletter page 6 Second Sundays at Dublin Presbyterian Church MISSION IN ACTION! Welcome Warehouse Many thanks to all who attended the Welcome Warehouse Mission activity on Saturday, March 14, 2015. A group from DPC gathered to help sort clothing to be distributed to families in need right here in the Dublin area. Many hands make little labor and it was time well spent together as community and in living out God's goodness to us in ways that affect others. Second Sunday Habitat for Humanity A very special thanks to Ralph LeVan and Bob VanVliet for leading us in a Second Sunday conversation about Habitat for Humanity in the Dublin area. As we gathered over a continental breakfast before worship, we were able to share in what a difference Habitat has made in the lives of Ralph, Bob and so many others. There are a variety of ways in which to get involved from working on homes to recyclying materials. During our worship service, we had a special blessing of the tools (and hands). Following worship, the community had an opportunity to learn more and to practice with real power tools! If you are interested in learning more about this mission, please contact the office. April 12, 2015 Sunday, April 12 – Open Shelter…At 9:15 AM on Sunday morning you are invited to join us for a light breakfast. At 9:30 AM Kent Beittel, Executive Director of The Open Shelter will we our presenter. Mission Focus for the month of April will be to support Open Shelter by bringing in backpacks and camping gear. It’s also our month for Open Shelter lunches so please support this mission by donating Kroger Gift Cards, cash, Individual bags of chips, and additional supplies that may be needed. DPC will be packing non perishables on Sunday, April 26. On Tuesday, April 28 volunteers will be needed to make sandwiches, and on Wednesday, April 29 volunteers will be needed to pack the 200 lunches that will be taken to Open Shelter. Please be sure to watch your Mid-Week and the Connections Center for further information April 2015 Newsletter page 7 Fireside Chat Room, Preschool Class, Children’s Message Schedule Date: 4/5/15 Fireside: Preschool: Easter Sunday—no classes Children's Message Jennifer Eastman Hinkle 4/12/15 Metzger Shoaf Metzger 4/19/15 Reynolds Reichley Reynolds 4/26/15 Dauer Schoening Spalding 5/3/15 Spalding Flanigan Spalding If you are unable to fulfill your commitment, please notify Sarah Flanigan, Alicia Dauer or the church office. April 2015 Newsletter page 8 This year our Maundy Thursday worship is different at DPC. At 7:00PM we gather around tables in the Narthex for a simple supper provided by Rev. Jennifer. Then we move into the Sanctuary to find the twelve disciples and Jesus gathered around a table for the Last Supper. As we hear Jesus speaking the familiar words of that event, we hear flashbacks from each of the twelve disciples as they remember the difference that their time with Jesus has made on their lives while each one asks, “Is it I?” We become a part of that scene as we partake in the Lord’s Supper. On this night we hear Jesus say, “Do this to remember me.” And so we do. We continue to remember stories about Jesus with emphasis on the Passion stories, the stories of Good Friday. They are both important and sad stories. But in these stories around the cross, in Jesus, standing for God, we see that God refuses to stop loving people, even when they turn on him, betray him, desert him, torture him, and kill him. We see that God would rather die than stop loving us. We see how powerful God’s love and forgiveness are. Moving through the stories of Jesus this night, you will see children, youth, and adults participating in worship; you will see the sanctuary change as items of worship are covered or taken out and the space darkens in traditional Tenebrae (Shadows) fashion. You will notice that along with the children, youth, and adults leading worship, there is childcare for children younger than elementary school age and the Storytime option in the Fireside Room is available for interested elementary age children during the second half of the service. There is a tradition to not speak a benediction at the end of this service. The end of this service does not come until Easter morning when we celebrate God’s surprise ending to the sad parts of Jesus’ story: Surprise, Jesus is alive! Surprise! God’s love is more powerful than any bad power in the world! Surprise! God’s gentle, self-sacrificing love is stronger than the fighting, killing power of Good Friday! According to Carolyn Brown, a Certified Christian Educator in the PCUSA, children benefit from sharing in the entire Holy Week experience. They hear the whole story if they attend the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. (At DPC, we do both sets of stories on Maundy Thursday.) This gives them a perspective that helps them understand the joy of Easter Sunday. They hear the stories of the Last Supper and Crucifixion on the anniversary of the very nights they happened. It is like hearing the story of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Eve or the story of their own birth on their actual birthday. What a powerful way to lead into the Easter Sunday celebration and for the children to sense how important these stories are to the adults with them. This year, with Spring Break behind us, let us gather as a church family on Maundy Thursday during the Week of Jesus, Holy Week. Brown, Carolyn. Welcoming Children to Holy Week Services. http://worshipingwithchildren.blogspot.com/2013/03/welcoming-children-to-holy-weekservices.html. Worship and Music Committee April 2015 Newsletter page 9 RSVP to the office The Membership Committee will host a New Member Luncheon on Sunday, April 19 following the worship service. The luncheon will provide us an opportunity to get to know our new members as each interacts with similar member families and some members of the deacons and session. Food, drink, and table service will be provided. The committee is looking forward to sharing this special event will all our new members and participating members. Eggs-tra, Eggs-tra...READ ALL ABOUT IT!! Many thanks to all who made this year's DPC Annual Easter Egg Hunt a wonderful success! It was a little chilly, but the sun was out on Palm Sunday. The children gathered between the double doors as they were released by ages to scour the church grounds in hopes of finding colored plastic eggs filled with goodies (a special thanks St. Nancy Pratt for filling nearly 900 of them!!!) . After a grueling 15 minutes of searching, the children came back in from the cold to sort their booty. Every child who participated received a goodie bag filled with peanut-free treats. There were additional tables were they could make their own beaded necklace, decorate stones that cry out, and have a special graham cracker jelly bean snack. The Christian Education Committee "Rocked" this event. Though it was a little different than in years past, we hope that we have gained some visibility in the neighborhood in having it outdoors. Many thanks too to all those who handed out the invitations to Holy Week Worship and VBS 2015. We plant seeds today so that we will bear fruit in the future. April 2015 Newsletter page 10 GARDEN PLANNING According to the calendar, Spring arrived about a week ago. With this wonderful promise of warmer weather, it won’t be long before we begin to use the garden to provide fresh foods to the Dublin food pantry and other neighbors. Many members have helped in the past, but I would like to reach out to include anyone that has an interest. Whether you have an interest in providing nutrition to humans, nectars for bees, seeds for birds, or just enjoy digging in the dirt or watching flowers grow, please end me an e-mail so that I can add you to the email list. If you have a youth group that would like to use this as a community service project, let me know. We’re not trying to skirt child labor laws, but if they need to work on a project and/or badge requirements, we can help. Our first planning date, for cool weather plants and building simple wooden structures for vining plants will be around April 18. I know that is coming up quickly. However, there will be additional projects for warm weather plants, fall plants, and winter crops later in the year. So, there are lots of opportunities to participate. If you’re interested in receiving communications about the garden, let me know at [email protected]. Thank you. Kevin Dauer Free Money Month at DPC!!! Now that we have your attention...what do Amazon.com, Kroger cards, Scrip gift cards and Max and Erma's have in common? They allow the church to receive "free" money. It is the giving that keeps on giving. Whenever you make purchases on Amazon.com, register your Kroger card, purchase Scrip gift cards or eat at Max and Erma's on the first Thursday of the month, DPC has a win / win chance to receive benefits as well. For more details, please join us on Second Sunday after worship as we learn more of how to participate in this fabulous fundraising opportunity. April 2015 Newsletter page 11 Mother Offers a Gift to Jesus We were overcome with joy when Susan Bolongaita, Director of Meadows Academy brought the Hindu mother of a student into the office. The mother asked if it would be acceptable for her to bring flowers to Jesus. She refused to enter the sanctuary that day because she was not “clean”. However, she would come back at a later date. And, so, she did….She and her daughter, in skirts and blouses entered the sanctuary, spent some time , and presented this beautiful bouquet of roses to Jesus. She bid the following greeting: “Namaste”. ‘Namaste’ or ‘namaskar’ is the Indian way of greeting each other. Wherever they are – on the street, in the house, in public transport, on vacation or on the phone – when Hindus meet people they know or strangers with whom they want to initiate a conversation, namaste is the customary courtesy greeting to begin with and often to end with. It is not a superficial gesture or a mere word, and is for all people, young and old, friends and strangers. Meadows Academy The whole school celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day! All the kids loved the read-aloud “Hooray for Saint Patrick’s Day” by Joan Holub, a fun and engaging book for children to learn about the holiday. Mrs. Etchison visited each classroom to share this story and students play the “Toss and Catch the Leprechaun Bean Bag” game. A small black pot of gold was given to each child after he or she caught the bean bag. What a lucky day! —Susan Bolongaita, Director Meadows Academy is looking for a part time or full time Early Preschool Teacher 2-3 year olds) and PreKindergarten Teacher (3-4 year olds). Applicants with a degree in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education or a related field are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have 2-3 years teaching experience, hard working with good moral character, good communication skills, experience with creating lesson plans, team player, and professional. Interviews are ongoing. We are hiring immediately for the Early Preschool teacher and flexible for the Pre-Kindergarten teacher. Please email your cover letter and resume to: [email protected] or [email protected]. For more information about Meadows Academy, visit meadowsacademy.org. April 2015 Newsletter page 12 LAST CALL ON MISSION TRIP 2015 With the recent cold temperatures probably the furthest thing from your mind is making plans for the week of June 21-27. That is the week for our Annual Mission Trip and we would love to have you join us. God continues to call us, along with our sister churches in Plain City, Hilliard, and Marysville, to help those in need with home repair, rebuilding or new construction. We will be traveling to Neon, Kentucky, a depressed area of Appalachia. This is the same area we worked last week. Mission work: H.O.M.E.S. Inc. Dates: June 21-27, 2015 Ages: Entering the 9th grade (fall 2014) to 95+ Group Size: Approx 25 in total Work Location: Neon, Kentucky Sleeping arrangements: Women's and men's large dormitory rooms Transportation: Rental vans and a luggage truck Meals: Our cooking team is led by our own Carolyn Buchanan Type of work: Not yet confirmed, but most likely repair and rebuilding Skill level required: NONE, we use what skills you have and train you on what we need. There is no such thing as unskilled. For more details check out the H.O.M.E.S. Inc website http://www.homeseky.com/ or talk with Bob VanVliet, Doug Spalding or Barb Blanke. Fundraising: Max & Erma's (first Thursday of each month), Kroger Plus Card signup, check on the DPC website. Also our Annual Sub Sale Registration forms can be found on the Connection Center. Contact Bob VanVliet if you are interested in being part of this worthwhile mission. April 2015 Newsletter page 13 Open Shelter Lunches How you can help: Sunday, April 19—Donations deadline Sunday, April 27—Pack non-perishables Tuesday, April 28 6:15 PM at church—Make sandwiches Wednesday, April 29—Pack and deliver lunches What’s needed: Kroger gift cards and cash, bags of chips, and granola bars.. *********Kroger Gift Cards and cash donations for meat, cheese, bread and early “on sale” items.********** (Please mark “Open Shelter” on the memo line of your check.) Place donations in marked locations. Questions: Contact Barbara Byrum at 579-7906 April 2015 Newsletter page 14 Support Mission, Fun, Fellowship, Good Food!!!! Join us on Thursday, April 2, 2015, for dinner at Max & Erma’s for DPC night. Oops, since April 2 is Maundy Thursday and we’ll be at church, let’s do lunch instead! Every first Thursday, 20% of the proceeds of each check go to support our Mission Trip fund raising. Clip the coupon below and enjoy a family night out. Additional April 2015 Newsletter DPC supported the Eco-Palms Project on Palm Sunday. page 15 April 2015 Newsletter page 16 DUBLIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 5775 Dublinshire Drive Dublin, OH 43017 Dublin Presbyterian Church 5775 Dublinshire Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 Sunday Worship Adult Study 9:15AM Worship 10:30AM Rev. Jennifer Eastman Hinkle, Pastor Randy Warner, Director of Music Ministries Barb Blanke, Director of Program Ministries Tel: 614.793.8694; Fax: 614.799.1375; Email: [email protected]; Web: DublinPresbyterian.org Monday, April 6 Friday, April 10 Sunday, April 12 Monday, April 13 Monday, April 20 Sunday April 26 Monday, April 26 April 2 April 3 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 19 April 20 April 21 April 26 April 28 April 29 Worship/Music Committee Finance Committee Meeting VBS Meeting Staff; Session Staff; Deacons CE Committee Meeting Staff, Membership Committee Max & Erma’s Fundraiser; Maundy Thursday Service, 7:00 PM Good Friday: Dublin Cross Walk, 12:00 Noon; Church office closed EASTER: Praise Service, 9:15 AM, Continental Breakfast 9:30 AM, Worship (Communion) 10:30 AM; Fellowship 11:30 AM; Church office closed: Women’s Bible Study, 12:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Second Sunday 9:15AM; Worship (Communion) 10:30 AM; Fellowship 11:30 AM; Confirmation 4:00 PM Women's Bible Study 12:30 PM Choir 7:00 PM Adult Study, 9:15 AM; Worship 10:30 AM; Fellowship 11:30 AM; New Members Luncheon 11:45 AM; Confirmation 4:00 PM; Open Shelter Lunches donations due Women’s Bible Study 12:30 PM Choir 7:00 PM Adult Study 9:15AM;Worship 10:30AM;Fellowship 11:30 AM; Confirmation 4:00 PM; Pack non perishables Make Open Shelter Sandwiches, 6:15 PM Pack and Deliver Open Shelter lunches, 8:00 AM
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