May 2015 A growing family of faith that welcomes you into our midst! streets to witness to God’s mighty works in the languages of people all over the world. By the end of the An excerpt from the Companion to the Book of Com- story, a tiny, Spirit-filled community of faith that mon Worship (Geneva Press, 2003, 117-119) broke from its present order has spread across the continents with incredible power to bring new things According to the Day of Pentecost story in Acts 2:1- into being. With the gift of the Spirit, all things are 13, God gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to empower possible… witnesses to the resurrection. Sounds from heaven cosmic language, the rush of a might ruach (wind, spirit, breath) invaded the house in which the apos- Therefore, on the Day of Pentecost, we celebrate tles gathered, and appeared to them as a burning God’s gift of Holy Spirit which draws us together as fire. Tongues of fire touched their nerve centers. A one people, helps us to comprehend what God is doPower—the unseen power of God—moved among ing in the world, and empowers us to proclaim, in them and gripped them. The Holy Spirit is unseen, word and in deed, God’s plan of reconciling all people like the wind, which is why the Old Testament calls it in the name of Christ (Ephesians 1:10). ruach YHWH, “the wind, or breath, of God” (cf. John 3:8). The Spirit is the “unseenness of God” working Without the gift of the Spirit, Christ’s church dries up among us. and withers away, and we are left with only our broAccording to Joel (2:28-29) the ruach is to open eve- ken selves. With the gift of the Spirit, all things are rybody to God’s future. People young and old will possible. A spirit-filled community of faith opens eyes dream and will have visions of hope; they will be able to needs in the world and sees its missing as God’s to loose themselves from the way things are now, new people. The Day of Pentecost is the climax of the because God is establishing a whole new economy of Great Fifty Days of Easter, celebrating as it does the creation. The Holy Spirit breaks us out of our preoc- gift of the Spirit to the body of Christ—the church. cupation with ourselves and frees us to serve As we welcome in this new season of Pentecost, neighbors, loosens our grasp on possessions, and may the Holy Spirit that hovered over the waters of sets us to loving people. New creation is what Joel is creation, breathe new life in you, giving you a talking about. Pentecost is new creation. glimpse of the resurrection to come. Amen. The book of Acts tells the story of the outcome of Grace and peace, Pentecost’s new creation: people witness in word Jennifer Eastman Hinkle and in deed to the risen Christ. At the outset, the newborn church immediately tumbled out into the Understanding Pentecost Dublin Presbyterian Church 5775 Dublinshire Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 Sunday Worship Adult Study 9:15AM Worship 10:30AM Rev. Jennifer Eastman Hinkle, Pastor Randy Warner, Director of Music Ministries Nola Taracko, Office Manager Tel: 614.793.8694; Fax: 614.799.1375; Email: [email protected]; Web: May 2015 Newsletter page 2 Deadline for articles For June Newsletter May 20, 2015 NEWSLETTER AT A GLANCE DPC MATTERS Page 3 Free Money Fundraising Church Meetings Pentacost Offering DPC to Host PSV workshop WORSHIP/MUSIC Page 4 Confirmation News Holy Week Recap (Pictures on pg. 5) EDUCATION Page 6 Second Sundays—Open Shelter recap May Second Sunday topic information VBS Mission Project Page 7 Confirmation Update Schedule—Fireside Room; Preschool Class & Children’s message Page 8 VBS—Save the Date VBS—Supply Request list Multiplying Joys / Dividing Sorrows Prayers of Thanksgiving for: the safe arrival of Allison Mae Hamilton, daughter of Brian and Kayli Hamilton. Prayers for: Those seeking employment Paul and Georgia Luehr as they prepare to move to First Community The Gerace family friend who is having neurological issues Lucy Townley who broke her hip Anna Pratt Hubbard Nancy Pratt MISSION Page 9 Page 10 Gail’s Garden is springing to life! Free Money Fundraising (continued) Max & Erma’s May 7th Coupon May 1 May 2 May 3 COMMUNITY & FELLOWSHIP Page 11 Meet Our New Members—Leinberger Family Every Other Month Book Club DPC Goes to the Ballpark! Page 12 Membership Committee hosts New Member luncheon (with pictures) PARTNERSHIPS Page 13 2015 Golf for Habitat Outing Flyer Page 14 Presbytery of Scioto Valley: Older Adult Sunday; Rev. Dr. Linda Mercadante interviewed; Covenant Gathering 2015 Page 15 Meadows Academy News PC(USA) Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Nepal May 4 May 5 May 9 May 10 May 12 May 15 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 23 May 26 May 29 May 30 Michelle Hesse Dee Holcomb, Mary Miehls Jennifer Eastman Hinkle; Terry Smith; Penny Wyner Charlotte Coomer; Jill Ellison Lynette Sundheimer Patrick Ellison Tracey Jolly Brian Landis Kevin Flanigan; Ann Lathey; Scott Reichley Duncan Spalding; Ian Stamm Sandy Gerace Ralph Life Jim Miehls; Alexandra Taylor; Rex Zent Mara Beihl Liz Reichley Jay Pease May 2015 Newsletter page 3 “FREE MONEY” FUNDRAISING Now that we have your attention...what do, Kroger cards, Scrip cards and Max and Erma's coupons have in common? They allow the church to receive "free" money. It is the giving that keeps on giving. Whenever you make purchases on, shop with your Kroger Plus card, purchase Scrip cards or eat at Max and Erma's on the first Thursday of the month, DPC will receive benefits as well. SCRIP CARDS—Scrip card fundraising is a noselling program that enables church members to raise money for our church. Scrip cards is just another way to pay for everyday purchases in place of cash, checks or credit cards. You purchase scrip cards at face value, and we order these cards at a reduced price. The difference is an instant rebate for the church. It’s really that simple. Over 300 of the country’s biggest brands, including grocery, department stores, gas stations, hotels, home improvement, and more are available. Just by using scrip cards to pay for your normal weekly purchases, you could easily raise $750 or more per year FOR THE CHURCH! Put your regular shopping dollars to work for DPC. Monies raised through Scrip card purchases support our operating budget. We have designated the 2nd and 4th Sundays as ordering deadlines. Orders will be placed the next day, and cards will be available later in the week or by the next Sunday. Order forms are available on the website and on the Connection Center. There are “bonus” events when larger rebates are offered when cards are purchased. These bonuses will be announced in the mid-week email when they are available. If you have any questions, or suggestions for im(Continued on page 9) CHURCH MEETINGS Monday, May 4 Staff, Worship/Music Committee Friday, May 8 Finance Committee Meeting Monday, May 11 Staff; Session Monday, May 18 Staff; Deacons Sunday May 24 CE Committee Meeting Monday, May 25 Memorial Day, Office closed Monday, May 31 Staff, Membership Committee DPC to host Presbytery of Scioto Valley workshop on Healthy Boundaries for pastors. PSV Church Professionals Commission will be hosting a workshop on Healthy Boundaries for All Pastors on May 30, 9:30 am - 5 pm All pastors must take this training if they have not previously or recently participated in the Committee on Ministry Training program in the Prevention of Sexual Misconduct. PC(USA) Pentecost Offering The Pentecost Offering is unique in that congregations direct 40 percent of what they receive for ministries which benefit children at risk. The remaining 60 percent supports mission through child advocacy (10 percent), youth ministry (25 percent), and Young Adult Volunteer opportunities (25 percent). Pentecost Offering will be received on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. Keep your eye on your mailbox for a letter concerning the financial health of the DPC Community. May 2015 Newsletter Instant gratification is such a pervasive feeling in our culture: we want our technology to work faster, our ‘fast food’ to remain that way, and our daily tasks to ‘keep rolling’ so we can manage the demands in our lives. So how do we talk and learn about the long, slow process of coming to know God? According to Joan Chittister, we have to first understand that coming to know God is deeply connected with coming to know ourselves. If we recognize that what we are determines the nature of the relationship between God and ourselves, we are on the way to a rich spiritual life with God. No wonder we use the phrase ‘faith journey’—our Confirmands are learning about themselves and processing their connections to God. At this point in their lives, they are being offered the guidance they need in this process of coming to know God. May this be a reminder to all of us to meditate and reflect on our own spiritual journeys. And wherever we are in that faith journey of coming to know God, may we each recognize the word of God in our hearts and minds and souls. A Mantra from Joan Chittister: Prepare me, O God, to hear your word, to live your word, to grow forever in rhythm with the vibrations of your word. Chittister, Joan. The Breath of the Soul , R e f l e c t i o n s o n P r a y e r . New London, CT: Twenty Third Publications, 2009. The remainder of confirmation process: page 4 Holy Week Recap What a blessing to be here at DPC to share in the Celebration of Holy Week. We started Palm Sunday as Jesus entered Jerusalem—with a Parade...After worship DPC sponsored its first neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. On Maundy Thursday, the congregation gathered for a simple supper provided by Reverend Jennifer Eastman Hinkle and her family consisting of chicken and rice soup, tossed salad and a variety of breads served with mixed olives and hummus. Tables were set in the Narthex decorated with candles and palm branches from the previous Palm Sunday Parade. The turnout was amazing in that we had to set up three additional tables to properly welcome the crowd! All were fed and following the meal, we moved into the Sanctuary to share in a special reader’s theater featuring the DPC YOUTH as the 12 disciples on the night of Passover along with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Worship continued with a chance for younger ones to head to a special Fireside Chat while the rest of the congregation recognized Jesus’ movement toward the cross. The community left the church in silence remembering that fateful night when Jesus was betrayed and taken prisoner only to face death on the cross the next day. Several members continued in the Holy Week events walking in the Dublin Community Cross Walk. Reverend Jennifer Eastman Hinkle shared in leading the worship service which followed at Dublin Community Church. May 3rd, confirmands write Faith Statements. May 11th, confirmands meet with members of Session. May 17th, Deacon’s breakfast for confirmands and families; confirmands are recognized in worship and celebrated during fellowship time. Finally, Resurrection Sunday was kicked off with a breakfast of breads and a special prayer service. The stone was rolled away forever and Jesus Christ arose from the dead ushering in eternal life for all. The sermon captured the moment when Mary Magdalene first saw the empty tomb and how her sorrow turned to joy in meeting the resurrected Jesus. Worship and Music Committee Many thanks to all who supported and participated in the Lenten, Holy Week, and Easter special services and activities. May 2015 Newsletter page 5 Holy Week at DPC Palm Sunday Easter Egg Hunt Dublin Good Friday Cross Walk Maundy Thursday Simple Supper which preceded the Remembrance of the Lord’s Supper with Tenebrae. May 2015 Newsletter page 6 MAY 10TH SECOND SUNDAY TOPIC There will be a special Second Sunday education time on “Mothers of the Bible” by Reverend Eastman Hinkle. Hope you can join us! Second Sunday: April 12, 2015 OPEN SHELTER THE After a light breakfast, Kent Beittel, Executive Director of the Open Shelter talked about his experiences of providing services and guidance to the homeless in downtown Columbus. The Mission Focus for the month of April was to support the Open Shelter by bringing in backpacks and camping gear. It was also our month for Open Shelter lunches. DPC packed the non-perishables in lunch sacks on Sunday, April 26. On Tuesday, April 28th, volunteers made sandwiches, and on Wednesday, April 29th, volunteers packed and transported the 200 lunches to the Open Shelter. Read more about the Open Shelter: VBS MISSION PROJECT VBS will be supporting the Dougbe River School in Liberia for its mission this year. As our school year comes to a close, please save your gently used backpacks, crayons, markers and other supplies for donation to their school in June. Read more about the school: May 2015 Newsletter page 7 Confirmation Update Over the past several months, Ben Sarver, Elise Nelson, and Grayson Troxell have met together to discuss their understanding of the Christian faith. On Sunday, May 17, 2015, they will lead the congregation in worship and share their prepared statements of faith as we celebrate their membership and participation in the church. We hope you can join us for worship and a special fellowship immediately following. Many thanks to their parents who have supported them in this journey, as well as the care and compassion of Rick Gerace, Rex Zent, and Nola Taracko. Youth join Confirmands in “Jumping for Jesus” Fireside Chat Room, Preschool Class, Children’s Message Schedule Date: Fireside: Preschool: Children's Message 5/3/15 Spalding Flanigan Spalding 5/10/15 Fisher Buck Fisher 5/17/15 Krummrey Mossman Krummrey 5/24/15 Dauer—classrooms combined Dauer 5/31/15 Taylor Hinkle Nelson If you are unable to fulfill your commitment, please notify Sarah Flanigan, Alicia Dauer or the church office. May 2015 Newsletter page 8 SAVE THE DATE for DPC VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015!!! June 8—12, 2015 9 AM—Noon ages: 4 years old—completing 5th grade Cost: $35 for single participant; $30 for each additional sibling Registration forms are now available on the Connection Center and on the DPC website. Too old to be a participant? There is an open invitation to all youth in grades 6-12 to assist VBS leaders through the week. There will be science projects, crafts, grams, singing, snacks and storytelling each day from 9 AM until noon. Sign up with a friend and come play, learn and grow through the force of God in our lives. VBS SUPPLY REQUEST LIST (4/29/15) Help us to launch G-FORCE: God’s love in Action by donating or lending the following items: DONATE Paper towel rolls 2 liter beverage bottles (80-100) Pool Noodles (20) Duct tape: black (6); yellow (2); glow-in-the-dark (1) Slinky toys (16) Empty coffee cans with lids Cardboard boxes (large) Empty oatmeal or breadcrumb containers with lids Black foam core boards (12 large sheets) LEND FOR DECORATION (please be sure to put your last name on items to be returned) Bicycle Skateboard Roller blades Tires Orange cones Hula Hoops LEND FOR USE Dominos 1 TV/DVR 20 Matchbox cars 10 9v batteries to be used as weights not power, so they can be dead batteries. Can be returned. 10 plastic cars / race cars to be taped to walls (larger than matchbox cars—medium sized May 2015 Newsletter page 9 GAIL’S GARDEN IS SPRINGING TO LIFE!!! We accomplished a lot during our first work days in April. Bruce Gelsinger rigged up the A-frame trellises for cucumbers and/or squash. Ralph LeVan took care of the weeds and turned a lot of soil. Dottie Stamm planted a large portion of one of the beds (see the area between the straw). We’re planting cool season vegetables right now. A second work day is planned for Sunday, May 17th. It will be THE DAY OF PLANTING. We expect it to go from Noon until dinner time. Everyone is invited to come out and help for some or all of the afternoon. If you’d like to help, or want more information about what we will be doing, Please contact Kevin Dauer ([email protected]) home page), DPC will receive a rebate on your purchases. That’s all that you need to do. Monies proving the program, please talk to Rea Buchanan raises through the link support our or Beth Marsh. operating budget. FREE MONEY FUNDRAISING (Continued from page 3) KROGER PLUS CARDS—Dublin Presbyterian participates in the Kroger Community Rewards program. If you are a shopper at Kroger, you will need to enroll in their Kroger Plus program and get a card. Once you have a Kroger Plus card, you need to create an account on the Kroger Community Rewards website and then associate your account with Dublin Presbyterian Church. It is easy to do and you must renew the association annual during April. Instructions for how to create an account and associate it with DPC are on the Connections Center. Monies raised through the Kroger community rewards program support the Annual Mission trip. MAX & ERMA’S COUPONS—the first Thursday of each month is “Max & Erma’s Day” for Dublin Presbyterian Church. With a coupon, the church receives a rebate of 20% of the cost of your meal. Coupons are available in the monthly Newsletter, on the Connections Center and on the church website. We cannot, however, distribute the coupon at Max & Erma’s itself. The coupons can be redeemed all day, and for meals at the restaurant and for take out orders. The monies raised through this promotion go to funding the Annual Mission trip. This fundraiser is done jointly with Plain City Presbyterian Church and we split the income with them. Only the Max & Erma’s in Dublin on Metro Place North will acAMAZON.COM link—Do you shop at Ama- cept these coupons. Max & Erma’s, 411 Metro If you go to the website Place North, Dublin, Ohio 43017. through the link found on our website—(on the May 2015 Newsletter page 10 Support Mission, Fun, Fellowship, Good Food!!!! Join us on Thursday, May 7, 2015, for dinner at Max & Erma’s for DPC night. Every first Thursday, 20% of the proceeds of each check go to support our Mission Trip fund raising. Clip the coupon below and enjoy a family night out. Additional coupons are available on the Connections Center and on the church website. May 2015 Newsletter page 11 This month we feature the Leinberger Family: Todd, Jamie, Kaylie, and Carter. Where are you from originally? Todd – born in Cincinnati, OH but grew up mainly in Dublin Jamie – Wintersville, OH What brought you to the Columbus area? Jamie went to Capital University and got a teaching job in Dublin OH. Todd went to OU and came back to Dublin to start his career. Every Other Month Book Club will meet on Wednesday, May 6th, Panera Dublin, at 11:00 AM. The book to discuss is “The Quaker Café” by Brenda Bevan Remmes. If you haven’t been attending—you have been missed. The book looks like an easy, relaxing read; just perfect for spring! What attracted you to DPC? We found DPC to be very welcoming, supportive and genuinely caring about our son Carter. Tell us something interesting about you and your family members? Todd and Carter share the same birthday. We live in a divided household Steelers/Bengals but share our love for OSU. What do you look forward to in the new year? Looking forward to spending time with family and friends. DPC Goes to the Ballpark! SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, July 26 at 6PM The Deacons are sponsoring DPC night at the Clippers baseball game. The Clippers will play the Rochester Red Wings (Twins’ AAA affiliate). We have a block of 40 reserved tickets in Section 3. It is located down the right field foul line in the shade and next to a concession stand, picnic tables, and restrooms. Tickets may be purchased from Rex Zent in the Narthex after the Sunday service on May 3rd and following Sundays for as long as they last. Ticket prices are: Adult $10, Seniors (60+) & Youth (12 and under) $7. Accessible seating is directly behind Section 3, but you must purchase tickets through the Clippers Ticket office at 614.462.2757. PLAY BALL!!! May 2015 Newsletter page 12 Membership Committee hosts luncheon to honor new members. On Sunday, April 19, 2015, the Membership Committee hosted a luncheon to bring together new members who have joined DPC since October 2014. It was a spectacular event. A very big thank you to Sandy and Rick Gerace who made it such an extra special event. May 2015 Newsletter page 13 May 2015 Newsletter page 14 PRESBYTERY OF SCIOTO VALLEY Next Presbytery Meeting: 5/17 at St. Andrew PC Older Adult Sunday May 3, 2015 Older Adult Sunday, every first Sunday in May, presents you with an opportunity to recognize a great strength of our church, those older adults who use their wisdom, energies, and resources to further Christ’s mission. “Life is a gift of God, and aging is a natural part of living, involving the whole lifespan from birth to death. Older adults are not a different category of persons, but are simply those persons who have traveled further along on the journey.” (Task Force on Older Adult Ministry - 204th General Assembly PC(USA), 1992) The Reverend Dr. Linda Mercadante Interviewed on the NBC Today Show On April 1st, in a segment on belief, the Today Show looked at the question, "Can we be spiritual and not religious?" Linda Mercadante, minister member of the Presbytery of Scioto Valley, and Professor of Theology at the Methodist Theological School, shared these thoughts during the televised interview. "When I just saw myself as spiritual, but not religious, I found it a little lonely, actually. There were things that I had big questions about, but could just not find the answers to." Rev. Mercadante has focused much of her research on this question of spirituality vs. religious. She believes that people want to separate those two terms, but finds the terms to be more harmonious than we realize. According to Today, nationally about 11% of people describe themselves as spiritual, but not religious. Rev. Mercadante has interviewed people from all walks of life and found that their views on this subject are surprisingly similar. Dr. Mercadante believes that organized religion must take into consideration those who are spiritual but not religious. She also hopes that the spiritual, but not religious, can take seriously what the structure of organized religion has to offer them. Covenant Gathering 2015 June 28, 4 pm to July 3, 11 am Michindoh Conference Center Hillsdale, MI A week of learning, laughter and worship presented by members and churches of PCUSA Synod of the Covenant and Synod of Lincoln Trails. Covenant Gathering is a little bit conference and a little bit vacation with facilities for all abilities! May 2015 Newsletter page 15 PC(USA): NEPAL EARTHQUAKE APRIL 25, 2015 MEADOWS ACADEMY And after the earthquake . . . A sound of sheer silence. Then there came a voice . . . that said, “What are you doing here?” 1 Kings 19: 12-13 The scale of the disaster facing Nepal after the April 25 earthquake is becoming clearer. The quake and its aftershocks have left thousands of people dead and thousands more injured. Buildings have been reduced to rubble, and roads, bridgers and communication systems have been severly damaged. It’s effects have extended to India and other neighboring countries. Learning About European Cars We had a wonderful field trip to Midwestern Auto Group of Dublin last Friday to learn about cars from around the world! Students saw different European makes including Bentley, Lamborghini, Porsche, Lotus, Ferrari, BMW, Aston Martin, Rolls Royce, Volkswagen, Mini Cooper, and more! At the end of the tour, students received a pop out cars activity page and activity book! Many thanks to parents, family members, and friends who came to the event. April was International Month at MA. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is providing emergency relief and short-term recovery in the impacted areas through our partner ACT Alliance and its members, who are already on the ground. PDA will remain active throughout the entire recovery process, accompanying our partners in the area as they determine long-term program needs and providing financial support for rebuilding and resilience. The needs are great. God’s people are once again called to stand in the GAP. GIVE. ACT. PRAY. More information & online donations: Anu Kurian, Shilpa Ravindran, Sumona Sarkar, Sonal Pise, Avani Pawar, Akhila Thamilarasu who gave a talk on India to the morning class; and to Kavitha Bangalore who visited with the afternoon kindergarten class! Many thanks to Brean Mooi for her talk South Africa! The students will be learning about China, Italy, and Mexico as well. Friday, April 24, was the Annual International Food Festival. Families brought foods from their homeland to share. May 2015 Newsletter page 16 DUBLIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 5775 Dublinshire Drive Dublin, OH 43017 Dublin Presbyterian Church 5775 Dublinshire Dr. Dublin, OH 43017 Sunday Worship Adult Study 9:15AM Worship 10:30AM Rev. Jennifer Eastman Hinkle, Pastor Randy Warner, Director of Music Ministries Nola Taracko, Office Manager Tel: 614.793.8694; Fax: 614.799.1375; Email: [email protected]; Web: MAY CALENDAR 2015 MAY 3—9 MAY 10—16 SUNDAY Adult Study 9:15AM Worship 10:30 AM Fellowship 11:30 AM Confirmation 4:00 PM Adult Study 9:15AM Worship (Children Sing) 10:30A Fellowship 11:30 AM MONDAY Women’s Bible Study, 12:30 PM Women’s Bible Study Celebration Luncheon, 12:30PM Confirmands Meet with Session, 6:15 PM TUESDAY Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM MAY 17—23 Adult Study 9:15AM Deacon’s Breakfast for Confirmands & Families, 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Fellowship 11:30 AM Garden Work Day, 12 PM MAY 24—31 PENTACOST Adult Study 9:15 AM Worship (Communion) 10:30 AM Fellowship 11:30 AM MEMORIAL DAY Office Closed Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY Every Other Month Book Club, 11 AM at Dublin Panera THURSDAY Max & Erma’s Coupon Day FRIDAY Decorate for VBS SATURDAY PSV Workshop for Pastors, 9AM-5PM SUNDAY Adult Study 9:15AM Worship 10:30AM Fellowship 11:30AM Confirmation 4:00 PM
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