Protecting Your Privacy Services for Men Eastern Health Family Violence Service 1300 130 381 (Monday-Friday) Eastern Health Aboriginal Health Team 5957 1100 (Monday-Friday) MensLine Australia (24 hours, 7 days) 1300 789 978 Men’s Behaviour Change Program 1300 130 381 Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service (Monday-Friday) 9871 2676 Men’s Referral Service 1300 766 491 Everybody has the right to live free from violence and abuse Eastern Health is committed to protecting your privacy. We will keep your personal information secure and disclose information about you only when required by law. We comply with relevant information and privacy legislation. If you would like more information, please ask a staff member or visit our web site Eastern Health is accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards. If you have any English language difficulties, please ask staff to book an interpreter. From home, you can contact us directly by using the Telephone Interpreter Service 13 1450. Interpreter services are provided free of charge. Ask staff to check if this information is available in your preferred language. 5 Arnold Street, Box Hill, Victoria, 3128 Australia P: 1300 342 255 © Eastern Health 2015 Authorised by Eastern Health (YVCH 0914 556.1) FAMILY VIOLENCE INFORMATION AND SERVICES FOR ABORIGINAL WOMEN AND MEN PHONE: 1300 130 381 FAMILY VIOLENCE INFORMATION AND SERVICES FOR ABORIGINAL WOMEN AND MEN What is Family Violence? Family violence is about power and control. It is behaviour within a family or family-like relationship, which causes fear, hurt or harm. Family violence includes: Physical abuse Pushing, shoving, punching, physical threats, throwing objects, use of weapons and damage to personal property. How Does Family Violence Affect Children? Services for Women Emergency (24 hours, 7 days) 000 Eastern Health Family Violence Service 1300 130 381 (Monday-Friday) Eastern Health Aboriginal Health Team 5957 1100 (Monday-Friday) EDVOS (Eastern Domestic Violence Outreach Service, Monday –Friday) 9259 4200 Safe Steps (24 hours, 7 days ) 1800 015 188 ECASA – victims/survivors sexual assault (24 hours) 1800 806 292 Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service (Monday-Friday) 9871 2676 Children have a right to feel safe and not live in fear. Children exposed to violence are at greater risk of emotional and physical health problems. These can include: nightmares, anxiety, bullying towards other children, social withdrawal, bedwetting and learning difficulties. Eastern Health Family Violence Service Emotional abuse Name calling, yelling, put downs, threats, humiliation, harassment and intimidation. The Eastern Health Family Violence Service can assist you in many different ways by providing support and information about your options, including: Social isolation Controlling contact with others, being prevented from seeing friends and family, minimising time spent with others. Sexual abuse Any sexual behaviour that makes someone feel uncomfortable, frightened, intimidated or threatened. This includes being forced or pressured to do/watch sexual acts. Financial abuse Controlling and denying access to money for essential items; being expected to show evidence of money spent. Safety plans, women’s and children’s counselling, advocacy, Men’s Behaviour Change Groups, referral to other services including mental health, housing, legal and community services Eastern Health Aboriginal Health Team The Eastern Health Aboriginal Health Team provides a safe and welcoming service to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community within the Shire of Yarra Ranges and the Eastern Region of Melbourne. The team works closely with the Eastern Health Family Violence Service and can provide other support, such as general counselling and health checks. Services for Children There are services that are able to help children who have experienced family violence. This also includes witnessing violence. Eastern Health Family Violence Service 1300 130 381 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
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