ENGLISH BLUFF ELEMENTARY ‘Soaring Toward Success’ Family Newsletter #14 IMPORTANT DATES: May 6 13 14 14 15 18 20 May 6, 2015 Regional Track Meet at SDSS EBPAC AGM @ 6:30 p.m. District Track Meet at SDSS Special Lunch Day (Pizza/Sushi) PRO-D DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED VICTORIA DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED Child Find Visit to EB IB AND EB INFO MEETINGS Please RSVP to Mrs. Reid Reynolds at 604-9430201 if you are planning to attend any or all of these meetings. We would like to invite parents and guardians to attend special meetings being held regarding English Bluff’s possible transition to become an IB World School. While we had our initial parent information session on April 27th, we want to ensure that all families have ample opportunity to receive information and have their questions answered. Moreover, we thought that small group forums might also generate conversations specific to various age groups. We are aware that families are busy with many evening and extra-curricular activities, therefore, should you be unable to attend the meeting appropriate to your child’s age group, we would encourage and invite you to attend the meeting that best suits your schedule. Again, our aim is to ensure that all parents and guardians have a voice in this process. The scheduled meetings for this month are: MATH CELEBRATION Intermediate (Grade 4-7) Monday, May 11, 2015 @ 6:00 p.m. Primary (Grade 2-3) Tuesday, May 19, 2015 @ 6:00 p.m. KN-Grade 1 Thursday, May 21, 2015 @ 6:00 p.m. O:\Newsletters\MAY 6 15.docx English Bluff was proud to send 16 students (4 teams) to Math Celebration at Port Guichon School on April 23rd. This celebration is a competition amongst all schools in Delta, promoting mathematics in a fun atmosphere where students participate and solve exciting math activities. Each of our 4 teams finished second in the completion bringing back Silver for EB. Way to go Hailey Nelson, Spencer Kenney, Clare Bach, Kyle Marshall, Maddie Selinger, Andie Assaly, Nick Schindelhauer, Hunter Woodhead, Halee Either, Natalie Anderson, Liam Orr, Evan Ball, Rachel Pham, Krishma Singla, Ben Clarke, and Noah Iversen! Once again, the Eagles have soared!!! ‘SPREAD THE NET’ CUPCAKE FUNDRAISER A group of our grade 7 students working with Mrs. George were inspired by a recent school project while studying the spread of malaria in African countries. They decided to get involved and do their part by fundraising for the purchase of mosquito nets. A total of $250.00 was raised selling cupcakes. We were able to purchase 2 mosquito nets for the cause. We are very proud of our students for their initiative and dedication to helping others. Way to go Zara Fitzpatrick, Rachel Pham, Krishma Singla and to all our English Bluff students for being very supportive global citizens. possible (604) 943-0201 if you have intentions of moving out of the area and/or moving your child to another school. DELTA POLICE DAY Friday, May 15, 2015 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. SUNGOD RECREATION CENTRE Bring the family for entertainment, raffle prizes, demonstrations, displays and more! Emergency Command Vehicle tours Emergency Response Team Demo (11:00 a.m.) Integrated K9 Unit Demo – (1 & 3 p.m.) Pipe Band Performance (5:00 p.m.) Information Booths for Child Find and ICBC Appearance by Safety Bear FVRL AUTHOR EVENT How to Raise Healthy, Happy and Motivated Kids MAY DAY PRINCESS MISS HALEE ETHIER Miss Halee Ethier will be representing EB as our Princess in the upcoming May Day celebrations in Ladner. Halee will attend the May Queen Ceremony on Tuesday, May 19th where the 2015 May Queen will be crowned. She will also take part in the parade on the May Queen float on Sunday, May 24TH . ARE YOU MOVING??? In preparation for next year to get an accurate count, it would be most helpful to know if your child will be in attendance at English Bluff next year. Please call Mrs. Reid Reynolds as soon as O:\Newsletters\MAY 6 15.docx EB IS CLOSED REMINDER The school will be closed for the upcoming professional development day on Friday, the May 15th and for Victoria Day statutory holiday on th Monday, May 18 . CARNIVAL – MAY 28TH will be many new programs available for students aged 5 – 13 in each of the communities of Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta. Brochures will be delivered in your local newspapers in May as well as available at the front office of each school. As well, each elementary school’s youngest in family member will be given a brochure to take home during the week of May 25-29. Early registration is strongly recommended as courses do fill up quickly. Be sure to bookmark: http://onlineca.activecommunities.com/connec tandlearn for on-line information and registration options or phone 604-940-5550. MOVE FOR HEALTH A NOTE FROM THE NURSE Making physical activity part of your day is fun AND healthy! Here are some ideas to move with your friends and family. How can I help promote healthy activities? ♦ Take stairs instead of an elevator. ♦ Take a walk after supper—and make the walk an adventure. ♦ Play ball, ball hockey, soccer or go swimming. ♦ Ride a bike or scooter. ♦ Do yard work. ♦ Carry the groceries. ♦ Dance, dance, dance. ♦ Leave the car at home when going on short trips. 2015 SUMMER CAMPS WITH DELTA SCHOOL DISTRICT! • ‘Strive ~ Express ~ Achieve’ with Delta Continuing Education’s “YOUTH ACTIVITY PROGRAMS” again offering a wide variety of Summer 2015 programs for the children and youth of our communities. Activities, directed by teachers and other professional people, will focus in the areas of Fine and Performing Arts, Sports and Active Living, Academic Enrichment, and Personal Development. There O:\Newsletters\MAY 6 15.docx M. Smith Ms. M. Smith, Principal
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