to presentation

Empowering the Next Generation
of Female Leaders
“I always did something I was a little not
ready to do. I think that’s how you grow.
When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not
really sure I can do this,’ and you push
through those moments, that’s when you
have a breakthrough.”
– Marissa Mayer (CEO of Yahoo)
Why it matters…
• It’s proven that female
leaders boost companies
financial performance.
• You can’t BE what you can’t
• We need to showcase and
celebrate successful female
role models
• We each can impact our circle
of influence today.
• Don’t wait for changeBE THE CHANGE
Not this one…
The Tyranny of the Queen Bee
The belief that women bosses are harder on their female
employees than the males.
Women champion women more often than men champion women.
They are more likely to mentor both genders and are proven
to promote women more often than men do.
I am a firm believer that as you
climb the corporate ladder it's
incredibly important to remember to
throw down a rope.
Women helping women is a
not a choice.
“If you are successful, it is
because somewhere, sometime, someone
gave you a life or an idea that
started you in the right direction.
Remember also that you are indebted
to life until you help some less
fortunate person, just as you were
Gates (Philanthropist)
The Privilege of Giving Back
 Carve out enough space to look outside your day to day
 Find your passion, discover a cause you really care about
We are all connected through the village
of our gender.
Those who can help in some way, should.
Launched in 2009 at the Clinton Global Initiative,
G(irls)20 is a Canadian based, globally active social
profit enterprise that focuses on the economic empowerment
of girls and women around the world.
A world in which girls and women are able to participate fully in the economic growth, political
stability and social innovations of their countries.
Advance the full participation of girls and women globally through their economic and educational
Our mandate is to work in partnership with individuals, foundations, the social profit sector,
governments and the private sector to economically empower girls and women to be agents of
economic and social change.
Bootcamp for
Brains ©
Gain practical skills
to be competitive
academically and
professionally in
Canada and abroad.
A cool take on the
G20...we place an
emphasis on the
impact of
empowering girls
and women
around the world.
A viral campaign to
highlight how fathers
empower daughters
featuring Richard &
Holly Branson,
Shakira, Chelsea
Clinton and others.
Girls On Boards
A national undertaking
to identify community
boards who will take on a
graduate of Bootcamp for
Brains and other skilled
young women for a
community board
“As women, we carry a responsibility to continue to push
our gender forward.
To set an example for young girls that women are
leaders, creators, and mentors.
We can empower so many through setting a great
-Misty Copeland