Pembroke Pines Charter School Charter Chat Volume 10, Issue 8 April 10, 2015 General Information Vision-Our vision, as a community, is to cultivate character, and foster life-long learning through a challenging educational experience in a safe environment. Mission– It is our mission to prepare students to succeed in a global society by providing a personalized and rigorous curriculum through excellence in teaching. Uniform Policy All students must be in uniform each day. Navy blue bottoms, appropriate uniform shirt as well as uniform sweater and/or jacket. Solid navy blue jacket/ sweater may be used. Please remember to put your child’s name on all sweaters, jackets and sweatshirts. Advisory Meeting The next Advisory Board meeting for East, West & Central will be on May 5, 2015 at 6:00pm at the West Campus. You will receive service hours for attending. Arrival/Dismissal PPCS is committed to providing students an education in a safe and secure learning environment. Please know that for school safety, children are not to arrive at school prior to 8:15 am or to remain on school grounds after 3:45 pm. The school has a supervised before and after school child care program for students who need to be dropped off or picked up earlier or later than the times listed above. Pembroke Pines Celebrations The annual Taste of Pines will be held Thursday, April 16th from 6-9pm at Southwest Focal Point Community Center. Tickets are available at each campus. Pines Day will be held on April 18, 2015 complete with a Pines Day Parade, Kids Konnection Business Expo, Pageants, a cake-cutting ceremony, free concerts and a fireworks show. A family fun day you won't want to miss! Please visit for event times and locations. West Elem Art News Congratulations to the following West Elementary students whose art work has won an award and was on display at the “Winterfest Student Art Contest!” 3rd Grade Emily Ramjattam Sabrina Rodriguez Dylan Scheer 4th Grade Francesca Galvez Ayden Kostzer City Manager/ Superintendent of Schools Mr. Charles Dodge 954-435-6500 Central Campus Elem.-954-322-3330 Middle-954-322-3300 Principal - Kenneth Bass A.P. Elem - Dr. Linda Montoto A.P. Middle Dr. Kimberly Pizzo West Campus Elem.-954-450-6990 Middle-954-443-4847 Principal - Devarn Flowers A.P. Elem. - JoAnna DiGioia A.P. Middle - Michael Castellano Elementary Information Broward County Spelling Bee Congratulations to Central Elementary student, Sri Madabhushi on her success in the 75th Annual Miami Herald Broward County Spelling Bee, coming in 4th Place! Not only did she beat out about 196 competitors, but she was the only 4th grader in the finals! Sri worked very hard, studying every chance she got! We are so proud of you! Important Phone Numbers Faith Munar Ahana Thakur 5th Grade Reva Adi Nicholas Bolanos Emily Esquivel Nicolas Jara Marcella Lesmes Stephanie Manrique Mia Memnon Shravya Sareddy Sydney Fazquez Central Elem. Box Tops The following classrooms are leading the Box Top competition at Central Elementary: 1st - Ms. Ortis with 1512 2nd - Ms. Pagan with 905 3rd - Ms. Dominguez with 866 Way to go! FSU Campus 954-499-4244 Principal - Dr. Lisa Libidinsky Assistant Principal - Alan Pfau East Campus 954-443-4800 Principal - Sean Chance Assist. Principal - Jenny Iznaga Page 2 Pembroke Pines Charter School Important Dates April 9 SOS Dress Down Day 10 Take Your Child to Work Day 13 FSU Kinder Field Trip 15 Report Cards 15 West Elem. Dress Down Day 15 Middle Track Meet @ home Vs. Glades 4-6:30 16 East Dress Down Day 16 C. Elem. Dress Down Day 16 Taste of Pines 18 Pines Day Celebration 21 Middle Track Meet @ Indian Ridge 4-6:30pm 22 Earth Day 22 Administrative Prof. Day 23 East Dress Down Day 24 East Principal’s Honor Roll 24 C. Elem. All Pro Dad 26 Pill Box 8K/5K/Fun Run 27-5/8 FSU Kinder Swim Central 30 Interim Reports Issued 30 East Kinder Field Trip 30 C. Elem. Dress Down Day May 1 East 5th Field Trip 1 East 2nd Field Trip 1 East Barnes & Noble Night 1 Middle 8th Grade High School Tour/Curriculum Fair 1 C. Elem. FSA Fun Day 1 C. Middle Course Selection 6th & 7th grade 4 East 1st In House Field Trip 4-8 Staff Appreciation Week 5 Teacher Appreciation Day 5 East, West, & Central Advisory Bd. Mtg. @ West 6 East Dress Down Day 6 C. Elem. Principal’s Honor Roll 6 C. Elem. Papa John’s Fmy. Nt. 7 C. Middle Honor Roll 7-8 East 4th Field Trip Middle School News Central Drama Class The 2014-15 PPCMS Central Drama Class was proud to present The Mysterious Case of the Missing Ring, written by Janie Downey Maxwell, during the evenings of February 24th and 25th, 2015, on the Central Campus Stage. Eighteen seventh and eighth grade student performers brought the Game of Clue to life, taking their audience on a mystery filled with betrayal, terror, humor, thievery, suspense, and surprise. Audiences were entertained as they engaged in this Mystery-slashComedy Theater Production to uncover who stole the queen’s missing ring. Set and production was completely designed and managed by the students. Mrs. Nancy Altimore is to be commended for her enthusiastic direction and support of these budding actors. Central Campus is proud of their Jaguar Thespians! Central Campus Band News It is with GREAT PLEASURE that we report that the PPCMS Central Advanced Band, under the highly competent direction of Ms. Edie Shendell-Frankel, were recognized and awarded straight Superior Ratings at district's Annual Florida Band Master's Association Performance on Tuesday, March 17, 2015. This is the highest rating possible and very few schools are fortunate enough to be awarded this performance rating. " I am so very proud of our band students who had a great performance on stage and received perfect scores in the sight reading phase of the evaluation" stated Band Director, ShendellFrankel. She added, " On the first day of these evaluations, only two bands received superior ratings in the South area of Broward County." This is Ms. Shendell-Frankel's 13th consecutive Superior Rating with her advanced band students, which is an AMAZING RECORD!! According to Dr. Kimberly Pizzo, Assistant Principal, "Ms. Shendell-Frankel is one of the finest teachers I have had the pleasure of working with as a school administrator. She is always professional and highly dedicated to the success of her band students. Her passion for her subject and her exceptional classroom instructional practices are directly responsible for the immense success her program has earned over the passed 13 years." Principal, Kenneth Bass praised Director ShendellFrankel and the advanced band students, "Another SUPERIOR accomplishment by our band! Congratulations to Ms. ShendellFrankel, the students and everyone who worked so hard so that this could happen." Please join Mr. Bass and the Central Campus Family in celebrating this achievement and congratulating our students and Ms. Shendell-Frankel. Math Counts Mathlete Saaketh Vedantam, an eighth-grade student from Pembroke Pines Charter Middle – Central Campus named 2015 State Champion at the Florida MathCounts held at Orlando on March 20, 2015. MathCounts is one of the country’s largest and most successful educational events that inspires excellence, confidence and curiosity in US middle school students through fun and challenging math programs. Florida MathCounts is sponsored and hosted by Florida Engineering Society, with support from industry like Lockheed Martin, Shell Oil, Boeing to name a few. Saaketh competed with about 240 of the Florida’s top Mathletes from 45 middle schools across the state. The state participants are qualified by being the top individuals or in top teams from the Chapter level competitions held across Florida during February. The invitees came together on Friday March 20 for the Florida MathCounts competition at the Walt Disney Dolphin Resort in Orlando. The MathCounts competition consists of two phases. The first phase is a written round fol- lowed by a countdown round. The top 10 participants from the written round were invited for countdown round, where participants have a chance to move up through ladder system. Contestants compete one-on-one and answer a series of challenging questions in 45 second or less during countdown round. Saaketh came first in written round and defended his first place in countdown round. Saaketh qualified to Florida MathCounts during his three years in middle school, while winning Broward Chapter twice and Florida State in eighth grade. Saaketh’s other accomplishments in eighth grade include being in top 1% in the nation in AMC 8 and AMC 10 contests with a qualification for American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), which is a requirement in the qualification for USA Mathematical Olympiad. Saaketh with three top winners in Florida MathCounts will represent Florida team at MathCounts National Competition to be held at Boston duringMay 7 – 10. There will be 224 Mathletes from 50 US State, US territories participate at MathCounts National, sponsored by Raytheon. The countdown phase of Nationals will be webcast live on, Friday May 8th at 3:00 PM EDT. Pasta for Pennies The Central Campus raised over $1400 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through their Pasta for Pennies program. The program was co-sponsored by the Student Governmant and the Builder’s Club. Mrs. Amber Touhy’s class raised over $375 and won the Gold Pennant as well as the Olive Garden Pasta Party. Thank You to Ms. Spencer and Ms. Franco for their efforts with this important service project! Pembroke Pines Charter School Page 3 Middle School News Central Middle 2015 FSA Testing Calendar Date Assessment Periods 0413 7th ELA Session 1 (AM and PM)-Computerized (1,4,2) 04/14 8th Grade Science (80 Minutes x 2) Paper Pencil 4th Period thru Lunch Period 6 PM 0415 7th ELA Session 2 (AM and PM)-Computerized (3,4,5) 0416 7th MA Session 1 (AM and PM)-Computerized (6,4,1)) 0417 7th MA Session 2 & 3(AM and PM)-Computerized-2,4,3 0420 8th ELA Session 1 (AM and PM)-Computerized (5,4,6) 0421 8th ELA Session 2 (AM and PM)-Computerized (1,4,2) 0422 8th MA Session 1 (AM and PM)-Computerized (3,4,5) 0423 8th MA Session 2 & 3 (AM and PM)-Computerized-6,4,1 0424 Make-up Day 7th and 8th grade (Periods01-6) 0427 6th ELA Session 1 (AM and PM)-Computerized (2,4,3) 0428 6th ELA Session 2 (AM and PM)-Computerized (5,4,6) 0429 6th MA Session 1 (AM and PM)-Computerized (1,4,2) 0430 6th MA Session 2 & 3 (AM and PM)-Computerized-3,4,5 0501 NO MAKE-UPS ARTICULATION DAY/8th HS Tour -4th AM, 6th PM 0504 MAKE-UP 6-8 ALL DAY Per 1-6 0505 MAKE-UP 6-8 ALL DAY Per 1-6 0506 MAKE-UP 6-8 ALL DAY Per 1-6 0507 MAKE-UP 6-8 ALL DAY Per 1-6 0508 MAKE-UP 6-8 ALL DAY Per 1-6 0512 EOC Honors Algebra and Honors Geometry (Session I) 0513 EOC Honors Algebra and Honors Geometry (Session 2) 0514 Make-up Algebra & Geometry EOC 0515 Make-up Algebra & Geometry EOC 0518 7th Grade Civics EOC (Day 1- ESE/504 & Last Names A thru G) 0519 7th Grade Civics EOC (Day 2 –Last Names H thru Z) 0520 Make-up Civics EOC Testing 0521 Make-up Civics EOC Testing
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