ELMVALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 22 Queen St. E. Elmvale, ON L0L 1P0 Gather to worship, go out to serve. MISSION AWARENESS SUNDAY APRIL 26, 2015 Please stand for the entry of the Bible. *Please stand if you are able. WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS WE ENTER INTO GOD’S PRESENCE MOMENT OF QUIET REFELECTION TO PREPARE FOR WORSHIP CALL TO WORSHIP: Mary Fleming God is in our world from dawn to dusk, from the twilight hours to the first light on the eastern horizon. God is near us and around us. God speaks to our world, gently in love and thunders fiercely in judgment. God calls to those who are faithful, comforting and challenging them, preserving them and sending them forth. Let us worship God! People’s Response: “O Christ, the tree of life, our end and our beginning, we grow to fullest flower when rooted in your love. Brothers, sisters, clergy, lay, called to service by your grace, different cultures, different gifts, the young and old a place. We have this ministry; O God, receive our giving. “We have this ministry,” hymn 590 vs. 2, The Book of Praise *HYMN: 706 Come let us sing PRAYER OF APPROACH, CONFESSION & LORD’S PRAYER (Janet Beech) Leader: Eternal God we praise you for your pursuing love, revealed in Jesus, his life, his teaching, and the cross he bore for our salvation. People: We praise you for welcoming us even though we come with mingled, imperfect motives, and hearts unprepared to rightly worship you. May we receive the blessings you long to bestow, that we may not go away empty, but refreshed and encouraged by your sustaining grace. Leader: Creating and recreating God, trusting in your grace and compassion, we offer our prayers of confession: ALL: Forgive us the times our faith has wavered; the times mingled motives have blended with our purest aspirations; and the times our love has been cold toward others and we have turned away from their distress. Merciful God, help us to draw nearer to you so that even while we are busy with the duties of home, work, and other commitments, we remain in harmony with your will and mission. Our prayers and worship we offer in Jesus’ name…Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. ASSURANCE OF PARDON: Our God is gracious and merciful, and abounding in steadfast love. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. With thankful hearts, let us live in hope and in the strength of God’s indwelling Spirit. CHILDREN’S PRAISE SONGS: CHILDREN’S TIME: Marlene Lambie ANTHEM: GOD’S WORD FOR US SCRIPTURES: Elizabeth Hill Psalm 15 Genesis 12:1–9 Mark 16:14–19 (Book of Psalms) (Page 10) (Page 55) SERMON: Mission: But what can I do? Sandra McNutt WE RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE: Janice Terry OFFERING: Doxology #79 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below: Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. PRESENTATION & PRAYER OF DEDICATION HYMN: 726 May the God of Hope GOD SENDS US OUT INTO THE WORLD *BENEDICTION & BLESSING Go Now in Peace Go now in peace. Never be afraid God will go with you each hour of every day Go now in faith, steadfast strong and true Know he will guide you in all you do Go now in love, and show you believe Reach out to others so all the world can see God will be there, watching from above Go now in peace, in faith, and in love PASSING THE PEACE: L. May the peace of Christ be with you. P. And also with you. ANNOUNCEMENTS We extend a warm welcome to everyone today on this Mission Awareness Sunday. The worship resources for Mission Awareness Sunday have been written by the Rev. Shirley Gale. Shirley grew up in Perth, ON. In the Presbyterian Church she gave leadership in women’s groups, church school, Bible study groups, and youth and children’s groups.In 1972, she and her family moved to Montreal where, in preparation for ministry, she studied at McGill University and Presbyterian College. Upon ordination, Shirley was called as minister of St. Matthew’s Church in Montreal where she served for nine years. Since her first call, Shirley has ministered in Forest, ON; been a full-time Interim-Minister in Port Perry and Ashburn, ON; co-pastored with her husband, the Rev. Herb Gale in Guelph, ON; and sat on various committees and task forces at all levels of the church. Since her retirement in 2000, Shirley hasn’t stopped working. She has assisted several congregations with conflict resolution, future planning, and preparing to receive a new minister. These days, Shirley enjoys time with her husband and family and also gardening, music, reading, and knitting. She keeps busy with traveling, pulpit supply, and committee work for Presbytery. You are invited for lunch, birthday cake and fellowship downstairs following the service. April 26 – World Malaria Day Malaria is one of Africa’s most severe health challenges and one of its most prevalent childhood diseases. Presbyterian World Service & Development is working to reduce the incidence of malaria by teaching communities how to prevent the spread. Community leaders are taking an active role in teaching about prevention and control of malaria. By teaching people how to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds and how to properly use and care for bed nets that provide protection while sleeping, communities are seeing fewer cases of the disease. When someone does contract malaria, volunteers know how to respond quickly with medical care in order to ensure fewer people die as a result of the disease. PWS&D supports communities fighting malaria Birthdays this week: April 28-Marg Atkinson; 29-Thelma Bertram Nursery: Mary Fleming Kids’ Church: Carolyn Hill & Rev. Paul Wedding Presentation: Elmvale Presbyterian Church is having a presentation to honour the marriage of Matthew Lambie and Janelle Upton. Please leave your contribution at E.P.C., Ritchie's Feeds & Needs or Whitfield's Pharmacy by April 30/15. For Information call 705-3223840 Prayer Chain: If you are in need of prayer and would like members of this church to pray for you or a special need please contact Carolyn Hill our prayer chain co-coordinator (705) 322 – 6761. CHURCH ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK Tonight 7:30 p.m. Presbytery Choir Concert at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Orillia. Tue. Apr.28 10 a.m. We encourage you to respect our scent free policy in this building as we honour those who have allergies and asthma. Bible Study (parlour) Thur. April 30 9:30 -11 a.m. Willing Worker’s Coffee Party 6-6:30 p.m. Children’s Choir (Carolyn Hill) 7 p.m. Choir UPCOMING CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Wed. May 6 9 a.m. Craft Group (parlour) Wed. May 20 6 p.m. Rev. Dr. Bob Faris will be speaking on his recent trip to Mozambique. More details will follow. Help!!! The Good News visiting team was established in late 2001 with a core group of people making scheduled visits in pairs with those of our church family who, for whatever reason, cannot fully participate in church life. The list of people to be visited has changed over the 14 years but the core group of visitors has not changed appreciatively. Some of the core group would now, understandably, like a reprieve from visiting and I am putting the call out to anyone in the church family who would like to be a visitor to contact me and I can explain the outreach further. Many of the visitors have said their visits have been a blessing to them, also, as often we got to hear stories that have been sad, uplifting or humorous. Mary Fleming We have recently received a letter and drawing from our adopted child, Edith Kabore. If you wish to enjoy her artwork and message, it is currently posted on the bulletin board in the social room. WEEKLY PRAYERS: Week by week we list three households from our mailing list. We would ask you to keep these people in your prayers. The names are in alphabetical rotation: Jean Thurlow; Chris & Julie Tillmans; Robert & Eunice Vaillancourt and their families. Hearing assisted devices are available at the back of the sanctuary. OUR MISSION STATEMENT Elmvale Presbyterian Church is a Christian Community sharing God’s love through worship, music, prayer, teaching and outreach. FOOD ALERGY ALERT Any church events at Elmvale Presbyterian Church including FOOD must be free of nuts, sunflower & sesame seeds. We have some church members that are very allergic to these food items. Please try and remember with thanks to you all Cards for the sick: Would you please phone Shirley at 322 –1411 if your think someone in our congregation should be sent a card. PRAYERS OF CONCERN are requested for those people known by the Minister or Church Secretary to be in Hospital or Nursing Homes. The help of the congregation is essential to keep the list up to date. Sara Vista, Elmvale - Carl McFadden, Mabel Reynolds, Marg Graves, Nancy McGrady, Jean Thurlow & Nancy Fenerty Serenity, Barrie - Muriel Patchell King Place Retirement Residence - Barb Spence Hillcrest Village Care Centre, Midland - Evelyn Fleming Lakeside Retirement Home, Innisfil - Marion Sallach Waterside Retirement Lodge, Wasaga Beach - Agnes Montgomery Tranquility Place, Brantford - Nancy Hull At Home - Cyril & Delores Parker, Violet Graham, Emily McLean, Bill Murray, Jim Milligan, Eileen McNichol, Lebirta Beck, Stan McNutt, Allan Lambie, Earl Graves, Lorrie Ritchie (Diane Bewick’s daughter), Jackie Ritchie, Elizabeth Hill, David James and Philip Fleming (Mary’s son) CHURCH DIRECTORY Minister – Rev. Paul Sakasov (Office 322-5622) (Home 322-9488) [email protected] Minister in Association - Rev. Lois Lyons Organist & Choir Director - Ruth Currie 429-8891 Clerk of Session - Marlene Lambie 322-1843 Nursery - Carolyn Hill 322-6761 Church Treasurer – Doug Lambie 322-4847 Prayer Chain Coordinator – Carolyn Hill 322-6761 Church Secretary - Shirley Richardson Office: 322-1411 (Wed. afternoon & Thur. morning) Church fax: 322-5042 e-mail:[email protected] Website www.elmvalepresbyterianchurch.com
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