CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 165 Charlton Avenue West, Hamilton, ON November 9, 2014 – Remembrance Day Service, 10:30 a.m. * * * OUR APPROACH TO GOD Tempo di Marcia Solenne (Sonata Eroica) NEW TESTAMENT READING (p. 71) Lector: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. C. V. Stanford * HYMN – For the healing of the nations 595 SERMON – ‘THE PURPOSE OF PEACE’ The Reverend Harry McWilliams A MOMENT OF SILENCE THE CALL TO WORSHIP OUR RESPONSE TO GOD * HYMN – O God, our help in ages past 87 PRAYERS: ADORATION, CONFESSION & PARDON * THE DOXOLOGY AND PRESENTATION OF GIFTS Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below: Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. THE ACT OF REMEMBRANCE PREFACE LAST POST MINUTE OF SILENCE REVEILLE THE NATIONAL ANTHEM THE ROYAL ANTHEM (Children leave for Faith Finders) STEWARDSHIP MOMENT – Elspeth Thomson PRAYERS OF DEDICATION, THANKSGIVING & SUPPLICATION GOD SPEAKS TO US THE LORD’S PRAYER (trespasses) PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION * RESPONSIVE READING (p. 636) THE OFFERING SOLO – When I am laid in earth Henry Purcell When I am laid in earth, may my wrongs create no trouble in Thy breast: remember me and, ah, forgive my sin. Mari van Pelt, alto WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS * * * * * Luke 10:25-37 * HYMN – O God of earth and altar 605 594 The Book of Praise * THE BENEDICTION * GLORIA PATRI OLD TESTAMENT READING (p. 381) 613 1 Chronicles 22:6-19 ANTHEM – So they gave their bodies to the commonwealth Aston Peter So they gave their bodies to the commonwealth, and received praise that shall never die, and a home in the minds of men. Their story lives on without visible symbol, woven into the stuff of other men's lives. Fugue in E flat (St. Anne) Bach J. S. * Indicates standing. Please feel free to remain seated. *** A warm welcome to the Reverend Harry McWilliams who leads us in worship as well as Connor Wong for playing the trumpet during this morning’s special Remembrance Day Service. FAITH FINDERS: A Family Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, Sometimes we see things that we know are not right. Maybe someone is getting bullied, or is being dishonest, or is not respecting your name. Often we see this happen and feel scared or frustrated when we know we need to stand up for what’s right. Help us to realize that we don’t have to stand alone – that you will be with us and will help us! Knowing this, we pray that you will give us the courage to stand up for what’s right, just as Moses did for your people against the Egyptians. Amen. CHARLTON CLUB: Charlton Club meets this Wednesday, November 12 th from 4:30-7:30 pm. The theme for this week is … ‘SUPER HERO NIGHT’ Charlton Club is an intergenerational midweek program bringing young people from Grades 4-12 and adults together through play, Bible teaching, dinner and worship. Visitors are always welcome. WELCOME to all joining us in worship this morning. Your presence and participation honours God and increases our joy. Notes for First-Time Worshippers at Central We invite you to take home the bookmark from the Welcome Card, as a reminder of your visit. If you would like to know more about us, fill in the information insert in the card, detach it and place it on the offering plate. Before you leave, please sign the guest book in the vestibule. Infant care is available during the service. Please feel free to keep your little ones with you in church. For the nursery, go through the door at the front of the sanctuary (right side). Once through, walk to the end of the corridor where you will see the nursery. Washrooms are available in the same corridor. Children are invited to attend Faith Finders during the worship service. Our congregation follows the Presbyterian Church in Canada Leading with Care policy, which seeks to ensure a “Climate of Safety for Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults”. TODAY • Offering Prayers: Rev. Philip Gardner • Announcements: Sara Traficante • Lector: Kristel Bulthuis • Duty Manager: Gwynneth Simpson • Greeters: William and Mary Guise • Head Usher: Charles Hoytema • Faith Finders Leader: Darragh Patton • Nursery: Shirley Forsyth & Linda Pearson • Sunday Custodian: Mindi Hood ~ 11:40 am – Refreshments in the Church Hall ~ THE FLOWERS TODAY ARE PLACED IN THE CHANCEL TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND IN LOVING MEMORY OF STAN AND MARY HAMILTON, BY IAN HAMILTON AND FAMILY. posted in the Church Hall if you wish to order one. Pick up date: Sunday, December 7th. PRIME TIME meets again this Wednesday at 2:00 pm in the Guild Room. A time for music, laughter and discussion. THIS WEEK IN THE CONGREGATION TUESDAY REMEMBRANCE DAY - The office will be open (regular hours.) 10:00 am - ‘Knit & Knatter’ in the Guild Room. New knitters most welcome to come and help us knit hats, scarves, prayer shawls and baby blankets. 7:15 pm – Central Connections in the Kitchen. WEDNESDAY 2:00 pm – Prime Time in the Guild Room. 4:30 pm – Charlton Club in the Hub / Church Hall. THURSDAY 4:00 pm – HOOTC in the Church Hall. SATURDAY 9:00 am – Chapel Prayers in the Vestry. 9:30 am – GriefShare Meeting in the Allan Room. SUNDAY 10:00 am – Prayer Circle in the Guild Room. 10:15 am – Prayers in the Vestry. 10:30 am – Worship 12:30 pm – Home Group at the home of Chris Godwaldt and Kevin Dunn. CENTRAL’S PRAYER TEAM keeps your requests for prayers confidential. Contact Barbara McWilliams. PRAYER CIRCLE – During the vacancy, you are invited to join us in a time of prayer each Sunday morning at 10:00 am in the Guild Room. Prayers will be led by Barbara McWilliams. Everyone welcome. COPIES of the Daily Devotional Booklet ‘Today’ for Nov/Dec 2014 are available on the small tables throughout the Church. You are encouraged to “Take Ten”, that is to take ten minutes each day to read and then reflect on the Bible text and commentary printed in the booklet. It will help you grow as a more disciplined disciple of Jesus. CENTRAL CONNECTION GROUP is once again selling carrot puddings for Christmas. Puddings are $9.00 each, sauce is $3.00. Please sign the list NEWS FROM THE PEWS – Please continue to keep Sue Wilson, Eileen Reynolds, Pamela Stansfield, Kay Lumsden, Doris Middleton, Gordon Brownhill, Glenn Gibson and Chuck Scott in your prayers. CENTRAL BOOK CLUB - Where were you when President John F. Kennedy was shot? If you were too young to remember or not even born yet, come join those of us who do remember at the next Book Club on Sunday, November 23rd at 7:00 pm in the Allan Room when Shannon Smith will take us back to the early 1960’s in reminiscence of what life was like at that time as relayed in Stephen King’s suspenseful novel 11-2263. Even if you haven’t read the novel, do join us as we step back in time to relive a captivating blend of mysterious history and intriguing fantasy. BUFFET LUNCHEONS are served at Crieff Hills Conference and Retreat Centre on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 am and 12:45 pm from December 2nd to December 18th. Bring your co-workers, family and friends for a delicious meal in a historic 1874 School House in Puslinch. Cost is $17 (HST included). Reservations required! Call 519-824-7898 to book your table. Visit www.crieffhills.com. November is Stewardship month at Central when a ministry is highlighted each Sunday. This week we are highlighting the MINISTRY OF WORSHIP Presbyterians are taught that our goal in life is to “glorify and enjoy God forever.” Worship is a priority for us; which means that we meet every Sunday in a beautiful sanctuary to celebrate the goodness and grace of God. This is our joy, duty and delight. In praise and prayer, word and action, we lift high the name of Christ. Along with regular weekly worship, we plan special services and music concerts. The ministry of worship that lies at the heart of our life involves a great number of people and teams, including a highly gifted Director of Music, Paul Grimwood, and a fine choir. We invest in this ministry so that God is glorified as our Creator and Redeemer and God’s people are blessed. In 2014, the budget required $68,529 for the ministry of worship.
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