Engineering Living Learning Community Peer Mentor Description

Engineering Living Learning Community
Peer Mentor Description 2015-2016
Thank you for your interest in applying to be a Peer Mentor for the 2014-2015 Engineering Living Learning
Community (ELLC). A Peer Mentor (PM) is an undergraduate student who leads a small group of
approximately 15-20 ELLC residents throughout the first year of their experience at Texas A&M (TAMU). The
PM relationship begins before the start of the fall semester and ends at the conclusion of the spring semester.
The main goal of the peer mentoring program is to help ease the transition of ELLC residents to TAMU and
engineering, so that they may succeed personally, socially, and academically. In addition, PMs serve as the
College of Engineering’s direct connection to the ELLC residents.
All peer mentors will be selected from a pool of their peers who have demonstrated leadership capabilities,
displayed involvement in extracurricular activities, are eager to grow on a personal and professional level, and
are passionate about helping freshmen succeed in their first year of college. In order to prepare PMs to work
with their small group, mentors will receive training through a series of activities and presentations that build
skills in communication, facilitation, and event-planning.
Program Objectives
 To enhance group support and community within the ELLC
 Encourage and support residents in achieving student success through their academic and personal goals
 To assist new students with the transition to engineering and life at TAMU
 To encourage mutually beneficial, positive, and lasting relationships between students
 To provide peer mentors with opportunities for developing skills in group facilitation, communication
and event-planning
Peer Mentor Responsibilities
 Attend all training sessions and events for PMs
 Attend early move-in trainings and help residents during move-in day
 Set positive examples for others in personal, academic, and social behavior
 Plan 1 event per month with other PMs on the floor
 Host a small group activity once a month
 Show interest and encourage others to participate in ELLC and on-campus university events
 Maintain an open line of communication and support to their small group residents
An ELLC Sophomore Peer Mentor must meet the following minimum qualifications:
 Currently enrolled in the Dwight Look College of Engineering
 Must have lived in Mosher for the 2014 -2015 year
 Be in good standing with the University
 Have at least a 2.5 or higher GPA
 Exhibit the ability to lead, learn, and work effectively with a diverse group of team members
 Must be reliable, flexible, responsible, a good communicator, and willing to help others
Mentor Benefits
 It’s an incredible opportunity to develop and strengthen your skills in communication, facilitation, and
leadership through training and interacting with students and University staff
 Interact with industry representatives throughout the year
 On-campus housing
 5% housing discount for each mentor
 Become the reason why a freshman chooses to stay in school at A&M
Tentative Dates for 2015-2016 Peer Mentor Selection
NOTE: Participation in all events and trainings are required of Mentors. Time conflicts will be handled on an
individual basis.
Friday, January 23rd, 2015
Applications due to EASA
January 20-February 14, 2015
Housing Decision opens
February 2-5, 2015
Peer Mentor Interviews
Monday, February 9, 2015
All applicants notified of decisions
Friday, February13, 2015
Applicants must accept or decline offer
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Housing Decision due
Monday, March 2, 2015
1st Mentor Meeting and Training*
Monday, April 6, 2015
2nd Mentor Meeting and Training*
Monday, May 4, 2015
3rd Mentor Meeting and Training*
Thursday, August 20, 2015
All day
Peer Mentor Early Move-in *
Friday, August 21, 2015
All day
Peer Mentor trainings and preparations*
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Peer Mentors help with Move-in
August 24-28, 2015
1st small group activity