There is a leaflet of camping held in 5/16

Spring Camping at Koyasan
Let’s enjoy BBQ , sports, and sightseeing!
We hold a spring
camping at the foot of
We will hold a camping trip in May,
We will go to the foot of
Mt.Koyasan and stay in a camping place.
It is well managed and clean. It has clean
bath rooms, too. We will cook our meal
by ourselves and enjoy sports. The
natural environment is very good.
We will go sightseeing to Kongobuji
on Mt.Koyasan, one of world heritages.
It is started by Kukai, the most famous
priests in Japan. The temple and scenery
are so beautiful.
There are so many beautiful temples and traditional towers
on Koyasan. The style is quite different from that in Kyoto.
You can feel mysterious mood.
place : Foot of Mt.Koyas
date : 5/16-17/2015
participation fee: 9000ye
(including traffic, bed, BB
breakfast, night party)
Kongobuji temple
Kukai is the most famous priest in
Japanese history. He went to China for
learning Buddhism. He brought not only
Buddhism but also science and medical
knowledge. He left various legends all
over Japan. He built Kongobuji temple
on Mt.Koyasan. It is now one of the
world heritages.
Sports Gym
There is a sports gym in the camping
place. We can enjoy sports there.
We will enjoy BBQ in the camping. You
can enjoy eating, drinking, and talking!
Schedule and Costs
(The schedule is abstract one! It may be changed due to weather.)
5/16 9:00
Starting from Kyoto
5/16 11:30
Eating lunch in a restaurant (Please prepare lunch fee around 1000 yen.)
5/16 12:30
Arriving the camping place and playing there.
5/16 16:00
Starting cooking
5/16 17:00
Starting BBQ and enjoying talking
5/16 22:00
Going to bed
5/17 6:30
Waking up and having breakfast
5/17 9:00
Going Koyasan for sightseeing
5/17 12:00
Eating lunch in a restaurant (Please prepare lunch fee around 1000 yen.)
5/17 14:00
Going to Kyoto
5/17 17:00
Arriving Kyoto and having a Night party