The Energy Pipelines CRC Energy Pipelines Cooperative Research Centre Background • The Energy Pipelines CRC was established in early 2010 for the purposes of providing research and education to support and benefit the energy pipelines industry in Australia. • Participants are the Australian Pipeline Industry Association (APIA), the University of Adelaide, the University of Wollongong, The Australian National University and Deakin University. • The Energy Pipelines CRC is supported by $27.48m cash from the Commonwealth Government and industry and about $50m in-kind from the Universities and industry over its 10 year life. Outcomes • Safer, more efficient pipelines that will provide more competitive energy costs and security of energy supply; • Assisting the Australian pipeline industry with the specification and purchase of linepipe with the help of new information and guidelines developed by the Energy Pipelines CRC; • • Social and environmental benefits, stemming from reduction in the risk of pipeline failure, in reduced risks to safety and health of pipeline operators and the community, and of environmental damage; and Facilitation of carbon capture and storage (CCS), essential to most “clean coal technology” solutions, through safe, effective transportation of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other energy fluids. The integrated industry wide approach to innovation, education and Standards development is a unique model and characterises the Australian pipeline community. In summary, involvement with the Energy Pipelines CRC provides significant benefits not only to individual member companies but contributes to the ongoing strength, competitiveness and exemplary safety track record of the Australian Pipeline Industry. Companies have access to Energy Pipelines CRC Research and education through their membership of the APIA RSC. Vision For more information on the Energy Pipelines CRC contact; Energy Pipelines CRC CEO: Valerie Linton [email protected] 02 4298 1546; 0407 331129 Energy Pipelines CRC Communications Officer: Matthew Byers [email protected] 02 4239 2361 Companies gain access to Energy Pipelines CRC research through membership of the APIA RSC. For further information on APIA RSC membership contact; APIA Business Manager: Steve Dobbie [email protected] 02 6273 0577 Enable safer, more efficient and reliable pipelines to meet Australia’s growing energy needs. Mission Long Term Value with World Class Research Provide the Australian energy pipeline industry with the technology necessary to extend the life of the existing natural gas transmission network, and to build better, cheaper networks necessary to support increased demand for energy. Goals • Provide value to the Australian community facilitating the development of safer, more efficient and reliable energy pipelines • Deliver outcomes that assist the pipeline industry add value, grow its business and improve its workforce • Provide and assist with the adoption of research outputs which result in tangible benefits for the pipeline industry • Be known as a world class provider of pipeline related research • Build a sustainable critical mass in Australian pipeline related research • Set a standout example for successful industry - University research partnerships • Be a supplier of targeted, quality, University level pipeline related education Access to Research Input into AS2885 International Links Cost Reductions and Member Benefits Gain exclusive access to world leading research from the Energy Pipelines CRC. The Energy Pipelines CRC takes on research to address areas of concern in AS2885 and provide research outcomes to support the revision of the Standard. Incorporation of research outcomes ensure AS2885 remains as a benchmark Standard for pipelines. APIA RSC members gain exclusive access to world leading research from the Energy Pipelines CRC as well as gaining access to the research of both PRCI and EPRG through APIA’s Tripartite Agreement with these organisations. Investment into the Energy Pipelines CRC is leveraged 5 times through Government and University co-investment. Additionally, the outputs of the Energy Pipelines CRC research have a demonstrated return of $3 for every dollar the Energy Pipelines CRC spends. APIA RSC member companies also have the opportunity to send staff to the biennial Joint Technical Meeting of APIA/Energy Pipelines CRC, PRCI and EPRG. The special and generalised knowledge gained through Energy Pipelines CRC membership allows for members to keep up with the latest technology and practices before non-members get the chance. The Energy Pipelines CRC has an international visitors program. In 2014, international experts Brian Rothwell, Bob Andrews, Andrew Cosham and Brian Leis have come to Australia to work with Energy Pipelines CRC researchers. APIA RSC members gain discounted access to the internationally recognised decompression software EPDECOM, developed by the Energy Pipelines CRC along with free access to the hydrotesting software Pipestrain. Research highlights include; • • • • • Fracture control in pipelines: Research undertaken at the University of Wollongong has made very significant strides in the understanding and control of fracture in pipelines. This work encompasses pipeline decompression and the influence of pipe roughness and diameter, fracture mechanism, toughness requirements for fracture arrest and the measurement of toughness in DWTT and Charpy tests. The work has resulted in new recommended practices for performing DWTT and the development of decompression/arrest toughness software called EPDECOM. Sociology of safety: The work being undertaken by the team led by Jan Hayes is raising serious interest in how companies’ structure and culture directly affect the safety of their assets. Jan gave the keynote address at the International Pipeline Conference 2014, a prestigious honour and recognition of the international standing of her work. Coatings and Cathodic Protection: Research undertaken at Deakin University has led to the establishment of the National Facility for Pipeline Coatings Assessment. The only independent testing facility of its kind in Australia, the facility provides both a testing and research platform. APIA RSC members benefit from discounted rates for using the facility. Stress Corrosion Cracking: A team of researchers at the University of Adelaide are providing new insights into the mechanism and sentencing of SCC. This form of cracking in Australian pipelines has an unusual ‘inclined’ morphology, only reported elsewhere in Canadian pipelines. In addition to the Energy Pipelines CRC research, APIA RSC members have full access to the research results from the Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI). They also have access to the papers provided at the biennial Joint Technical Meeting into pipeline research held between the APIA RSC/Energy Pipelines CRC, PRCI and EPRG. • Energy Pipelines CRC Project RP6.3-04 ‘Pipeline Uprating Project’ involved a workshop review of the industry experience of the application of the Section 9 Upgrade of MAOP. All State and NZ regulators were invited to the workshop, which was attended by WA, SA, Victoria, NSW and NZ regulators. A number of recommendations were made by the workshop, including that the upgrade limit of 72% of SMYS be removed. The recommendations of this report are currently being addressed by the AS 2885.1 review subcommittee, and it is expected (though not guaranteed, as it is subject to the Standards Australia process) that this recommendation will be incorporated into the next revision of Part 1. • The fracture control plan process, as outlined by the fracture control flowchart, has been reviewed and recommendations made for improving it by a team of Energy Pipelines CRC researchers and industry advisors. The basis for the revision builds on Energy Pipelines CRC research on the influence of pipe diameter and roughness on decompression, the results of a series of shock tube tests evaluating gases of various compositions and a new understanding of the ‘fudge factor’ correction to arrest toughness values. • Learnings from the Research Program 4, Public Safety and Security of Supply are expected to be incorporated into the Safety Management provisions of AS 2885.1. • AS 2885.1-2012 Appendix BB ‘Guidelines for the Transport of CO2’ is a direct result of a suite of Energy Pipelines CRC projects, externally funded by the Commonwealth’s Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (now the Department of Industry). • Outcomes of RP6.3-01 ‘Geotechnical Guidelines’ will be incorporated into the next revision of Part 1. • Research into pipeline venting with respect to cold temperatures in vent stacks and station pipework has application for station design. • Work on ‘line pipe specification’ (Energy Pipelines CRC project RP6.1-02) will be available to help APIA RSC members better specify linepipe, and it is possible that this work will be incorporated into AS2885.1. These pieces of software support the design and commissioning of pipelines in compliance with AS2885. EPDECOM is used for the development of fracture control plans and Pipestrain is used in ensuring the safe hydrotesting of pipelines.
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