The Steeple St. Luke's Episcopal Church 210 SE Ninth St., Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003 Volume XIX, Number 19 May 20, 2015 TOMORROW'S LEADERS: THE CAMPAIGN FOR ST. CRISPIN'S Trinity Sunday, May 31, has been designated as a day to celebrate the past, present, and future ministries at St. Crispin's. For almost 50 years, St. Crispin's Conference Center and Camp has served people of all ages, coming from all walks of life, and representing many faith traditions and secular organizations. The success at St. Crispin's requires new and larger spaces to support the camping program and to expand conference center activities. Tomorrow's Leaders: The Campaign for St. Crispin's has now raised more than $10,000,000 in funds for construction and endowment. As of last week, almost $500,000 has been received towards the $700,000 needed to receive a $500,000 challenge grant. INSIDE THIS ISSUE… Weekly Calendar 2 From the Wardens 2 Twice Blessed Sale 2 Sunday School Schedule 2 Steve’s Stuff 3 Pentecost Sunday 3 Crafting Our Prayers 3 Cookbook Project 3 Joyful Noise Singers 3 St. Luke’s Prayer List 3 Lay Ministry Schedule 4 Important Dates To Remember Pentecost Sunday, May 24 (see pg. 3) Some of you may already have contributed to the project and I want to thank you for your generosity. Please consider making a gift or pledge to support this ministry that transforms lives in exciting and meaningful ways and is so important in the life of our diocese. Thank you, Bishop Ed (Commitment/pledge cards for this fund drive will be available on Sun. May 31) Wonderful Wacky Wednesdays Calling all our youngest children! St. Luke's very own version of Vacation Church School happens during June and July. We meet on Wednesday afternoons from June 17 through July 22. This year we are going to be exploring some Old Testament stories Memorial Day, Mon., May 25, church bldg. closed. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 5:30pm about Daniel through puppets, masks, and games. All children Wonderful Wacky Wednesdays begins on Wed., June 17, 3pm (see article this pg.) need you to register. Registration forms are in the church from 4 years through 5th grade are welcome. However, we do office, in the narthex, or online. Transportation from day cares or babysitters is available! Please register now, so we can have an accurate count for our first meeting, which will involve T-shirts. It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly nineteen years since Father Lee and Lynda made the trip from Tyler Texas to begin their journey here at St Luke’s. Consistent with the help given to prior new Rectors, the Church gave Father Lee and Lynda an $18,200 loan to help buy their new home. The loan was structured such that monthly interest-only payments were required, with the principal balance due when Father Lee left St. Luke’s. Since the time of the initial loan, Father Lee and Lynda have faithfully made the monthly interest-only payments, totaling over $16,000 which was income for the parish. Although it will still be a few years before Father Lee retires, we, along with several members of the Vestry wondered if there was a way to forgive the loan. During the process, we learned that the historical practice at St Luke’s has been to forgive the loan when the Rector retires. In other words, past Rectors did not pay back their loan. However, per IRS regulations, the amount of the loan forgiven was deemed income to them and subject to income tax. When we thought about all that Father Lee and Lynda have done for St Luke’s and our community during the past eighteen years, we felt it was reasonable and appropriate to recommend to the Vestry that we follow historical precedence and forgive their loan. Therefore, we proposed to the Vestry, and they unanimously approved, to forgive $7,000 of the loan given to Father Lee and Lynda, using $5,311 from Memorial Funds and $1,689 from the Malick Fund to pay for this loan forgiveness. As you may know, the Vestry recently approved a $2,000 bonus for Father Lee, funded by a special gift given to the Church. It was also proposed that this bonus, with his permission, could be used to pay the estimated taxes associated with forgiving $7,000 of his loan with the Church. The Vestry decision to forgive a portion of the loan was a complete surprise to Father Lee. Although we would have liked to approve the forgiveness of the remaining $11,200 loan balance over the next couple of years, we did not feel it was appropriate to obligate future Vestries without the insight as to how the loan forgiveness would be funded. We do hope, however, that future Vestries will consider forgiving the remaining amount over the next few years. If you have any questions about our recommendation and the subsequent approval by the Vestry, please feel free to call or email either of us at the contact information listed below. Similarly, feel free to also reach out to your individual Vestry representative. Ellen Heald Senior Warden 918-841-4070 [email protected] Jim Liehr Junior Warden 918-327-3126 [email protected] Sunday School and Chapel Schedule This Sunday, May 24, is our last Sunday School session until August. However, Children's Chapel and Nursery will continue through the summer. Please come to the Pentecost Party this Sunday. We will have a birthday celebration for the church. Music practice begins at 9:15, with the party immediately following. Weekly Activity Calendar Sunday, May 24, 2015 Pentecost 8:00am Rite I 9:15am Sunday School Classes 10:30am Rite II Monday, May 25, 2015 Memorial Day, church bldg. closed 5:30pm Holy Eucharist Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:00am Spiritual Direction Group, library 6:30pm EFM, Rm. 217 Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7:00pm Choir Thursday, May 28, 2015 6:45am Men’s Fellowship, MH 12:00pm Holy Eucharist Friday, May 29, 2015 Saturday, May 30, 2015 Sunday, May 31, 2015 8:00am Rite I 9:15am Sunday School Classes 10:30am Rite II Monday, June 1, 2015 9:30am Church Staff Mtg. 5:30pm Holy Eucharist Twice Blessed Sale Friday, August 28 Saturday, August 29 All Proceeds benefit Outreach This year's Twice Blessed Sale will be Friday, August 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday, August 29, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please bring your donations to the Twice Blessed room in Rogers Hall or for larger items, to the garage. If you need help with larger items, contact either Becky Liehr at 918-3275987 or [email protected], or Kris Bonner 918-335-1807 or [email protected]. Volunteers are needed. If you are interested, contact either Becky or Kris. Working together on the sale is a great time of fun and fellowship!! Thank you so much for your generosity and support in this Outreach fundraising event. PLEASE NOTE: WE NO LONGER ACCEPT CLOTHING, COMPUTERS, CELL PHONES OR NON-WORKING APPLIANCES for the Sale. ST. LUKE’S PRAYER LIST Please keep these persons in your prayers (Names on the Prayer List are rotated off every 4 weeks. If there is need for continued prayers, please let us know.) Russell, Patti, Allen, Jerry, Marjean, Susan, Karen, Patricia, Lloyd, Matthew, Karen, Heidi, Aria, Sherry, Luther, Geraldine, Kassie, Helen, Jennifer, Margery, Chloe, Jo, Charlie, Aaron, Ashley, Jean, Sandy, Shane, Jim, Marty, Lisa, Daitrone, Synthia, D’Manuel, Larry, Barbara, Robin, Tom, Tiffani, Charles, Mark, Laura, Missy, Mike, Ronnie, Joseph, Terry, Pat, Barbara, Richard, Jan, Greg If you have a prayer request, contact our Prayer Ministry Coordinator Thelma Blackburn at 918-333-7902 or [email protected] or contact the church office at 918-336-1212 or [email protected]. I have an assistant with my work in the church by the name of “Who Knew”. She, or he, is from that long standing family of Knews—you may recall they have been quite influential in our society, along with their relatives the Knows, Knowns, and the perhaps darker side of the clan, the Unknowns. So “Who” has been very active here since I started a few months ago. Why only last week Rob started looking at all the sizes of air filters for all the units in the church building. “Who” led us to that task. So how many different sizes do you imagine we have? “Who Knew” we have eight or nine. Also last week I was getting Hugh prepared to trim some vegetation around the edges of the church building and he asked that I arm him with a new pair of trimming shears. I purchased same, and then on another mission in the “garden room” I found two old shears and a file. “Who” had a hand in that, for sure. And the reason I was in the garden room in the first place was to determine if “Who Knew” about operating the sprinkler system. It makes for interesting dynamics. I still have some volunteer opportunities—just let me know! Contact me at 918-336-1212 or [email protected]. Steve Forsythe, Parish Administrator CRAFTING OUR PRAYERS This unique women's group has been meeting for 6 months. We come together for fellowship and to weave our prayers into creative projects. No skills are necessary--just come and enjoy other women. Our next meeting will be on Monday, June 1 at 10:30. We meet in the Vestry room. Please come. For more information, please call Deacon Lauri (918-766-2473) or Connie Freebern (918-914-1155). IT'S COOKBOOK TIME! The women of Crafting our Prayers are beginning the process of creating a brand new St. Luke's cookbook. We have decided to put our talents and creativity to the test, giving birth to a cookbook. The proceeds from the cookbooks will go to our kitchen. We have seen a real need in the kitchen for new tablecloths, kitchen implements, towels, pot holders, and a few other items. WE NEED YOUR RECIPES! You are the reason we want to do this-our parish is full of amazing cooks. Here's what you need to know: Please send them by email to [email protected]. (If you don't do email, type or hand write them and drop them at the church office). There is no limit as to how many recipes you may submit, but please number them in order of your priority. This will ensure that we get your favorite recipes included. Please send us your wonderful potluck recipes, those scrumptious desserts, the healthy new recipes that you've discovered. Please mark the ones that are gluten free, heart healthy, and vegetarian. There will be a special youth and children section. If your child or grandchild has a special favorite, please include it and note that it is to go in the youth section. We are looking forward to hearing from everyone in our parish. Our vision is for this cookbook to be one to keep for many years. How to Sing “ALLELUIA” Using Only 4 Musical Notes And, no, we’re not keeping the Joyful Noise Music Makers in a CAGE! We are finding how much fun and freedom we can have making music with only a few of the hundreds of possibilities available for making melodies! Curious? Come Sunday and experience the sharing of our own Pentecost experience as we sing and play our Joyful Noise “Alleluias”. (Be ready for a special surprise!) Y.D. Music Makers, Makers you are wonderful! Thank you for sharing your musical gifts with your St. Luke’s family this past Sunday. THE DAY OF PENTECOST Sunday, Sunday, May 24 This coming Sunday, May 24, is the Day of Pentecost, which marks the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles. Pentecost Sunday occurs 50 days after Easter and is also known as "the birthday of the Church". Pentecost launched the large-scale spreading of the Gospel after Jesus' ascension. Pentecost is represented with the color red, which symbolizes the fire of the Holy Spirit. If you can, wear RED this Sunday! St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 210 East 9th Street Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003 (Return Service Requested) The Rev. Dr. T. Lee Stephens, Rector ([email protected]) The Rev. Douglas Freebern, Deacon ([email protected]) The Rev. Lauri Watkins, Deacon/Christian Educ. Director ([email protected]) In an Emergency, call 918-397-3683 or 918-914-0525 or 918-766-2473. Ann Bell, Parish Secretary ([email protected]) Steve Forsythe, Parish Administrator ([email protected]) Dolores McCreary, Organist/Choir Director ([email protected]) Ellen Heald, Sr. Warden ([email protected]) Jim Liehr, Jr. Warden ([email protected]) Office Phone: 918-336-1212 Office Fax: 918-336-2557 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:30am–4:00pm, Fridays 8:30am-3:00pm Holy Eucharist: Sunday 8am & 10:30am Monday 5:30pm, Thursday 12pm “The Steeple” is a weekly publication of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 210 SE 9th St., Bartlesville, OK 74003 LAY MINISTRY SCHEDULE 5/24/15 through 5/31/15 Acolytes Sunday, May 24 Servers Katie Todd, A. J. Clem Torchbearers Evan Mitchell, Kimaya Kindred Sunday, May 31 No Acolytes Scheduled Layreaders Sunday, May 24 8:00am Carroll, Grillot 10:30am Wesneski, Murphy J. Green, Conner Sunday, May 31 8:00am S. Williams, Kedy 10:30am Carroll, Grillot L. Green, P. Williams Church Nursery Volunteers May 24 Anneke Borg May 31 Katie Todd June 7 Rachel Gurule Scripture Lessons for Sunday, May 24 Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 Music for Sunday, May 24 #223 – “Hail Thee, Festival Day” #511 – “Holy Spirit, Ever Living” #508 – “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” #700 (text) – “O Love That Casts Out Fear” #493 – “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” Sunday Plate Counters May 24 Jim Grillot, Jim Malone May 31 Jim Grillot Volunteers: Please make your own substitutions. Coffee Fellowship Hour May 24 Jim & Nancy Warring May 31 Eula Feeler June 7 EFM Class Bereavement Committee May 2015 Glenda Garrison, Carol Murphy June 2015 Rachel Gurule, Wendy Hall July 2015 Connie Freebern, Cordy Liggett Greeters Sunday, May 24 8:00am Sally Canfield 10:30am D. J. & Jerry Nezam Sunday, May 31 8:00am Gretchen Hoyt 10:30am Becky & Jim Liehr Carol Murphy St. Luke’s Bookstore The Bookstore is open Sundays between the two services and after the 10:30 service. All proceeds from sales go to St. Luke’s Outreach Projects. *To volunteer, you may contact Melinda Wesneski, 918-333-7758 or [email protected]. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Please have articles that you would like printed in The Steeple to the church office no later than Tuesdays at 10am. Thank you! Ushers Sunday, May 24 8:00am Babcock, Zervas 10:30am Grillot, McCreary Sunday, May 31 8:00am Gardner, Zervas 10:30am Birk, Warring Children’s Chapel May 24 Jeanne Julstrom, Travis Sutton May 31 Becky & Brian Olsen June 7 Stefanie & Bob Tedstrom Agape Mission 4th Thursday, May 28, 2015 9-11am Fr. Lee Stephens, Jim Liehr 10:45am-1:00pm Jeff Birk, Molly Ferguson, Glenda Garrison, Darian Kedy, Jen Peterson 1-2:45pm Carol Murphy, Radomir Petrovich
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