L IT ER ACY V O LU NT EER S -A NDRO S CO GGIN N EWS LET T ER S U MMER 2014 OUR MISSION is to provide free, one-on-one tutoring and other educational services to help adults in Androscoggin County acquire the basic reading, writing, and math skills they need to enhance their lives and achieve their personal goals. TUTOR SURVEYS INSPIRE NEW PROJECT – YOUR IDEAS AND QUESTIONS NEEDED! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: KAP Family Literacy 2 Tutor Corner 3 Scrabble Word Search Things to Do With a Child 4 5 5 TUTOR TRAINING will be held October 2 & 3 9AM-3PM Call 333-4785 or email literacy@literacy volunteersandro org to register. Or visit www.literacyvolunteers andro.org/Tutor.html for information and registration form. Almost everyone that completed this year’s tutor survey indicated a need for an easy way to share resources and best practices. To that end, Sally Lunt and LV-A tutor/board member Linda Connelly are spearheading an effort to make this happen. The first step is collecting information from tutors – both current and past – to include in an easy to use, well organized database that can be accessed from our website or as a paper document from the LV-A office. Sally has also created a Facebook page for tutors to post favorite books, materials, websites, and whatever else you believe useful for your fellow volunteers. In addition, questions are welcome and useful. One of your fellow volunteers may have the perfect suggestion for your particular teaching conundrum, and there may be others out there struggling with the same issue. None of this will work without input from all of you. An email will be going out within the next couple of weeks asking about your favorite materials, as well as any creative tips that you have discovered while working with your student. We also want to hear about areas where the resources are falling short. This will give us starting place to research potential new materials for the local libraries as well as our own Tutor Resource Library. In the meantime, please feel free to post on the new Face Book page that has been created for tutors and others that work with adult learners. Search for Literacy VolunteersAndroscoggin Tutors on Face Book and it should pop right up. Please “like” the page so that you can receive updates as others share their questions and ideas. As we get deeper into the project, Linda and Sally will hold gatherings to review the work that has been done and to get your input so that we can fine-tune this effort. All ideas and questions are welcome, and you do not need to be a tutor to participate in this effort. We want the final product to be something that volunteers will truly find useful on a regular basis. If you would like to help with this project, please give us a call at 333-4785 or email [email protected]. Literacy Volunteer-Androscoggin 15 Sacred Heart Place, Auburn, ME 04210 207-333-4785, [email protected] A Nationally Accredited Affiliate of ProLiteracy America A United Way Partner Tahlia Hope Chamberlain, Executive Director Pag e 2 L i te r acy Vo lu n te e rs -A n d ro sc ogg in N ew s le tt e r KNOWLEDGE AS POWER FAMILY LITERACY A program offered by Literacy Volunteers-Androscoggin and Auburn Adult Education KAP is a home-based family literacy program that provides one-on-one tutoring for both parents and children. KAP is open to families in the community who want to and need to improve their Our mission is to improve the literacy of adults, increase the school readiness of preschool children, better the performance of school-age children acknowledge the parent as primary educator, and SENSORY BOTTLES Sensory Bottles are a fun learning tool that can be made for pennies. There are a couple of versions: the visually interesting (think “Shiny!) filled bottle and the Eye Spy bottle. Materials needed: Clean, empty water bottle All purpose white glue Water and oil/baby oil and food coloring or Filler such as rice, sand, or lentils Glitter, charms, sequins, beads, shells, ABC beads, and/or other small unbreakable items. (Remember, they must fit through the neck of the bottle being used.) Directions: Water Bottle Fill water bottle 1/2 full with water and 1/2 with oil. Place drops of food coloring until the color is as desired. Apply all-purpose white glue inside the cap. Screw the cap tightly onto the bottle. Let dry. Eye Spy Bottle Fill bottle part way with filler. Add glitter or small items. Apply all-purpose white glue inside the cap. Screw the cap tightly onto the bottle. Let dry. Attach an index card with a list of the items to find. To play: Shake, roll, and turn the bottle to see items. Discuss what is being seen. Be sure to watch your child when using this or any toy. You can take your RETURNABLES to Hannaford, and by using a Clynk bag and an LV-A tag, Literacy Volunteers-Androscoggin will get the benefit. FMI: call 333-4785 or email us at [email protected] L i te r acy Vo lu n te e rs -A n d ro sc ogg in Pag e 3 TUTOR CORNER CALLING ALL TUTORS PAST AND PRESENT – YOUR HELP IS NEEDED WITH TUTOR RECRUITMENT By far, tutors make the best volunteer recruiters. You know the challenges and the joys of serving as a tutor, and you know what kind of temperament and skill is needed. We are hoping to reduce the long wait for tutors, and especially need individuals that are comfortable working with people from other countries. We are also getting many requests for assistance with specific GED (now called the HiSet) subjects, such as math and writing. LV-A needs at least 30 new tutors/English conversation partners this year. If you are currently a tutor or have served in the past and you are interested in helping us with this effort, please give us a call at 3334785 or email: [email protected]. Do you ever shop at Amazon? If you use smile.amazon — all your info goes right along with you to this branch of Amazon — and choose “Literacy Volunteers Androscoggin” as your charity, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to LV-A… and we’d really appreciate that! “Help one another; there's no time like the present and no present like the time.” ~James Durst Literacy Volunteers has goal of $200 for our end-of-summer bottle drive. After your family reunion, back to school party or Labor Day bash, just drop off your returnables at Roopers on Sabattus Street in Lewiston or Minot Avenue in Auburn and designate the total to LV. Every bit helps and we appreciate your support! L i te r acy Vo lu n te e rs -A n d ro sc ogg in Pag e 4 SCRABBLE FEST 2014 The 16th Annual Scrabble Fest was held on May 18, 2014 in the Hilton Garden Inn Riverwatch’s beautiful ballroom. Katy Thompson of WMTW Channel 8 TV served as MC. Players and sponsors raised over $5,400. Jim Handy – Gormet Cheesecake Mountain Light Arts/Sue Reilly – Hanspun Yarn Cilla Potter – Handmade Quilt Ron Bosse – Watercolor print Quiltessentials/Betsy Dorr – Handmade Quilt Amy Guimond – Handmade bag Special thanks to our sponsors: WMTW Channel 8 TV Hilton Garden Inn Androscoggin Bank Maine Awards/Rogue Wear Taylor Engineering Associates Electricity Maine Thank you, too, to those who donated prizes, door prizes, and volunteered: Poland Spring Resort – Greens fees for four Ray Potter – Handmade wooden bowl Phil Marquis – Handmade toy chest 2014 Scrabble Fest Winning Teams SOCIAL PRO Wood’n Words Tiletastics Nanette Couture Marjean D’Anjou Diane Doak, Sherry Maass Diane Greene Lisa Galarneau Pamela Haymen Benjamin Redmond Rita James Sally Wilson Mara Teiken Jennifer Radel Electricity Maine Jeff Potter Sarah Potter Marcela Perez Paul Gauvreau Tina Willard Ray Goodwin Jim Handy Sharon Handy Mary Beth Moyer Jan O’Brien Trena Dubois L i te r acy Vo lu n te e rs -A n d ro sc ogg in Pag e 5 Maine Word Search Find and circle all of the names of things associated with Maine that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction. S K F T W A O Q Q R X R P M Z A S K O T H S G E V V E I G S ACADIA APPLE ATLANTIC AUGUSTA BLUEBERRY CHICKADEE DEER DIRIGO KATAHDIN L J D U C B O T I P M P N T D M U P R K I S O O R F A E A A O S G M H B T T P A I P T I E N P O A O Q A N E I H D R D H D U H L E T S E A E E O E A E Z T V I O W D P N L A P E C S D M X N Q A I K I W T P I A O U O Y E K N I H G H X A P E O M V O C E N A G W Y S B D L M LOBSTER MOOSE MOOSEHEAD MOXIE PAPER PINECONE PINETREE POPHAM POTATO G S I C G B L U E B E R R Y E Q H O N I D H A T A K R E E D C N Z R P P Z V A U G U S T A E M A H P O P X M O O S E H W SALMON SHIPS STEPHENKING TOURMALINE WHOOPIEPIE THINGS TO DO WITH A CHILD IN YOUR LIFE Read a book about rain. Make clay dough. Check online or at the library for a book with recipes you can make at home for just pennies. Use a phone book to look up the numbers for people and organizations that you know. “I have this belief that children become readers before they can read. They become hooked on books because they were read aloud to as a child.” — Jacqueline Wilson Li t erac y Vol unt eer s- And rosc oggi n 1 5 S ac red He art P l ace Au bur n, M E 0 4 2 1 0 2 0 7- 3 3 3- 4 7 8 5 i nf o@l i t er acy vol unt eer s and ro .org NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID LEWISTON ME PERMIT NO. 27 We’re on the web! literacyvolunteersandro.org T h is n e w s le t t e r c a n b e v ie we d o n l i n e a t w w w. l it e ra c y vo lun t e e ra n d ro. o r g IF YOU WISH TO BE REMOVED FROM OUR MAILING LIST, PLEASE CALL 333-4785 OR EMAIL: [email protected] Tutors are in demand! Fall Training will be held Oct. 2 & 3. If you are interested in being a tutor or know someone who is, information is available at 333-4785 or visit www.literacyvolunteersandro.org/Tutor.html
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