E A S T E R E G G S T R A V A G A N Z AS u En dAa Sy , T AEP rR 5 QUESTIONS | Ask anyone wearing a name tag. They’re here to serve you. Also, visit our Welcome Center in the foyer for more information. CONNECTION CARD | You will find a Connection Card in Life in the Church. If you have a prayer request, wish to meet with a pastor, or want to get involved, this card is the perfect place to share that information. Please place completed cards in the baskets at the exits. E G G SEGGSTRAVAGANZA TRAVAGANZA ! KIDS | During today’s service, we provide engaging environments for your kids to discover their place in God’s story, build relationships, and have fun. r te is e! g re lin on Infants & Toddlers | 1st floor (downstairs) Families with kids through grade 5 can now register online to attend at ffmc.org/eggstravaganza. Preschoolers | 2nd floor (down the hall from the sanctuary) Maundy THURSDAY Maundy Thursday was Jesus’ last evening with his disciples before his death. This service reflects that evening’s humble act of foot-washing and commemorates the institution of the Last Supper. Childcare provided up to age 5. RSVP for childcare to [email protected]. v Elementary | 3rd floor (upstairs) If kids become restless during the service, you are welcome to listen and watch in the foyer, or a nursing mother’s room is available in TinyTown (1st floor). Apr 2, 7 pm Check-in for kids opens 15 minutes prior to each service. S u n d a y, A P R 5 9 15 am contemporary worship service 11 am classic worship service Please join us for Easter Sunday! In worship we will celebrate the triumph of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and the hope of new life he gives us all! Children and youth classes will meet as normal. Kids and teens in grades K-12 will be present in the worship services to celebrate the baptisms. Good Friday was the day which Jesus Christ died upon a Roman cross for our sins. For his followers, this felt like the end. At this service, expect to leave in silence to spend the weekend reflecting on the great sacrifice of Jesus. An SPU-sponsored event; no childcare available. A p r 3 , 1 2 30 p m Easter SUnday A p r 5 , 9 15 After the darkness of Holy Week, arrive Easter Sunday in an attitude of celebration and rejoicing for, “He has risen; He has risen, indeed!” In worship we will celebrate the triumph of Jesus’ & 1 1 a m resurrection and receive the hope of new life. Children’s and youth programs continue as normal. THE READING PLAN v Easter Good Friday v at 10:30 am. From 11 am–12 pm, students will go deeper in their study of God’s word together. The Youth Center is on the lower level, accessed by going down the hall from the sanctuary, across the skybridge, down the stairs, and past the church offices. v TEENS | The Youth Center opens for students in grades 6–12 beginning Day 1: The Triumphal Entry of Jesus, Matthew 21:1-11 Day 2: The Coming of the Human One, Matthew 24:29-35 Day 3: The Woman Anoints Jesus with Perfume, Matthew 26:6-13 Day 4: Jesus in Gethsemane, Matthew 26:36-46 Day 5: Peter’s Denial of Jesus, Matthew 26:69-75 Day 6: Jesus’ Death on the Cross, Matthew 27:45-56 Day 7: The Resurrection of Jesus, Matthew 28:1-10 ff m c . o rg / h o l y w e e k Palm Sunday By participating in today’s Palm Sunday service, you have entered into a weeklong retelling of the final events of Jesus’ life on earth. This is called Holy Week. We encourage you to immerse yourself in Holy Week in the following ways: WORSHIP SERVICES You are invited to three unique worship services taking place at FFMC this week. Each service focuses on a momentous event in the life and ministry of Jesus. Descriptions and times of the services are listed on the back of Life in the Church. Also, we encourage you to use the postcard inviations located inside Life in the Church to invite friends and neighbors to each of these services and to our biggest outreach of the year, The Easter Eggstravaganza. v Sign up online to volunteer for our biggest outreach event of the year! A fun, free event for families with preschool and elementary-age children. Join us for an egg hunt, pancake breakfast, bounce house, and more! Volunteers are needed to Saturday, April 4 run crafts, breakfast, egg Saturday, April 4 S u ngames, d a y , parking A P r 5crew, hunt, 9am-12pm r e g i s t e r! 15 r 9 a m 1 2 p m te decorations. Contact 9 and am Contemporary Worship r e g is 915 am Contemporary Worship l iins et e!r eg orn liins et e!rf f m c . o r g eg rn o [email protected] with any e ffmc.org 11 am Classic Worship onlin 11 am Classic Worship online questions or to sign up to volunteer. A fun, free event for families with preschool and elementary-age children. Join us for an egg hunt, pancake breakfast, bounce house, and more! find more information on the back of Life in the Church Baptism Flowers & Bells We are offering an opportunity for baptism on Easter Sunday for those who have recently made a commitment or recommitment to Christ. If you would like be baptized on Easter Sunday, please contact Pastor Allison at [email protected]. Two fun ways we celebrate Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday are by covering a cross with flowers and by ringing bells. If you bring flowers for the cross, you’ll find it at 3rd Ave and Dravus St. Extra bells will be available at the sanctuary doors. Music Reading The worship ministry at FFMC would like to provide you with music resources for the Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday worship services. Visit the web links below to become familiar with the songs for this week’s worship services. We value reading portions of Scripture together as a community. This week we will break from our Daily Companion Bible schedule and participate in a Holy Week reading schedule. Find the reading schedule on the back of Life in the Church. Links Music ffmc .org/maundythursdaymusic ffmc .org/e a stersundaymusic v EGGSTRAVAGANZA t h e Easter March 29, 2015 Life in the Church v Welcome! t h e Easter Sunday Mornings at First Free 9 am Contemporary Service 15 Expect drums and electric guitar, but also expect traditional liturgical elements that aid us in connecting our story to God’s great story. Word Worship Table* *A gluten-free wafer is available from the server on your left, closest to the organ. 10:30 am Coffee and Connection Coffee and treats are provided, and all are encouraged to gather in the Fine Center (across the sky-bridge). 11 am Classic Worship Expect a worship experience that emphasizes timeless liturgical expression such as creeds, prayers, and hymns led by a choir and pipe organ. Call to Worship Hymn #203 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Hymn #204 All Glory Laud and Honor *Psalm 118 Rev. David Hicks Prayer | The Lord’s Prayer Sermon Blake Wood, Lead Pastor More Is Caught Than Taught **Sacrament of Holy Communion Musical Reflection *Doxology Stewardship Prayer & Offering Hymn Hymn #216 This Week at First Free Love God Fully Beneath the Cross of Jesus Benediction * Stand as you are able. ** A gluten-free wafer is available upon request from your server. Large-print versions of today’s hymns are available at the Welcome Center. Holy Land Trip | Nov. 9–18, 2015 Have you ever wanted to walk the land that Jesus walked? This fall, the PNWC and Impact Middle East are joining together to offer an incredible experience to see firsthand Caesarea, Capernaum, Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Jordan, and much more! This great adventure will be hosted by Supt. Matt Whitehead and Pastor Blake Wood. If you’d like more information about the journey, pick up a brochure in the Welcome Center or email [email protected]. Community Bible Study | Apr 1–Jun 3, 6:30 –8:10 pm | Fine Center Beginning Apr 1, Dr. Daniel Castelo of Seattle Pacific University will lead an engaging study on Romans. Each meeting will include a lecture, contemplative reflection, and small-group interaction alongside SPU students. Register online at spu.edu/cbs. Love One Another Deeply Voices of Autism: Individuals, Families, and Professionals Seminar Sat, Apr 11, 10 am–4:30 pm | Upper Gwinn Commons As part of Autism Awareness Month, Seattle Pacific University is sponsoring a free one-day seminar for families and professionals who are engaging with the challenges of Autism. Gather at SPU’s Upper Gwinn Commons to hear from the organization Voices of Autism and to grow in comprehensive awareness of how to love one another deeply. No registration necessary. Love the World Sacrificially Neighborhood Prayer Walk | Tuesdays throughout March On Tuesdays throughout March congregations across Seattle are taking up the call to pray for the lost while walking neighborhoods and workplaces. Every Tuesday from 12–1 pm, the FFMC staff will be doing so in the Queen Anne neighborhood. Consider joining us or taking a prayer walk in your own neighborhood or workplace. Homelessness in Seattle The needs of the homeless in Seattle and King County continue to grow exponentially. Seattle/King County ranks fourth in homeless population for metro areas in our country. How can we as followers of Jesus respond to this very real concern? What might be the next steps for FFMC? A group is forming to explore these questions. For more information contact Celeste Cranston at [email protected]. finances Each year we set our goals based on previous years’ trends and through the first two month of 2015, our contributions have been significantly short of our goal. While there may be several reasons for this, we want ALSO TODAY at FFMC to be transparent with the contribution numbers in the first quarter of Today Holly Starr! 2015We to Welcome provide the congregation an opportunity to respond. From the small town of Quincy, Washington, Holly Starr’s music is rising on the Christian charts. She just released her second full-length record, Contributions Goal Tapestry. She has performed on countless stages across the country including Creation Festival, Lifest and an opening spot for LeAnn Rimes. $176,155 Operating Fund Last night hundreds enjoyed her concert right here in our Sanctuary and we’re excited to have her worshiping with us this morning. through February $127,224 ($48,931) Received through February You can give in today’s service or online at ffmc.org/give. Sun, Mar 29 9:15am 10:30am 11:00am 6:00pm Palm Sunday Contemporary Service / Sanctuary Coffee & Connection / Fine Center Palm Sunday Classic Service / Sanctuary High School Youth Group / Youth Room Tues, Mar 31 12:00pm Prayer Walk / Church Office Wed, Apr 1 9:30am “Focus” Women’s Bible Study / Senior Ministries Room 6:00pm Handbell Rehearsal / Glen Room 6:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal / Sanctuary 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal / Glen Room No Wednesday night dinner; no children or youth programming. Wednesday night dinners and programming will resume Apr 8. Thurs, Apr 2 7:00pm Maundy Thursday / Sanctuary Fri, Apr 3 12:30pm Good Friday Service / Sanctuary Sat, Apr 4 9:00am Easter Eggstravaganza Sun, Apr 5 9:15am 10:30am 11:00am Contemporary Service / Sanctuary All-Church Fellowship / Fine Center Classic Service / Sanctuary Prayer Requests Prayer for Rev. Phyllis Sortor, our global impact partner in Nigeria, who was released after being ab-ducted. Please continue to pray for Phyllis as she processes the ordeal she faced. Also, pray for Phyllis’ family members who have been profoundly affected by this experience. Prayer for comfort: Hoyt Morris and family, in the passing of Hoyt’s father. David Johnson, in the passing of his daughter Lenae. Prayer for health: Norma Cathey, Betty DiMattia, Virginia Fordice, Sally Glancy, Ray Hanson (father of Andy Hanson), Emma Jefferson, Earl Magnusson, Ferne McRae, Jen Montzingo, Lloyd Nolte, Ken Peter-son, Mildred Shaver, and Frank Spina. Prayer for Global Partner: Suzanne Emery in Costa Rica, supported by our church at $8,000 annual-ly. Prayer for Local Partner: Urban Impact, supported by our church at $6,000 annually. Prayer for a Partner Church: Cross View Church, pastored by Jon Swanson, Josh Bressler, and Jada Swanson. Contact For general questions throughout the week, contact the church office at 206281-2240 or [email protected]. Contact individual staff members by visiting ffmc.org/staff. The FFMC Mission: In response to God’s gracious and generous love for us, we seek to love God fully, love one another deeply, and love the world sacrificially.
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