F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S Date 13th March 2015 5 To, The Ho onourablee Finance Minister Shri Arrun Jaitleyy Respeccted Sir, REPREESENTATIO ON ON SERVICE TAX X AMEND DMENTS FO OR MUTU UAL FUND D DISTRIIBUTORS// AGENTS:: 1. Brief intro oduction o n: of the orgganisation The Fo oundation n of Indeependent Financial Advisors (FIFA) iss an association off indepeendent fin nancial ad dvisors (IFFA’s). We have bee en incorpo orated as a not forr profit organizatiion u/s 25 5 of The Co ompanies Act, 1956 6. Our m main objects are to o educatee, inspire, improvee and develop Ind dependentt Financcial Adviso ors, to pro omote the e value off indepen ndent financial adviice and to o repressent to an nd to help p and pro omote thee interest of IFA co ommunityy with thee policy makers and regulators including to th he Government, Resserve Bank of India, Board of In ndia (SEBII), Association of Mutual Fund Industryy The Seecurities Exchange B (AMFI)), Insuran nce Regulatory & Developm ment Auth hority (IRDA), Penssion Fund d Regulaatory & Developme D ent Autho ority (PFRD DA) and other bodies on all a matterss relatin ng to the In ndependeent Financcial Adviso ors. The Fo oundation functionss as a kno owledge sh haring platform for IFAs and investors. , It pro oactively engages with all stakeholders: th he govern nment, regulators r manuffacturers and investors for a health hy development off financial marketss leadingg to favou urable inveestor outccomes. th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S 2. Amendmends brou ught abou ut by The FFinance B Bill 2015 Servicees provideed by a mutual fund d agent or distributtor to a m mutual fun nd or assett managgement co ompany is currentlyy exempt ffrom the leevy of serrvice tax. Howevver, vide S. No. 29 9 of notiffication No. 25/12‐‐ST, exem mption from levy off servicee tax are b being with hdrawn on n: (a) seervices prrovided by b a muttual fund agent to o a mutu ual fund or assetss managgement co ompany; (b) disttributor to o a mutuaal fund or A AMC; Furtheer, service tax on seervices pro ovided byy a mutuall fund age ent or disttributor to o a mutu ual fund o or asset m managemeent compaany would d now be levied on a reversee chargee basis. Fundame ental Natu ure of any indirect ttax levy 3. It will be appreeciated th hat service tax is always a bo orne by th he recipieent of thee nt of services is the mutual fund or the assett servicee. In this case, thee recipien managgement co ompany. The perso on provid ding the service s is only a co onduit forr collectting and paying the service taax to the ggovernmeent. The taax is pass tthrough in n naturee. 4. Impact off the amendments on mutuaal fund disstributors// agents. A. Who will bear the service taax? In the case of m mutual fun nd distribu utors, thee service tax on com mmission should bee borne by the mutual m fun nd or asseet manageement com mpanies. To illustraate, if thee commission paid to the m mutual fund distrib butor is Rss 100, the service tax @ 14% % i.e. Rs 14/‐ shou uld be paid d by mutu ual fund or asset maanagemen nt compan ny directlyy th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S to the government (sincee the tax iss payable under revverse charge mechaanism). Rss hould be p paid to mu utual fund distributo or withoutt any dedu uction. 100 sh Howeever, the e distribu utor com mmunity is appre ehensive that the e service e tax m may actu ually havve to be e borne by the mutual fund aggents orr distrib butors. B. How to pass Servicce tax to recipient o of servicess: To gett a full un nderstanding of thee issue wee give bellow extracct Regulattion 52 off SEBI Mutual M Fu und Regu ulation go overning the t costss chargeable to th he mutual fund\sscheme. “Limittation on fees and e expenses on issue o of scheme es 52. (1) All expen nses shoulld be clearly identiffied and ap ppropriateed in the individual mes. schem 4[(2) TThe asset managem ment company mayy charge tthe schem me with investmentt and ad dvisory fees which sshall be fu ully disclossed in the offer doccument.] (3) 1[****] (4) In n addition to thee fees mentioned m d in sub b‐regulatio on (2), the t assett managgement co ompany m may chargge the 1a[sscheme] w with the ffollowing eexpenses, namely:— (a) 2[***] (b) recurring includiing:— expensses ((i) markketing and d selling expenses in ncluding aagents' commission, if any ; th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S (iii) brokkerage and d transacttion cost ; (iiii) regisstrar services for traansfer of u units sold or redeem med ; (ivv) fees and expeenses of trustees ; (vv) audit fees ; (vvi) custo odian feess ; 3[(viii) costss related tto investo or commun nication ; (viiii) costss of fund ttransfer frrom locatiion to locaation ; (ixx) costss of pro oviding acccount sttatementss and dividend/reedemption n cheq ques and w warrants ; (xx) insurance premium paid d by the fund ; (xxi) wind ding up co osts for terrminating a fund or a scheme e ; (xiii) costss of statuttory adverrtisements ;] 4[***]] (vvi) 5[(xiia) in casse of a gold g exchange trad ded fund scheme, recurringg expeenses incu urred towaards storage and haandling of gold; 6[****]] 7[(xiib b) in caase of a caapital protection oriented sch heme, rating fees; 8[***] 9[(xiicc) in caase of a real r estatte mutual fund sch heme, insurance prremia and d costss of main ntenance of the reeal estatee assets (excludingg costs of deve elopment of such assets) oveer and abo ove the exxpenses sp pecified in n regu ulation 52 to the exttent disclo osed in the e offer document; 1 10[***]] 11[(xxii listin ng fees, in n case of sschemes listed on aa recognizzed stock exchangee; d d) and]] 12[(xiii Such h other costs as mayy be appro oved by th he Board. th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S )] (5) An ny expense e other th han those specified in sub‐reggulations (2) and (4 4) shall be bornee by the assset management company 1 13[or trusttee or spo onsors]. 1[***] 2[***] 3[(6) TThe total expenses of the scheme exccluding issue or redemption eexpenses, wheth her initiallly borne by the mutual fund f or by the asset a man nagementt the invesstment maanagemen compaany, but including i nt and ad dvisory feee shall bee subjecct to the following limits :— 4[(a) in casee of a fun nd of fund ds schemee, the total expensses of thee scheme includiing weigh hted average of charges levied byy the un nderlying schemes shall not n exceed d 2.50 per cent of the daily net assetts of the scheme.] (b) in case e of an in ndex fund d scheme or exchange tradeed fund, the t total expensses of thee scheme e includingg the inveestment and a advissory fees shall not exceed d one and one half p per cent (1.5 per ce ent) of thee 5[daily] net asssets; (c) in case e of any otther schem me— (i) on the e first Rs. 1 100 croress of the daily 1[*** *] net asseets 2.5 per cent; (ii) on thee next Rs.. 300 crorres of thee daily 1[* ***] net assets 2.25 peer cent; (iii) on the e next Rs. 300 crorees of the d daily 1[****]net asseets 2.0 per cent; (iv) on thee balance o of the asse ets 1.75 per cent: th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S Provid ded that in n respect of a scheme investting in bonds such recurring expensess shall be lesserr by at least 0.25 5 per cent of the e daily 1a[***] 1 net assetss each finan ncial year.] outstaanding in e 2[(6A)) In addition to the limits spe ecified in ssub‐regulaation (6), the follow wing costss or exp penses maay be charrged to the e scheme,, namely— — (a) brokerrage and ttransactio on costs w which are incurred ffor the pu urpose of executtion of trrade and is includ ded in the e cost off investm ment, not exceed ding 0.12 per cent in case of o cash maarket tran nsactions and 0.05 per cen nt in case of derivattives transsactions; of 0.30 peer cent of daily net assets, if the new (b) expensses not exxceeding o inflowss from succh cities as specified by the B Board from m time to time are at least— (i) 30 perr cent of gross new inflows in the schem me, or nt (year to o date) (ii) 15 perr cent of tthe averagge assets under maanagemen of the scheme, whiche ever is higgher: Provided that iff inflows ffrom such cities is lless than the higheer of sub‐ clause (i) or sub‐clause (ii), ( such expenses on daily net assetts of the scheme shall be charged o on proporrtionate basis: Provided furtheer that expenses charged c u under thiis clause shall be utilised d for disttribution expenses incurred for bringing inflo ows from such ciities: Provided furtheer that amount a in ncurred as a expensse on acccount of n case the inflowss from succh cities shall be creedited bacck to the sscheme in said inflows are redeemed within aa period o of one yeaar from the date of investm ment; th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S (c) Additio onal expeenses, incurred to owards different d heads mentioned under sub‐regullations (2)) and (4), not excee eding 0.20 0 per centt of daily net asssets of thee scheme.] (7) An ny expend diture in excess of tthe limits specified in 3[sub‐regulation ns (6) and (6A)] shall be borne b by the t asset managem ment company 4[orr by the ttrustee orr sponsors]. he provisio ons of sub‐regulations (3), (4), ( (5) an nd (6) willl come in nto effectt (8) Th 5[from m 1st Aprril, 1997] for thosee schemes of mutu ual funds which have been launch hed prior to notificaation of th hese regulations.” limit on the Total Expensess Clausee 52(6) of the regu ulation pre escribes maximum m Ratio ((TER) of th he schemee including investm ment manaagement aand adviso ory fees off the assset managgement co ompanies.. Any exxpendituree in excesss of the SSEBI regulaatory limitts shall be e borne byy the AMC C or by tthe Trusteee or the SSponsor. Presen ntly, all trrail fees paid p for Marketing M g & Sellin ng expensses includ ding agentt commission is debited to the schem me a/c. If the sservice tax on trail commissiion to mutual fund distributo ors is to b be charged d to the scheme, it will exceeed the ovverall TER R prescribe ed by SEBI. We givee below an n better und derstandin ng . illustraation for b th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S ILLUSTTRATION In this illustratio on, it is asssumed th hat the maaximum TTotal Expe ense Ratio o (TER) iis 2% E EXISTING NEW Curren nt Scenario(%) Ne ew Scenarrio(%) 1 A AMC Fees 1 1.00 2 SService Tax @ 14% o on above 0 0.14 0.14 3 C Commissio on to Distributors 4 SService Tax @ 14% o on above 5 O Other Costt 0.23 0.23 6 Total Costt 2.00 2.09 7 M Maximum TER perm missible ass p per SEBI (M MF) Regulation ((Assumed) (Note 1)) 2.00 2.00 8 EExcess Exp penses thaat cannot b be charged to the SScheme 0.00 0.09 1.14 0 0.63 0 1.14 0.63 0.63 0.09 0.72 (Note 1 1): In this illu ustration we have assu umed that m maximum TER @ 2% In the illustratio on above, w with the n new servicce tax provisions, th he total exxpenses off heme will be 2.09% % instead o of 2% earliier. the sch th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S Thereffore, doess it imply tthat .09% % on accou unt of Servvice Tax caannot be d debited to o the sch heme? In such h a situation, how does the addional service taax on com mmission to mutual fund agents/d distributorrs pass on to the recipient of the services?? Effective rate of se ervice tax is 16.28% %: C. m m, the efffective Service Tax Rate works w outss In thee Reverse charge mechanism 16.28% %. The calculation iss given below: EFFECTIV VE SERVIC CE TAX RATTE a G Gross Com mmission 100 b SService Tax @ 14% ( Under Reeverse Ch harge M Mechanism m) 14 c Net Amou N unt Paid to o Mutual FFund D Distributo rs if the seervice tax is to be b borne b by the mu tual fund agent/ disstributor 86 d E Effective S Service Taxx Rate (b // c) 16.28% Thereffore, in an n eventuallity that th he mutual fund disttributor be ears the seervice tax, his commission n is being ssubject to 16.28% SService Taxx instead of 14% as in case off other sservices. th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S D. Service taax will be levied as a direct taax If the mutual fu und agentts/ distrib butorsare to absorb b the servvice tax on o Mutual Fund ccommissio on, then tthe effective tax rate (for the highest tax slab) would bee 45.26% %. The calculations are given below: EFFECTTIVE TAX RATE UND DER DIFFEERENT TAX X SLABS: Withou ut Surcharge Tax Raate under TThe Incom me Tax Actt Wiith Surchaarge 30.9 90% 34 4.61% Servicee Tax Ratee Less: ITT Savings on servicee tax 16.28% % 16.2 28% 5.03% % 5.6 63% 11.2 25% 10 0.65% Effecttive Tax Raate 42.1 15% 45 5.26% E. Set off of input cre edit not avvailable Since tthe Servicce Tax is being b charged on Reverse R Charge C Meechanism, no creditt for serrvice tax o on input is available to the mu utual fund d agents/ d distributors. th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org F FOUNDAT ION OF IN NDEPEND DENT FINA ANCIAL ADVISORS A S 5. Our humb ble Reque ests w of the ab bove we h humbly request the followingg: In view 1) To withdraw the amendme a ent to S. No. 29 of o notificaation No. 25/12‐STT, ption to fro om levy of service ttax on: thereby reestoring the exemp (a) services provvided by aa mutual ffund agen nt to a mu utual fund d or assetss management company; o a mutuaal fund or A AMC; (b) disttributor to 2) In the altternative, to increaase the maximum limit l of TEER as prescribed in n regulation n 52 of The T SEBI (MF) Regu ulations so o as to allow serviice tax on n commission paid to o mutual fund agents/ distriibutors to o be chargged to thee scheme. ng you. Thankin Yours trruly, Mehta Dhruv M Chairma an FOUNDA ATION OF IN NDEPENDENTT FINANCIALL ADVISORS 16A, 16tth Floor, Nirmal, Nariman n Point, Mum mbai 400021 1 T: +91 22 4912 0219 9(D) 8108877555 5 M: +91‐8 Email: [email protected] th 16/A, 16 Floor, Nirmal Bldg., Nariman Point, P Mumbai 400 021 T: +91-2 22-49120219 E--mail:response@ @fifaindia.com C. I. N. - U74990MH20 012NPL226953 – Website – ww ww.fifiindia.org
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