Subject: Request For Information for International Marketing of

Subject: Request For Information for International Marketing of RAMON & OVDA
Airports in Israel
1. The Israel Airport Authority (IAA) hereby requests information on firms
specializing in Airports promotion, Routes development, Airports marketing
analysis etc.
2. Without any obligation on its part the IAA hereby invites firms that have supplied
such services to airport and /or airline to provide information.
3. Interested parties are kindly requested to provide relevant information, including at
least: Details of airports/ airlines to which such services were provided including
contact details, methodology and statistical and economical information.
4. All the relevant information should be submitted not later than May 6, 2015 to:
Carmel Goldberg
Logistics Department
Israel Airport Authority
P.O. Box 7
Ben Gurion Airport 7015001
E-Mail address: [email protected]
5. It is expressly declared that this publication is for the purpose of receiving
information only, and will not commit the IAA in any way to any subject including
International Marketing of RAMON & OVDA Airports in Israel.
6. It is expressly declared that for the purpose of a future competitive process the IAA
will be entitled to change or add terms and conditions all in accordance with its sole
discretion and operational requirements.
7. The IAA reserves the right to request further information and clarifications as
IAA will have the prerogative to extend the information's submission date.
03 -9721723 : ‫ פקס‬03-9750581 ,03 - 9750587 : ‫ – טלפון‬7015001 ‫גוריון‬-‫ נמל התעופה הבינ"ל בן‬,7 ‫ ת"ד‬: ‫כתובת‬
9721723 Address: P.O.Box 7, Ben-Gurion International Airport 7015001, Phone: 972 3 9750587, Fax: 972 3