PTO Parent Teacher Organization Registration Packet for 2015-2016 Welcome to the Oak Grove PTO! The Oak Grove Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) exists to enhance the educational experience of every child at Oak Grove. The PTO consists of parents and teachers, who, through membership, help facilitate the many PTO sponsored programs, events and fundraisers. PTO Membership Dues If your child(ren) participate(s) in the PTO Lunch Fundraiser, you must pay an annual membership fee. Annual dues are $10 per family and include one copy of the school directory. Additional directories may be ordered on the Summary Sheet, included in this packet. Email Notification Please provide your email address on the Directory Form so that we can send various PTO and lunch announcements throughout the year. You do have the option of not having your email and or phone number printed in the directory however we strongly encourage you to do so to make sure you are included in correspondence regarding things like class parties and year end picnic. Important PTO Registration Dates o Monday, May 11th - Online registration begins. o Thursday, June 11th from 9am to1pm: Walk-in registration at Oak Grove School. o June 12th, 2015! - Any registrations or payments received after 3:00 PM will be considered late and a $25 late fee will be applied to the account. At least half of payment due must be paid by this date as well. o August 1, 2015 – All payments due! Lunches will be suspended on accounts with balances. PTO REGISTRATION 2015-2016 Information for walk-in or drop-off registration. New families are encouraged to use our walk-in registration which will be available June 11th from 9am to 1pm. Check and cash payments will be accepted at walk-in… cash must be exact. PTO representatives will be available to answer questions. If you absolutely cannot make it to walk-in registration, please drop your forms off at the elementary office no later than 3PM on June 12th, 2015. CHECK PAYMENT Please bring two blank checks to walk-in registration. You will use one for school registration and one for PTO registration. Even if you have filled out your lunch forms, please bring a blank check so we can make sure the amount is correct. If you are mailing your check, please use the enclosed WHITE envelope for PTO registration only. Checks for school payments are separate and should NOT be mailed with PTO checks or materials. DO NOT include your registration forms in this envelope. It is for your check, made out to Oak Grove PTO, only! DO NOT mail cash in this envelope! The address for the PTO bank lockbox is: Oak Grove School District PTO, Inc. P.O. Box 1289 Bridgeview, IL 60455 PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SEND THE SCHOOL REGISTRATION PAYMENT TO THE SCHOOL, AND THE PTO PAYMENT TO THE PTO!!! IT IS DIFFICULT TO SWITCH THEM LATER. WE ARE TWO DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT NEW THIS YEAR! –The PTO will accept credit card payments through RevTrack for EXISTING Oak Grove Families only. New families and existing families with incoming kindergarteners will still need to pay all applicable fees by check. REGISTRATION FORMS Additional forms are available in the school office or you may download the registration forms from the school website, Completed forms may be dropped off at the elementary office. HALF NOW, HALF LATER You have the option of paying 50% of your PTO registration balance on or before June 16th and the remaining balance by August 1st. Balances (including late fees and unpaid balances from last year) not paid by August 1st will result in suspension of PTO lunches. LATE FEE Any registration forms or payments for current Oak Grove students/families that are received or completed online after 3:00 PM, June 12th, 2015 will be assessed a $25 late registration fee. Oak Grove School PTO Registration Packet for 2015-216 What’s in my registration packet and how do I fill it out? The following forms are included in this packet: 1. Registration Instructions 2. PTO Lunch Fundraiser Policies 3. Directory Form: complete one form PER FAMILY. Even if your information has not changed, please complete this form. Please list students on this form in order of youngest child to oldest child. 4. Oak Grove PTO Summary Sheet: complete one form PER FAMILY. The Summary Sheet will total the amount due by the family for all PTO Lunch orders, PTO dues and directory orders. At least ½ of your payment in the form of cash or check is due at time of registration. Checks will not be cashed before July 1st, 2015. A late fee of $25 will be added to all registrations received or completed online after June 12TH, 2015 or to registrations where at least ½ of the payment is not received by June 12th, 2015. 5. PTO Lunch Fundraiser Order Form: complete one form PER CHILD. Do not make out your check until you have completed all the other PTO registration paperwork. 6. Pre-packs can be ordered through All pre-packs will be delivered directly to your home. See enclosed flyer for details or contact Jennifer Liu at [email protected]. 7. PTO Volunteer Opportunity Form: complete one form PER VOLUNTEER. We always welcome new volunteers for our many programs and activities. The forms we need back: directory form, summary sheet, lunch order for each child, and volunteer form. PLEASE make a copy for your records. If you have any questions regarding your registration forms or food orders please contact Susan Pinsel at [email protected] or 847-549-6080 Thank you for supporting the PTO! PTO LUNCH FUNDRAISER POLICIES The PTO Lunch Fundraiser is run entirely by volunteers to support our students, teachers, staff and facilities for the benefit of the student body. PTO volunteers organize the vendors, negotiate prices and address concerns with the vendors, orchestrate the meals coming into the school and dispense the food to the students throughout the year. In order to maintain an efficient program, we have established the following rules. We hope you understand that these policies are in place so that we may continue to run a successful program. Please remember that participation in the PTO Lunch Fundraiser is optional. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Please complete one PTO Lunch Order Form per child (make copies as needed). th All orders for current students are due by June 12 . Late orders will be assessed a $25 late fee. th Orders received after August 16 are not guaranteed PTO lunches during September. st Registration balances must be paid in full by August 1 , 2015, including late fees if applicable. Checks can be made out to Oak Grove PTO. We will accept half of your balance when you turn in your registration forms th (by June 12 ), and you may pay the second half by August 1st. Accounts with balances as of August 1st will NOT receive lunches for September! All families who enroll in the PTO lunch fundraiser and benefit from it must pay an annual membership fee of $10. One copy of the school directory is included in your PTO membership. Every family at Oak Grove has a $8 party fee per child applied to their account. It may be helpful to visit the vendors or contact the PTO lunch coordinators, listed on the following page, with questions about specific food items. Discuss the food items with your children before registering. Lunches are designed to accommodate ONE child. Registering with the intent of sharing will result in a cancellation of lunches. We CANNOT accommodate special orders during registration. We CANNOT accommodate or refund missed lunches due to illness or unscheduled absences. Lunches are scheduled for the year pursuant to Oak Grove’s school calendar. Missed meals because of field trips or snow days may or may NOT be made up at the discretion of the respective lunch coordinators and/or the vendors. Refunds will not be issued for missed lunches for any reason. Dates for all lunches will be published by the end of August. Kindergarten through 2nd grade IDs will be kept in the classroom and distributed before lunch each day. Fourth through eighth grade students are responsible for their own IDs. Students without ID’s will need to wait for their lunches while their order is verified and after all students with IDs have been served. This can result in a VERY short amount of time to eat. BRING YOUR ID! Refunds will not be issued for missed lunches. A $5 fee will be charged for replacement of lost IDs. Replacement IDs can take up to two weeks to be processed as they are no longer done at Oak Grove. Replacement IDs are delivered to teachers. IDs that are defaced and illegible will be considered the same as a lost ID. Changes, additions and/or deletions for each individual PTO lunch day will only be accepted until September 14th, 2015. This gives your child the chance to try each of their lunches once and change it if needed. Please note that if your child misses the first lunch, they will not have another chance to try the lunch before th changes are complete. Absolutely NO hot lunch changes will be made after September 14 , 2015 th There will be a “bye” week where no PTO lunches will be served. This will be September 15 -18th. This will help facilitate changes made to lunch orders. Please send a sack lunch with your child every day this week. th All changes to a child’s PTO lunch can be made online at, before September 14 . Refunds greater than $11.00 created by PTO lunch changes will be issued by the end of November. th Balances unpaid by October 30 , 2015 will result in the suspension of PTO lunches. No refunds under $11.00 will be issued. Accounts with unpaid balances from the previous year will not receive lunches until the balance is paid, including late fees or unpaid party fees. The PTO Registrar must be notified of termination of PTO lunches due to withdrawal from school. As the food for PTO lunches is ordered a week or more in advance of serving the lunch, refunds will be issued as of one week from notification to the PTO Registrar or the withdrawal date, whichever is later. Notification can be sent to [email protected] Assistance may be available for families with financial issues. Please speak to the superintendent at the school regarding the Helping Hands Fund. The Helping Hands Fund is run by the school (not the PTO) and helps families in need with PTO expenses. All donations and requests are anonymous. The Parent on the Go donation is for parents who wish to make a fundraiser donation at the time of registration, and not participate in any further fundraisers during the year. Items designated gluten free or vegetarian are designated to help you choose items appropriate for your child, but we cannot certify that any item is vegetarian or gluten free. We STRONGLY encourage parents to check with individual restaurants if you have concerns about allergens. You may order milk for your child through the school. Milk is NOT handled by the PTO. ONE form PER FAMILY DIRECTORY FORM Each year the PTO publishes a school directory in which the names and addresses of all school families are listed. Your phone number and email will also be listed in the directory unless you notify us via this form that you do not want them published. Your PTO dues ($10) cover the cost of one copy of the school directory; additional copies can be purchased for $5 on the Summary Sheet. If parents live in separate residences, each parent may fill out a form. Please indicate the child’s primary residence. This will appear in the directory. Father’s Name _____________________________ __________________________________ last first Mother’s Name_______________________ last Address ____________________________________ first __________________________________________________________________ Street (include Road, Street, Lane, Circle, etc.) __________________________________________________________________ city zip code Primary Phone Number (only 1 per family, please) _____________________Do Not Publish in Directory Primary Email (only 1 per family, please) _____________________________ Do Not Publish in Directory Current Oak Grove Student Information: (list youngest to oldest) Grade First Name Last Name (if different from parents) _________ ________________________ _______________________ (Youngest) _________ ________________________ _______________________ _________ ________________________ _______________________ _________ ________________________ _______________________ _________ ________________________ _______________________ (Oldest) Oak Grove School PTO Registration Packet for 2015-2016 Family Last Name: __________________________________ Home Phone: _______________ (If parent or guardian name is different from child’s, please list both) Please list children youngest oldest: Child #1 Child #2 Child #3 Child #4 Child #5 Name: ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Total Lunch Cost: ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Home Rom Party $ $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 Child Total: ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Family Total ________ Annual PTO Dues ___10.00_ (covers the cost of one school directory) # ________ Additional Directories @ $5 each ________ Balance from 2014-2015 school year ________ $25 Late Fee (if received after 3:00 PM on June 12TH, 2015) ________ Donation to Helping Hands Fund ________ Parent on the Go Fundraiser Option ________ #_______Oak Grove Calendar @ $10 each ________ TOTAL DUE: Payment Method: o o o o o o $ Cash Check #_______ Please make check payable to Oak Grove PTO, one check per family. DO NOT STAPLE checks to this form. Write students full name or ID# on memo line. Checks can be mailed in the WHITE envelope provided with registration materials. Do not mail ANY forms with the check. Forms must be mailed to or dropped off in the school offices. th At least half of your payment due is required at time of registration, by June 12 , 2015. The remaining balance must st be paid by August 1st, 2015. Registration balances not paid in full by August 1 , 2015 will result in the suspension of hot lunches. All families participating in the PTO Lunch Fundraiser are required to be a dues paying member of the PTO. Please pay the $10 annual dues above. The $8 party fee is applied to all students in all grades. th Current families/students who do not register and pay by 3:00 PM on June 12 will be charged a $25 late registration fee. PLEASE BE AWARE: Every child will be required to provide their own drink. Parents can order milk for their child (through the school), send a drink with their child or provide a reusable water bottle of their choice. After every lunch has been served once, approximately the month of September, there will be a “bye” week where no lunches will be served. This will make it easier for any changes made during September to be applied to the remaining lunches. Remember to send a sack lunch with your child during this week! All lunches are priced as a box lunch and served with 2 side items. Sides may vary and will include a fruit, vegetable or yogurt, and a dessert. Quesadilla/Hot Dog – Monday. Quesadilla is one 9” flour tortilla with mozzarella cheese available with or without (V) chicken. Hot dog is Vienna Beef with ketchup and mustard on the side. Salad (G,V) is iceberg lettuce with cucumber, tomatoes, and carrots served with ranch or Italian dressing on the side. Meal includes chips & salsa and a Rice Krispy Treat. Served 16 times per year. ___Cheese Quesadilla – 9” flour quesadilla with mozzarella cheese $60.00 ______ ___Chicken Quesadilla 9” flour quesadilla with mozzarella cheese & chicken $68.00 ______ ___Vienna Beef Hot Dog $48.00 ______ ___Main Meal Salad (G,V)- iceberg lettuce, tomato, cucumber- ranch or Italian dressing $60.00 ______ (THEN choose an additional item if you wish. You may ONLY choose one or more of these items if you have already picked a main item from the list above.) ___Extra Cheese quesadilla $40.00 ______ ___Extra Chicken Quesadilla $48.00 ______ ___Extra Hot Dog $28.00 ___Side Salad (G,V)-mixed greens, tomato, cucumber $40.00 ______ Total for Quesadilla/Hot Dog Monday ______ JERSEY MIKE’S MONDAY. – All lunches served with two sides - Served 15 times per year. Subs are 5”, available on fresh baked wheat roll and are made with meat and/or cheese only. Lettuce, mayo and mustard are available on the side. Mixed greens salad (G,V) includes tomato, cucumber and green pepper with ranch dressing on side, available as meal or side. Sub-In-a-Tub (G) is turkey, lettuce and provolone cheese layered in a container - no bun. Meal includes two sides. ___Club ___Ham ___Turkey ___Cheese (V) ___ Sub-In-a-Tub (G) is turkey, lettuce and provolone cheese. ___Main Meal Salad (G,V) (mixed greens with tomato, cucumber and green pepper with ranch dressing) $76.50 $76.50 $76.50 $76.50 $82.50 $43.50 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ (THEN choose an additional item if you wish. You may ONLY choose one or more of these items if you have already picked a main item from the list above.) ___Extra Club ___Extra Ham ___Extra Turkey ___Extra Cheese (V) ___Extra Sub-In-a-Tub (G) ___Side Salad (G,V) $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $67.50 $21.00 Total for Jersey Mike’s Monday ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ PANINO/POTATO TUESDAY – Baked potato (G) comes with bacon, sour cream, cheddar cheese, and butter on the side. Panino is half of the standard restaurant-size serving, served on Focaccia bread. The Italian Panino is made with ham, salami, pepperoni, and provolone. The Chicken Bacon Ranch Panino is made with chicken, bacon, and provolone. The Meatball Panino is made with meatballs, mozzarella cheese, and marinara sauce. Lettuce, tomatoes, and (Italian & Ranch) dressings are served on the side. The Chicken Caesar Salad (G) comes with croutons and dressing on the side. Main Salad (G,V) comes with tomato, black olives, and Italian dressing on the side. Meal includes two sides. Provided by Donati’s. Served 16 times per year. ___ Italian Panino- ham, salami, pepperoni & provolone on focaccia ___ Chicken bacon ranch Panino- chicken, bacon, provolone on focaccia ___Meatball Panino – meatballs, mozzarella cheese & marinara sauce ___Baked Potato (G) – served with bacon, sour cream, cheddar cheese & Butter $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 ______ ______ ______ $79.20 ______ $79.20 ______ (sandwiches have choice of ranch or Italian dressing and lettuce & tomato on side) ___ Chicken Caesar salad (G)– chicken, romaine, parmesan, croutons (served with bread) ___ Main Meal Salad (G,V) – lettuce, tomato, black olives, Italian dressing (served with bread) (THEN choose an additional item if you wish. You may ONLY choose one or more of these items if you have already picked a main item from the list above.) ___Extra Italian Panino $56.00 ______ ___Extra Chicken bacon ranch Panino $56.00 ______ ___Extra Meatball Panino $56.00 ______ ___Extra Baked Potato (G) $56.00 ___Side Salad (G,V) – served with bread $56.00 ______ ___Extra Chicken Caesar salad (G) – chicken, romaine, parmesan, croutons, $56.00 ______ & Italian Dressing Total for Donati’s Panino Tuesday ______ PANERA TUESDAY – Macaroni & cheese (V), chicken noodle soup; plain bagel with cream cheese (V), house salad (G,V). Soup and macaroni & cheese also come with bread. Salad is made with cucumber, tomato and balsamic dressing on side. Meal includes two sides. Served 16 times per year. ___Macaroni & Cheese $96.80 ______ ___Chicken Noodle Soup $93.60 ______ ___Bagel & Cream Cheese – plain bagel $69.60 ______ ___Main Meal Salad (G,V) – mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, vinaigrette $78.40 ______ (THEN choose an additional item if you wish. You may ONLY choose one or more of these items if you have already picked a main item from the list above.) ___Extra Macaroni & Cheese $72.00 ______ ___Extra Chicken Noodle Soup $68.80 ______ ___Extra Bagel & Cream Cheese $44.80 ______ ___Side Salad (G,V) - mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, vinaigrette $53.60 ______ Total for Panera Tuesday ______ PIZZA WEDNESDAY – All lunches served with two ides -Served 16 times per year Cheese (V) or low-fat turkey pepperoni pizza, mixed greens salad (G,V). Salad comes with shredded carrots, grape tomatoes and ranch dressing. Main meal includes two sides. Provided by Domino’s. (Choose one item) ___Cheese pizza – one slice (V) $45.60 ______ ___Pepperoni pizza- one slice $45.60 ______ ___Main Meal Salad (G,V)- mixed greens, tomatoes, carrots, Ranch dressing $70.40 ______ (THEN choose an additional item if you wish. You may ONLY choose one or more of these items if you have already picked a main item from the list above.) ___Extra piece(s) of cheese pizza (indicate number of slices) (V) $24.00 x #of slices ______ ___Extra piece(s) of pepperoni pizza (indicate number of slices) $24.00 x #of slices ______ ___Side Salad (G,V)- mixed greens, tomatoes, carrots, Ranch dressing $48.00 ______ Total for Pizza Wednesday ______ PASTA WEDNESDAY – Penne pasta (V) with marinara sauce, Penne pasta (V) with butter, cheese ravioli (V), Chicken Caesar salad, side salad, two meatballs. The Chicken Caesar salad (G) is served with croutons on the side. Main salad (G,V) comes with tomato, black olives and Italian dressing on side. All main meals served with bread and two sides. Provided by Donati’s. - Served 16 times per year (Choose one item) ___Penne with marinara sauce (V) $83.20 ______ ___Penne with butter (V) $83.20 ______ ___Cheese ravioli (V) $95.20 ______ ___Chicken Caesar Salad -chicken, romaine, parmesan, croutons (served with bread) $75.20 ______ ___Main meal salad(G,V) – lettuce, tomato, black olives, Italian dressing $75.20 ______ (THEN choose an additional item if you wish. You may ONLY choose one or more of these items if you have already picked a main item from the list above.) ___Extra order penne with marinara sauce (V) $56.00 ______ ___Extra order penne with butter (V) $56.00 ______ ___Extra order cheese ravioli (V) $68.00 ______ ___Two meatballs $24.00 ______ ___Side Salad (G,V)- lettuce, tomato, black olives $68.00 ______ ___Extra Chicken Caesar Salad -chicken, romaine, parmesan, croutons, Italian $52.00 ______ (served with bread) Total for Donati’s Pasta Wednesday ______ CULVER’S THURSDAY – Chicken tenders – all white-meat chicken. Grilled cheese (V) – sourdough bread with 2 slices of low-fat American cheese. Hamburger, cheeseburger – all-beef, grilled patty on 4” hamburger bun. Cheese is low fat. Mixed green salad (G,V) available as main or side comes with tomato, cucumber, cheddar cheese and Ranch dressing. Gluten free hamburger (G) served with a gluten free bun on the side. Meal includes two sides. Condiments and dipping sauces are available on side. - Served 16 times per year. (Choose one item) ___Grilled Cheese (V) – sourdough bread with 2 slices American cheese $64.00 ______ ___Gluten Free Hamburger (G) – served with gluten free bun on the side $81.60 ______ ___Chicken Tenders – 2 pieces of breaded white meat chicken $72.00 ______ ___Hamburger $69.60 ______ ___Cheeseburger $72.00 ______ ___Main Meal Salad (G,V) -mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, cheddar with ranch dressing $30.00 ______ (THEN choose an additional item if you wish. You may ONLY choose one or more of these items if you have already picked a main item from the list above.) ___Extra Grilled Cheese (V) $36.00 ______ ___Extra Gluten Free Hamburger $53.60 ______ ___Extra Chicken Tenders – 2 pieces $44.00 ______ ___Extra Hamburger $41.60 ______ ___Extra Cheesburger $44.00 ______ ___Side Salad (G,V)- mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, shred cheddar, ranch dressing on the side $36.00 ______ Total for Culver’s Thursday ______ PANDA EXPRESS THURSDAY – Wok Smart beef and broccoli, Wok Smart chicken with string beans, orange chicken, mixed vegetables (G,V) (broccoli, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, green beans). Each main meal is 5-6 oz. served with 9 oz. of steamed white rice (about 1 cup). Rice side is 16 oz. (about 2 cups). All meals come with 1 fortune cookie. Veggie spring roll (V) includes cabbage, celery, carrots, green onions and Chinese noodle wrapped in thin wonton skin. Served 16 times per year. (Choose one item) ___Broccoli Beef – Wok smart and rice $84.00 ______ ___Chicken with Green Beans – Wok smart and rice $84.00 ______ ___Orange Chicken – and rice $84.00 ______ ___Steamed Veggies & Rice (G,V)- broccoli, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, green bean $48.00 ______ (THEN choose an additional item if you wish. You may ONLY choose one or more of these items if you have already picked a main item from the list above.) ___Extra Broccoli Beef & Rice $80.00 ______ ___Extra Chicken with Green Beans & Rice $80.00 ______ ___Extra Orange Chicken & Rice $80.00 ______ ___ ExtraSteamed Veggies (G,V)-broccoli, cabbage, carrots, zucchini $44.00 ______ And green beans ___Extra Rice (G,V) $36.00 ______ ___2 spring rolls (V)- cabbage, celery, carrots, green onions, Chinese noodle in wonton $28.00 ______ Total for Panda Express Thursday ______ TOTAL FOR ALL LUNCHES ORDERED ___________ (Transfer this number to the summary page.) G = item is gluten free V = item is vegetarian We add this designation to help you choose items appropriate for your child, but we cannot certify that any item is vegetarian or gluten free. We STRONGLY encourage parents to check with individual restaurants if you have concerns about allergens. ONE form PER VOLUNTEER PTO Volunteer Opportunities WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! The Oak Grove Parent Teacher Organization is already busy making plans for the 2015-2016 school year and we are hoping that you are planning on participating. By joining the PTO you are under no obligation to help with PTO functions or activities, but we would love your support, talents and ideas! We have an active PTO with over 40 different committees, which always need volunteers. Sign up with this form and you will be contacted when the committee needs you. We are looking forward to another terrific year of service to our school. If you are interested in assisting, please sign up below. We have condensed many of the previous committees, so we can better utilize this program. A small amount of your time can make a BIG difference! The Oak Grove PTO meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month. Attendance at the PTO meetings is not necessary to volunteer for a committee. Please read over the list below and check any boxes that may interest you and then return the entire form with your other registration materials. All profits from fundraising activities are used to benefit students at Oak Grove School. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer your time and talents, please attend our monthly meetings (first Wednesday, 9 am, Teacher’s Lounge), or contact a committee chairperson or PTO board member. Thank you!! THANKS FOR VOLUNTEERING! NAME OF VOLUNTEER ________________________________ PHONE NUMBER ___________________ EMAIL ADDRESS ____________________________ CLASSROOM VOLUNTEERS o Computer Lab Volunteer Assist in the elementary or junior high computer lab. o Grade Room Parent for Grade _____ Liaison between grade teacher representative and head room parents. Initiates four party planning meetings. o Head Room Parent for Grade _____ In charge of coordinating parents in your child’s classroom for each party during school year. o Room Parent for Grade _____ Help facilitate parties in your child’s class. OAK GROVE VOLUNTEERS o Baking Volunteers Provide baked goods as needed throughout the year for special events. o Last Minute Volunteers Can be called within 24-48 hours to help out at various events as needed… such as filling in for absent hot lunch volunteers. o Office Help Assist in various tasks as needed throughout the year. These tasks may include typing, stapling, photocopying, administrative/office assistant, help stuff EAGLES folders for the first day of school and registration packets at the end of the school year. o Staff Appreciation Meals Planning and serving breakfast, lunch or dinner to the staff throughout the year. FAMILY EVENT VOLUNTEERS o Eagle Extravaganza Help organize event, coordinate merchants, set up and take down. Held in conjunction with Mall in the Hall. o Ice Cream Social Help serve ice cream during our annual Ice Cream Socials held during each night of Spring Open Houses. o Mall in the Hall Volunteers needed to set up and clean up as well as assisting children while shopping the “mall”, wrap presents or check out. Mall in the Hall is usually held one Saturday morning early in December. o Pancake Breakfast Assist chairperson with decorations, set-up, serving and clean up. Held in conjunction with Mall in the Hall. Usually held one Saturday morning early in December o Snowflake Assist with putting folders together for the 7th and 8th grade drug awareness program in October. This is held in conjunction with Hawthorn School on a Friday or Saturday night. o Variety Show th th Help directors plan and run the annual Spring Variety show for grades 5 – 8 . Duties include signups, ticket sales, concessions, backstage, etc. o Welcome Committee/New Parent Orientation Assist new families throughout the year by giving tours of the school and helping them get acquainted with the school and PTO programs. FUNDRAISER VOLUNTEERS o Candy Sales Assist with the distribution of candy sale forms, tally orders and distribute on the day of pick up. Usually runs during the month of November with pick up in early December. o Market Day Sort, stack and hand out pre-ordered food items for the monthly pick-up in the school cafeteria. This is a 1-2 hour commitment after school. Volunteer for one month or all year! o Spiritwear Assist chairperson with order taking, form processing and distribution. PTO LUNCH VOLUNTEERS o PTO Lunch Days Help serve food at one of our PTO lunch days. Help is needed from 11:00am-1:00pm in both cafeterias. Great opportunity to see your kids at school! Sign up for one or more days. If you have a specific day of the week that works for you, but don’t care which lunch you serve, please check the OPEN box. We will assign you to the lunch (served that day) that most needs volunteers. You will be part of that lunch for the rest of the year. A great way to meet new people! Monday PTO Lunches Elem. Jr. High Wednesday PTO Lunches Elem. Jr. High Jersey Mikes o o Pasta Day o o Quesadilla/Hot Dog o o Pizza Day o o Tuesday PTO Lunches o Elem. Jr. High Panino/Potato o o Panera Day o Thursday PTO Lunches o o Elem. Jr. High Culver’s o Panda Express o o Substitute/Fill In Volunteer – You will be put on a list of names that coordinators can call if they are in need of help. No commitment, just a list for coordinators to start from. SCHOOL EVENT VOLUNTEERS o Anderson Jr. High Book Fair- Fall Assist the children in recording and purchasing their book selections, help straighten displays, help with set up or take down, etc. o Red Ribbon Week Assist during the month of October with counting pencils, stickers, etc. for this important alcohol and drug awareness program held for the entire school. o Scholastic Book Fair- Fall Assist the children in recording and purchasing their book selections, help straighten displays, help with set up or take down, etc. This event is held in late November. o Scholastic Book Fair- Spring Assist the children in recording and purchasing their book selections, help straighten displays, help with set up or take down, etc. This event is held in early May. SOCIAL NIGHTS Help plan and facilitate evening event. o K-1 Social Night o 2-3 Social Night o 4-5 Social Night o 6, 7 Social Night
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