BOOKENDS March ~ April 2014 The Mystic & Noank Library Newsletter KEEPING OUR LIBRARY JOHN CASEY, BOARD OF TRUSTEES s a patron and the Co-President of our wonderful Library, no one needs to convince me that libraries are important. But often I have to articulate the reasons why our Library, and libraries in general, are still important and why they continue to deserve the support of our community. To that end, I keep my eyes open for new research, stories, and commentaries about libraries. Here is what I have learned from some of the recent articles I have read. First, you might expect that the introduction of e-readers will eventually lead to the extinction of traditional books, just as iPods were the end of music CDs, cassettes and albums. However, a recent study released by the Pew Research Center found that, while the proportion of Americans who read e-books is growing, few have completely replaced print books with electronic versions. The study covers many topics, but to me, the fact that people are not abandoning traditional books means that the core service we provide is not going away any time soon. Moreover, the fact that more Americans have e-readers than ever (and this number is surely going to rise) providing e-books (one of our more recent services) gives us another opportunity to serve our patrons. Second, adding services like e-books is one example of how libraries like ours have evolved to meet the modern needs of our patrons and shows that, rather than be replaced by technology, libraries today need to embrace technology while continuing to provide the social interaction that is otherwise absent in reading alone. Indeed, a New Republic article, “The Revolution at Your Community Library: New Media, New Community Centers,” notes how community libraries are often “heavily used, not-for-profit communal spaces that facilitate many and various kinds of informal social interactions and private uses.” This describes our Library perfectly, as our meeting rooms are nearly always filled with local community groups. Lastly, there were three pieces about the importance of libraries that I found very inspiring. I will not attempt to summarize their eloquent words here, but will instead leave you with the following passage by author Neil Gaiman, which serves as a reminder to me why we must be ever vigilant advocates of our Library, and of all libraries: A 4th Annual Indoor Tag Sale March 28 & 29 We have an obligation to support libraries. To use libraries, to encourage others to use libraries, to protest the closure of libraries. If you do not value libraries then you do not value information or culture or wisdom. You are silencing the voices of the past and you are damaging the future. Thank you for all you do to support our Library. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Here are the URLs for the pages John mentions: why_libraries_deserve_to_be_hip/ FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK LOIS HILLER "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." John Fitzgerald Kennedy F or the first time, the Mystic & Noank Library will be represented in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Our Library Book-Cart Drill Team will bravely and decorously step out to represent the Library and engage in few “cart-pushing routines.” The parade is Sunday March 23 at 1 p.m. It is a large and entertaining parade, and a terrific community event. Come and cheer us on! May love and laughter light Divine Fury: A History of Genius by your days, and warm your Darrin M. McMahon discusses heart and home. the evolution of society’s attitude May good and faithful toward those extraordinary indifriends be yours, wherever viduals thought to possess the you may roam. May peace and plenty bless transcendent power of genius. In your world with joy that long different times the concept of endures. genius has been described as beMay all life's passing seaing possessed by demons or sons bring the best to you gods, miraculous creativity, and and yours! – old Irish Blessing scoring high on tests. Daniel Hannon, in Inventing Freedom, provides an historical account of the origin and spread of the principles of freedom, including the rule of law, personal freedom, a representative government, and an independent judiciary. English common law gave us a language and a tradition that led us to civilization. How can we keep and protect our freedom? FRIENDS REPORT DEVELOPMENT OFFICE NEWS SALLY SALANCY, PRESIDENT OF THE FRIENDS SALLY HALSEY pring is here and there’s a lot happening at Mystic & Noank Library! First up is the Friends’ Fourth Annual Indoor Tag Sale, on March 28 and 29. The Cellar-Dwellers are still accepting donations during regular Library hours, so bring in the wedding gift you never used or the abandoned stuffed animals in need of a new home. Then, be sure to shop at the Tag Sale from 10 to 5 on Friday, and 10 to 2 on Saturday. You’ll find treasures you can’t live without! But wait! Sunday, March 30, is the Eighth Annual Edible Book Festival in Groton! Held at Groton Public Library, this delicious event is sponsored by the Friends of all three Groton libraries, i.e., Mystic & Noank, Groton Public, and Bill Memorial. But the Edible Book Festival isn’t just local. It’s celebrated internationally on the Sunday nearest April Fool’s Day. Entries must refer to a book, be edible, in good taste and, most important, taste good! It’s especially fun when the whole family joins in. Think Olive or Twist, The Grapes of Math, and Life of Pie. (See Join in! Get an entry form at the Library, fill it in, and submit it by 5:00 on Thursday, March 20! On Sunday, March 30, . The doors open for set-up by 1:15, and the fun begins at 1:30! Walk around the room, enjoy all the other entries and try to guess the title behind each. Also, be sure to buy raffle tickets for a chance to win a bag of books donated by one of the libraries. Don’t want to participate? Then, just come for the fun. But don’t be late, because after we admire all the entries, we eat them! If you still have questions, please call the Library, at 860-536-7721. April is another busy month, with Honor Book Days, on Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12 and National Library Week, April 13 through 19. Elsewhere in this issue you’ll see the list of special National Library Week programs at Mystic & Noank. The Library Fair’s Silent Auction opens on May 6. Look for binders with gift certificates and others with bidding sheets. You’ll have the rest of May to outbid other people, so bid early and often. Spring is always busy at our Library, so join us any way you can. Attend a meeting, shop at the Tag Sale, try out the Edible Books Festival, buy books on Honor Book Days, put in your bids at the Silent Auction, and, most importantly, mark your calendar for the Library Fair, on Saturday, June 7. am very appreciative of the support that the Board Development Committee, led by Suzie Canning, gives to the Development Office. We meet regularly to discuss and strategize on how we can do better - for the community and for the Library. How can we meet or surpass our Annual Fund goal? How can we look to the future by building our endowment? How can we get the word out beyond our regular patrons about all the things we have to offer? How can we have a fundraiser that tops the past two years’ events? If you have any ideas and are interested in helping us, please give me a call 860-572-8191 or email ([email protected]). S See you at the Mystic & Noank Library! I Since our last issue we have received: Gifts in Memory of: Betty Wheeler Charles Hevenor Gifts in Honor of: Barry Boodman Jim Hands Gifts in Kind: Jane and David Hoddinott Michael Marciano Sponsorships and Grants: Chelsea Groton Bank (Shred-It Day) GREAT PROGRAMS COMING UP! Saturday, March 22 ~ 1 to 4 p.m. Fifty Wonders of Korea and Korea Today uests will view a documentary on Korean art and industrial achievements. There will also be a reenactment of a traditional Korean wedding with costumes and a traditional Korean meal will be served. The program and meal are free and suitable for all ages, but space is limited. Registration is required by calling (860) 536-7721, emailing [email protected], or in person at the Library’s Circulation Desk. G Saturdays at 2:00 p.m. ~ April 5 to May 3 International Film Series April 5 ~ Nine Queens (Argentina, 2000) April 12 ~ Children of Heaven (Iran, 1997) April 19 ~ Poetry (South Korea, 2010) April 26 ~ Lemon Tree (Israel, 2008) May 5 ~ Strawberry and Chocolate (Cuba, 1993) NEW SPRING CONCERT SERIES All concerts take place in the beautiful second floor of the Library from 6 to 7:30 p.m.. They are free, with a suggested donation of $10 per person. Space is limited; pre-register by calling 860-536-7721 or email [email protected]. March 14 ~ Musical Conversations at the Harpsichord Elena Zamalodchikova and Aymeric Dupré la Tour will perform harpsichord solos and duets from the Renaissance and Baroque keyboard repertoire on magnificent instruments handmade by Zuckermann Harpsichords International in Stonington, CT. April 17 ~ The Amaryllis Ensemble Christine Coyle (cello), Diane Orson (violin) and Jill Levine (viola) will play works from Mozart, Hummel, Telemann and Schubert as well as a collection of songs from Gershwin to Edith Piaf. May 9 ~ Classical Guitarist Neil Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick, a graduate of the Hartt School of Music and Yale School of Music, will play pieces by Villa-Lobos, Tarrega, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mertz, and his own compositions. Honor Book Days at Bank Square Books Friday, April 11 & Saturday, April 12 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Bank Square Books in historic downtown Mystic, is hosting the 13th Annual Honor Book Days to support the Mystic & Noank Library. Through the generosity of the Mystic community and the owners of Bank Square Books, these two days have become a popular way to donate directly to the Library. Books for all tastes will be available for purchase, including children’s books, cookbooks, travel books, novels and non-fiction. Patrons are invited to browse through the selected titles and purchase one or more in honor of a friend or loved one. A custom bookplate will be put in the chosen book, leaving a permanent record of the donation. Monday, April 14 – 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 16 – 7:00 p.m. Geoff Kaufman presents: So Long From Home: A Connecticut War of 1812 Tale in Prose and Song Using Benjamin Franklin Palmer’s own prose, Kaufman presents a fascinating piece of Connecticut history in song and commentary. Palmer left Stonington in 1813 to privateer against the British, but was promptly captured and held as prisoner. He kept a journal with detailed descriptions of the conditions he endured. Kaufman is lead chanteyman at Mystic Seaport and Director of the Sea Music Festival. Tuesday, April 22 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. AARP Safe Driver Class The course fee is $12 for AARP members, $14 for nonmembers and is payable by check or cash at the first class. Participants will receive a certificate upon completing the class, which may reduce automobile insurance premiums. Space is limited, so registration is required by calling 860-536-7721 or at the Circulation Desk. Tuesday, April 29 – 7 p.m. How to Pay “Wholesale” for College Andy Lockwood, author, attorney and college finance consultant, leads a workshop giving little-known college finance “loopholes” that families can employ to easily and comfortably send their children to top colleges. Learn how to triple eligibility for grants and scholarships, how to avoid mistakes in the financial aid process, the truth about athletic scholarships, and more. The discussion is free and open to the public but preregistration is required since space is limited. For more information or to register, call 860-536-7721 or visit Saturday, May 10 – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Shred-It Day Chelsea Groton Bank is once again sponsoring a free shredding event at the Mystic & Noank Library. A Shred-It truck will be in the Library parking lot and will accept any papers for safe and convenient disposal, with a limit of 3 bags or boxes of papers. Staples may remain on papers. The Library cannot accept papers for shredding before the date of the event, and participants must Battlefields of the Pequot War Join Kevin McBride, Battlefields of the Pequot War project dispose of plastic bags and boxes. This event is free and open to the community. We will accept donations of director and associate professor of anthropology at UConn, for a free public program which will present the canned goods for the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center results of recent archaeological excavations at the site of and Groton Social Services. May 15 ~ 6 p.m. ~ Spicer Society Reception Mistick Fort and the English withdrawal route through Named after the Library's first and most generous doMystic and Groton. This program is supported by the nor, Elihu Spicer, the Society recognizes those who have National Park Service American Battlefield Protection given $2,500 or more in lifetime giving to the Mystic & Program, the Institute for Museum and Library Services, Noank Library Annual Fund. To learn more, call 860and UConn. Space is limited. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. 572-8191 or email [email protected] .This event is by invitation only. CHILDREN’S ROOM CHAT ROBERTA DONAHUE pring Preschool Story Times begin the week of March 24 and run for 8 weeks through May 16. Class sizes are limited and class registration is determined on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration may be done in person in the Children's Room or by telephone at 860-536-7721. The following descriptions explain the programs currently offered: Lapsit Storytime: Each class is filled with stories, songs, crafts, finger plays and other book-related activities. Ages: 6 - 23 Months Session One Fridays at 10:00 a.m. Session Two Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. S Toddler - Just 2's to Just 3's: Toddlers and a caregiver will spend 30 minutes listening to stories, singing songs, doing crafts and participating in play time. Ages: 2 - 3 Years Session One Thursdays at 10:45 a.m. Session Two Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Three Year Olds: The first of the storytime programs in which children participate independently from their caregivers. This program lasts for 45 minutes and promotes the joy of books, book related activities and crafts. Ages: 3 Years Session One Mondays at 10:30 a.m. Four and Fives: A full program of books, activities, crafts and fun, this 45 minute class is designed for the reading interests of four and five year old preschoolers. Ages: 4 - 5 Years Session One Tuesdays at 1:15 p.m. Preschool Drop-In: Theme based Drop-In Story Times for preschoolers. Ages: 2 - 6 Years Fridays at 11:00 a.m. Ages: 3 - 6 Years Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. National Library Week Children's Program with the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center, Saturday, April 19 at 11:00 a.m. Reading Contest March 31 to May 3 The Children’s Room is hosting a Library Reading Contest. To enter, stop by the Children’s Room anytime starting at the end of March to pick up your reading log (and pick up some library books to read too!). Keep track of how much time you read between March 31 and noon on May 3. Be sure to hand in your reading logs by noon on May 3. We have prize baskets and we will be announcing our winners soon after! Fizz, Boom, Read! We are getting ready for this year's Summer Reading Program, "Fizz, Boom, Read," and we are planning some great events and activities. The program runs from June 23 to August 2. We will follow the same format as last year and will have Monday afternoon Teen Programs, Tuesday afternoon Performers, Tuesday Night Movies, Drop-In StoryTimes, Thursday Afternoon Science Programs, Friday Lego Clubs, Friday Afternoon Movies and Saturday Chess Club. And stay tuned for details on our new Summer Reading Program for Adults! FRONT & CENTER KATE NELSON ately the most frequent subject of conversation at the Circulation Desk has been the weather. Since I grew up in the Midwest, I’ve always had trouble understanding why people don’t seem to like the small storms we have here in Southeastern Connecticut. Why, when I was a kid I don’t remember school being cancelled very often, and certainly not for a snowfall of less than 10 inches. I do remember having to walk home in a blizzard because the city buses stopped running. I guess all that gave me an appreciation for the white stuff. We’ve had to close the Library due to the weather more than we would like, but the safety of patrons and staff is our biggest concern. Please don’t worry about returning your materials if conditions are hazardous. If you can let us know that you won’t be able to get them back on time, we will be happy to renew them for you. The past couple of weeks were challenging for the Connecticar statewide book delivery system, too. Between snowstorms and holidays, we missed deliveries for over a week. We had so many books to be returned to other libraries that some of us made deliveries ourselves. It made me realize how much we depend on the state van service. This service is part of the State Library budget to which each library contributes. Cuts are often threatened due to budget reductions. I hope that it won’t come to that, because Connecticar allows public libraries in this state to share their resources, and that is what libraries are all about. L Art in the Ames Room During regular Library hours when the room is not in use. March ~ Historic Photos of Mystic Courtesy of the Mystic River Historical Society and the Mystic Art Center April ~ Mystic Calligraphers Open House ~ Wednesday April 9 ~ 6 p.m. Library Bridge Shifts Into High Gear here has been a significant amount of game activity in the Library Bridge League over the last couple of months. Missy Evans and Prudy Hignett have moved into first place in the high game competition with a score of 4,040. In second place are Marge Conway and Judy Hicks with a score of 3,350. The former leaders, Julie Doering and Rowlie Stebbins, have slipped to third place with a score of 3,200. Marge and Judy bid and made a small slam to join this exclusive group. We have lost a couple of teams in Flight B so it has now been re-scheduled as a six-team Flight with some round-robin bridge required to attain a seven game season. May is just around the corner, so schedule those remaining bridge games now. T AARP Tax-Aide Income Tax Help ertified volunteers from AARP will be available to do your federal and state income tax returns with you from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the following Tuesday evenings: 3/25, 4/1, and 4/8. It is expected that three counselors will be available each evening. A signup sheet is available at the Circulation Desk. Please bring positive picture identification, all of your tax paperwork and last year’s tax return to the appointment. There is no charge for this service. C Indoor Volunteer Day a Huge Success Spring Grounds Volunteer Day Is Just Around the Corner he Indoor Volunteer Day was held on February 8. A large group of volunteers made quick work of the list of things to do. Stacks were dusted, woodwork was wiped down, many light bulbs were replaced, bathroom repairs were made, and the large rolling magazine rack on the second floor was modified so that now it actually rolls. An enthusiastic group from ARC of New London joined us for the morning. Our other volunteers included: Lou Allyn, Barry & Linda Boodman, Todd Brady, Gail Cleere, Marlene Estabrooks, Alan Greener, Mike Hewitt, Mike Johnson, Madeline Little, Chuck McDonnell, John McHugh, Alex Apshal, John Porter, Roger Richards, Patricia Tucchio, and Ian & Paul Weigle. The Spring Grounds Cleanup will be held from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 5. Mark your calendars now. A signup sheet is available at the Circulation Desk. Although drop-ins are always welcome, prior signups allow for better work planning. T BOOK CLUB CORNER MARILYN BARR f there is a silver lining to be found in this cold and snowy winter, it has been the numerous ‘snow days’ – that unplanned-for time that one spends reading while the snow piles up outside. I put it to good use and read some wonderful novels I highly recommend to you: Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri; Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert; Someone by Alice McDermott; Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel and TransAtlantic by Colum McCann. All are available as Audiobooks on CD also. Our Book Clubs missed their February meeting but should be ready for their Spring schedule. Meetings are free and open to all. Books are available in advance at the Circulation Desk. I Afternoon Book Club (First Wednesday at 1 p.m) April 2 ~ Boo, Katherine ~ Behind the Beautiful Forevers May 7 ~ Strout, Elizabeth ~The Burgess Boys June 4 ~ Shapiro, Barbara A. ~The Art Forger Evening Book Club (First Wednesday at 7 p.m) April 2 ~ Johnson, Denis ~ Angels May 7 ~ Erdrich, Louise ~ The Painted Drum June 4 ~ Gorman, Jacquelin ~The Viewing Room Civil War Book Club (Third Wednesday at 6 p.m) March 19 ~ A Stillness at Appomattox ~ Bruce Catton April 16 ~ Lincoln ~ David Herbert Dona Book Club Forum and Brown Bag Lunch Wednesday April 16 ~Noon to 2 p.m. Please check our website for further information. One-Day First Aid, CPR and AED Class Saturday, May 17 – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Presented by the Mystic River Ambulance Association, this 6-hour class will earn you an American Red Cross Heartsaver First Aid CRP AED certificate. Space is limited to 12 participants; pre-register by calling the Library at (860) 536-7721 or at the Circulation Desk. $10 per person, checks payable to the Mystic River Ambulance. Participants must be 13 or older. There will be brief breaks but please bring a bagged lunch. A SPECIAL OFFER FROM NORWICH OPHTHALMOLOGY GROUP 10% of the fee paid for Laser Vision Correction by any patron of The Mystic & Noank Library will be donated to the Library. Anish Shah, MD 79 Wawecus Street, Suite 105, Norwich CT 06360 860-889-5980 (Ask for Courtney) 4 Shaws Cove, New London CT 06320 188 Norwich Avenue, Colchester CT 06415 email: [email protected] WHAT’S HAPPENING @ YOUR LIBRARY Local Writers ~ Mondays at 4 p.m. HIGHLIGHTS Chess Club for Kids ~ Saturdays at 10 a.m. There’s so much going on! Be sure to read about everything inside this issue! The Mystic & Noank Library Friday & Saturday March 28 & 29 Indoor Tag Sale 40 Library Street ~ Mystic CT 06355 Phone ~ 860 - 536 - 7721 NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK Friday April 11 & Saturday April 12 ~ Fax ~ 860 - 536 - 2350 Honor Book Days at Bank Square Books Email ~ [email protected] Monday April 14 ~7:00 p.m. Battlefields of the Pequot War Visit us on the web at Wednesday April 16 ~ 12 to 2 p.m. Book Club Forum and Brown Bag Lunch Wednesday April 16 ~7:00 p.m. Geoff Kaufman Find us on Facebook! Thursday April 17 ~ 6:00 p.m. The Amaryllis Ensemble in concert We are open Friday April 18 ~ Closed for Good Friday Monday ~ Tuesday ~ Wednesday 10 to 9 Saturday April 19 ~ 11:00 a.m. Thursday ~ Friday ~ Saturday 10 to 5 Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center Summer Saturdays 9 to 1 program for kids Saturday April 19 ~ 2:00 p.m. International Film Series 4th Annual Indoor Tag Sale March 28 & 29 The Mystic & Noank Library 40 Library Street Mystic CT 06355 Non Profit Organization Presorted standard U. S. Postage PAID Permit No. 65 Mystic CT 06355
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