First Church Network 8:45 AM 9:50 AM 10:55 AM Early Light Sunday School Traditional Worship APRIL 2015 Page 12 Family Life Center Various Sanctuary First United Methodist Church NON=PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE 310 N. Main St. | Mocksville, NC 27028 PAID 336.751.2503 Fax: 336.751.1120 Permit No. 46 Mocksville, NC Preschool/Afterschool 336.753.1900 STAFF Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. Senior Pastor John Huneycutt Christian Education / Youth Barbara Basham Director of Music Preschool Director Allison Lambert Director of Afterschool Ministries Tommy Dunn Organist/Technology Teresa Lakey Financial Administrator Shane Butcher Financial Assistant Natalie Sanders Custodial Staff Taylor Slye Custodial Staff The church office will be closed Monday, April 6, 2015. MAIL TO: FIRST CHURCH NETWORK APRIL 2015 First Church Network APRIL 2015 Page 2 First Church Network APRIL 2015 Page 11 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS ~ APRIL 2015 From the Pastor, WELCOME NEW MEMBER SHIRLEY CODY 891 Yadkinville Road Apt 216 Mocksville NC 27028 Birthday 4/20 I am amazed by all that I see God doing at First UMC. Our Family Ministry team has launched an initiative to strengthen marriages with its large group event in late February and three small groups for marriage enrichment that started in March meeting on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday evenings. In April we plan a date night and are sending out an electronic magazine with ideas to strengthen marriages and encourage couple dates. What will you do to strengthen your marriage or the marriage of someone else? The Congregation Care teams have popped up like afternoon thunderstorms on a hot, summer afternoon offering care for those who have missed worship for several Sundays, college students, those in the military, the sick, the bereaved, those with birthdays, the hospitalized, the shut-in, those wanting to make new friends, those needing transportation, and those wanting help with wellness. How will you make First UMC the most caring church around? The Deep Roots Community Garden has prepared for a new year of gardening excellence. People can grow their own foods, share food with the needy and experience the blessings of dirt, air, water and sunshine. Please keep our confirmation class in your prayers as we journey together to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ who are transforming the world. The group had a field trip to Temple Emanuel in Winston-Salem in March learning about our Hebrew roots. We have planned a one-day retreat to the home of John and Shirley Cottle in late April. We have three confirmands this year: Zeb Chapman, Cren Rosenbaum and Adam Szewczyk. I hope everyone will participate in our upcoming Holy Week services and I urge each of us to identify and invite someone who does not have a church home to come and benefit from participation in these services. If you love the Lord and this church, I hope you will tell others and invite them to be a part of all that God is doing in our midst. In Christ, Pastor Glenn Date/Time Ushers 4/5 8:30 Chris Hanes Jerry Hendricks Greeters Refreshments Prayer Acolyte Alice Hanes Vickie Hendricks N/A Lynn Byerly Kaitlyn Foil 9:30 & 10:55 Mike & Teresa Deal Jacky Corriher David Barnes 10:55 Children’s Moment N/A Patsy Brewer Shirely Cottle Jimmy Kelly Giff Basham 4/12 8:45 Nursery London Dirks Angie Jordan N/A Sydney Dirks Rachel & Sam D. J. Hatley George Snyder Harold Wood Doris Snyder Amy Wood Jacky Corriher David Barnes Mike & Teresa Deal Doris & George Snyder Joeff Williams Judy Bailey Sandi Howell D. J. Hatley Sandy Sheek Jimmy Kelly 4/19 8:45 10:55 Clayton Peele Ronald Keister Phillip & Bobbie Morris Jacky Corriher David Barnes Kathleen Cartner Wink Hendricks Vickie & Jerry Hendricks Carl Lambert Lillian Sharpe Debra Stanley London Dirks Meg Brown Sydney Dirks Jean Hinshaw Jimmy Kelly 4/26 8:45 10:55 Jim Latham Glenn Miller Chinera Latham Doris Miller Jacky Corriher David Barnes Kathleen Cartner Wink Hendricks Jimmy Kelly Terri & Shane Butcher Chinera Latham Jayne Walker Allison Lambert Burke Rosenbaum Christy Cowden First Church Network APRIL 2015 Page 4 First Church Network APRIL 2015 Page 9 CAMP TEKOA It's time for Camp Tekoa! Please contact Angie Jordan ([email protected] or 336-909-4327) or contact the church office if you have a rising 3rd grader through rising 12th grader interested in going to Camp Tekoa. The church offers partial scholarships to our kids who are interested in going to this wonderful United Methodist camp. More information on Camp Tekoa can be found at Ministry 22:6-After School and Summer Camp is enrolling now for Summer Day Camp! Don't forget, enrollment is always rolling for After School Care. For more information, give Allison a call at 753 -1900 or email :[email protected]. VBS dates have been set for June 14-18! Joyful Hearts Class Those who are not currently in a Sunday School class are invited to join facilitators Barbara Berry and Bobbie Morris in the Bible Study “Revival” by Adam Hamilton. The Joyful Hearts class is informal, discussion based, open to all and meets during the Sunday School hour in the Missions Room, lower level of the sanctuary next to the soon to be Church Library Office and Staff Hours Our church office is open Monday - Thursday from 9am - 5pm and closed on Fridays. The office hours of our program staff are as follows: Glenn Myers, Pastor Tuesday thru Thursday - 9am - Noon Monday thru Thursday - 1pm - 5pm unless out on visitation John Huneycutt, Youth and Christian Education Director Monday - 8:30am - Noon, 1 - 4pm unless out on visitation Tuesday - 8:30am - 1pm, 2 - 3pm, 3 - 5pm - children's choir Wednesday - 8:30am - Noon, 1pm - 5pm unless out on visitation Thursday - 8:30am - 1pm, 2 - 5pm unless out on visitation Barbara Basham, Music and Pre-School Director Monday thru Friday - 8:45am - 12:30pm in Pre-school office Monday thru Thursday - 1:30pm - 5pm in FLC office Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner Theater Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 Dear FUMC, I just wanted to say thank you so very much for hosting a Wednesday night meal for Just Hope in March. Your generosity and kindness are very much appreciated. The food was great, and the company was even better. Krystal Dumas. Just Hope, Inc. Back to the 50’s We will depart the FUMC Family Life Center at 10:00 AM for our trek up the mountain to Wytheville, Va. They begin serving the matinee luncheon at 12:00 noon, and the show begins at 2:00 PM. The ticket price is $41 per person. The production we are going to see promises to take us back to our youth when we could understand the words and sing along with the music on the radio. Please get your check to either John Huneycutt on a Sunday or to the church office during the week to complete your reservation. Allison Lambert, After School Ministries Director Monday thru Friday - 1-6pm in the Education Building Staff members are available by appointment at other times if necessary, and staff meetings are held at 9:30am on Tuesdays. Other Staff News We want to thank Megan Seaford for her service as one of our Nursery Workers. Due to other commitments Megan has decided to step down from this position. We have been blessed by her service to Christ, our children and their families. In the meantime Amanda Harris has agreed to cover the nursery each week while we seek someone to fill the vacant slot. Amanda and Megan have been sharing the job thus far on alternating Sundays. If you or someone you know is interested, please submit an application which is available along with a job description in the church office. For your information the paid nursery workers alternate weeks and work with volunteers during the two worship services and Sunday school. First Church Network APRIL 2015 Page 10 April 2015 Sunday, 4/5 - Easter Sunday (No UMYF) Sunday, 4/12 - $30 Deposit due for Garden City Retreat 12:00 PM – Joint Meal 1:30 – Joint Backpack Buddies Friday, 4/17 8:00 PM -11:00 PM – Coffee House and movie night Sunday, 4/19 2:30 PM-5:00 PM – High school – Air Bound 5:00 PM – Joint Backpack Buddies 5:30 PM – Joint Meal 6:00 PM -6:45 PM – Middle school meets Sunday, 4/26 5:00 PM – Middle school meet 6:00 PM – Joint meal 6:30 PM – Senior High 2015 GRADUATES We’re “not quite” there yet, but we are in the planning stages!! If you are a 2015 High School Graduate or College Graduate, or if your child will be graduating this year, we would like to recognize our graduates on Graduation Sunday, June 7th, 2015. Please contact the church office (336.751.2503) or by email ( [email protected] ) with your information so that everyone who wants to be included will be! [email protected] First Church Network APRIL 2015 APRIL FELLOWSHIP MEALS Wednesdays at 5:30 PM 4/15 Hosted by UMW International Tasting Meal 4/22 Hosted by Deep Roots Community Gardens In Honor of Earth Day 4/29 Hosted by Missions For Relay for Life Congregational Care Team Chair MIKE HENDRIX at the Fellowship Meal on March 25, 2015 Page 3 The Congregational Care Committee is introducing – Small Dinner Groups Please mark your calendars for Friday, 4/24 @ 6:30 PM Curious to learn more? Interested in getting to know fellow church members better, maybe meet those that attend a different service? We are planning a potluck meal, open to any adult in the church regardless of age, marital status, etc.! Plan to come, get some information, and see if this might be something for you! Please bring a dish to share to the Family Life Center on Friday 4/24/15. The first MarriedPeople’s large group experience was held on Sunday, February 22 nd and our topic was “Have Serious Fun”. Our “serious fun” began with a covered dish lunch after church followed by games and friendly competition. Many thanks to Daryl and Elizabeth Rosenbaum for the wonderful job they did emceeing the program, Glenn and Debra Stanley and Chris and Amy Boardwine for volunteering to play the relay game (and for being such good sports about it), and Charles and Patsy Crenshaw for sharing about their own marriage. Tom Cunningham delivered an excellent message via video , and there were 3 small group studies formed as a result of this meeting. Our next large group experience will be held in May so keep an eye out for more details that will appear in the newsletter and bulletin. The topic for May will be “Love and Respect”. If you were unable to attend the last event please plan to be at the next one. You will be glad you did! If you were there, please come back for more fun and fellowship and inspiration! On April 18th we will have our first Date Night. You may bring your children to the church and babysitting will be provided for you while you enjoy a night out. This opportunity is available for all our church family - married, single, grandparents – everyone who needs a break from parenting responsibilities. It is not necessary for you to have participated in any MarriedPeople event ! Please email to [email protected] or call or text 336.492.2229 (Jayne Walker) to reserve space(s) for your children. Include names and ages as we want to make sure we have appropriate care for everyone attending. By now you should have received your March copy of Ezine – an electronic newsletter with links to fun websites and articles for marriage enrichment. If you are not receiving this and would like to, please call Tommy Dunn and make sure he has your email address. 336.751.2503 And finally, a big THANK YOU to the Family Ministries Committee. Your dedication, commitment and hard work is greatly appreciated. Without you, none of these opportunities would be possible! First Church Network APRIL 2015 Page 6 First Church Network APRIL 2015 Page 7 April Birthdays Apr. 01 Apr. 02 Apr. 04 Apr. 05 Apr. 07 Apr 08 Apr. 08 Apr. 09 Apr. 10 Lisa Markland Louise Bowden Megan Graves Amber Basham Steve Laymon Jeffery Finney Luke Hatley Gwynn Meroney David Salmon Tommy Turner Conner Carpenter John Coil Amanda Dwiggins Ed Haire Mary Danner Amelia Little Judy Bailey Marilyn McClamrock Donna Phillips Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 12 Apr. 13 Apr. 16 Apr 17 Apr. 18 Apr. 19 Martha Rooney Sandra Boyette Austin Wood Charlie Barnhardt Joel Edwards Jean Smith Karl Swartz Margaret Foster Juliana Smith Carla Blackwelder Ellen Dyson Adam McClamrock Frank Bahnson Jimmy Kelly Tom Stayer Angie Campbell Meagan Clark Susan Johnson Kelly Smith Apr. 19 Apr. 20 Apr. 21 Apr. 22 Apr. 24 Apr. 25 Apr. 26 Apr. 28 Apr. 29 Apr. 30 Rachel Williams Shirley Cody Brooke Hess Amy Beth Dumas Dusty Smith Jenny Turner Colt Hankins Susan Athey Carla Blackwelder Sherri Hendrix Rosemary Cozart Danielle McCullough Peggy Branham Sarah Johnson Michael Brewer Cren Rosenbaum Gifford Basham Gail Kelly Margaret Lawson May Birthdays May 01 May 02 May 05 May 06 May 07 May 08 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 Charles Crenshaw Ruth Davis Scott Gantt John Walker Matt Walker William Berry Donna Duncan Patti Forbes Mike Deal Bob Jordan Sam Redman Jake Barnhardt Russ Clarke Leon Jones Philip Cartner Nancy Clarke Carl Wicker Kelly Hobbs Charlotte Miller Anne Jones Brantlee Evans Scotty Seaford Kathy Boger Sidney Howard Kelly Sales Parker Shelton May 14 Christopher Boardwine Sara Campbell Jill Gaither Barbara Laymon Jackie Nicholson May 16 Alyse Bowden Wooldridge Tatum Edwards Marie Roth May 17 Will Rooney May 18 Nathan Barnes May 19 Toni Phillips Emma Boardwine May 20 Quin Holland Rose Marion May 21 Mackie Deadmon Gaye Smith May 22 Donnie Lakey Mike Shaw May 23 Thomas Corriher Andrew Daniel Payton Isaac Wogatzke Dean Tutterow May 24 Joyce Peak Emery Rosenbaum Jeff Wyke Weldon Yates May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 George Haire Tess Miller Ryan Wyke Carol Dunn Cindy Hess Jason Jordan Bob Ritz Bill Sell, Jr. Sarah Wood Perie Howard Amber Finney Paulette Hendrix Sally Brill Lynn Howard Katie Hendricks Jonathan Motsinger Linda Trudgeon Chance Anderson John Brock Lewis Hall Robert J. Henricks, II Glenn Miller Mariam Wright Erin Johnston Davy Marion PRAYERS & SQUARES In Honor of Carolyn Cartner By Fellowship SS Class In Memory of James Ray Brown By Fellowship SS Class In Memory of Lynn Tutterow By Larry and Frances Tutterow In Memory of Peggy Koontz By John Koontz GENERAL FUND In Memory of Janice Hayes By Mr. & Mrs. John Hicks In Memory of M.C. Deadmon By Charles & Martha Deadmon FAMILY MINISTRIES In Memory of Melba Goulding By Amelia Litte DEEP ROOTS COMMUNITY GARDEN In Honor of Diane Salmon NEED A RIDE? First UMC Mocksville has begun a new Transportation Ministry utilizing our bus. On the SECOND Sunday of each month, the bus is available to pick up passengers for the 10:55 AM worship service who are shut-in and/or unable to drive to church. If you would like to use this service, please contact the church office at 336.751.2503 or email Kevin Neal at [email protected]. MISSION TRIP OPPORTUNITY If you are interested in going on a mission trip to Haiti this fall, please contact Kevin Neal for information. The trip will take place in late October or early November 2015. [email protected] First Church Network APRIL 2015 Janet Baucom Charles Hendricks Autumn Care 1007 Howard Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Velma Daniel Molly Jo McClamrock Somerset Mocksville, NC Bermuda Commons Room # 403 316 NC Hwy 801 Advance, NC 27006 Margeret Foster c/o Brookstone Terrace Room # 7 4430 Clinard Road Clemmons, NC 27012 Bailey Brewer Diane Crotts’ Granddaughter Ann Stayer PO Box 333 256 North Carolina Circle Mocksville, NC 27028 Fred Roth 276 Park Avenue Mocksville , NC 27028 825 N. Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 1351 Suzanna Wesley Dr. Winston Salem, NC 27104 Nancy Triplett 248 East Lake Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Marie Steed Hannah Circle April 14th at the home of Jean Hinshaw 7:30 PM 298 Dogwood Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 162 R Shore Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 c/o Trinity Elms 3750 Harper Road # 302 Clemmons, NC 27012 Mary Circle April 20th in the FLC Conference Room 2:00 PM Tilthia Hanes Elmer Stoneman Jean Shelton Lydia Circle April 27th in the Fellowship Hall—Noon Lunch will be provided. Clemmons Village #1 425 Avon Street 6401 Holder Road, Room 4 Mocksville, NC 27028 Clemmons, NC 27012 Jack Corriher 144 N. Wentworth Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Regency Care Room 235 3905 Clemmons Road Clemmons , NC 27012 Anne Jones Bermuda Commons Room # 508 316 NC Hwy 801 Advance, NC 27006 288 Southwood Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Leon Jones Jackson Hendricks 134 Applegate Court Mocksville, NC 27028 Karen Sykes 161 Deacons Way Mocksville, NC 27028 c/o Trinity Elms 3750 Harper Road # 805 Clemmons, NC 27012 ARMED FORCES FN Russell, Collin W. 101 NNPTC Circle Goose Creek, SC 29445 Page 5 Exciting news for readers: We are starting a Book Club! Participation is easy. Sign up with your name and phone number in the Book Club register on top of the bookcase. This is a red folder separate from the checkout notebook. All adults are welcome to join. You do not have to be in UMW or in the reading program to be in the Book Club or to read any of the books. We will have two months, April and May, for participants to read the book. Since we have only one copy it will be first come check out. As soon as you are finished, return the book and call the next person on the book club list to let them know to pick it up. We can keep this book inside the red folder for the next reader to pick it up. June 3rd we will get together for a book discussion and announce our next book. OR it can be downloaded via Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook OR UMW reading program for a charge Just remember to sign up in the red folder so you are included in the discussion meeting. Our first is The Dressmaker of Khair Khana by Gayle Lemmon that was reviewed in the March newsletter. It is an easy read with large print about a young Afghani woman who starts a home sewing business to support her mother and sisters and where that leads her. It is a Mission selection in the UMW Reading program and an interesting story. New On the Bookcase BREAKFAST MEETING Sunday, 4/12/15 7:30 AM Fellowship Hall PROMISES TO KEEP PRAYERS Please let us know of any additional names to be added or any names which should be removed. We wish for our Prayer List to be current and correct. To contact the Prayer Chain with a prayer request or to become a part of the Prayer Chain, please contact Lillian Sharpe (336.936.9014, [email protected]) or Judy Bailey (336.978.7763, [email protected]) APRIL 2015 UMW BOOKCASE NEWS Cole & Elva Grace Tomlinson Charles Smith 105 Sycamore Commons Ln. John Coil Isaac Markland 153 Woodhaven Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 First Church Network Missy Foster Clyde & Helen Hendricks Adcance, NC 27006 Von & Madeline Shelton Page 8 The UMM has set the dates for this summer's baseball games. The dates are May 29 and August 21. Tickets are $12.00 this year and payment must be paid in advance on May 8th and July 31st. Both dates are Friday games so there will be fireworks after the game. Also, ticket price includes a ball cap and parking. We will be taking the bus . Come join the fun! Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Anne Lamott, Spiritual Growth, Large Print. Good God, Lousy World, and Me: The Improbable Journey of a Human Rights Activist from Unbelief to Faith by Holly Burkhalter, Bonus Book counts as two Mission selections. The Round House by Louise Erdrich, a fiction National Award winner about an Indian woman living on a reservation, Nurturing for Community. Behind the Kitchen Door by Sayru Jayaraman, Bonus book counts as two Social Action. What’s So Blessed about Being Poor: Seeking the Gospel in the Slums of Kenya by Susan Slavin, Bonus book that counts toward Education for Mission and Social Action. Sum it Up: A Thousand Ninety-Eight Victories, a Couple of Irrelevant Losses, and a Life in Perspective by Pat Head Summitt, a biography of the famed Tennessee woman’s basketball coach who retired after early onset alzheimers disease. Leadership. Whatever Happened to Dinner? Recipes and Reflections for Family Mealtime by Melanie Davis. Contains recipes. Nurturing for Community. That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World it Invented and How we Can Come Back by Thomas Friedman. Large Print. Bonus Book counts as two Social action.
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