First Church Network 8:45 AM 9:50 AM 10:55 AM Early Light Sunday School Traditional Worship MAY 2015 Page 12 FIRST CHURCH NETWORK MAY2015 Family Life Center Various Sanctuary First United Methodist Church NON=PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE 310 N. Main St. | Mocksville, NC 27028 PAID 336.751.2503 Fax: 336.751.1120 Permit No. 46 Mocksville, NC Preschool/Afterschool 336.753.1900 STAFF Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. Senior Pastor John Huneycutt Christian Education / Youth Barbara Basham Director of Music Preschool Director Allison Lambert Director of Afterschool Ministries Tommy Dunn Organist/Technology Teresa Lakey Financial Administrator Shane Butcher Financial Assistant Natalie Sanders Custodial Staff Taylor Slye Custodial Staff The church office will be closed Monday, May 25, 2015. MAIL TO: Believed to be the oldest feast in the Church, the story of Pentecost dates back to the first century A.D. The feast of Pentecost coincided with the Jewish Feast of Weeks, which occurs 50 days after the Passover (Deuteronomy 16:10). According to Jewish tradition, the Ten Commandments were given to Moses 50 days after the first Passover, which freed the Hebrews from their bondage in Egypt. As the Hebrews settled into Canaan, the feast became a time to honor the Lord for blessing the fruits of their labors. At the time of Jesus, the festival focused on rabbinical law and traditions. Since this Jewish holiday took place at the same time of the Pentecost, many Jewish Christians appropriated its celebration into their Christian commemoration of the coming of the Spirit. According to book of Acts, the Church came into being on the day of Pentecost. As 120 worshipers, including the Disciples, were fasting and praying in an upper room in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit descended upon them in a violent rushing wind that was heard throughout the city. Small flames of fire rested upon their heads, and they began to speak in other languages. As crowds came to investigate the commotion, the Apostle Peter spoke to them about Jesus and exhorted them to repent. From the crowd of Jews and converts, 3,000 realized the truth of his words and became followers First Church Network MAY 2015 Page 2 First Church Network MAY 2015 Page 11 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS ~ MAY 2015 What a moving Holy Week and glorious celebration we experienced for Easter last month. I appreciate so much the many folks who worked to put together the special services, activities, and music. I love the new Easter banners that beautify our sanctuary. Date/Time Ushers 5/3 8:45 Charlie Howell Shane Butcher Greeters Refreshments Prayer Sandi Howell Terri Butcher Doris & Glenn Miller Patsy Brewer May brings with it many exciting activities – National Day of Prayer, Mother’s Day, and Confirmation Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, college graduations, award banquets, end-of-year concerts and recitals. Our God and Country program with the Cub Scout Pack will finish in May as well. It has been a pleasure to work with the 16 participants in the first series of God and Country. I also appreciate the great support of their families in this project. The National Day of Prayer will be May 7. The YMCA will sponsor a prayer breakfast at the Senior Center that morning at 7am. Reservations are needed if you plan to eat by calling 753-6230. Our church will be open for our weekly Noon prayer time. First Presbyterian will open their sanctuary from 7am-7pm and will have a closing corporate prayer service from 6:307pm. May 10 we will honor all our Mothers and the youngest and oldest mothers present. Confirmation Sunday will be May 17 at the 10:55am service. Since January we have been working through our curriculum, We Believe, had a field trip to the Jewish synagogue in Winston-Salem and enjoyed a dayretreat to the mountain home of John and Shirley Cottle where the group made stoles symbolizing their faith and completed their creed. Those joining on May 17 will also assist in the leadership of the service and share their creed. The Pre-School will hold its end-of-year celebration and graduation in the FLC at 6:30pm on Thursday, May 21. On Pentecost Sunday, 5/24, we will celebrate the birth of the church. I hope many from the church will come to show their support. Our After School has had a great initial year and is gearing-up for our first Summer Day Camp. How blessed we are to be able to influence the lives of so many children for Christ. May all that we do (and so much more is going on) glorify God and bring people to Christ. Pastor Glenn 10:55 Charles Crenshaw Lucia Ellis Steve Laymon Mike Harrison Amy & Gary Hatley Frank Payne Carl Wicker Nancy Payne Shirley Wicker Charles Crenshaw Lucia Ellis Steve Laymon Mike Harrison Amy & Gary Hatley Ronald Keister George Snyder Karen Lutz Doris Snyder Charles Crenshaw Lucia Ellis Steve Laymon Mike Harrison Amy & Gary Hatley Wylie Berry Harold Wood Kathy Curry Amy Wood Charles Crenshaw Lucia Ellis Steve Laymon Mike Harrison Amy & Gary Hatley Angie Jordan Chris Hanes Jim Latham Alice Hanes Chinera Latham Belinda Brewer ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD MEETING Sunday 5/17/15 7:00 PM Family Life Center Conference Room 5/10 8:45 10:55 5/17 8:45 10:55 5/24 8:45 10:55 5/31 8:45 10:55 Charles Crenshaw Lucia Ellis Steve Laymon Mike Harrison Tim Trugeon Mary Ann & Clayton Peele Children’s Moment N/A Andrew Brown Tiffany Evans Katy Wogatzke N/A Lisa Prillaman Kaitlyn Foil Amanda Harris Amy Hatley Jayne Walker Elizabeth Rosenbaum Phil & Bobbie Morris Nursery Joeff Williams Nancy Harpe Alice & Chris Hanes Acolyte John Huneycutt D.J. Hatley Christy Anderson Katherine Bradley Anderson John Huneycutt Grady McClamrock Tami Walker Paulette Hendrix Debra Stanley Burke Rosenbaum Amanda Harris Sandra Boyette Grady McClamrock Lynne Byerly London & Sydney Dirks Christie Russell Molly Russell Harold Vickers First Church Network MAY 2015 Page 4 VBS is sure to be out of this world this summer! Mark your calendars and be prepared to have a lot of fun!!! Mark your calendars for June 14-June 18, 2015. More details to come soon!!! MAY 2015 Page 9 From the FAMILY MINISTRIES TEAM It has been a busy month with three small groups meeting to study the Married People’s resource titled “Heroes Among Us”. This study focuses on the four core habits of a great marriage: Have Serious Fun, Respect and Love, Love God First and Practice Your Promise. The goal has been to learn how to become your spouse’s hero by doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways. The five -session study is quickly drawing to a close and we are looking forward to our next activities. Ministry 22:6 Summer Day Camp Enrolling NOW!!! Contact Allison at 336-753-1900 or email [email protected] for more information!! CONGRATULATIONS to Jack and Lettie Pennington THE BIGGEST LOSER Are you ready to lose weight? The Biggest Loser kicks off at the Wednesday night Wellness meal on May 13, 2015. This will be a weight loss program and Bible study all in one. Grab a partner to keep you motivated and to help you along. To sign up or if you have any questions please contact Belinda Brewer at either [email protected] or 336-940-7355. The first meeting will be May 26th, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. Wear comfortable clothing. First Church Network who welcome their newest addition to their family! JESSE CLEMENT A handsome and “HUSKY” young man! Lettie and Jesse came by the office a few weeks ago! On May 9th from 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center, FM will sponsor the first Date Night. This is an opportunity for couples to bring their children to be cared for while their parents, grandparents or guardians enjoy a night out. If you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity please understand that you do not have to be involved in any small group or other Married People activities to qualify. All you need to do is sign up. We need to know how many children you will be bringing, their ages and your emergency contact number(s). This information will help us know how many caretakers we need and what kind of activities to prepare. You may sign up by calling the church office and giving your information or on Sunday, May 3rd there will be a form in the worship services’ bulletins that you may fill out and drop in the offering plate. We do need you to register by Wednesday, May 6th in order to have sufficient preparation time. We also have a flyer with some fun ideas for your night out. You may have already received a copy of this flyer in your email or you can pick one up in the foyer at the May 3rd worship services. There will also be a copy available for you to pick up at the Family Life Center on Date Night. Your FM Committee is busy planning for future events. If you have any suggestions please contact any committee member. We love to hear your ideas! First Church Network MAY 2015 Page 10 MAY 2015 First Church Network MAY FELLOWSHIP MEALS Wednesdays at 5:30 PM 5/6/15 Hosted by the Youth Sunday, May 17 - Parent/Student meeting and covered-dish meal at 5:00 PM in the Family Life Center. This meeting will bring information about the high school, middle school mission trips, and summer activities. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE GRADUATES If you are a high school graduate or have a high school graduate who will be recognized on Graduation Sunday, June 7, 2015, please contact the church office with full name, school name and future plans (e-mail preferred).. We would like a picture to be included in the bulletin/newsletter. Please e-mail the picture with your information to the office. College Graduates: Please submit your information to the church office (e-mail preferred.) College graduates will also be recognized on Sunday, June 7. DEADLINE FOR INFORMATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE IS MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015 Next Children-Family Outing! Mark your calendars: Saturday, May 30, 3pm, Shelter # 10 at Dan Nicholas Park in Salisbury! Tons of fun for the kids - train ride, carousel, putt-putt, playground, petting barn, gem mine, water plaza, and much more! Please bring money if your child wishes to participate in any of the activities; prices and attractions can be found Dinner will be provided. If you are interested in attending, please contact Tracy Huneycutt at [email protected] by May 25 (you must RSVP in order to have dinner provided.) Anyone interested in coming is encouraged to invite their friends, too! Hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the trimmings! Proceeds will go towards youth mission trips/ projects 5/13/15 Hosted by the Wellness Committee Biggest Loser Kick-off 5/20/15 Hosted by The Missions Committee Honduras Medical Team Meatloaf, green beans, vegetables, rolls, MAY 2015 Page 3 A.R.K. Acts of Random Kindness During the month of May, FUMC will celebrate ARK month as we turn our attention to Acts of Random Kindness. The Evangelism Team will hand our ARK Cards at the services during the month of May. Please use the cards to accompany your acts of kindness. Such acts can include leaving a note for your mail carrier, taking cupcakes to a fire department, library or post office to show appreciation, or taking something homemade to a neighbor or to someone in a nursing facility. Our kind gestures spread the love of God throughout the community. The Congregational Care Committee has started several new ministries in our church. The Transportation Committee is a group of church members who are willing to drive other church members to doctor appointments, out-patient testing or treatments, or for other transportation needs. Any church member who needs this sort of help should call Mike Hendrix, chairman of the Transportation Committee, at 998-2582 or 909-2412. Mike will arrange for one of the committee members to drive you for a one-time or on-going transportation need. We continue to be in prayer with the people in Nepal and all who are affected by the earthquake including first responders and families of those who have died or are missing. Global Ministries has been in touch with all of our missionaries in the area and confirmed they are safe. UMCOR is preparing a response, working through local and international partners. Donations to support the response to the earthquake in Nepal and other international disasters can be made through UMCOR Advance # 982450. Checks can be made out to the church and write UMCOR Advance #982450 in the memo. First Church Network May 01 May 02 May 05 May 06 May 07 May 08 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 June 01 June 02 June 03 June 04 June 06 June 07 June 08 June 09 June 10 June 11 Charles Crenshaw Ruth Davis Scott Gantt John Walker Matt Walker William Berry Donna Duncan Patti Forbes Mike Deal Bob Jordan Sam Redman Jake Barnhardt Russ Clarke Leon Jones Philip Cartner Nancy Clarke Carl Wicker Kelly Hobbs Charlotte Miller Anne Jones Brantlee Evans Scotty Seaford Kathy Boger Sidney Howard Kelly Sales Parker Shelton MAY & JUNE BIRTHDAYS May 14 Christopher Boardwine Sara Campbell Virginia Coil Jill Gaither Barbara Laymon Jackie Nicholson May 16 Alyse Bowden Wooldridge Tatum Edwards Marie Roth May 17 Will Rooney May 18 Nathan Barnes May 19 Toni Phillips Emma Boardwine May 20 Quin Holland Rose Marion May 21 Mackie Deadmon Gaye Smith May 22 Donnie Lakey Mike Shaw May 23 Thomas Corriher Andrew Daniel Payton Isaac Wogatzke Dean Tutterow May 24 Joyce Peak Emery Rosenbaum Jeff Wyke Weldon Yates Janet Taylor June 12 Matthew Howell Carolyn Vickers June 13 Zeb Chapman Josh Balsley David Little Ward Wilson June14 Dean Hendrix Lynne Byerly Harry Little Lillian Sharpe June 15 Megan Brown Shirley Wicker Alice Hanes Robert Wilson Karen Lutz Katie Wogatzke June 16 Carl Humphrey Matte Clark Russell Prillaman Shirley Cottle Caitlin Tutterow Elva Grace Tomlinson June 17 Becky Little Spencer Kelly Christopher Stein Tiffany Kelly June 18 Karen Bullard Anita Neal Leslie Wicker Catherine C. MacJune 19 Diana Bromley Callum Eavan Jennings Helen Hendricks June 20 Carly Balsley Jim Henderson Jackson Hendricks Rob Mackintosh June 21 Jim Anderson Margaret Overcash Christi Cowden Amy Vaughan-Jones Patrick Mandarano Amy Wood Steve Stiller Lillian Haire HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Nan Neal Page 6 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 June 22 June 23 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 June 28 June 29 June 30 George Haire Tess Miller Ryan Wyke Carol Dunn Cindy Hess Jason Jordan Bob Ritz Bill Sell, Jr. Sarah Wood Perie Howard Amber Finney Paulette Hendrix Sally Brill Lynn Howard Katie Hendricks Jonathan Motsinger Linda Trudgeon Chance Anderson John Brock Lewis Hall Robert J. Henricks, II Glenn Miller Mariam Wright Erin Johnston Davy Marion Charlie Crenshaw Marla Johnson Burke Rosenbaum Maggie H. Foster Jean Shelton Jacob Wyatt Helene McCullough Cindy Corriher Hannah Shuskey David Stein Tonya Carroll Mark Russell Will Byerly Walter Wilson Kathelyn McCullough John Sykes Wanda Bowles Cara Beth Hendricks Debra Stanley Steve Walker Izzy Vaughan-Jones Tommy Hendrix Marianne Stein Christine Woodruff First Church Network MAY 2015 Page 7 Memorials & Honorariums PASTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of Ken Jordan By the Carol Dyson Family By The Kip Miller Family By Harry & Amelia Little By Carolyn Cartner By Charles & Patsy Crenshaw By Bucky & Lillian Sharpe By Lynne & Jerry Byerly By Patsy & Freddie Brewer By Patricia Latta By Jayne & J. D. Walker By John & Shirley Cottle By Arnold & Nancy Harpe By Grady & Cathy McClamrock By Mr. & Mrs. Charles Markland By Jerry & Sue Callison By D.W. & Betty Griffith By Doug & Jean Markland By Mary Alice Leduc-Lenmark By Donnie & Teresa Lakey By Sandra Boyette Unidentified Memorial By Clyde & Helen Hendricks By Glenn & Susan Myers By FUMC Fellowship Class By Dianne Brown PRAYERS AND SQUARES In Honor of Libby Banks By Joe & Yvonne Butzbach SHEPHERDING COMMITTEE In Memory of Janice Hayes By Bill Hayes GENERAL FUND In Memory of M.C. & Mary Ellen Deadmon By Mack & Martha Deadmon In Memory of Janice Hayes By Janice Hunt A STOREHOUSE FOR JESUS In Honor of Clyde Hendricks By Fellowship Class PASTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of Clyde Clark By Deborah Circle MARY CIRCLE In Memory of Janice Hayes PRAYERS & SQUARES In Memory of Ken Jordan By Anita Long In Honor of Taylor & Kathy Slye By Jennie Smith In Honor of Mike & Paula Harrison Grady & Cathy McClamrock Carolyn Cartner Sandra Bradford Marla Johnson Wade & Ellen Dyson Rev. Glenn & Susan Myers By Jerry Banks In Memory of Janice Hayes By Jim & Chinera Latham In Honor of Grady & Cathy McClamrock By John & Mary Brock In Memory of Elizabeth Hoots By Faithful Workers SS Class In Memory of George A. Aubrey and Gratitude to his daughter, Martha A. Montague By Francine Cedrone In Memory of Ken Sales By Wayne & Sue Hill By Anita Long First Church Network MAY 2015 Janet Baucom Charles Hendricks Autumn Care 1007 Howard Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Bermuda Commons Room # 403 316 NC Hwy 801 Advance, NC 27006 c/o Brookstone Terrace Room # 7 4430 Clinard Road Clemmons, NC 27012 Diane Crotts’ Granddaughter Missy Foster 298 Dogwood Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 Ann Stayer PO Box 333 256 North Carolina Circle Mocksville, NC 27028 276 Park Avenue Mocksville , NC 27028 Molly Jo McClamrock Somerset Mocksville, NC Margeret Foster Bailey Brewer Fred Roth Velma Daniel Tilthia Hanes John Coil Regency Care Room 235 2229 Bermuda Village Drive Clemmons , NC 27012 Isaac Markland 825 N. Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 153 Woodhaven Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Larry Tutterow Dick Smith 204 Charleston Ridge Dr. Mocksville, NC 27028 Nancy Triplett 248 East Lake Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Lydia Circle May 11 12:00 PM O’Callahan’s Restaurant Marie Steed Hannah Circle May 11 7:30 PM At the home of Shawn Williams Elmer Stoneman Jean Shelton Anne Jones Bermuda Commons Room # 508 316 NC Hwy 801 Advance, NC 27006 288 Southwood Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 Leon Jones 134 Applegate Court Mocksville, NC 27028 Karen Sykes 161 Deacons Way Mocksville, NC 27028 PROMISES TO KEEP PRAYERS Mary Circle May 18 in the FLC Conference Room 12:00 PM JUNE 1 4:00 PM UMW RETREAT Family Life Center c/o Trinity Elms 7449 Fair Oaks Dr. # 805 Clemmons, NC 27012 Randy Hendricks BREAKFAST MEETING 128 Meroney Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Sunday, 5/3/15 7:30 AM Fellowship Hall ARMED FORCES FN Russell, Collin W. 101 NNPTC Circle Goose Creek, SC 29445 The UMM has set the dates for this summer's baseball games. The dates are May 29 and August 21. Tickets are $12.00 this year and payment must be paid in advance on May 8th and July 31st. Both dates are Friday games so there will be fireworks after the game. Also, ticket price includes a ball cap and parking. We will be taking the bus . Come join the fun! Please let us know of any additional names to be added or any names which should be removed. We wish for our Prayer List to be current and correct. To contact the Prayer Chain with a prayer request or to become a part of the Prayer Chain, please contact Lillian Sharpe (336.936.9014, [email protected]) or Judy Bailey (336.978.7763, [email protected]) MAY 2015 Page 5 UMW Reading Program Book Review 1351 Suzanna Wesley Dr. Winston Salem, NC 27104 482 Rainbow Road Advance, NC 27028 Jackson Hendricks First Church Network Cole & Elva Grace Tomlinson c/o Trinity Elms 3750 Harper Road # 302 Clemmons, NC 27012 Clemmons Village #1 425 Avon Street 6401 Holder Road, Room 4 Mocksville, NC 27028 Clemmons, NC 27012 Clyde & Helen Hendricks 3905 Clemmons Road Advance, NC 27006 Von & Madeline Shelton Page 8 If you are interested in playing Men’s Church League Softball this year, please contact Chris Domanski at 336.492.5193. Alone and Invisible No More, what an interesting title. Dr. Allan Teel has written a quite engaging book about empowering older adults to be resources for one another that he calls the “Maine Approach” after his home practice state. Pointing to our steadily increasing longevity and improved geriatric care, he asks us to consider how we will live for 20 or 30 years after retirement with reasonably well-controlled chronic conditions. His approach includes giving seniors tools for lifelong networking with the ability to stay in their own homes or in an elder assisted care community. Whether the ideas Teel put into practice in Maine would transfer to Davie County, his message is one to make us think about better ways to care for the aging population. REMEMBER: There is still plenty of time to read The Dressmaker of Khair Khana for the UMW book club discussion June 3rd. Our copy is on top of the small bookcase in the hallway of the Family Life Center. Sign up in the red folder, and we will know to include you in our meeting.
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