March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 THE NFPS NEWS DATES FOR YOUR DIARY "Like” North Fitzroy Primary School - now on Facebook Mar Fri TERM 2 APR Mon Thur May Mon Mon Jun Fri Mon Thurs Fri 27 CARNEVALE -PARADE 9.15AM -Performances all through the day CANTEEN – counter sales only 1ST TERM ENDS (2.30PM FINISH) AFTERCARE CLOSES 5.30PM 13 23 4 18 5 8 25 26 Term 2 Start District Cross Country 12.30pm – 3.30pm Grade 2 Swimming Begins Grade 3 Swimming Begins Student Free Day – School Closed to all students Public Holiday – Queens Birthday (School Closed) Prep Grade – Production Last Day Term 2 WE ARE AT THE END TO AN AMAZING TERM Term 1 has been a busy but rewarding time for me and I’d like to sincerely thank Everybody ~ All staff, students and the parent community for their support. A special Thankyou to Linda Ratcliffe and also the admin staff who have been unstinting in their efforts. Thankyou! It has been an amazing term with the usual array of sporting events, engaging learning opportunities for the kids, open sessions for the parents, Harmony celebrations for everyone. The Grade One /Two Concert was a triumph! (see inside for photos) What a wonderful testament to the talents of your children and the skills of Shelly and the Grade One/Two teachers. Bravo! Yesterday’s TREATS DAY run by the canteen crew was a HUGE success. One would think the kids had never had a treat in their lives by the length of the lines. An impressive effort much appreciatedThank you to Jo, Georgia and their exhausted helpers. It’s not over yet....Tomorrow we are all looking forward to donning our masks, capes and/or dress-ups and celebrating together at the Carnevale Parade. Hope to see you there. Pauline McGrath ACTING PRINCIPAL Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 GRADES 1 & 2 CONCERT – “PAN” Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 SCHOOL OPEN MORNING – GRADES 3 & 4 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 PREP OPEN MORNING Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 ITALIAN CARNEVALE - TOMORROW CARNEVALE DAY We will celebrate Carnevale at North Fitzroy Primary School from: 9.15 (all welcome) Parade 5/6 Latin Performers 3&4 “Mambo Italiano” Performers We ask students to dress up for the day wearing either a 'Carnevale Costume' - mask with cape, wig, commedia dell'arte character, onesies…or An Italian Inspired dress up – waiter, chef, gondolier, famous Italian person, Pinocchio, Italian work art, artist, monument, Italian sports, an Italian food, tarantella dancer- be creative ….ITALIAN THEME. Performances: For students only throughout the day Final Assembly (All welcome) From 2.00pm Grades 3 & 4 ‘BootScootin Dances’ Grades 1 & 2 Finale Encore Performance Newsletter No.9 EYT GARDENING - HELP WANTED WE NEED WATERING OVER EASTER The Garden Club is in desperate need of help over the Term Holidays with watering. If you can spare some time (especially if you live locally) please see Jenny or Trish on Friday. You will be given a watering can, tap head and a key. LOST PROPERTY Lost Property Please ask your children to check lost property this week for missing jumpers, lunch containers and drink bottles as well as missing toys and scooters (smaller and precious items can be found on the shelf at the front office). Unfortunately as we have so much lost property we have to clear it out at the end of each term. Remaining items are donated to charity. Weather permitting lost property will be hung out in the playground this week. Otherwise it will inside the senior building near the lift. ITEM OF THE WEEK Please, please check to see if you are missing a scooter!!!! Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Reminder to name your children's jumpers and jackets and containers Please remember all named items are separated from the lost property each week and returned through the front office to their owners. Please take the time to write your child's name on their jumper and jacket labels with a pen or laundry marker (these won't fade in the wash and are available at office works). Please also label your children's lunch containers and bottoms either with a permanent marker, masking tape and pen or name label. Newsletter No.9 SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS The following are the dates for school council meetings for the remainder of the year: May 13th (ANNUAL REPORTING MEETING) June 10th August 12th September 9th October 7th November 11th December 9th Regards, Georgina Ednie 0418 558 667 THE ENTERTAINMENT BOOK FUNDRAISER PHYS ED NEWS The Entertainment Book fundraiser is happening again for 2015! Forms are attached for online ordering. Any queries, please contact Trish or Mich in the Office. SEDA BASKETBALL CLINIC Thank you to the SEDA Basketball group who provided a basketball clinic for our Prep-Grade 6 students. The students learnt many valuable tips which included the correct technique to pass, shot and dribble. Keyboard & Guitar Program in Term 2, 2015 The ABC Music Group will be providing the after school keyboard & guitar programs commencing in Term 2, 2015. Students currently having keyboard and guitar lessons in term 1 and wish to continue in term 2 will need to enrol online into the ABC Music program Lessons are available after school The program provides a fun introduction to music and also assists students thinking to continue their music education in secondary school. PROGRAM FEATURES ♫ 30 minute small group (3 to 4 students) or individual lessons ♫ ♫ ♫ Only keyboards are provided during the lessons Current students can use their existing music books Parent/Guardian will be invoiced for the cost of the lessons Keyboard & Guitar Group Lessons ($150 per term plus books) Keyboard & Guitar Individual Lessons ($33 per lesson $330 per term plus books) To enrol please go on to our website then to “After School Program” If you have any question please email [email protected] or call 9427 8049 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 PARENTS AS TEACHER HELPERS 2015 Dear Parents, One of the avenues for community involvement we offer parents is our “parents as teacher helpers” program. Teacher helpers benefit all the students in a class by working with groups of students designated by the teacher. All teacher helpers are required to present a copy of a current Working with Children Check to the school prior to helping out and attend a training session. It is also a necessary requirement of the school that you read and sign a confidentiality agreement each year. If you are interested in participating in our “Parents as Teacher Helpers” program and have NOT previously attended a training session, please select and attend one of the sessions listed below. These sessions are designed to inform parents about the role of teacher helpers. The issues of privacy and confidentiality will also be addressed. All sessions will be held in the teacher space next to my office in the Junior Building at the following times. Parents are asked to nominate to attend ONE of these sessions. Each session will be of approximately 15 minutes in duration. Session One – Tuesday 21st April at 9:15 am Session Two – Thursday 23rd April at 3:00 pm Session Three – Friday 24th April at 9:15 am If you are interested in being a Teacher Helper and have NOT previously participated in a training session, please complete the form below and return it to your child’s teacher by Monday 20th April 2015. Parents who have attended a training session in previous years need only sign a Confidentiality Statement. These will be available from my office between 9:00 - 9:30am during Week 3 (week beginning 27th April) of Term 2. Thank you, Linda Ratcliffe Assistant Principal- Early Years …………………………………………………………………………….. Yes, I would like to be a Teacher Helper in 2015 Name: ………………………………………………………….. Child’s name: ……………………………………. Class: …………………. I will attend the following training session………………………………………… Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 Parents As Scientists 2015 Dear Parents, We are asking for your help! We are aware that you may be either currently working (or have previously worked) in a scientific field. Over the last few years we have had parents; friends of families or relatives of students, present a variety of different science lessons to students from N.F.P.S. in a ‘Parents as Scientists’ program. These have included the topics of: Plants The Human Body Genetics Microbiology Psychology Cells in your body Variety of different experiments including making slime and making rockets etc. Food science Earth science Insects Computer science We are asking you to present a session (of approximately 40 minute’s duration) to students. The lesson you choose to provide is entirely up to you. You may wish to talk to the students about the work you do and provide some visual aids for the students to see first hand what it is all about, or you may decide to do a hands-on activity using scientific equipment. The school can provide some science equipment if necessary. We also have a data projector for slide shows and other computer-based visual aids. The Parents as Scientists program will be running this year from Term 2. Any parent who is involved in science and would like to host a session is welcome to join. It is anticipated that the program will run as per previous years. Sessions will be held before school on Tuesdays (8.00am to 8.40am) for a small group of Year 5/6 students. Please return the completed form to school and we will contact you with further details. Thank you ALL, for supporting our students in this program this year. Thank you, Nick Morrison-Story Science SIT Member I _______________________________________ am interested in providing my services to the ‘Parents as Scientist’ Program. Child’s Name: ____________________________ Grade _________________ Contact No: _____________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Science field I am interested in presenting to the students: ______________________________ Availability options: 1) Date: ________________________ 2) Date: ________________________ Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 CANTEEN NEWS SPECIAL TREAT DAY - . It was fun all day in the Canteen with Special Treats selling for 50c and $1.00 A very BIG thank you to Jo and Georgia and the parent helpers who made the day such a success: Megan Burges, Lily Hill, Melissa Kellam and Jodie Oliver. Thank you to all the students for bringing in their gold coins to spend. CANTEEN ROSTER –Term 2 Apr Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 13 14 15 16 17 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 20 21 22 23 24 Tanya (Isabella) Jessica (Evie) Naomi (Grace, Daisy, Joey) Kate (Zoe) Michelle (Sienna) Michelle (Darcy) Help needed Mel (Josh) Meredith (Charlotte) Nadia (Saskia) Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 FNPS PARENTS ASSOCIATION NEWS For any questions about the Parents Association, or to become a member, please contact Vinu Patel (President) on 0414 789 432 or Simone Stevenson (Vice-President on 0426 257 904 or email [email protected] Other PA News: The PA will be coordinating one event each term (see below); if you would like to volunteer to help, please get in contact with us. Term 2: Walk to School Day Term 3: Holiday film day at Westgarth Cinema Term 4: Parent Social Event SECONDARY SCHOOL OPEN DAYS FITZROY HIGH SCHOOL Fitzroy High School - OPEN DAY Thursday 30 April Student-led Tours from 9.30am – 10.45 The student led tours will offer prospective students and their families the opportunity to see the whole school in action, from Year 7 – 12 Morning Tea to meet our staff: 11.15-11.45am Fitzroy High School INFORMATION EVENING Thursday 30 April 7.30pm The information session will offer an insight into our schools vision for all students to become lifelong learners; reflective and creative thinkers; and responsible and active citizens through our humane and personalised approach to teaching and learning. Fitzroy High School Tours Every Tuesday at 9.30am Please ring 94881900 to make a tour booking (Cnr Falconer & Michael Sts North Fitzroy) Newsletter No.9 Tours for Grade 6 students wanting to attend Princes Hill Secondary College in 2016 will be each Wednesday and Thursday To book for the tour, could parents please phone Princes Hill Secondary College on 03 9389 0600. Tours begin at 9:00am, so please arrive by 8:50am. NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL School Open Morning - Tuesday 28 April Open Morning 2015 will be held on Tuesday 28 April between 9 am and 12 noon. All prospective parents and students are welcome and there is no need to book in advance for this event. Registration takes place on arrival. Parent information sessions run at 9.30 am, 11.30 am with a repeat session at 7.00 pm. School Tours in Term Two School day tours for prospective parents and students run several times per week to Friday May 22. The tours depart from our foyer at 9.15 am and take about one hour. See our website for exact dates. Please ring to book a place as places are limited (9488 2300) ACE Program Testing Testing for entry to the 2016 ACE program will take place on the morning of Saturday 2 May. Applications must be received by close of business, Friday 24 April. UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL SEAL PROGRAM Many parents and students may not be aware of how to access the Acceleration (SEAL) Program at University High School. We believe that it is important to give as many students as we can, access to the program at year 7. For an electronic copy of the fliers feel free to email us at: [email protected] MELBOURNE GIRLS COLLEGE Information session and Open Day for 2016 enrolments into Year 7 INFORMATION SESSIONS Tuesday 21st April in the College Lycem Daughters’ Surnames A-K Arr 7.00pm – Finish 8.00 Daughters’ Surnames L-Z Arr 7.45 – Finish 8.45 OPEN DAY Wednesday 22nd April 9.30am – 2-30pm Tele: 9428 8955 PRINCES HILL SECONDARY COLLEGE Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 Raising sensitive kids Michael Grose Do you have a sensitive child? You know, a child who takes everything you or others say to heart; a child who has a thin skin and worries too much, particularly about things out of their control. Sensitive kids worry about what others think of them. They often sense danger well before others and they see the consequences of behaviours well before their peers. Sensitive kids are like mood detectives with their antennae up trying to detect subtle changes in the moods of those around them. In some ways this is healthy as emotionally intelligent people are tuned into the behaviours and feelings of others. Sensitive kids generally have high emotional intelligence quotients. If you have a sensitive child you need to see and appreciate both their sides. The side we most often see is the shy, inhibited, fearful worrier. The flipside is that sensitive kids generally have kind hearts; are empathetic, intuitive and usually possess a creative streak. These are wonderful attributes to have. Recent research into the area of children's sensitivity revealed that around 40% of sensitive kids experience some form of real anxiety. The secret to the 60% of kids who DON'T experience anxiety are certain 'protective' factors. The top of this list is parenting style. Sensitive kids benefit from having an optimistic, resilient parent who supports them but doesn't allow them to take themselves too seriously. It also helps if parents can encourage their child to take risks socially and applaud their social successes, no matter how minor. Parents need to show their child how to recognise their own emotional state and in doing so better manage their emotions so they can live happy, more productive lives. The double whammy for kids of sensitivity and negative or pessimistic parents is not ideal. Kids need a parent who gets across the message that there are some unpleasant events but they can cope with them. Parents need to recognise their own emotions and response in order to help their child recognise and regulate their emotional state. It is good if parents are supportive; even better if a parent is resilient so that the sensitive child sees how to cope with some of life's hurts, rejections and disappointments. In fact, sensitive kids are less likely to develop anxiety if at least one parent is of the 'thick-skinned', positive, even jovial type. This reinforces that the world really is a great place and not full of uncertainty and danger. When sensitive kids are raised in a balanced way with proper understanding and encouragement, they are wellplaced to grow up to be happy, healthy, unusually well-adjusted and creative adults. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website March 26th 2015 Newsletter No.9 THE OSHC NEWSLETTER March 26th 2015 IMPORTANT DATES: Friday March 27th Last day of term 1 aftercare operating from 2.30-5.30 only Monday April 13th OSHC Resumes for term 2 Friday April 17th First OSHC account out for term 2 Friday April 24th Ezi Debit date Monday April 27th Kids Club Commences for 8 weeks Friday May 1st OSHC Accounts due Thank You Nicole Cooper OSHC Coordinator/First Aid Officer 2pm-4.30pm 9481 5860 between 11am – 2pm Tanya Maroun Assistant Coordinator 10.15 am-6.15 pm 9482 4273 ([email protected]) ACCOUNTS NOW OVERDUE $20 LATE PAYMENT FEE WILL APPLY AS OF THURSDAY MARCH 26TH TO ANY ACCOUNT STILL OVERDUE LAST DAY OF TERM 1 AFTERCARE EARLY FINISH: Friday March 27th is the last day of Term 1 and school will be finishing at 2.30pm on this day; therefore aftercare will be operating from 2.30-5.30pm only on this day. If your child no longer requires care on this day please ensure to cancel their booking BEFORE Tuesday March 24th otherwise you will still be charged for this session. Late pick up fees will apply as of 5.31pm via the aftercare clock at a fee of $40.00 for every 5 min late per child so we would appreciate it if you would ensure to collect your child BEFORE 5.30PM ASSESSMENT RESULTS: Last week we had an authorised officer from the Department of Education and Early Childhood attend and observe our aftercare and morning care programs. The aim of this assessment is to ensure we are offering families a service that meets the Education and Care Services National Quality Frameworks and Regulations. We will receive a written report of the outcome early next time with our overall rating of the 7 Quality Areas. Watch this space TERM 2 KIDS CLUBS: Next term we are excited by the return of Kids Club at aftercare. As of week 3 children in aftercare will have the opportunity to participate in such clubs as: Football Club, Board Games Tournament, French Cooking Club, Scrap Book Club, just to name a few. A brochure will be emailed to family’s first week back next term and copies will be available from the round table at aftercare. Each club will run 1 day a week for 8 weeks from 4pm to 5pm on that designated day. Further details about each club are outlined in the Kids Club brochure so keep your eye out for it next term. HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY EASTER BREAK Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMS TENNIS AT FITZROY TENNIS CLUB HOLIDAY PROGRAM Monday 30 March to Thursday 2 April. Our program is designed for FUN PLAY SOCIAL SKILLS Little Joeys (Ages 4-8) Times: 9.00 - 11.00 Cost: $30 per day / $110 for 4 days Juniors (Ages 9-16) Times: 9.00 - 13.00 Cost: $55 per day / $200 for 4 days B.Y.O lunch FREE drink & snack / All Equipment provided / Tennis Medal BOOKING / ENQUIRES M: 0438 376 474 / E: [email protected] Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements MARCH/APRIL SCHOOL HOLIDAYS TENNIS COACHING - MAYORS PARK TENNIS CENTRE Clinic 1 - Dates: Monday, 30 March – Thursday, 2 April Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm Clinic 2 – Dates: Tuesday, 7 April – Friday, 10 April Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm Refreshments and loads of fun are provided. Places are limited so please call 9482 5200 or download an enrolment form from our website: Priority will be given to students attending all four days. Term tennis coaching is also available. Heather Renton Mayors Park Tennis Centre Hoddle St, Clifton Hill, VIC 3068 E: [email protected] T: 03 9482 5200 CITY OF DAREBIN – HOLIDAY PROGRAM City of Darebin will be operating their School Holiday Program from Monday 30th March – Friday 10th April Contact City of Darebin for further information Phone: 8470 8520 or Email: [email protected] Website: Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES REGISTRATIONS ARE STILL OPEN U9 & U10 (boys & girls), U12 & U13 boys and U12 Girls teams. For new players who wish to play in 2015, you must register online via this link aID=5165&pKey=e3a384bf35da4d7fa1f2f4aec a8668f3&cID=11766&formID=36056. If you have any questions please contact [email protected] Basketball Clinics March / April School Holidays Beginners, Experienced & Representative 30th March – 1st April, 9th – 10th April 7 years+ Beginner Programs Saturdays commencing 18th April Aussie Hoops 5 – 8 years at 9am & 1.30pm Mini Ball 7 – 10 years at 10am & 12.30pm Tuesdays commencing 21st April Little Stars 3 & 4 year olds 4.20, 4.55 pm All Star Hoops grades prep – 3 at 4.30pm Mini Ball grades 3 – 6 at 5.30pm Access for All Abilities Saturdays commencing 18th April 11.15am – 12.30pm For children 6 – 16 with special needs For more information and to register go to Enquiries: Megan Rouse 0417 106 490 JANE’S DRAMA CLASSES FOR BUDDING ACTORS Placements have become available for new students to join Jane’s drama classes. Now in its fourth year, the drama classes aim to engage, inspire and teach children theatrical skills whilst building their confidence, self-empowerment and creative expression. Green Frogs North Fitzroy Library A fun Reading Circle for kids in prep to grade three Run on the first Wednesday of every month during term time North Fitzroy Library Wednesday 4 February 4pm – 5pm For more information contact Bridget 1300 695 427 With over 20 years’ experience as a professional actor, Jane’s classes include games, activities, improvisation, story building and performance techniques. At the conclusion of each term, family and friends are invited to attend a small presentation by the students. Numbers are restricted so enrol now! Day: Wednesdays Place: The Studio Time: 3.40 - 4.20 for 8 - 12 year olds. 4.30 - 5.00 for 5 - 7 year olds. Jane holds a current WWC license. Expressions of interest and questions can be directed to Jane via [email protected] Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements ADVERTISEMENTSBABYSITTERS AVAILABLE! AFTERCARE 2015 BABYSITTING LIST NAME SARAH R JESSI BRIONY STEVEN OLIVER ANNABEL CONTACT DETAILS [email protected] 0410 420 587 0437 475 118 0414 187 516 0422 205 767 0430 450 229 0433 236 215 [email protected] LENA JACK HANNAH 0430 106 133 0400 138 897 0411 452 080 Improve posture with Pilates and Alexander Technique for better balance in mind & body 0430 33 77 85 [email protected] SOPHIE BRAD 0432 688 332 0424 661 050 KAHLI LIAM YANN SARAH C 0423 307 809 0437 352 606 0449 856 531 0409 795 767 [email protected] CHILDCARE AVAILABLE I’m 18 years old, responsible and love looking after kids. I have my WWC and have looked after children from as little as 4 months – 10 year olds. Available for after school pick-ups and weekend work. I can give references too! I’m an ex student of Fitzroy North Primary School. Jessica Phillips 0412 678 312 I’m a second year Melbourne University student available for babysitting in the local area, experienced with children and reliable. Please contact Mollie on 0433206324. drummond street services is emailing you to let you know that Deakin University will be running a new program for parents and families called “The CHILLED Study”. CHILLED is a free research program that runs for eight weeks. The program provides family-based therapy for children between the ages of 3 - 6 who are showing signs of emotional or behavioural problems. The sessions are for parents and the child, and there is a research component to measure how effective the program is. You would be free to withdraw at any time from the study if you change your mind. If would like to know more about participating in this program, please contact Claire Joseph Intake Worker on (03) 9244 3055 or [email protected]. Or if you prefer, please write back and I can pass on your contact details to the CHILLED Intake worker to call you directly. If you would like to be removed from this list please let us know. Kind regards Kate Morton On behalf of Sarah Powell Intake Coordinator & Counsellor Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements TIGER AND PEACOCK To our Neighbours at North Fitzroy Primary, Tiger & Peacock is bursting with beautiful goodies for Mums & Dads. Moving into Autumn we have beautiful furnishings that will warm your home, cushions, rugs, throws Lamps to adjust the mood and to top it all off the winter fashion is to die for! We look forward to seeing you in store Host Families Needed For New Exchange Students in 2015 Many girls and boys aged between 15 and 18 from exciting countries like Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Argentina, Finland and Austria are hoping to come here to study for 3, 5 or 10 months from July this year and stay with a volunteer family that is willing to host and welcome them and can afford an extra member at the family table. If you feel you could do this for them for the length of their stay or even some of it, please contact Klaus Schumann on (03) 97584279 and let me know of your interest. Yours sincerely, Klaus Schumann, WEP Community Coordinator Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website THE NFPS ADVERTISEMENTS This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements FREE COMEDY After the roaring success of my first comedy show: Mid Life...What Crisis?, at the Station 59 Festival in February, I'm excited to tell you it's back as part of MICF. Yes. Charting my life journey over the last five years through unemployment, Bangkok, stay-at-home dadding and now to teaching, it's a rollicking ride. People other than me that have seen it even say it's funny and very entertaining. Ooh la la! I will be doing four, 30 minutes shows. 5:30 PM Saturday 28 March, Sunday 29 March, Saturday 4 April and Sunday 5 April. The venue is: Station 59 59 Church Street, Richmond ...The show is free, but it is still worth booking free tickets on-line at: This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements SESSIONS NOW RUNNING AT NORTH FITZROY PRIMARY SCHOOL WE CATER TO ALL FITNESS LEVELS JOIN US ANY TIME FOR A TRIAL WEEK ONLY $19.99 FOR 4 SESSIONS With support from Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements Are you a carer? Grow your loving care into better self-care Caring for a family member with additional needs is a life’s work. Mindfulness can help give you a greater sense of well-being and increase your resilience, even when the demands of caring for your loved one are high. Mindful Wellbeing for Carers Terms 2 – 4 of 2015 by registered Psychologist and Medicare Provider, Evelyn Bugel, in a small group of between 6 and 10 participants; family carers are taught structured mindfulness meditation as well as how to live more mindfully every day Venue Reservoir Neighbourhood House 2 Cuthbert Rd Reservoir Northern Speech Pathology 77 Holmes St Brunswick Day Thursdays Time 11am-12pm Fees $200* - students and HCC card holders $300* - all others Mondays 12:30-1:30 *A rebate of $195 is available through Medicare for all participants with a GP Mental Health Care Plan. Further assistance with the up-front fee is available where required. To register in Reservoir contact [email protected]. To register in Brunswick or to find out how Mindful Wellbeing for Carers can be run at your centre, contact [email protected]. Reservoir Neighbourhood House Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 16th or on our website
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