NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Club for season 2014 - 2015 will be held at Fleet Town Football and Social Club, Calthorpe Park, Crookham Road, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 5FA on Wednesday 27th May at 7:30pm for the following purposes: 1. Adopt the minutes of the 2013/2014 AGM. 2. Any matters arising from those minutes. 3. Treasurer’s report and to receive and adopt the balance sheet and accounts for the past season together with the Auditors report thereon. 4. To confirm the membership subscription rates for the 2015 - 2016 season. 5. Election of Officers: a) To re-elect Jim Mulcahy as Chairman, who retires in accordance with the constitution and offers himself for election. b) To re-elect Chris Arnold as Secretary, who retires in accordance with the constitution and offers himself for election. c) To re-elect Jaynie Mulcahy as Treasurer, who retires in accordance with the constitution and offers herself for election. d) To elect a Child Welfare Officer. Sam Read retires as Child Welfare Officer in accordance with the constitution and is standing down. (See nomination requirements below). 6. Chairman and Secretary reports on the past season and plans for next season. 7. Confirmation of rule amendments (if any). 8. Approval for start and end dates for next season. 9. Succession planning. 10. FA Respect presentation. 11. Notice of Resolutions (if any) – any proposed resolutions must be given in writing to the club secretary 5 days in advance of the AGM i.e. Friday 22nd May 2015. 12. Any other business – items for discussion must be tabled with the secretary at least 24 hours in advance of the AGM. Supporting documents for the above items will be circulated at the meeting. Fleet Town Colts Youth FC is a non-profit making youth and junior football club affiliated to the Hampshire Football Association (No: MYA01005). Members of the Surrey Primary League & North East Hants Youth League. Fleet Town Colts Youth FC is proud to have been awarded The FA Charter Standard Award for excellence in provision of grassroots football in the community. Page 1 of 2 NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTION OF MEMBERS AS MEMBERS OF THE CLUB MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE In terms of the Constitution nominations for election of members as members of the Club Management Committee shall be made in writing by a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be existing members of the Club, to the Club Secretary, not less than 7 days before the AGM. Nominations via email to [email protected] are acceptable. Please note that all other Club Officer positions are nominated roles, by the Management Committee, following the AGM. If you are interested in supporting your club in some way please do not hesitate to contact any Management Committee member for more information. Help is always needed as we are a volunteer run organisation. The Management Committee looks forward to seeing you all on 27th May 2015. Fleet Town Colts Youth FC is a non-profit making youth and junior football club affiliated to the Hampshire Football Association (No: MYA01005). Members of the Surrey Primary League & North East Hants Youth League. Fleet Town Colts Youth FC is proud to have been awarded The FA Charter Standard Award for excellence in provision of grassroots football in the community. Page 2 of 2
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