International longterm voluntary service with Friedenskreis Halle e.V. profile place of assignment within the program: weltwärts Integrative Kindertages Martha-Maria halle.php The Integrative Kindertages (Kita) Martha-Maria (Integrative nursery Martha-Maria) is a facility for child care located at the ground of the hospital Martha-Maria, app. 9 km from the city center. It is runned by the family-service non-profit corporation of the Villa Jühling e.V. The Kita is an integrative nursery offering place for up to 50 children, divided into 3 groups, including a special group for children younger than 3 years. „Integrative“ means the integration of dis children into every day life in order to reduce the fear of contact and/ or prejudices. There is a trained assi supporting the team. The Kita works on the basic of the prote methodi church and promotes the concept of compassion. Their goal is to create a family-friendly place, where the younge experience individual support in a social community and get a variety of learning opportunities: • a workshop for building and experimenting with different materials • an area for counting, calculating, reading and drawing • a snoezelroom ( • thematic playing areas within the groups • open space for playing inside the building • a lot of space outside in the nearby fore “Dölauer Heide” to experience nature and building up an environmental awareness Field of engagement and activities of the volunteer within place of assignment The volunteer is assigned to a fixed (age) group. However, she_he will have contact with all children and parents. Activities: • accompanition of individual children in free play • participation in the meals • assi in household activities such as cooking • • own program offers for children in the sporty, musical, artistic area, depending on the interests and skills of the volunteer participation in projects in the field of developmental education Volunteers profile – Specific for this place of assignment • willingness to work independently and to contribute actively • enthusiasm for working with children • openness to children with disabilities • interest in sports, music, cultural and/or creative work, cooking and interest to bring in this knowledge in the work with children • openness to religious themes and religious education • preferable male • need a certificate of good conduct without any entries Volunteers profile – General • 18 to 28 years (exceptions can be made, when reasonable) • (high) school graduation or comparable personal suitability • basic knowledge of English and willingness to learn German starting in home country • motivation: voluntary service as an opportunity to learn in different fields and to get involved with (civil) society (voluntary service as learning and peace service) • openess to the special structure of a voluntary service with Friedenskreis Halle, that is: willingness to participate in the accompanying educational program, to develope and implement one or more small project(s) and to get occupied and engaged with topics and activities of (local) civil society, • interest in global relationships and peace politics as well as education on these topics • preferable already dedication in civil society in the home country, willingness to get involved in civil society in the home country after returning
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