Document 122457

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T1i« Kwkkarbtlw N«wt
Afbony, Frl., Fab. 21, 19©4
LOOK TOWARD THE FUTURE-This Ford Galaxie 500 convertible ii available from
Albany's two Ford dealers—Orange Motor Co., Inc., 791 Central Avenue, and Gateway
Motors, Inc., 15 Chapel Street.
Orange Motor Founder
: A Man on the Move
Orange Motor Co. Inc. oldest
within 100 miles of Albany,
traces its long history back to
October 13, 1916, when Charles
H. Touhey, its founder, greeted
his first customer at his
Delaware Avenue location.
It was Friday the 13th, incidentally, a fact that didn't
faze Mr. Touhey, who today is
Orange Motor's chairman of
the board and the acknowledged Dean of Auto Row.
A year after its founding,
Orange Motor moved to 80 Central Avenue. Three years later,
as the company continued to
grow, it was on the move again
—this time to 104 Central Avenue.
It was still headed west in
its next stop—430 Central Avenue- now the home of Hedrick
Brewery—and the sity from
which thousands of Ford V8's
rolled out of Orange Motor show________
rooms to the homes of happy
In 1948, Orange Motors moved
to its present home, taking over
a new building at 790 Central
Charles H. Touhey, now an
Armory Garage has a long and parts center was construct engergetic nonogenarian who
and proud history dating back ed. In 1954 a modern body shop, keeps an active finger on the
to 1918, when Anthony Metzner paint shop and used car re pulse of the bustling firm he
founded it at 27 Sherman Street. conditioning plant were added. founded, found time, d o w n
It was begun as a general Two years later, as Armory through the years, to keep in
automotive repair shop, and in Garage continued to expand, a
1919 Mr. Metzner sold his first modern used car building was the forefront as one of Albany's
used car, It carried, incident- completed. In 1960 the firm add- best-known civic leaders.
ally, the "100 per cent guaran- ed a building of 35,000 square He was chairman of the'Oftee" that still applies to cars feet, rounding out a campus ef- fice of Price Administration; Is
fect of its facilities.
handled by his firm.
a former president of the
In 1$22 the Metzner agency In 1961, the Chrysler and Greater Albany Chamber of
became a franchised new car Imperial franchise was added Commerce, and was chairman
dealer, and in 1932 it began to Plymouth and Valiant at of the War Bond d r i v e s in
sale* of De Soto-Plymouth cars. Armory Garage.
Albany during World War 2.
In 1927, Armory Garage opened
Sons Join Business
The firm's name—Orange—is
the first used car lot in Albany
—at Central and Colvin Avenue Mr. Metzner, who has been derived from the fact t h a t
—which is the site of the present in the business 42 years, is now Charles H. Touhey was born at
aided by his sons, Robert and Orange, N. Y.—in a one-room
modern facilities.
Stanley, who have helped him farmhouse on April 15, 1873.
Expansion Program
to win the Chrysler-Plymouth
Dealer Award annually.
In 1951, at this loatiocn, a
Clark, one of the
modern showroom, service area
known figures on Auto
has been with Armory Garage
since 1946. He served in the
Navy as an engineering officer
on a minesweeper from 1953 to
On his return from service he
was appointed assistant to Mr.
Metzner, anT in 1951 became
vice president and sales manFines
Auto Sales Inc.,
1025 Central Avenue, started In
Miami Beach (UPI) - The
business at 10124 Central AveBeatles were scheduled to renue, and moved to its
turn to Britain today after a
location in 1951.
hair-raising two-week "cultural"
Dave Fine began his automovisit to the United States.
tive career in 1989 in Elk Street,
The Beatles planned to leave
selling used cars. He served in
the U.S. Army during World
here tor New York late this
Wsr 2, and on his return
afternoon then leave New York
service opened a used car kit
for home on an 8 p.m. flight to New York un — Two boys, at 750 Central Avenue. He also
aged 15 and 17, presented a had a used car tot on DelaThe " musical group f r o mpencilled note reading "mis is ware Avenue, known as D. It L.
Liverpool slept late today after a holdup" to a woman teller Auto Sales.
spending most of yesterday at the Drydock Savings Bank Fine's Auto Sales has
Studebaker dealer since
water skiing, twisting and so- yesterday.
subsequently taking on the
cializing with new found friends
Mercedes Bens, German imwrong window."
The busy b_rds--except lor At the next window, another port, and the Fiat, Italian imdrummer Ringo who doesn't woman teller just smiled and port.
swim—took a spin around Bis- shook her head.
Its building houses a showcayne Bay on water skis, "Mrs. The 15-year-old shouted: "You room, a section for servicing
BeaUe," the blonde wife of think we're foolin'. WeD, we're and reconditioning of used cars
John Lennon, also took a swim. not foolin'!"
and a used car lot. Parts''and
The bachelor Beatles split up The shout brought a guard service on the company's new
last night and visited friends and the youths were arrested. ears are handled at 137 Lark
and made final rounds of the The younger boy was charged Street.
local twist halls the mop-topped with juvenile delinquency and Ed Vickers, the company's
ministrcls have f r e q u e nted the other was held for attempt- sales manager, has been with
gince arriving here last Friday, ed robbery.
the Fine firm since 1950.
Long, Proud History
For Armory'Garage
Beatles End
Visit to V. S.
If you're after a car with some life to it, there's only one thing to do. Be my guest.
I'm easy to find, you know. Just look for me at your Buick dealer's, during his Sports
Car Rally. While you wait for me, you can drive one of his sport models—a Wildcat,
maybe, or a Skylark. Or even a Riviera. In fact, you can drive all three. That's what
the Buick Sports Car Rally is all about. (What a way to start a New Year!) If I don't
show up, you can talk price. That's even more pleasant than conversation with me.
You'll see. Once you get your hands on a Buick, you won't miss me a bit. Really.
S * yow QtfRy friek Dttte for Double^Cheek Trade-in... 9 bitter buy for yon.
476 Central Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
Phone IV 2-3391
K«: Fine's Sales
In 1939
Teen Bandits
Get Brushoff,
No Cash
e re
for Washington's Birthday
Chopping 'em right down to a new rockbottom low! You've never seen lower price
tags on big, beautiful Chryslers.
What's mort*-we're offering low down
paynients. Easy terms. History-making tradein allowances, too. Stop in at our Washing-
ton's Birthday Open House, February 22nd.
Look over our big line-up of Chryslers: Luxurious New Yorker. Sports-bred 300. Easy-toown Newport.
You'll find the best of the big car deals In
town. Take our word for it. See you the 22nd.
See and drive the arrogant Jaguar XK-E
Move up to CHRYSLER
This car creates a sensation wherever it f o«s. And no wonder. It is sleek... aerodynamically designed . , . capable of 150 milaa an hour. It features monocoque construction,
has disc brakes and independent suspension on all four wheels. Gran Turismo coupe
(above) or open sports model with interchangeable soft or hard top. The Coupe: $5525
P.O.E. and fully equipped. The open model: $5325 P.O.E. and fully
with the best of the big car men , , . your neighborhood Chrysler dealers
Phont IV 2-4413
J2« C m t n l A n . , Albany, H. Y.
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
•roadway and 4rh Ave., Rensselaer, N .