First United Methodist Church Rev. Kristi Hintz 111 E. Ridge Street, Marquette, Michigan Phone: (906) 225-1344 Email: [email protected] Seeking to: See with God’s eyes, Love with God’s heart, Act as God’s hands. Today—June 7, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Welcome Visitors! Thank you for worshipping with us! 10:00 AM: Worship—(nursery available) Children may leave after Children’s Time to go to the Education Building: 3-4 Year Olds Active Play in the Family Room 206 K-5th grade-are welcome to stay with their family or go to Active Play in room 206 11:00 AM: Fellowship, SR 11:15 AM: Introduction to Handbells, 110 12:00 PM-5:00 PM Baby Shower, SR 3:00 PM-5:00 PM LSDS, 108 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Open Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM TREASURER’S HOURS: Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM LAY PARTICIPANTS – TODAY June 7, 2015 Ushers: Leonard Barbeau, Don Balmer, Rod Smith, Sawyer Dunn MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:00 AM A.A. 108 8 MONDAY 11:00-12:00 PM Yoga, SR 6:00 PM Shared Ministries 7:00 PM-9:00 PM LSDS, 108 9 TUESDAY 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Pathways, Parlor 6:00 PM Community Meal Prep 6:00 PM Trustee Meeting, 108 BULLETIN DEADLINE 10 WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM-12:00 PM P.E.O., Parlor 10:00 AM Staff Meeting, Office 1:00 PM Live stream results of One Michigan Area Conference Vote Liturgist: Pat Virch 13 SATURDAY 9:00 AM A.A. 108 Camp Michigamme Day 9:30 am—-3:30 pm Fellowship Time: Ginny Davis & Lesley Addison PowerPoint: - Faith Ross Next Sunday June 14, 2015 One Service 10:00 am Pastor Kristi Hintz 5:00-6:30 PM Community Meal 6:00 PM Hearts on Fire, Sanctuary 10:00 AM Worship 11 THURSDAY 11:00 AM Wesley Board 5:00 PM Shelley Ovink - DVIP, 307 7:00 PM S.A. 108 7:00 PM Worship Meeting, Parlor 11:15 Intro to Handbells, 110 12 FRIDAY Office Closed 11:00 AM Edna Kelley Memorial Service 5:00 PM Kerry Holman Memorial Service 7:00 PM Se. A., 108 Children’s Time: Pastor Kristi Sound System: Bob Ross Counters: Jim Morgan & Kathy Foulks LAY PARTICIPANTS – NEXT SUNDAY June 14—10:00 AM Ushers: Jimmy Hardy, Judy Collins, Steve Adams 11:00 AM Fellowship, SR Liturgist: Meagan Castro-Lopez Children’s Time: Pastor Kristi Fellowship Time: Mary Lou Tillison & Cheryl Wurster PowerPoint: - Gabe Hintz Sound System: Amanda Virch Counters: Bob Kahl & Fred Margrif ATTENTION LADIES The Marquette County Health Department has funding available for women who need to have a mammogram and/or cervical screening in conjunction with an annual well woman exam. This service is available for women ages 40 years and older. In the past, the program only covered uninsured women, but due to rising out of pocket/deductible costs the program has expanded to include women with insurance. This service could also help if you have insurance that covers annual screenings but does not cover follow up testing. Please contact the Marquette County Health Department to schedule your appointment at 906-475-7844. If you are unsure of you eligibility, please call. Breast cancer affects 1 in 3 women. Do not delay getting a mammogram! In the Life of FUMC BLACKLISTED EMAIL MESSAGE—solution for those dealing with this issue We’ve contacted the support team for our office email at Exclusive Hosting, and they have provided us with the following explanation: “Our servers have a SPAM protection mechanism, which checks the sender`s IP address in various databases. If the address is listed as known for sending SPAM e-mails in such databases, the server will refuse to accept messages from it. Please note that this does not necessarily mean that the sender posted the messages containing SPAM. Their mailbox might have been compromised and used for SPAM sending or another computer from the same subnet might have done it. To resolve this, the sender will either have to request a de-listing or ask their Internet/Mail Service Provider for further assistance. HANDBELLS FOR EVERYONE Anyone of any age is invited to explore handbell ringing during the month of June. Our handbells will be set up in room 110 on the lower level of the education building following the 10:00 a.m. worship service every Sunday in June. Pick up your snacks in the Social Room and come on over to ring. For more information contact Sandy Balmer (249-1273). MEMORIAL SERVICES—FRIDAY, JUNE 12 We will be hosting two memorial services at FUMC on Friday, June 12. The first is a memorial service for Edna Kelley at 11:00 am. The second is a memorial service for Nora Holman’s son, Kerry Holman, at 5:00 pm. Please join us as we remember and celebrate Edna’s and Kerry’s lives. ECONO RECEIPTS ARE STILL BEING TALLIED! This is a way you can contribute to our Missions program without having to spend a cent more than you usually do at Econo Foods. The box is currently on a table in the social room. RIDGE STREET LUNCH BUNCH The Ridge Street Lunch Bunch will meet on Thursday, June 11 at 6:00 pm at Presque Isle Park, gathering around the lion water fountain. The City Band will kick off their first concert of the season at 7:30 pm. By coming around 6:00 we can a get good parking places and enjoy our fellowship until the concert begins. Bring a lunch to eat or something to share. Ruth Holmstrom’s cell is (906) 458-8079 in case you get to the park and don’t see the group. These are the dates of the following concerts: June 25, July 16, July 30, and August 7. UMW MYSTERY TRIP Please join the United Methodist Women on Friday, June 19, for fun and fellowship during their Mystery Trip. This will be the last meeting of the UMW until the fall. A bus will leave from the FUMC parking lot at 11:00 am. RSVP to Bobbie Clift or Mae Belle Erickson to let them know you’re planning to attend. (Wheel chair access can be made available if requested). SUMMER MUSIC VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed to provide special music for 10:00 a.m. worship services from July 6 through August 31. Youth and adults are invited to provide vocal or instrumental music to enhance our worship services. To volunteer contact Sandy Balmer (249-1273) or the office. You may also sign up outside the choir room or Hearts on Fire room. FUMC WEBSITE—CHECK OUT THE NEW LOOK Over the past year we’ve been working to update our church website ( with a new look and content. It is now public and ready for use. It is still a work in progress though as we will be adding pages for staff and church groups, among other things, in the coming year. Currently, the website features weekly bulletin announcements, monthly shared ministry newsletters, and an interactive calendar updated every Thursday. Check it out and let the office know what you’d like to see included on your website and any feedback you may have to help us further improve this resource. Visit today! VBS REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE The registration form for VBS is now available on the bulletin board just outside the FUMC social room as well as on our websites ( and THE FREE STORE The Free Store is requesting diapers and baby wipes for your donations for the month of June. Drop your items off at the church and they will be given to the Free Store volunteers. Contact our chair, Jackie Otis (906-361-4722) to offer your services in time or money. Hours of Operation: Free Store Open First Monday of the Month: (6:00-8:00 pm) Second and Fourth Wednesdays: (12 pm-4 pm) Free Store Work-bees Alternate Wednesdays: (10 am-12 pm)
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