the Bulletin - First United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church of Portland
n Confirmation Sunday
A New Part
of the Vine
The Order of Worship
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter | Confirmation Sunday
Congregational portions of prayers and responses are in bold type.
To avoid disturbing other worshippers, please silence cell phones and pagers.
Please ask an usher if you would like a large print hymnal or a hearing assistance device.
Please stand, if standing is comfortable.
For hymns, please stand at the beginning of the last line of the hymn introduction.
Carillon Chorus
Variations on a Dutch Chorale Jonas Nordwall, organist
John Bull (1562-1628)
Paul Nickell, Lay Leader
Passing the Peace
Choral Introit
Call to Worship
Abide in me…
We pray for God to abide in us.
Abide in me…
We hope to abide in God’s love.
Abide in me…
We long to live in God’s peace and to bear the fruit of God’s Spirit.
Let us bring our prayers, follow our hopes and honor our longing as we worship and as
we live.
Processional Hymn No. 57 (v.1-5) O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
A Conversation with Our Children
Children’s Story
... and all God’s children said, “Amen.”
Rev. Jeremy Smith
Hymn No. 2026 (The Faith We Sing)
Halle, Halle, Halleluja
Hale, Hale, Halleluia! Hale, Hale, Halleluia!
Hale, Hale, Halleluia! Halleluia
Service of Confirmation (See Insert)
Congregational Prayers
Moment of Silence
Pastor’s Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (UMH No. 895)
Choral Response
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
The Sanctuary Choir
Carol Young, associate conductor
Introducing the Scripture
John 15:1-8
Rev. Dick Storment
Elizabeth Poston
Rev. Donna Pritchard
A New Part of the Vine
Rev. Donna M.L. Pritchard, preaching
Hymn No. 2242 (The Faith We Sing)
Presenting Our Gifts
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Music
Paul Nickell, Lay Leader
Walk With Me
Come Sunday
Jason Sabino, soloist
Greg Henion, percussion
Rev. Dick Storment
Duke Ellington
Doxology and Presentations of Our Offerings (Hymn No. 94)
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
The Invitation
God be with you.
And also with you.
We are all like branches on the vine, invited to this table by the Creator
who gave us life a nd Jesus, who gives us new life over and over again.
We thank God for this feast and for one another this day.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Holy are you, God of every day. You call your people from the north and from the south,
from the east and the west. You give us to one another in love and cause your Spirit
to move among us. You make us a people and give us the deep joy of community in
the midst of our diversity. Even when words fail us, your Spirit nurtures the love within
us. When we are weary, you give us strength, and when we are confused, you show us
a way. Our times are in your hands and you bring us to rest in you. And so, with your
people on earth and all the company of heaven we praise your name and join their
unending hymn:
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your
glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
It is here at this Table that we are fed by your love, as we remember the night before
Jesus died, when he took bread and blessed it, then broke it and gave it to his friends
saying, “This is my body, broken so that you may know life. Eat it and remember me.”
After that meal Jesus took the cup, blessed it and gave it to them saying, “This is the
cup of the new covenant, poured out so that you may know life. Drink from it and
remember me.”
Blessing the Feast
Gracious God, send now, in kindness, your Holy Spirit to settle on this bread and cup.
Fill them with the fullness of Jesus’ life and love. Feed us with the Bread of Life, so
we can fill the hunger of the world. Touch our lips with salvation’s cup, so we can live as
true branches, connected to you and your world.
Sharing the Feast
(All persons are invited to share the bread and the cup, as the ushers indicate)
Prayer of Response
Lord Jesus Christ, you have put your life into our hands; now we put our lives into yours.
Take us, renew us and remake us into people of steadfast love, unbridled hope and
unbounded life. Amen.
Hymn No. 554
All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord
(Please be seated for the benediction and choral response.)
Choral Response
Trumpet Dialogue Louis Clerambault (1676-1749)
The altar flowers today are given in memory of Wesley Kirchem and Charles Lewis, Jr,
by Kaylene & Greg Kirchem
The pulpit flowers today are given in memory of In Memory of Winkie Turner
and Rev. Dale Turner, by Vonda Persijn
May 3 - May 9, 2015
Sunday, May 3, 2015
8:30 AM Commons AM, Collins Hall
9:00 AM The Bible: What Got Left Out
& Why, 110
9:00 AM Changing Christianity, 202
9:00 AM Church Child Care, Nursery
9:15 AM Church Library Open, Library
9:30 AM Confirmation Class, 125
9:30 AM Sound Seekers, 130
9:30 AM Cherubs, 206
9:30 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
10:00 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Chapel
10:30 AM Sunday Worship, Sanctuary
10:45 AM SS Threes, 207
10:45 AM SS Pre Kindergarten, 208
10:45 AM SS Kindergarten, 205
10:45 AM SS 1 & 2 Grades, 206
10:45 AM SS 3 & 4 Grades,133
10:45 AM SS 5 & 6 Grades,125
11:30 AM Commons, Collins Hall
11:30 AM UMCOR Depot Info Mtg 110
12:00 PM Newcomer’s Orientation 202
12:00 PM Palestine Forum, Fireside
5:00 PM Super Sunday, 202, Nursery
Monday, May 4, 2015
10:00 AM Church Library Volunteers, Library
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
11:00 AM Bridge, 202
6:30 PM Adult Ministries, Library
ednesday, May 06, 2015
10:00 AMUMW Monthly Unit Mtg, 202
6:30 PM Disciple Bible Study, 202
6:30 PM Sanctuary Bells, Sanctuary
7:30 PM Boy Scouts Troop 1, Gym
Thursday, May 7, 2015
8:00 AM Shovel & Rake, 110
5:00 PM Ping Pong, Gym
5:45 PM Child Care, Nursery
6:00 PM Financial Peace University, 133
6:00 PM juBELLation, 202
7:00 PM Chancel Choir, Sanctuary
F riday, May 8, 2015
7:00 PM Young Adult Game Night, Fireside
S aturday, May 9, 2015
10:00 AM Intern Interviews, Library
We encourage all of you to note your attendance on the enclosed Communication Card.
Acolytes | Daphne Henion, Hania Liu Coffee Hosts | Norm and Gwyneth White
Greeters | Sho and Kiko Kimura, Katie Schmidt, Carrie Saito & Al Abe, Jean Holznagel
Ushers | Terry Connell, Chuck Klang, Bob Fassiotto, Steve Hallock, Ted & Judy Moon
Lay Leaders | Richard Allan, Allison Anderson, Paul Nickell
Communion Servers | Lewis Tawney, Terry Connell, Grace Beal, Amanda Wilson Varner, Jalen Hale,
Joe Groth, Rebekah McLean, Phyllis Leonard, Anne Kayser
Join us for Coffee Hour in Collins Hall following worship. Our hosts will be
Norman White and Gwyneth Rochlin.
Palestine: What’s Going On, What Can We Do? This series of forums will
conclude today at noon in the Fireside Room. A light lunch will be provided.
Global Missions is sponsoring these forums about Palestine and what we can
do to heal a broken part of the world. See back page for more information.
A First Church Orientation for newcomers and longtime visitors will be held in
Room 202 today after worship until 1:30 p.m. Expect a delightful light lunch by
our Newcomer’s Team, a session with our clergy, and a building tour.
UMCOR West Depot Meeting. Anyone currently registered or interested in
attending the Salt Lake City UMCOR West Depot Trip, June 14-20, please plan
to attend this important informational meeting following morning worship
today in Room 110. There are six remaining spots! For additional information,
email [email protected]
First Church volunteers descend on the Oregon Food Bank, Beaverton location
Saturday, May 16th from 9 – 11:30 AM to help repack bulk food into family
size portions. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Mark Ohlson
([email protected]) by next Sunday.
Youth Sunday is coming up on May 17th. The entire service is planned and
officiated by our youth! Join in support of these younger members of our
congregation as they inaugurate “The Big Move” to Collins Hall!
GOOD NEWS! An anonymous donor has stepped forward and issued a “Challenge” Grant to
help us pay for the Sanctuary Renovation project. This generous member will match your
gifts up to $100,000! If you have not made a pledge yet – or are in the position to increase
your pledge, please do so today! Pledge cards are available in the pews and in the office.
Christianity in a Changing World is discussing A People’s History of Christianity by Diana
Butler Bass - two thousand years of Christian voices whose faith called for social justice and
radical love. 9:00 AM/Room 202
The Gathering is a community of parents of school-age children. Rev. Jeremy leads us each
week in a time of conversation and study. We meet at the same time as the children’s choirs
and youth Sunday school. 9:30 AM/Room 204
The Bible: What Got Left Out and Why? This short-term class looks at the so called “lost”
writings that are not included in our Bible. Taught by Dick Storment. Sundays April 12
through May 17. 9:00 AM / Room 110
Senior Pastor
The Reverend Donna Pritchard, [email protected]
First United Methodist Church,
1838 SW Jefferson,
Portland, Oregon 97201
Minister of Discipleship
The Reverend Jeremy Smith, [email protected]
Phone 503/228-3195
Email [email protected]
Minister of Pastoral Care
The Reverend Dick Storment, [email protected]
Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries
Megan Jones, [email protected]
As a Peace Church, we declare that
we will be an advocate for peace in
our local communities and world.
As a Reconciling Congregation,
we have pledged to welcome and
support all who want to worship with
us, regardless of race, gender, class or
sexual orientation.
Coordinator of Volunteers, Hospitality & Outreach
Mark Ohlson, [email protected]
Church Administrator
Liz Temple, [email protected]
As a Creation Care Congregation,
we advocate for lifestyles and social
policies which bring healing and
renewal to our precious Earth.
Administrative Assistant
David Jenkins, [email protected]
Facilities Manager
Dwight Dragoo, [email protected]
Manager of Communications & Marketing
Kendall Martin, [email protected]
Nursery Staff (503/228-3195) ext. 216
Michelle Green, Emily Kunkel, Samantha Cerling,
Patty Seward, Megan Scott, Tara Martin, Suzy Maurer
Custodians (971/563-7820)
Charles Siegfried, Wort Evinger, Michael Uriarte,
Robert Ramirez, Dylan Croasdill
Executive Director of Music
Kelly Qualls, [email protected]
Artistic Director of Music & Organist
Jonas Nordwall, [email protected]
Chancel Choir Conductor
Erick Lichte
Chancel Choir Asst. Conductor Carol Young
Chancel Choir Section Leaders
Deborah Benke, soprano | Megan Mattoon, alto
Jason Sabino, tenor | André Flynn, bass
Bishop | Bishop Grant Hagiya
Columbia District Superintendent
The Reverend Dr. Lowell Greathouse
Goose Hollow Family Shelter
503/915-8306 |
Sanctuary Bells Director | Kris Sparks
Children’s Choir Directors
Nancy Nordwall | Cherubs (pre-K-grade 2)
Ronnee Edwards | Sound Seekers (grades 3-5) Karin McDonough | Genesis Ringers (grades 3-5)
and juBELLation (grade 6 - young adults)
Beginning May 17th, our 10:30 Sunday morning
worship will move to Collins Hall while the
Sanctuary is renovated with new LED lighting,
new carpet, refinished cork floors, new windows
onto Beckham Courtyard, and a new video wall
up front. There is a lot of work to be done to
ensure that our primary worship space will serve
our needs and provide a welcoming place for
others for years to come.
Worship in Collins Hall at 10:30 will feel a
little different in a new space. And yet, all
the essential elements will still be there:
sermons which bring Scripture and spirituality
into everyday life, children’s messages which
delight kids of all ages, congregational singing
accompanied by organ music, and outstanding
choir anthems. Plan now to join us to “sing the
Lord’s song” in a new space during our season of
But wait! There’s more! Our Parish Conference
recently approved a plan to add an additional
9:00 am worship service in the Chapel during
the months of June, July and August. This will
ease some of the Collins Hall crowding, will offer
a more informal worship style, and will give you
an earlier start to your summer day. Come see
what it is all about beginning on June 7!
It’s your choice – 9:00 am, 10:30 am, or both!
While the renovation work goes on in our physical plant,
the work of renewal continues in our community!