The Mid-Week Messenger Jonesville United Methodist Church February 26, 2015 We worship a God of Promise, which makes us a People of Promise. This is Good News for our good days, and great news for our hard days. You and I follow a God who gives us faith to follow, and strength to hope against hope. We experience a God who guides us with trust and leads us to wholeness of life. Throughout the next five weeks of Lent we will be focusing on God's Promises for us. This Sunday we consider “God's Promise – A Future.” The Biblical story that prepares us is found in Genesis 17. It is part of the story of God's interaction with Abraham and Sarah. These two had risked everything in following God. They had left their home. They had traveled to a new country. They had escaped tough situations. They knew God was with them. And yet, God had not fulfilled God's Promised Future.....and then God does, but not in the way they expect. …........................................................................................................................................... Sunday, March 1st Youth Ensemble rehearses at 9:30am Children's Choir rehearses at 10:15am Church School will meet for kids of all grades including Middle School and High School. …........................................................................................................................................... You are welcome to participate in either of our Lenten study experiences. Forgiveness is a six week course meeting on Sunday mornings at 9:30am, beginning on February 22nd, and Thursday mornings at 9:30am, beginning on February 26th. Topics include self-examination, honesty, repentance, forgiving, reconciliation and restoration. Cost for the course is $10. Come as you are able. Christian Yoga is a six week class meeting on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00pm in Fellowship Hall starting February 24th. This experience will combine the intentional physical movement of yoga with the meditative practice of Christian contemplation. Cindy Reinker will lead us in gentle yoga practice while David will highlight various forms of Christian prayer. Come as you are able. …........................................................................................................................................... This Sunday's Church and Worship Experience – March 1st 8:30am Worship with Communion 9:30am Adult Study on Forgiveness in the Upper Room. Prepare by reading chapter 2. 10:30am We celebrate Girl Scout Sunday, Worship with Children's Message, and Communion. . Scripture Lesson: Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-17 Sermon: God's Promise – A Future Offertory: The Whisper - Chancel Choir, 10:30am. …........................................................................................................................................... Join Us in our Methodist Community SUNDAY IN WORSHIP Worship Leader Greeters Ushers Pat Hatlee Girl Scouts (8:30) Marcial Reyes (10:30) Girl Scouts Sound Holden Vanderveen Graphics Holly Greene Nursery Sheryl Manning Children’s Message Pastor David Offering Counters Deb Devenpeck, Pat Hatlee Financial Assistant Mike Curtis Coffee (8:30) Marcial Reyes (10:30) Jim & Charlotte Colton, Carol Bates Communion (8:30) Kat Schwencke (10:30) Vicki Vanderveen Acolyte Lilly Oberg WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 am Worship Service 9:30 am Forgiveness Adult Study 9:30 am Youth Ensemble 10:15 pm Children’s Choir 10:30 am Church School 11:45 am Nominations, Membership Dev. 5 - 6:30 pm MS MYF Gathering Mon: 9 -2 pm Office Hours 9:30 am Journey ….. Bible 1:00 pm AA Tues: 10:30 am UMW Meeting 7:00 pm Christian Yoga Wed: 12:30 pm AA 3:00 pm Food Pantry 7:00 pm Chancel Bells 8:00 pm Chancel Choir Thurs: 6:00 am Men’s Group 9:30 am Forgiveness Adult Study 7:00 pm Journey ….. Bible Fri: 8:00 am Food Pantry 10:00 am AA th th 6:30 pm 4 /5 Grade Youth 7:00 pm Al Anon 8:00 pm AA Sat: 9:00 pm AA Sun: 8:30 & 10:30 am Worship Service 9:30 am Forgiveness Adult Study 9:30 am Chime Choir 10:15 am Children’s Choir 10:30 am Church School 11:45 am Education, Worship 12:30 pm MS MYF Return Maplewood Manor Sing-along Our next sing-along visit will be Monday, March 2nd New singers are welcome, as always, and our program will include a selection of Irish songs, so wear something green in keeping with St. Patrick's Day! Meet at church at 9:40am if you wish to car-pool, or at the nursing home in Ballston Spa at 10am. Encountering God —A Saturday Morning Prayer Refresher March 7th, 8:30-11:30 Interdenominational event held at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 2001 Route 9, Round Lake. Adults and teens are invited and urged to bring Bibles and notebooks. A contribution of $5 will be taken from adults for breakfast items. Please respond to [email protected] by March 1st and let us know if you need childcare. For more details about this event go to: Crisalli Family Fire On the morning on February 16, 2015 Michael and Leah Crisalli's home was completely destroyed by a fire. They have lost everything they own. Please use the give forward link below or bring a gift card to the church office. &utm_medium=graph&utm_campaign=vanity_page Thank you for your generosity!
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