COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, 16TH MARCH 2015 GLENORCHY CITY COUNCIL * The General Manager certifies that the reports contained in this Agenda have been written by qualified persons under Section 65 of the Local Government Act 1993. 3.00 p.m. Hour: Present: In attendance: Leave of Absence: Workshops held since last Council Meeting Date: Monday, 2nd March 2015 Purpose: To discuss: Derwent Estuary Program GASP Board STCA Presentation TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. APOLOGIES ................................................................................................ 4 2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES .................................................................... 4 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE CHAIR .............................................................. 4 4. PECUNIARY INTEREST NOTIFICATION ......................................................... 4 5. RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE ................ 4 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) ....................................................... 4 7. PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS .......................................................................... 4 COMMUNITY .........................................................................5 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR ............................................................ 6 9. GLENORCHY DRAFT INTERIM PLANNING SCHEME 2014 - NOTICE FROM MINISTER FOR PLANNING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT TO AMEND PRIOR TO DECLARATION .............................................................. 10 10. COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE............................ 16 GOVERNANCE ...................................................................... 19 11. GLENORCHY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN 2015................................ 20 12. KGV SOCCER GROUND - LEASE PROPOSAL ................................................. 22 13. ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNAL LIAISON COMMITTEE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE GROWTH FOR THE BROOKER HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AND THE APPOINTMENT OF TWO ALDERMEN TO THIS COMMITTEE...................................................... 25 14. WINDERMERE BAY RESERVE - CLAREMONT RSL ANZAC MEMORIAL ............................................................................................... 28 15. COMMON SERVICES JOINT VENTURE ........................................................ 31 16. POIMENA RESERVE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY ............................. 35 17. CORPORATE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - JANUARY 2015 ....................... 38 18. NOTICES OF MOTIONS – QUESTIONS ON NOTICE / WITHOUT NOTICE ..................................................................................................... 40 18.1 NOTICE OF MOTION - ALDERMAN D. PEARCE ............................................ 40 CLOSED TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC .................................. 43 19. APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE ..................................................... 43 GOVERNANCE .................................................................................... 43 20. FARLEY STREET - DERWENT PARK QUOTATION.......................................... 43 21. GENERAL MANAGER PERFORMANCE REVIEW KPI...................................... 43 22. GENERAL MANAGER'S KPI'S - 12 MONTHS................................................. 43 23. DIRECTOR OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RESPONSE ......................................... 44 II 24. NOTICES OF MOTIONS – QUESTIONS ON NOTICE / WITHOUT NOTICE (CLOSED) ...................................................................................... 44 III Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 1. APOLOGIES 2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16th February 2015 be confirmed. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE CHAIR 4. PECUNIARY INTEREST NOTIFICATION 5. RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) 7. PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS 4 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda COMMUNITY 5 Monday, 16th March 2015 8. Council Meeting Agenda ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR Author: Mayor Kristie Johnston Qualified Person: General Manager (Peter Brooks) ECM File Reference: Mayor Announcements Community Plan Reference: This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this matter. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue there is no applicable reference to this matter. Reporting Brief: To receive the announcements by the Mayor. Proposal in Detail: Following is the list of events the Mayor has attended during the period 10th February 2015 to 10th March 2015. Wednesday, 11th February 2015 Attended meeting with the Minister regarding voluntary amalgamations Attended TasWater Owner Representatives Quarterly Update Meeting Friday, 13th February 2015 Attended the LGAT General Meeting Sunday, 15th February 2015 Volunteered at the Tasmanian Transport Museum Monday, 16th February 2015 Attended the STCA media event at Bridgewater Bridge Attended the STCA meeting at Brighton Council Attended a tour of the MAC with Andrew Wilkie MP Chaired Council Meeting Tuesday, 17th February 2015 Attended meeting with PCYC CEO 6 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Wednesday, 18th February 2015 Attended the LGAT Breakfast Forum Attended meeting with Chinese Professors Presented National medals to Petanque Club Attended a meeting with the YMCA Thursday, 19th February 2015 Attended a tour of the MAC with Minister for the Arts, Vanessa Goodwin MLC Friday, 20th February 2015 Attended the First Settlers Memorial Service Attended the Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner Sunday, 22nd February 2015 Facilitated the Clean Up Glenorchy Taskforce monthly activity Monday, 23rd February 2015 Attended the funeral of Frank King Chaired the Glenorchy Planning Authority meeting Tuesday, 24th February 2015 Attended meeting with a Resident Attended meeting with Claremont College regarding ANZAC Flag Parade Attended Glenorchy Youth Taskforce Induction Attended meeting with a Resident Wednesday, 25th February 2015 Attended meeting with Damien Cummins regarding Collective Impact/Opportunity Child Attended the official opening of Meals On Wheels Glenorchy office Officially welcomed delegates to the Local Government Chief Officers Meeting Thursday, 26th February 2015 Attended Destination Southern Tasmania Board meeting Chaired the Safer Communities Committee meeting Attended the Glenorchy Community Precinct meeting Friday, 27th February 2015 Attended the Collective Impact/Opportunity Child workshop Sunday, 1st March 2015 Participated in the Clean Up Australia Day event held by the Claremont, Austins Ferry and Granton Precinct Visited the Glenorchy Girl Guides Open Day 7 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, 2nd March 2015 Met with a representative of the Children’s University program Chaired Council Workshop Tuesday, 3rd March 2015 Officially opened the new Glenorchy Anglicare office Attended a meeting with RAST Attended the Windermere Primary School Association AGM Attended the Moonah and Glenorchy Business Association AGM Attended the West Moonah Community Precinct meeting Wednesday, 4th March 2015 Presented at the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects City Talks Presentation on Light Rail Attended the Berriedale/Chigwell Community Precinct meeting Chaired an Extra Council Workshop Thursday, 5th March 2015 Presented as guest speaker to U3A Attended the Claremont, Austins Ferry and Granton Precinct Friday, 6th March 2015 Attended the Dominic College International Women’s Day Breakfast Officially opened the MAC (Moonah Arts Centre) Attended the launch of Stand Back at MAC Saturday, 7th March 2015 Attended a meeting with Simon Currant Attended the MAC Open Day Sunday, 8th March 2015 Attended the West Moonah Community Precinct Neighbour Day Picnic Monday, 9th March 2015 Attended the Knights Cricket Club Pink Stumps Day T20 Charity Match Tuesday, 10th March 2015 Attended meeting with Senator Eric Abetz Attended meeting with Director of Local Government Chaired the Glenorchy Planning Authority meeting Numerous internal meetings and administrative duties were also undertaken. 8 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Consultations: Nil. Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: Nil. Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: Nil. Recommendation: That Council receives the announcements by the Mayor for the period 10th February 2015 to 10th March 2015. Attachments/Annexures 9 Monday, 16th March 2015 9. Council Meeting Agenda GLENORCHY DRAFT INTERIM PLANNING SCHEME 2014 NOTICE FROM MINISTER FOR PLANNING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT TO AMEND PRIOR TO DECLARATION Author: Strategic Planner (Lyndal Byrne) Qualified Person: Strategic Planner (Lyndal Byrne) ECM File Reference: Planning Scheme Review Community Plan Reference: City of Glenorchy Community Plan 2015-2040 Community Goals: Building image and pride. Making lives better. Valuing our environment. Open for business. Leading our community. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: Glenorchy City Council Strategic Plan 2013-18 (Interim) Strategic plan intent: Valuing our environment. Objective 3.2: Create liveable built environments and sustainably manage our natural and built environments. Strategy 3.2.2: Deliver services that sustainably manage our natural environments. Strategy 3.2.3: Deliver services that create sustainable and liveable built environments. Strategic plan intent: Leading our community Objective 4.1: Manage our resources to achieve community outcomes. Strategy 4.1.2: Ensure Council is open and transparent in its communication and dealings with our communities. Glenorchy City Council Annual Plan 2014-15 to 2016-17 Action Progress the Interim Planning Scheme to a Planning Scheme. Action Plan for the sustainable development of the City, ensuring compliance with the planning scheme and community involvement in the planning process. 10 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Reporting Brief: To seek Council’s decision, acting as planning authority, on: Modifying the Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2014 to bring it into conformity with the requirements of the Land Use Planning and Approval Act 1993, as outlined in the Minister for Planning’s Direction Notice. Submitting the modified scheme for declaration. Undertaking statutory public exhibition of the Glenorchy Interim Planning Scheme for forty-two days once the scheme has been declared. Proposal in Detail: Background On 17th March 2014 Council resolved to submit the Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2014 (GDIPS 2014) to the Minister for Planning requesting it be declared as an interim planning scheme under section 30F of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (the Act) (refer to Attachment 1 for a copy of the 17 March 2014 Council Report). The development of the new planning scheme has resulted from the State Government’s planning reform process, which seeks to ensure consistent and contemporary planning schemes that streamline the planning system across the State. The new planning scheme has standard State provisions, including standard zones, use classes and standard layout and content requirements, along with regional (relevant to the southern region) and local (relevant to Glenorchy) provisions. The Tasmanian Planning Commission’s Interim Planning Scheme Advisory Committee (the Advisory Committee) was established in June 2014 to consider the Southern Draft Interim Planning Schemes and provide advice to the Minister for Planning on compliance with the Act for the purposes of declaration. The Advisory Committee assessed compliance of all of the schemes with sections 20 (What can a planning scheme provide for?) 21 (Co-ordination of planning schemes) and 30E (Contents of interim planning scheme) of the Act. The Advisory Committee found that while none of the Southern Draft Interim Planning Schemes were compliant with the Act in the form submitted to the Minister, that subject to some changes, they could be declared. In December 2014 Council officers were given the opportunity to provide comment on the Exposure Draft of the Advisory Committee’s Compliance Report and draft Directions Notice. Some of the Council officer comments have been addressed in the final Directions Notice. Alderman updates on the progress of the project have been provided as requested. 11 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Directions Notice On 4th February 2015, the Minister for Planning provided Council with a Directions Notice identifying the changes required to bring GDIPS 2014 into compliance with the Act (refer to Attachment 2 – Copy of Minister’s letter and Attachment 3 the Section 30D Notice). Council officers consider the majority of the changes to be acceptable (refer to Attachment 4 for a table of all recommended changes under the Directions Notice and officer comment on each change). However the following changes warrant discussion: Revision of the wording used to describe the ‘Application’ of the Biodiversity Code (Part B – local content: Recommendation 3.1) Officer Comment: The wording of the ‘Application’ provision for this Code is based on legal advice provided to Council. The change is required to achieve consistency with other schemes in the region. The change will not have any significant impacts on the outcomes Council was seeking to achieve with the application of the Code. It is recommended that Council accept the change and monitor its impact once the new scheme comes into operation. Council will have the opportunity to consider whether to raise this matter in its report to the Tasmanian Planning Commission (TPC) on submissions received on the scheme following the public exhibition process. Deletion of the Streetscape Character Code (Part B – local content: Recommendation 3.4) Officer Comment: Loss of the Code will not have a significant negative impact on development or amenity outcomes for these areas. The properties do not have existing heritage controls. While disappointing, this can be addressed via a future amendment, where there is community support for such an outcome. Inclusion of Collinsvale in the Rural Living Zone rather than a Village Zone (Part B – local content: Recommendation 5.1) Officer comment: The Rural Living Zone is consistent with the current Rural Residential Zoning of the area. However, the Village Zoning would have confirmed the ‘sense of place’ that is evident in the area rather than an undifferentiated Rural Living Zone. Property owners and occupiers will not see any significant changes to their current development rights and opportunities under the proposed Rural Living Zone. Applying a Village Zone to the area could be addressed via a future amendment, subject to community support. 12 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Minor wording changes (Part A – regional content: Recommendations 3.6 and 3.8 and Part B – local content Recommendation 12.1) Officer Comment: The provisions drafted to comply with recommendation 3.8 appear to be an overly strict interpretation of the intent of the recommendation. The other recommendations require wording changes that are superfluous or duplicate legislation. Council can monitor the impact of these changes once the new scheme comes into operation and consider whether to raise this matter in its report to the TPC following the public exhibition process. Amending the Scheme to include any Planning Scheme Amendments approved since GDIPS 2014 was submitted in April 2014. (Part B - local content: Recommendation 9.1) Officer comment: It is recommended that these changes be undertaken by Council officers as the amendments have been supported by Council through the assessment process. Declaration of the Scheme and the Public Exhibition process Once declared the Interim Planning Scheme will become fully operational and any new planning permit application received must be assessed against it. Transitional provisions under the Act enable permit applications not determined prior to the declaration of the Interim Planning Scheme to be assessed against the provisions of the Glenorchy Planning Scheme 1992. The Interim Planning Scheme is required to be placed on public exhibition for 42 days in accordance with section 30H of the Act. The community will have the opportunity to make submissions on the Interim Planning Scheme. The public exhibition process will include: Media release, webpage updates, gazette articles advising of the exhibition process. Letters to all owners/occupiers, key community groups, government agencies and key stakeholders. Statutory notice in the Mercury newspaper. Community information sessions (Glenorchy and Collinsvale). The planning scheme document and maps will be available on line at the State government iPlan website: At the end of the exhibition period, Council will have three months to prepare a report on the operation of the scheme and the submissions received and submit it to the TPC. A report to Council will be provided at this time. 13 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda The legislative changes introduced in January 2015 removed the requirement for the TPC to hold hearings on each of the representations received. The TPC will consider all applicable matters and may recommend to the Minister for Planning that an urgent amendment to the Interim Planning Scheme be undertaken, or that Council be directed to prepare a separate amendment to the Interim Scheme that would be subject to a public hearing process. The interim schemes will not be formally approved. It is understood that the State will use the information from the exhibition process to develop a single planning scheme for the State. New legislation to introduce a single State planning scheme is likely to be considered in late 2015. Consultations: The Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme has been the developed with the benefit of extensive consultation including: Public consultation on the Glenorchy Interim Land Use Planning Strategy. Public consultation on the Southern Tasmania Regional Land Use Strategy 20102035. Public consultation on the Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2013. Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: The Planning Scheme Review project is now managed within the Planning Services program budget. From a risk management perspective, the major risk relates to the Interim Planning Scheme becoming fully operational once it is declared, without the benefit of it being tested through a public consultation and assessment process. However the new Interim Planning Scheme represents a direct translation of the current Glenorchy Planning Scheme 1992, subject to some changes that would need to be ‘reasonably necessary’ to achieve consistency with and to further the objectives of the Southern Tasmanian Regional Land Use Strategy 2010 – 2035. Any significant errors or anomalies may be able to be addressed through an urgent amendment to the interim scheme under section 30IA of the Act. Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: The new interim scheme is required to be publically exhibited in accordance with the provisions of the Act. A full mail out to property owners and occupiers, media release, website updates and public information sessions will also occur. 14 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Recommendation: That Council, acting as planning authority under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993: (a) Endorse the amendments to the Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2014 identified in the Section 30D (6) Directions Notice under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (the Act). (b) Delegate to the Coordinator Planning Services, pursuant to Section 6 of the Act, the authority to amend the Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2014 to include any planning scheme amendments approved by the Tasmanian Planning Commission since the submission of the scheme for declaration. (c) Submit the revised Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2014 to the Minister for Planning for declaration under Section 30D (7) of the Act. (d) Exhibit the declared Glenorchy Interim Planning Scheme 2014 for 42 days in accordance with Section 30H of the Act and Council’s consultation program. Attachments/Annexures 1 Attachment 1 - 17th March 2014 Council Report 2 Attachment 2 - 3rd February 2015 Letter from Minister for Planning 3 Attachment 3 - Section 30D Directions Notice 4 Attachment 4 - Table of Recommended Changes and Officer Comments 15 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 10. COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE Author: Transport Engineer (Amir Mousavi) Qualified Person: Manger Infrastructure & Engineering Services - Russell Grierson ECM File Reference: Community Road Safety Partnership Committee Community Plan Reference: We continue to be a safe, inclusive, active, healthy and vibrant community. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: 1.3.3 Advocate for, partner with, or deliver services that address identified levels of community need. 3.2.1 Set priorities for management of our natural and built environments in partnership with our communities. 3.2.3 Deliver services that create sustainable and liveable built environments. Reporting Brief: The purpose of this report is to inform Council on the history of Community Road Safety Partnership (CRSP) Committee and the recent changes to the CRSP program made by the Department of State Growth. The report recommends that the current CRSP Committee’s term of reference be changed based on the new Community Road Safety Grant program. Proposal in Detail: The Department of State Growth (previously the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources – DIER) introduced the Community Road Safety Partnership (CRSP) program in 2003 with the aim of partnering with local government authorities to promote ownership of road safety at the local level and to inspire and enlist the involvement of communities in the ‘battle against road trauma’. The rationale behind this was that local communities are able to better recognise local road safety concerns and develop innovative strategies, such as non-infrastructure strategies, that address the issues they have identified. In 2004, Glenorchy City Council established the CRSP Committee through the DIER Partnership Agreement, to develop and implement projects that are aimed at improving community road safety. Members of the committee include an aldermanic representative, Council’s Traffic Engineer, Council’s Safer Communities Co-ordinator, State Growth’s Road Safety Branch Officer, RACT representative, Glenorchy Police representative and two community members. The CRSP Committee meets every second months. 16 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Some of the successful projects supported and undertaken by the CRSP Committee are as follows: Drive Time Learner Driver Mentor Program operating from the Goodwood Community House; Learner Licence Assistance Program operating at U-Turn, Workskills, Glenorchy LINC, West Moonah Community House and Campbell Page; Road safety general awareness promoted through Glenorchy Gazette, Glenorchy Safer Communities Committee web page, local community news letters, notice boards and social media outlets; School bus safety education promoted in primary schools; ‘Use Your Head Don’t End Up Dead’ program promoting awareness of alcohol and driving, speed and distraction amongst young drivers; Speed awareness at the opening of ‘Fast and Furious 6’ Village Cinema Glenorchy promoting Tasmania’s Speak out against Speed campaign and the local ‘Glenorchy Use Your Head Don’t End Up Dead’ initiative; Speed awareness with the Digital Speed Display Trailer in targeted streets; Street Cricket conducted in partnership with CRSP and Cricket TAS in Gepp Parade; Road safety awareness displays at Northgate Shopping Centre; Keys to Ps at Council with Steps Groups; Promotion of road safety to novice drivers at youth events; Older driver workshop conducted during Senior Week. It is noted that there has been no budget allocated for the CRSP program by Council in the past. Rather the required financial support has come from State Government or existing budgets for community development projects. Limited funding sources have to some extent constrained what the CRSP Committee can do but innovative approaches and co-operation have delivered worthwhile outcomes. Notwithstanding the successful innovative projects to date, the Department of State Growth in their letter of 24th February 2015 (refer Attachment 1) informed Council that due to budgetary constraints the direction and operation of community road safety is being changed and the CRSP program will cease from 1st March 2015. This means that the Department of State Growth is no longer able to provide representation on the Council Committee to assist with the implementation of projects. Instead, the Department of State Growth proposes to replace the CRSP program with a direct funding or grants model approach. The new program will provide Councils and community organisations with the opportunity to apply for funding to continue to undertake initiatives to address local road safety issues, but with increased autonomy. The new program will require councils and community organisations to submit funding applications to the Department of State Growth against, yet to be defined, funding criteria. The proposed initiatives will then be funded through the new program subject to the approval by the Department of State Growth. 17 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Detailed information in relation to the new program has not been received as yet. Consequently, it is recommended that the current CRSP Committee’s terms of reference be reviewed, based on the additional information about the new program once it is received from the Department of State Growth. Consultations: Alderman Branch-Allen ELT Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: No human resource or financial implications apply at this stage. Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: It is considered that no community consultation is required at this stage, with the exception of CRSP Committee members, who should be informed of the changes. Recommendation: It is recommended that current CRSP Committee activities and meetings be placed on hold until receiving detailed information associated with the new Community Road Safety Grant program and the Committee’s term of reference then be reviewed, based on the new funding program. Attachments/Annexures 1 Letter - State Growth 18 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda GOVERNANCE 19 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 11. GLENORCHY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN 2015 Author: General Manager (Peter Brooks) Qualified Person: General Manager (Peter Brooks) ECM File Reference: Glenorchy EMP 2015 Community Plan Reference: This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this matter. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: Ensure preparedness for disaster by maintaining and continually reviewing the City’s Emergency Management Strategies. Reporting Brief: To seek Council endorsement for the revised Glenorchy Emergency Management Plan 2015, as attached, and submit to the Commissioner of Police as the State Emergency Management Controller for approval. Proposal in Detail: The Emergency Management Act 2006 requires councils to review their Emergency Management Plans every two years. The current plan was approved by the Commissioner in March 2013 and is now due for review. Council’s Emergency Management Committee, chaired by Alderman Steven King, has overseen the review of the current plan. This committee comprises representatives from within Council and also external emergency service agencies. Alderman Slade is also a member of this committee. The author updated the document and circulated it to the committee members for review and comment. In December 2014 the comments were collated into a final version. The final draft was again circulated to the Glenorchy Emergency Management Committee in February 2015 to seek out of session endorsement in preparation for submission to Council. The format and template for Municipal Emergency Management Plans is determined by the State Emergency Service. Apart from a number of minor editing changes to reflect new position titles and state government department names, the only significant change is the reference to the study and report undertaken on the flood early warning system and evacuation plan for the Glenorchy CBD and surrounding areas as this report was finalised after the March 2013 plan was approved. This flood report will be subject to a further report to Council in the near future. 20 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Consultations: Glenorchy Emergency Management Committee ELT Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: There are no additional HR or financial resource implications in adopting this plan. Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: The Glenorchy Emergency Management Plan 2015 will be on the State Emergency Services and the Glenorchy City Council websites once approved by the Commissioner. Recommendation: That Council endorses the Glenorchy Emergency Management Plan 2015 and submits this plan to the Commissioner of Police for approval. Attachments/Annexures 1 Draft 2015 Glenorchy Emergency Management Plan 21 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 12. KGV SOCCER GROUND - LEASE PROPOSAL Author: Property Officer (Rachel Cooper) Acting Manager Council Property (Richard Blackwell) Qualified Person: Executive Manager - Finance & Business (Jason Browne) ECM File Reference: KGV Soccer Park Community Plan Reference: 2.1.2 Develop strategies to maintain and improve the use of parks, public open spaces, sports grounds, public amenities and recreation facilities in line with the Council’s Sport and Recreation Strategy. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: 1.4.3 Promote recreational activity by maintaining and improving facilities and assisting access to funding for sporting and community groups. 4.1.2 Ensure Council is open and transparent in its communication and dealings with our communities. Reporting Brief: 1. Football Federation Tasmania wishes to enter into a new lease agreement with Glenorchy City Council for the Soccer Grounds and Administration and Clubroom buildings within the KGV Soccer Park located at 16-18 Grove Road in Glenorchy. 2. This report seeks Council approval to advertise its intent under section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) to lease the land at the KGV Soccer Park to Football Federation Tasmania. Proposal in Detail: Council has received a request from the Football Federation Tasmania to enter into negotiations to formulate a combined lease, as their current two leases have expired. Football Federation Tasmania (previously known as Soccer Tasmania Limited) have been long term tenants, with their current lease commencing in 1993. Currently Football Federation Tasmania have two long term leases, one for the Soccer Ground/Park, and another for the Administration and Clubroom buildings. The leases for the KGV Soccer Park and the Administration Headquarters/Clubrooms have expired and the Lessee, Football Federation Tasmania Limited has proposed to combine the two leases and extend the term for a further lease of ten years (10) with a ten (10) year extension option. It is on this basis that a new lease be negotiated to combine the previous terms of the leases. 22 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Please refer to the attached correspondence (Attachment 1) from Football Federation Tasmania 23 June 2014 for further information. The proposed lease is conditional on the following terms being included in the lease document. a) The lease term be ten (10) years with a ten (10) year option. b) Lease fee to be $30,000 for the first year, $35,000 second year, $40,000 Third year, $45,000 for every year after plus annual CPI increases. c) Any new construction or site safety and security requirements or modifications are to be installed to recognised or endorsed safety standards provided by the Governing Authority. Certification to be the responsibility and expense of Football Federation Tasmania. Council staff do recognise that Football Federation Tasmania are a long term tenant and they provide a well-managed administration facility providing recreational opportunities and acknowledges that they wish to stay within the KGV precinct. The Assessed Annual Value (AAV) for the administration and clubroom property is $13,200, and the AAV for the Soccer ground is $21,200. The synthetic playing turf has recently been installed. This turf will need to be replaced in 10 years, at a quoted price of $450,000. This will be the responsibility of Glenorchy City Council. It is noted that the amount of AAV plus the replacement cost of the turf, and additional maintenance will not be covered by the annual lease revenue. This facility is a community sporting and as such, Council will need to contribute to ensure the continuation of this sporting facility. Consultations: Council officers completed the following internal consultation:Executive Leadership Team Council Lawyer Manager Parks and Gardens Executive Manager Finance and Business Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: Council staff will be required to develop a new lease and current revenue will be maintained for the lease period. As part of the lease, risk management and safety are considered a priority for a site hosting these activities and will be managed within the lease documentation. Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: Prior to executing the proposed lease, Council is required to advertise its intention to enter into a long-term lease arrangement in accordance with Section 178 of the Local Government Act (leasing of land). A community engagement plan will be implemented in accordance with advice from Council’s Community Development Department. 23 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Recommendation: Council Endorse the advertising of its intent to lease the land in accordance with Section 178 (4)(a) of the Local Government Act, 1993. Attachments/Annexures 1 Email from Football Federation 24 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 13. ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNAL LIAISON COMMITTEE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE GROWTH FOR THE BROOKER HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AND THE APPOINTMENT OF TWO ALDERMEN TO THIS COMMITTEE Author: General Manager (Peter Brooks) Qualified Person: General Manager (Peter Brooks) ECM File Reference: State Growth Community Plan Reference: This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this matter. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue there is no applicable reference to this matter. Reporting Brief: To advise Council of the establishment of an internal liaison committee with the Department of State Growth specifically for the Brooker Highway/Elwick Road/Goodwood Road and Howard Road junctions, and to seek the appointment of two aldermen to this committee. Proposal in Detail: The Department of State Growth is planning to upgrade the Brooker Highway junctions at Howard Road, Goodwood and Elwick Roads. Refer to Attachment 1 for design details. These upgrades were identified as high priority in the 2012 Strategic Review of the Brooker Highway. The Project will: - improve the efficiency of the Brooker Highway as a key strategic and freight corridor north of Hobart; - improve traffic flow and minimise peak-time bottlenecks; and - improve connections between local communities. The proposed works include: - replacement of Howard Road roundabout with a new signalised intersection; 25 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda - realignment of Elwick Road and Goodwood Road to form one signalised intersection; - coordination of the signals at both intersections for maximum traffic flow efficiency, especially at peak travel times; - signalised pedestrian crossings at the intersections; - access to Timsbury Road from Howard Road; - three through-lanes in each direction; - on-road advanced bicycle storage boxes; and - shared pathway for pedestrians and cyclists along Brooker Highway. The $32 million project is jointly funded by the Australian Government and the Government of Tasmania. The works are scheduled to commence at the end of 2015 and conclude at the end of 2017. As this is a very busy section of highway, construction will be staged and traffic managed to minimise the impact on traffic flow and on nearby businesses and residents. The Department of State Growth has recently undertaken a public consultation program on the Brooker Highway project and has lodged a development application. This project has the potential to raise community concerns and it is considered appropriate to proactively plan for such issues and be able to respond appropriately through having relevant staff and elected members with direct channels of communication with the Department of State Growth project manager. The project manager at State Growth has been contacted in relation to the proposal of setting up a liaison committee and fully supports the concept and agreed that the project manager should attend these meetings. It was also agreed that the meetings should be convened after the statutory process of the current planning application to ensure lines of communication are clear. Consultations: ELT Transport Engineer Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services Coordinator Communication and Marketing Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: The internal liaison committee will include two aldermen and key staff such as the Manager Infrastructure and Engineering services, Transport Engineer and Coordinator Communication and Marketing. No additional resources will be required. 26 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: The establishment of this committee will be a positive approach to pro-actively manage any issues or public concerns raised during the construction project. Recommendation: (a) That Council call for nominations from Aldermen including the Mayor to fill two positions on the Internal Liaison Committee with the Department of State Growth for the construction phase of the Brooker Highway project. (b) That a ballot be conducted at the next Council meeting to elect two Aldermen onto this committee. Attachments/Annexures 1 Brooker Highway Design 27 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 14. WINDERMERE BAY RESERVE - CLAREMONT RSL ANZAC MEMORIAL Author: Acting Manager Council Property (Richard Blackwell) Qualified Person: Executive Manger - Finance and Business Services (Jason Browne) ECM File Reference: Claremont RSL/26 Cadbury Road Community Plan Reference: 2.1.2 Develop strategies to maintain and improve the use of parks, public open spaces, sports grounds, public amenities and recreation facilities in line with Council’s Sport and Recreation Strategy. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: Promote recreational activity by maintaining and improving facilities and assisting access to funding for sporting and community groups. 4.1.2 Ensure Council is open and transparent in its communication and dealings with our communities. Reporting Brief: 1. The Claremont RSL Club wishes to enter into a licence agreement with Glenorchy City Council for an ANZAC Memorial within the Windermere Bay Reserve. 2. This report seeks Council approval to advertise its intent under section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) to licence the land at Windermere Bay Reserve to the Claremont RSL Club. Proposal in Detail: At its meeting on 29th September 2014, Council approved a recommendation to advertise its intent to license the portion of Windermere Bay Reserve for the provision of an ANZAC memorial in accordance with Section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas). Under section 178(4) the disposal of this land was advertised on 2 separate occasions, namely Saturday 11th October 2014 and Wednesday 15th October 2014, in a daily newspaper circulating in the municipal area which notified the public that any objection to the proposed licence was to be made to the General Manager within twenty one (21) days of the date of the first publication (Attachment 1). No objections were received. 28 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Under section 178 (5) if the General Manager does not receive any objection within 21 days of the date of the first publication and an appeal is not made under section 178A, then Council may licence the land. Funding for the Memorial has been gained by the Claremont RSL Club from two sources: Federal Government = $32,000.00 State Government = $40,000.00 It is proposed to issue the Claremont RSL Club with a 20 year licence to use the ground upon which the Memorial is sited, as shown by Annexure 2, subject to negotiation between Council staff and the Claremont RSL Club of satisfactory terms and conditions upon which the licence will be granted. It is further proposed that: a) That the licence fee be $100 per annum (only payable on request). b) That the memorial to be owned and maintained by the Claremont RSL Club. c) Public liability and facility insurances will be the responsibility of the Claremont RSL Club. Consultations: Council officers completed the following internal consultation: Statutory Planner – Development Approval issued. Building Department – Building Approval issued. Council Lawyer Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: It is not expected that staff involvement will extend past the negotiating of the licence for the site. Public liability and facility insurances will be the responsibility of the licensee and will be conditioned in the licence for the use of the site. It is proposed that the licence for the site will be $100 per annum (to be paid only on request). Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: Council’s Manager for Community Inclusion (Sue Bis Winkel) implemented the community engagement plan, where 99 letters were sent to surrounding property owners. 29 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Recommendation: Council approves to advertise its intent to licence a portion of land (approx. 450 square metres) within Windermere Bay Reserve to the Claremont RSL Club for an ANZAC Memorial for a period of 20 years subject to satisfactory negotiation of the terms and conditions of the licence agreement by Council staff. Attachments/Annexures 1 Advertisement for ANZAC War Memorial 2 Map - ANZAC War Memorial 30 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 15. COMMON SERVICES JOINT VENTURE Author: General Manager (Peter Brooks) Qualified Person: General Manager (Peter Brooks) ECM File Reference: Resource Sharing/Common Services Community Plan Reference: This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this matter. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: Strategic Plan: 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.3 Foster relationships to deliver community outcomes. Develop and manage collaborative relationships with other levels of Government. Partner with other councils and regional organisations to achieve community outcomes Annual Plan: Identify and formalise external council relationships to partner and, where feasible, share resources. Reporting Brief: To brief Council on the proposed Common Services Joint Venture and to approve and authorise the General Manager to sign the JV Agreement. Proposal in Detail: Background For some years, a number of southern Tasmanian Councils have been providing and receiving common/professional services, on a commercial basis. The exchange of common services has ensured that these Councils have maintained the ability to meet ever increasing legislative requirements and enabled them to continue to provide essential services to communities. Brighton Council took the initiative in 2007 in providing services (largely land use planning) to other councils. Since that time the number of services and councils involved has increased. 31 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Glenorchy City Council became involved a couple of years ago when there were discussions with a potential (at the time) tenderer for the State Government southern state roads maintenance contract. The Glenorchy GM has attended meetings of the group since then and had been in involved in the development of opportunities. We are currently looking at providing a planning professional to relieve a planner at another Council. We continue to look for opportunities and options as stated in our Interim Strategic Plan above - 4.3.3 Partner with other councils and regional organisations to achieve community outcomes. Councils are now looking to develop what to date have been ad hoc arrangements into a formal framework. This process commenced with a workshop of council staff from four councils in 2013, but was delayed by the local government elections. Subsequently, a number of discussions and workshops have been conducted and it is proposed to develop the current arrangements further through a managed joint venture of Councils. This will see functions undertaken by different Councils and administered by a Common Services Model. It will operate initially as a group of Councils with no central administration, but with limited organisational management, where functions are undertaken by different Councils and administered by individual Councils. A draft Business Plan as well as a draft Implementation Strategy have been developed and will be finalised once the JV is established. The overriding objective is to formalise and develop the Common Services Model to provide maximum cost efficiencies, high quality service and long term sustainability for participating Councils. It will provide participants with the ability and resources to enable quality equitable service provision to their residents and visitors, as well as generate economic efficiencies and increased viability to Common Service Model participants and the Region. It will also enable participants to meet legislative requirements, increase consistency of processes between municipalities and develop the reputation and professionalisation of the Common Services Model by capitalising on opportunities to build strong professional relationships and expand networks that will ensure the continual development and success of the ‘Model’ Under this model representatives of participating Councils will meet to identify workload and assign tasks from within their Councils and participating Councils would agree rates, etc. and draw up agreements. A Joint Venture Agreement has been drafted with the core group of participating Councils expected to formally sign and commit to the agreement in February 2015. A business plan, management structure, marketing and strategic communication strategies are also being developed. 32 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Joint Venture Management The Common Services Joint Venture Model is unique. It will be administered by a committee comprising a representative of each participating Council, a Chairman, Manager and Chief Administrator. The committee will report regularly to the Mayors of participating Councils. It will not employ any staff directly, but the Manager and Chief Administrator will charge Councils for the time spent on administering particular services and operations. Hourly rates for services will be determined based on the seniority of the employee delivering the service. Savings for Councils is a key. Therefore, the pricing strategy must deliver similar cost savings to both Councils providing services and Councils receiving services. The Common Services Model gives small, under-resourced councils the ability to provide a high level of professional services to their ratepayers at an affordable cost. Councils who are unable to attract professional staff or hire suitable employees on a full-time or permanent basis have the opportunity to limit their exposure to financial risk while delivering a high level of service to the community. The benefit for Glenorchy is to improve utilisation of current staff and to share staff if there is not a requirement for a full time position at Glenorchy. Councils do not lose their autonomy, but rather will have access to the all the skills and experience within all the Councils under agreed joint venture arrangements, enabling them to better use their autonomy. Councils only pay for the services they use and their ability to sustainably provide services for ratepayers will be enhanced. Any participating Council can be a provider as well as user of services. Examples of Common Services Animal Control Asset Management Building Permit Authority Corporate Finance / Management Development Engineering Environmental Health Governance Information Technology Operational Works Planning Pay Services Planning Plumbing Permit Authority Rates Records Management Technical Design and Investigation 33 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda In the past financial year, some 4500 hours of common services were provided and exchanged between Councils. This resulted in cost savings of approximately $660,000. With the formalisation of the Common Services Model and the commitment of Councils to the Joint Venture, an increase in amount of common services hours is expected, along with significant additional savings. It is projected that 6000 hours of common services hours could be completed this calendar year, leading to increased savings in the order of $800,000 - $880,000. In his letter to Mayors of 26 November 2014 advising of the February 11 2015 meeting, the Minister for Local Government Peter Gutwein stated that any local government reform must: Be in the interest of ratepayers; Improve the level of services for the communities; Preserve and maintain local representation; and Ensure that the financial status of the entities is strengthened. A draft JV Agreement is provided as attachment 1 – there are still a couple of clauses that we will amend before signing. Consultations: General Managers from Glamorgan Spring Bay, Sorell, Tasman, Southern Midlands, Brighton and Glenorchy Councils have held a number of meetings and workshops. Potential other Councils include: Central Highlands, Derwent Valley, Huon Valley and Flinders Island. Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: It is anticipated that the level of services shared by councils will increase; resulting in more revenue and cost savings. Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: A number of the participating Councils have already met to discuss and formally adopt the proposed JV and agreement. The have also been media releases. Recommendation: That Council authorise the General Manager to sign the Common Services Agreement following finalisation by Council’s Lawyer and engage in the new joint venture as outlined above and in the agreement. Attachments/Annexures 1 DRAFT Shared Services Agreement 2 Common Services Model Outline 3 Tasmanian Shared Services Report 34 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 16. POIMENA RESERVE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY Author: Acting Manager Council Property (Richard Blackwell) Legal and Governance Officer (Michelle Legg) Qualified Person: Executive Manager - Finance and Business Services (Jason Browne) ECM File Reference: Poimena Reserve Community Plan Reference: 2.2.7 Ensure that gas, electricity and communication supplies meet the needs of users. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: 4.3.4 Provide cost effective information and communications technology (ICT) services that support the provision of services and information to Council and the community. Reporting Brief: 1. Telstra Corporation Limited wishes to enter into a lease agreement with GCC for Poimena Reserve in Austin’s Ferry, Tasmania. 2. This report seeks Council’s final approval under section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) for the lease of land at Poimena Reserve for the installation of a telecommunications tower and base station. Proposal in Detail: At its meeting of 29th September 2014, the Council approved its intent to advertise for a lease in accordance with section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) for a 10.4 meter and 6.2 meter portion of land at Poimena Reserve to Telstra Corporation Limited (“Telstra”) for a telecommunications tower and base station to be constructed. A copy of the report from the Council meeting of 29 September 2014 is attached for reference (Attachment 1). The development application for the proposed amended construction of a Telecommunications Tower (originally applied for and approved by Optus) was approved by the Glenorchy Planning Authority on 27 January 2015. Under section 178(4) the disposal of this land was advertised on 3 separate occasions, namely Saturday 19 November 2014, Wednesday 26 November 2014 and Saturday 29 November 2014 in a daily newspaper circulating in the municipal area which notified the public that any objection to the proposed sale was to be made to the General Manager within twenty one (21) days of the date of the first publication (Attachment 2). 35 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Three (3) objections were received as a result of the advertising process under section 178(4). In summary, the objections relate to the construction of the telecommunications tower on the basis of the following concerns: (1) Disruption to a key community and tourist natural retreat and picnic location; (2) Disruption to wildlife and in particular, native and threatened species; (3) Inconsistent with the stated intended use of the area (signage); (4) Potential radiation side effects; (5) Potential removal of trees in the area, which will further contribute to the loss of wildlife, native and threatened species; (6) Protection of the natural beauty of the area. A copy of the objections received is attached. (Attachment 4). Council staff have considered these objections in detail and in accordance with the approval given by the Glenorchy Planning Authority, it is recommended that the Council approve the lease of the portion of land as shown by Attachment 3 in accordance with section 178 to Telstra for the construction of a telecommunications tower and base station subject to negotiation of satisfactory terms and conditions by Council staff. Under section 178(6) Council must consider any objection lodged and by notice in writing within seven (7) days of a decision by the Council, advise any person who lodged an objection to the decision and their right to appeal that decision under section 178A. To appeal a decision of Council under section 178A an applicant would have to establish that the decision of Council is not in the public interest and show that the decision: (a) May cause undue hardship due to the loss of access to, and the use of, the public land; or (b) There is no similar facility available to the users of that facility. Consultations: Council officers completed the following internal consultation: Statutory Planner. Acting Manager Property. Property Officer. Council Lawyer. 36 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: It is not expected that staff involvement will extend past the negotiating of the lease for the site. Public liability and facility insurances will be the responsibility of the lessee and will be conditioned in the lease for the use of the site. The construction and maintenance within the site will be clarified within the lease to reflect minimal ongoing financial commitment from Council. The land will remain in Council ownership. Current year Next year Future years $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 It is noted that the Lease is to be provided by Telstra to comply with their obligations under the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) and therefore may be subject to further negotiation. Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: Council’s Manager for Community Inclusion (Sue Bis Winkle) implemented the community engagement plan, where 99 letters were sent to surrounding property owners. Council Manager of Property in consultation with Telstra agreed that further public consultation outside of the Planning Approvals process was not required. Recommendation: a) Final approval be granted to lease a portion of land (10.4 meters and 6.2 meters) at the Poimena Reserve in accordance with section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) to Telstra Corporation Limited for the installation of a telecommunications tower and base station subject to negotiation of satisfactory terms and conditions by Council staff. b) That the licence fee be $5,000 per annum. c) That the tower be owned and maintained by the lessee (Telstra). d) Council’s legal costs to be paid by the Lessee. e) Public liability and facility insurances will be the responsibility of the lessee (Telstra) Attachments/Annexures 1 First Council Report - 29 September 2014 2 Advertisement 3 Plan - Lease of Land 4 Letters from Residents - Objections 37 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 17. CORPORATE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - JANUARY 2015 Author: Reporting Officer (Len Newton) Qualified Person: Executive Manager - Finance and Business Services (Jason Browne) ECM File Reference: Traffic Lights Community Plan Reference: This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this matter. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: The Corporate Performance Indicators are provided to Council in accordance with Strategy: 4.1.5 Manage information in an integrated, secure, efficient, effective, and user friendly way; 4.1.7 4.1.8 Ensure integrated strategic planning across Council; Manage risk throughout Council; and 4.2.1 Manage the Council’s finances to ensure sustainability service delivery through a planned approach to the funding of council’s short and long term operations. Reporting Brief: To present the Corporate Performance Indicators as at the end of January 2015 for Aldermen’s information. Proposal in Detail: The Corporate Performance Indicators are attached (Attachment 1) along with Appendix B (Attachment 2). Appendix B outlines expected year to-date variances within the various Capital Works programs for this financial year. Please note the Indicators include the 2013/2014 Budget Carry Forwards as approved in the August 2014 Council Meeting. For January 2015 we have 1 red light and 3 yellow lights: Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR): Month (MTD) 49.17 LTIFR for January – Red light (page 29). There was one LTI for January and the rolling 12 month LTIFR is 41.31 marginally up on December (40.93). Safety remains a priority for the organisation and all incidents are reviewed to ensure policies and practices are refined to avoid future incidents. 38 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Corporate Services Revenue (page 14): Primarily below budget due to lower wage recoveries at the Derwent Entertainment Centre due to below budget events held. General Manager’s Unit Expenditure (page 17): Primarily above budget due to higher legal expenses relating to Human Resources and back-pay paid relating to the previous financial year. Accounts Receivable (page 25): Overdue debtors are above the target due primarily to a contractor invoice outstanding for the Derwent Park Stormwater Reuse project. Consultations: Executive Leadership Team Capital and Operational Expenditure Program Leaders Relevant Corporate Services Staff Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: As outlined in the Corporate Performance Indicators reports. Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: No public relations implications are known at this point, and no community consultation has been undertaken. Recommendation: That the information provided by the Corporate Performance Indicators for January 2015 be accepted. Attachments/Annexures 1 Corporate Performance Indicators - January 2015 2 Appendix B - January 2015 39 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 18. NOTICES OF MOTIONS – QUESTIONS ON NOTICE / WITHOUT NOTICE 18.1 NOTICE OF MOTION - ALDERMAN D. PEARCE Author: General Manager (Peter Brooks) Qualified Person: General Manager (Peter Brooks) ECM File Reference: Notice of Motion Community Plan Reference: This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this matter. Strategic or Annual Plan Reference: The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue there is no applicable reference to this matter. Reporting Brief: To consider a notice of motion by Alderman David Pearce submitted in accordance with the requirements of Section 16(5) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005. Proposal in Detail: That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council reaffirm their commitment to Council’s long-term financial strategy; That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council acknowledge the skills and commitment of the general manager in working towards its long-term strategy as directed by the elected members; That the aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council acknowledge the skills and ability of the general manager in his continued strength and ability to manage and maintain the outstanding service capacity and commitment to the citizens who live and work in this city; 40 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council takes this opportunity to acknowledge the skills and abilities of senior management and staff, both past and present in not only working towards its current financial strategy, but also in their commitment to delivering and maintaining and outstanding level of service delivery to the citizens who live and work in this city. Reasoning As Council is aware, during the life of the previous Council and now into the beginning of the current Council, a long-term strategy has been widely discussed by Aldermen and committed to. This has been done in order to maintain and enhance the immediate and continued sustainability of this Council and the community in general. As Council would also be aware, at the direction of elected members, the general manager has been instructed to reach a “breakeven point” by the financial year 2015/16. It is vital that this Council continues to work towards its long-term sustainability in order to benefit the cities current and future citizenship. The Glenorchy City Council has a long and proud record of innovative thinking and service delivery that supports the people whom live, work and participates in our city. In order for this to happen it takes a person of high quality, commitment, passion skills and integrity! I ask my fellow elected members to support this motion for it is my belief that we are indeed fortunate to have such a person in our current general manager, Mr Peter Brooks. In challenging and sometimes difficult situations he continues to show his professionalism and loyalty to the city of Glenorchy and positive direction that is planned. I recommend Council continues to endorse his implementation of our current long-term financial strategy and that we express our full confidence in him. As an Alderman with 14 years’ experience on Council it has been my privilege and honour to work with an extremely skilled, professional and dedicated group of management and staff, both past and present. In challenging times they have worked as a team and of the direction of the general manager to ensure that this Council works towards its long-term financial sustainability, whilst at the same time maintaining and delivering a high quality of service to the Glenorchy community. I ask my fellow aldermen to join with me in showing our sincere thanks and appreciation for their continuing efforts. Consultations: Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications: Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications: 41 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda Recommendation: 1. That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council reaffirm their commitment to Council’s long-term financial strategy; 2. That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council acknowledge the skills and commitment of the general manager in working towards its long-term strategy as directed by the elected members; 3. That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council acknowledge the skills and ability of the general manager in his continued strength and ability to manage and maintain the outstanding service capacity and commitment to the citizens who live and work in this city and express full confidence in the general manager; 4. That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council takes this opportunity to acknowledge the skills and abilities of senior management and staff, both past and present in not only working towards its current financial strategy, but also in their commitment to delivering and maintaining and outstanding level of service delivery to the citizens who live and work in this city. Attachments/Annexures 1 Notice of Motion - Alderman D. Pearce 42 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda CLOSED TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC 19. APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE GOVERNANCE 20. FARLEY STREET - DERWENT PARK QUOTATION This item is to be considered at a closed meeting of the Council by authority of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 Section 15(2)(f) (information provided to the council on the condition it is kept confidential). 21. GENERAL MANAGER PERFORMANCE REVIEW KPI This item is to be considered at a closed meeting of the Council by authority of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 Section 15(2)(a) (personnel matters, including complaints against an employee of the Council) and (2)(j) (the personal affairs of a person). 22. GENERAL MANAGER'S KPI'S - 12 MONTHS This item is to be considered at a closed meeting of the Council by authority of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 Section 15(2)(a) (personnel matters, including complaints against an employee of the Council) and (2)(j) (the personal affairs of a person). 43 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Meeting Agenda 23. DIRECTOR OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RESPONSE This item is to be considered at a closed meeting of the Council by authority of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 Section 15(2)(f) (information provided to the council on the condition it is kept confidential). 24. NOTICES OF MOTIONS – QUESTIONS ON NOTICE / WITHOUT NOTICE (CLOSED) 44
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