12.0 NLT Credit Hours Total-Includes 3.0 Specialty Credit Hours
June 13th & 14th, 2015–
Saturday June 13th, 2015
8:45 – 9:00 a.m.
Kristen Ayers-Opening Remarks and Webcast Requirements
9:00 – 10:30
Charles Arbuckle, Esq.
Basic Tax Law for Ohio New Lawyer Training
Discussion of the applicable municipal, state and federal laws concerning tax law
in Ohio will be summarized. Topics include: basic personal and corporate tax
filings, the use of Business Gateway, Taxpayer Bill of Rights, relevant statute of
limitations, and tax fraud. All relevant statutes and procedures will be discussed
including but not limited to: OAC Chapter 5701-5753, Ohio Tax Commissioner
Opinions, Internal Revenue Code, Treasury (Tax) Regulations and other
publications by the IRS. How to practically run a successful tax law practice in
Ohio will be explored, forms reviewed and then shared in a workshop setting.
10:30 – 10:40
10:40 – 12:40 p.m.
Benjamin Zacks, Esq.
Basic Ohio Business Law for Ohio New Lawyer Training-Part 1 & 2
Ideal and appropriate Ohio business formation will be examined. Everyday
usage, professionally and personally, of standard contracts and secured
transactions will be evaluated. Topics explored include but are not limited to
high-yield investment possibilities, basic securities law concerns, evaluating
mergers and negotiating acquisitions, employment agreements, basic tax matters,
12:40 – 1:25
Lunch (On Your Own)
1:25 – 2:25
Benjamin Zacks, Esq.
Professionalism for Ohio New Lawyer Training
An analysis of the behavior of new attorneys based on A Lawyer’s Creed and A
Lawyer’s Aspirational Ideals as adopted by the Supreme Court of Ohio. Specific
topics will be discussed as to various obligations and proper conduct of new
attorneys towards their client and profession. Workshop format with scenarios
will be completed by new lawyer attendees.
2:25 – 3:25
Benjamin Zacks, Esq.
Client Fund Management for Ohio New Lawyer Training
Lecture will be given on how to correctly set up and manage IOLTA accounts.
Necessary forms will be provided and interpreted.
3:25 – 4:25
Avonte Campinha-Bacote, Esq.
Fundamental Law Office Management for Ohio New Lawyer Training
Law office management techniques and responsibilities will be discussed, such
as effectively utilizing staff, maintaining healthy client relationships, costeffective alternatives to office software, and how to avoid common pitfalls that
new attorneys may encounter. In addition, this seminar will provide tips on how
to use social media to further your legal career, the advantages of having a
website, and the importance of technology as it related to billing, organization,
file retention and e-discovery.
Sunday June 14th, 2015
8:45 – 9:00 a.m.
Kristen Ayers-Opening Remarks – Overview & Requirements of Seminar
9:00 – 11:00
Eugene Weiss, Esq.
Basic Ohio Real Estate Law for Ohio New Lawyer Training
Lecture will be given on the basic laws relating to residential and commercial
real estate in Ohio. Presentation of the process and tools for information
gathering and preparation of the required forms and contractual obligations will
be emphasized, including but not limited to: lease, rental and purchase
agreements, financing, zoning, duty to disclose, easements, condo documents,
and foreclosure. Discussion of the general rules and procedures will be addressed
including but not limited to: Ohio Revised Code Chapters 5301-5323. The
attendees will participate in a mock real estate closing based upon a hand out of a
case summary and the areas which generally cause problems at the closing.
11:00 – 11:10
11:10 -- 12:10 p.m.
James Pearl, Esq.
Basic Eviction Process Law for Ohio New Lawyer Training
This presentation will introduce new lawyers to some of the basic concepts
underlying the Ohio eviction process including obligations of the tenant and
landlord, escrowing rent payments, refusal of rent, mitigating damages, ordinary
wear and tear, property damage and property depreciation. The program will
also focus on some of the key cases and statutes including Ohio Revised Code
Chapters 5321.07, 5321.04, 5321.16(B), 5321.05 and Ohio Environmental
Development Ltd. Partnership v. Envirotest Systems Corp., Sokolovic v.
Hamilton, and Dennis v. Morgan.
12:10 – 1:10
James Pearl, Esq.
Ohio Basic Estate Planning for Ohio New Lawyer Training
Topics discussed will include production of a living will, health care power of
attorney, financial power of attorney, and last will and testament. Applicable
statutes include Ohio Revised Code Chapters 1337, 2133, and 2107. Pertinent
cases discussed will be Niemes v Niemes, West v. Henry, and Kirschenbaum v.
1:10 – 1:45
Lunch (On Your Own)
1:45 – 3:15
Phillip Eckenrode, Esq.
Civil Litigation-Case Assessment, Discovery, Mediation/ADR for Ohio New
Lawyer Training
Do’s and Don’ts from a seasoned attorney will be lectured. Culture and nature of
work relating to valuing Ohio and federal cases regarding awarding damages
including Ohio Rule of Civil Procedure 65 and Paige v. Ohio High Sch. Athl.
Assoc.; Ohio and federal court discovery including Federal and Ohio Rules of
Civil Procedure 26, Local Rule 43 and The Way, Int’l v. Executive Risk
Indemnity, Inc.; and Mediation/ADR requirements and availability including
Mediation Week in Southern District of Ohio, and Franklin Local Rule 105.01.