House Ways and Means Committee March 3, 2015 – Minutes

House Ways and Means Committee
March 3, 2015 – Minutes
Statehouse Room 121
Chairman McClain called the meeting of the House Ways and Means Committee to order at
1:30 PM on March 3, 2015. The roll was called; a quorum was present. Chairman McClain
led the committee in opening prayer.
The meeting minutes for the committee held on February 25, 2015 were read and
approved without objection.
Chairman McClain called House Bill 64 for its third informal hearing. Testimony on
severance tax related provisions of the bill was provided by the following individuals:
Ginny Favede, Belmont County Commissioner, Interested Party
Don Bethel, Harrison County Commissioner, Interested Party
Chris Zeigler, American Petroleum Institute, Opponent
Shawn Bennett, Ohio Oil and Gas Association, Opponent
Brian Chavez, Christy Chavez, and Matt Lupardus, Southeastern Ohio Oil and Gas
Association, Opponent
Megan Wanczyk, Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, Interested Party
Tom Johnson, Village of Somerset, Interested Party
Mike Jacoby, Ohio Shale Region Coalition, Interested Party
Michelle Decker, Rural Action, Interested Party
Harry Eadon Jr., Eastern Ohio Development, Interested Party
Jack Shaner, Ohio Environmental Council, Interested Party
Questions were asked of each of the witnesses and answers were provided.
Written interested party testimony was submitted jointly by the County Commissioners
Association of Ohio, the Ohio Municipal League and the Ohio Township Association.
With no further business before the committee, the House Ways and Means Committee was
adjourned at 4:36 PM.