Calendar for the Week of June 7, 2015 Sunday: Worship @ 8 & 10:30a/EdHour, 9:30a/Teacher Recognition Noon, Band Concert and Fajitas Monday: MHCC Exercise, 9:30 a.m. Finance Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Band, 7 p.m. Tuesday: Men’s Breakfast, 8 a.m. Bible Study, 10 a.m. Mutual Ministry Meeting, 1:30 p.m. Swing Band, 7 p.m. Wednesday: MHCC Exercise, 9:30a Clutterers, 5:30 p.m. Thursday: Quilting, 9:30 a.m. Orchestra, 12:30 p.m. Friday: Office Closed — MHCC Exercise, 9:30a (Last one this quarter) Saturday: Hiller Open House, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday: Worship @ 8 & 10:30a/Adult Ed, 9:30a Church Picnic at Blue Lake Park (Chinook Shelter B), Noon Mission Statement: As a people forgiven and called by God we proclaim the Good News of Christ by serving both the physical and spiritual needs of people in our changing community. Vision Statement: Gethsemane Lutheran Church will, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, grow as a servant body reaching out to our neighborhood and our community, sharing God’s grace and serving as the Body of Christ in this time and place. June Altar Guild Greeters Asst. Min. Keeper of Keys Comm.Asst. Ushers Readers June 7 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS 8 am 10:30 am Sharon Lee,M Hansen Liz, Scott, Kevin Blohm Al/Ethel Marsh Nettie Ubrick Priscilla Nelson Cameron Herbert Gloria Kelsay Shar Giard JoniP, LizB, JayR, Gloria K Ken/Marilee Hansen Scott and Kevin Blohm Shar Giard Linda Babcock “A caring church for a changing community.” Gazette: To publish or announce. June 7, 2015 Office: 503.256.1835 [email protected], Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pastor: Tom Hiller, 503.557.7991 or 503.250.0736; [email protected] Preschool Director: Katie Strobel, 503.256.1835; [email protected] Youth Coor.: Jennilee Porch, [email protected], 315.573.4901 Parish Admin.: Judith Rykken Finance Mgr.: Cathey Myers, Organist: Brooke Benfield + Please Use the time before worship for meditation and prayer. As you + leave, go with a prayer for yourself, for others who worship with you, and for the needs of the world. Peace to you! We Welcome all who worship here today. Children are welcome at worship, but childcare is available from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. for children 5 and under. + Speak With An Usher if you’d like communion brought to you in your pew. If you need a Gluten-Free wafer, please ask when you come to the altar. + Amplification Devices, Wheelchairs, Walkers, & LARGE PRINT EDITIONS of the order of service and Gazette are available as are Sermon Outlines at the usher’s station. The Sacraments of Our Church Baptism – You and your children are invited to receive God’s gift of Baptism. In Baptism God offers these gifts: forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ; new life here in the Body of Christ, the church, and beyond death in God’s presence; and the power of the Holy Spirit. If you wish to be baptized or if you desire baptism for your children please speak to Pastor. Holy Communion – You and your children are invited to receive God’s gift of Holy Communion. In Holy Communion God offers the gifts of forgiveness of sins and unity within the Body of Christ, the church. We believe that Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, is present in this sacrament, giving his true body and blood as food and drink and that this real presence is a mystery. To learn more or if you are considering the readiness of your children to receive this Sacrament please speak to Pr. Tom. **Like Us on Facebook** Please sign up in the narthex to help as a Worship Assistant. Sign up for a whole month, or for just a Sunday or two. Questions? Talk to Gloria. Please Save the Date! July 25, 2015 is Pr. Tom Hiller’s retirement dinner. Pr. Tom and Lisa Hiller invite you to an OPEN HOUSE next Saturday, June 13, from 10 a.m to 1 p.m. Their address is7651 SE Cypress in Milwaukie. Annual Band Concert is TODAY at Noon: You’re invited to have a lunch of fajitas and rice and listen to live music. Talk to Todd Sloan if you want to help. Next Sunday, June 14, the Church Picnic is at noon at Blue Lake Park (Chinook Shelter B). Bring a side or a dessert to share. Games for kids and adults. Hot dogs and drinks are provided. Contact Jennilee for more information. TODAY, June 7 is Teacher Appreciation Day and Graduation of Laurel Strobel. Congratulations, Laurel! Bowl and Eat Pizza! Youth and their families are invited on Saturday, June 20, from 2 to 5 p.m. for a Farewell Bowling Party. It is an event specifically for children, youth, and families to spend time with Pastor Tom before he retires. From 2 to 4 we will bowl at Mt. Hood Lanes in Gresham and then from 4 to 5 we will move over to Wall Street Pizza for dinner. We're doing a group picture at the end, so please be there! VBS is August 3-7 from 9 to 11:45 a.m. and we need volunteers. Please consider volunteering at our biggest children's ministry event of the year. You will find the sign-up display in the Narthex, or you can contact Jennilee. There are lots of ways to be a part of this ministry: Volunteering, donating supplies/ food/craft items, decorating, helping at the Friday BBQ, getting the word out, prayer support, etc. Please Donate Useable Items for a Rummage Sale (August 28) at Redeemer Lutheran in Gresham to benefit Habitat for Humanity. Contact [email protected] for info. The Pacific Coast Norwegian Singers Association "Sangerfest" will be June 19 at 7 p.m. at West Salem High School (1776 Titan Dr NW, Salem, OR 97304). Lyle Johnson has been part of this group since 2010. This concert appears in Salem once every five to seven years and is made up of 110 men who practice at various west coast locations from San Diego to Bellingham. This year's concert will include the song "The Beautiful Willamette Valley", written by Lyle's mother during the mid-60's, and arranged for four-part men by Lyle. Lyle will also be singing a solo and in a duet. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the door. Unless otherwise requested, people named in the prayers will stay on the Urgent list for 30 days. Prayer Concerns—Ongoing: Those who are ill, homebound, or in need of other prayers: Tyler Riehl; Nicole Poole; Randy Treanor; Lucille Langseth; Sharon Lee’s niece Terri; Connie Smith’s friend Joe; Roland & Virginia Haacke; Ida Olson; Joe Rapp; Dorothy Shouse’s daughter Robin; Tiffany Herbert; Wynn & Jim Stafford; Jo Nelson’s friend Greg; Ginny Barton’s friend Golda; Marian Aleckson; Dick Burgess; Paulette Kelley’s brother Randy; Marilee and Ken Hansen’s daughter Beth; Kay Qualheim; Carol Steele and her cousin Arlan Scott; Dwaine Estes; Linda Babcock’s grandson Josiah; Pr. Randy Shutt; Aiden Lindstrom; Rita Nesbitt and her son John; Galvin Irby; John Skuzeski; Roseann Foster-Mikhail’s mother Rose; and Jennifer Peck. Urgent: Those who are ill or in need of other prayers: Pat Edwards; Darlene Kuehmichel; Christie Riehl’s sister in law Kathleen; Bonnie Aplin; Coleen Barnett’s friend Sheila; Anne Van Horn; Todd Sloan; Linda Babcock; Mary Curtis’ father, Gil; Ryan Lindstrom’s father Tim; Lillian Huston; Penny Thoreen’s friend Ernie; and Rachael Couglin’s mother Idela. Register for Preschool Now. If you have a 3 or 4 year old (by Sept 1, 2015) come by and visit our program. We would love to show you around on a school day. Tell family and friends about our great program. View our website at or see us on Facebook. Gethsemane Lutheran Preschool Offers a Summer Program. Last week was the first week; the next week is June 16, 17, 18 from 9 to 11:30 each day. Registration is $5/week and the tuition per week is $40. We are open to students aged 3 to 5, who have not been to Kindergarten. Find more information and registration forms at or ask Katie Strobel. Put on a Poodle Skirt and Head Over to Rose City Park UMC for their last concert of the season. The musicians of the church present "Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay" featuring a mix of music from the 1950s on June 7 at 3 p.m. at 58 and NE Alameda. The Handbell Choir hopes to expand. We need 3-4 more ringers. No experience necessary. If you can read music, are available from 4 to 5 p.m. most Wednesday afternoons, and are interested in being a part of this new ministry, please contact a bell choir member. It's fun! Jay Rector
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