APRIL 2015 A Message from the Principal, Mrs. Pearce ... On February 20th a group of our primary staff attended a workshop called “Kids Have Stress Too” presented by the Psychology Foundation Canada. We received some interesting information about our children’s ability to manage stress and to problem solve at home and at school. Things that May Upset or Stress Your Children Questions to your Children : What upsets you? What do you worry about? What do you do when you are feeling upset? Give your children time to finish what they are saying, as they explain their worries, don’t interrupt or finish their sentence. Encourage them by nodding, listen to their words and the feeling in their words. Acknowledge their fears and know that they seem very real to them. Expect if you are going through difficulty at home or someone is ill that they may feel very stressed. Work in partnership with the child’s teacher and Principal. Problem Solving with Children : Some Tips for Parents Help Children Relax – when children experience problems they may be upset, angry, hurt and crying. This is not the time to solve the problem but to help your child relax using deep breathing techniques or giving her or him a hug. Problem solving about what went wrong is best done when you have 15 minutes or more and probably not before bedtime as it may stimulate your child’s thinking rather than relax them. At school with Kelso’s Choice and in learning about helping children to solve problems we want children to come up with possible solutions, while we ask questions and have the children do their own thinking about the problem. Please don’t solve their problems but help them to generate solutions. Listen to what they say and observe and notice how they are feeling as they talk about it. Help by suggesting some solutions if your child is stuck and help them to think ahead about the solution they have chosen. If the solution hasn’t worked we often encourage them to try another or ask for help from an adult when it becomes a bigger problem. Pictured are Mr. S. Podrebarac, Superintendent of Schools, Paige Bottos, 2015 Student of Excellence, and Brenda Pearce, Principal of Harrison Public School Student of Excellence We are proud to announce that Paige Bottos has been selected as the Halton Student of Excellence for Harrison Public School. Her enthusiasm for learning and positive attitude make Paige an excellent role model for both peers and younger students. Paige demonstrates a responsible and mature work ethic in all that she does while achieving personal goals with much success. Her participation in many extra-curricular activities, and leadership roles at Harrison, displays the exemplary citizenship qualities that have earned her this prestigious award. Congratulations on your achievement, Paige! Whole School Trip All of the students of Harrison will be going to the John Elliott Theatre to see the Production, “The Little Mermaid” on April 30th. The Grade 1 –5 students will be walking, and the Kindergarten students will go by bus. Permission forms will go home in early April. With the help of fundraising efforts, the School Council will pay for half the cost of the tickets and a bus for the Kindergartens. We are all looking forward to this adventure!!! Information Adapted from www.kidshavestresstoo.org THE PSYCHOLOGY FOUNDATION OF CANADA. 59 Rexway Drive, Georgetown L7G 1P9 Telephone 905 877-4421 Attendance 1 877 409-6310 or hdsb.schoolconnects.com Parking Lot We are experiencing some concerns about families pulling into the parking lot in the morning to drop their children off. All staff and support staff need spots to park in as they arrive, there is no parent parking here until after 9:00 am please. Also, it is becoming dangerous for students as they are being dropped off in the parking lot and parents are driving too quickly as they exit, or are backing out of the parking area by the recycling bins. Please encourage your children to walk up the sidewalk area independently by the Kindergarten fenced area if they are on time and park in the designated areas provided at the front of the school ( not in the bus zones) or on MacKenzie Drive or Norton Crescent and then walk them back to school. Teams at Harrison Volleyball teams have been playing some games with the other local schools. They have a tournament in early April, in Acton. The teams have done well and enjoyed their volleyball season. EQAO Dates EQAO dates for Grade 3 Students: Tuesday May 26th Wednesday May 27th Thursday May 28th EQAO Math Test for Grade 4 students is on April 15th in the A.M. Author Visit On February 9, we had the privilege of having Annaleise Carr visit our school and share her amazing story with us. In 2002, at the age of only 14, Annaleise became the youngest person to swim across Lake Ontario to raise money for Camp Trillium. Many of our junior classes had read her book as one their Silver Birch selections and also in anticipation of her visit to Harrison. What she accomplished at only 14 is remarkable and her selfless desire to help others is inspiring. I hope what our students remember from meeting this remarkable teenager is her powerful message that no matter what the obstacles are in front of them they should never give up! As the weather and field conditions improve, tryouts for Grade 3, 4 and 5 students will begin for Harrison School Relays teams. Moving??? If you are planning on moving out of the Harrison catchment area and your children will be changing schools for September 2015, please contact the school office. This will help us when building classes for the fall. Thank you. Cashless Schools Winners Congratulations to the following families that will enjoy a large pizza.. 18 in all… just for using Cashless Schools: Bertrand, Chylinski, Crawford, Fisher, Fleury, Francis, Gareau-Hames, Gear, Giles, Harding, Jackson (KF-3), Panabaker, Park, Plante, Poole (KF-3), Reynolds, Smetana and Urata. Kindergarten??? If you have any friends or neighbours with children of Kindergarten age, please remind them that they must be registered for Kindergarten for the next school year. They must be 4 years old by December 31, 2015. According to our statistics … In November we had 23% active users of this system. We now have 34% of families enrolled in the Cashless system. Thank you to those who have chosen to use this method of payment. READERSHIP In the fall we will have a contest for a free pizza day for the entire class who has the most Cashless users!!! Simply sign this form and have your child return it to the school the next day. We’ll Just for reading the important information in our monthly newsletter, your child could win a free pizza. Winner of a free family pizza is Hayley L. in Grade 2. do a draw at the end of the month. Thanks for reading our newsletter! SUN March 29 MON 30 TUE 31 WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 Pizza Day 3 Good Friday No school 4 8 9 Pizza Day Volleyball Tournament at MSB 4:00-9:00 10 Hot Dog Day 11 17 18 Lily Pick UP 2:00– 7:00 pm Silpada Fundraiser 5 6 Easter Monday No school 7 12 13 14 15 16 Pizza Day 19 20 21 Sub Day 22 23 Pizza Day 26 27 28 29 30 Little Mermaid in a.m. Battle of the Books at Georgetown Public Library 12:00-3:00 pm 25 May 1 2 Gr. 5 Grad Picture p.m. Pizza Day March 31 -Easter Lily pick up: 2:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. April 2—New Pizza order begins April 3—Good Friday April 6—Easter Monday April 13—Hot dog Day April 21—Sub Day April 30—Whole School Field trip to “Little Mermaid” Grade 5 picture in the afternoon Please note the dates for EQAO testing for Grade 3’s: May 26, 27 & 28. Superintendent of Education – Mr. S. Podrebarac Trustee — Mrs. J. Gray Principal—Mrs. B. Pearce Secretary— Mrs. M. Alcorn http://har.hdsb.ca Harrison School Hours 8:30 a.m. Yard Supervision begins 8:40 a.m. Entry Bell 8:45 a.m. Classes begin Nutrition Break #1 10:25 – 11:05 a.m. Nutrition Break #2 12:45 – 1:35 p.m. Dismissal 3:15 p. m. Director— Mr. D. Euale Associate Director— Mr. S. Miller Halton District School Board P.O. Box 2005, Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Z2 www.hdsb.ca Toll Free Number 1-877-618-3456
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