Monday, April 27, 2015 - Hope Lutheran Christian

monday note
April 27th, 2015
If you have a child in the Elementary School, you
have inevitably heard him or her singing the song
from the musical Annie entitled, "Tomorrow".
The catchy chorus begins with orphan Annie
singing "the sun will come out tomorrow" where
she shares her positive outlook on life despite the
dreary, grey days of living in an orphanage. She
places her hope in a better tomorrow as she
desperately yearns to become part of a forever
As a carload of administrators drove back to BC with me from our conference in Portland we
encountered some of the worst torrents of rain that I had ever experienced. Traffic on the I-5
slowed to a crawl as visibility reached near zero and my quiet prayers were not just for the sun
to come out tomorrow but that it would burst forth immediately. What was to come was
beyond my simple request but one that displayed all of God's wonder, splendor, and faithfulness.
The brilliance of sunlight streamed from between the clouds and cast its rays through rain
droplets to create a most miraculous double rainbow. It reminded me that a rainbow similar to
that was what Noah and his family witnessed after weeks of being tossed around in an
unrepeatable storm. The covenant promise God gave at that time to protect all of creation from
ever experiencing a flood that would destroy all life is a truth that we can hold onto today. It
was a reminder to me to realize that even though I can feel insignificant, just as little orphan
Annie, God doesn't see his creation that way and we are precious enough to Him to reassure us
with visible signs of his presence and promise.
Some of you can probably relate to times where you have personally experienced God’s love
and protection.
We can all be assured that Jesus' death and resurrection is the ultimate
illustration of God's love and it is His desire that we all experience the promise of rescue from sin
and live in the brilliance of His Son, Jesus. Being part of that “forever family” is what Jesus offers
to us all and we don't need to hope for tomorrow as salvation is found in Jesus today.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Your sister in Christ,
Mrs. Eisner
Tax Receipts
A reminder that Hope Lutheran Christian School 2014 tax receipts are ready and
available for pick-up from the Elementary campus office.
A Note from your PTL . . .
Next PTL meeting is this Friday, May 1st, 9:15 am at the High School Campus
(Riverside). You can find the agenda for Friday’s meeting in a link with this
Monday Note.
PTL Executive Vacancies
The PTL Executive has an immediate vacancy for Secretary. The main responsibilities of the
Secretary are to record minutes of the PTL meetings, type them up for presentation in the
Monday Note, and posting on the school website, and collaborate with the rest of the Executive
on other matters. If this is of interest to you, please contact Tania Sargent
at [email protected]
In accordance with the PTL Bylaws, each executive position shall have a term of two years.
Executive members may serve consecutive terms if they wish or if no other interest is expressed in
the position. As of May, the current President, Vice-President and Treasurer terms are
completed. The incumbents are interested in returning for another term, however; if you are
interested, nominations can be made prior to the May 1st meeting.
The PTL is also seeking Members At Large for the Elementary (K-5) and High School (9-12) for
the 2015/2016 school year. The duties of the Member At Large are to oversee class liaisons for
their level, assist on Registration Day, and sit on committees as required, as well as collaborate
with the rest of the Executive on other matters. If this is of interest to you, please contact Tania
Sargent [email protected] prior to the PTL meeting on May 1st, 2015. Also, please
plan on being in attendance at that meeting at 9:15 am at the High School campus.
Committee Vacancy
We are currently seeking a Hot Lunch Coordinator. The Hot Lunch Coordinator sets the menu
for the upcoming school year, arranges vendors and volunteers to enable this, while ensuring this
is still an exciting, nutritious and profitable venture. If you are interested in this position, please
contact Tania Sargent at [email protected]
School Board Information & Input Sessions
The Hope Lutheran School Board will be hosting parent information and input
sessions on Tuesday & Wednesday, April 28th & 29th to share factors leading to the
decision to stay at our current second campus as well as receive input on how to
provide parents with a stronger voice on school development. Topics will include a brief history
of school growth, the plan for continued growth, and the involvement of the parent community
in school development. We encourage all families to be involved in one of the information and
input sessions.
Session times are:
Tuesday, April 28th – Elementary Sanctuary, 9:00 am & 7:00pm
Wednesday, April 29th – Elementary Sanctuary, 3:15 pm & 7:00pm
Jeans Day – Thursday, April 30th
This coming Thursday, April 30th is the 25th Anniversary of Jeans Day, a fundraiser
to support BC Children's Hospital. In support of this community event, Hope staff
and students are encouraged to wear jeans to school and bring a donation to
support the work being done by the amazing staff at Children's Hospital.
Participation is not mandatory but encouraged. This non-uniform day is a way in
which we can reach out to others with the care and compassion of Jesus.
Parent Volunteer Opportunity -
We are looking for three or four volunteers who could
help assemble a stage extension in the late afternoon or
evening this week (possibly April 30th Thursday, May 1st or
2nd Friday, or Saturday). Bringing a cordless drill for screwing boards together would be an asset.
Another two volunteers are needed to assist setting up lighting on the ceiling in the gym.
Volunteers should be comfortable climbing a high ladder and carrying spotlights. We are also
looking to complete this task on Wednesday or Friday evening.
If you are available for either of these opportunites and would like to help for an hour or two
please contact Susan Eisner at [email protected] with the time(s) that you are available.
May Day Parade
Hope Lutheran Christian School has the wonderful opportunity to take part in the
2015 Port Coquitlam May Day Parade. The parade takes place on Saturday, May
9th at 11:00 am. Forms with information went home last week to each family. If
your family is interested please return the forms back to the school office by this
Friday, May 1st.
Bard on the Beach
Once again, Hope Lutheran is excited to offer an optional field trip to Bard on the
Beach the evening of Thursday, June 4th. This year's play is "A Comedy of Errors."
The event is open to students in grades 1 to 12 and to all parents at a cost of
$20/person. Grade 1 to 4 students that attend must be accompanied by a parent;
please note that Bard on the Beach does not allow children under age 6.
Permission slips have been sent home; please complete a form for each child that is attending.
Return completed forms and payment to the school no later than this Friday, May 1st. If you
have any questions, please contact Miss Tisdale at [email protected] or Miss Nast at
[email protected].
Grade 8/9 Mission Trip
Please keep the Grade 8/9 students and supervisors in prayer as they prepare to
embark on their annual mission trip next week. Students and staff will be travelling
to Cornelius, Oregon from May 4th - 8th to serve in the local community including
serving Night Strike in downtown Portland and the Habitat for Humanity Restore
in Hillsboro.
Hope Lutheran Church
Hope Lutheran Church extends an invitation to the school community for it’s
60th Anniversary Celebration, May 17th.
Schedule of events for that day include:
10:00 am Morning Communion Worship (Andrew Craig – preacher)
11:45 am Lunch
1:00 pm Open House/Tours/Displays
3:00 pm Afternoon Anniversary Worship (Harry Ruf – preacher)
4:30 pm Anniversary Cake
School & Church Office News
After 8 years of dedicated service at Hope Lutheran Christian School and Hope Lutheran Church,
our accountant Gail Hind is heading off to enjoy some well deserved time with her family.
Thank you Gail for being such a wonderful part of our Hope team, and we wish you the very
best in your new adventures ahead!
And, please join us in welcoming Neil Johanson, our
new accountant. Neil is joining us beginning this
week, and will be working together with Gail before
taking over the reigns on May 4th. A warm Hope
Lutheran welcome to you Neil!
2015/2016 Staffing Updates
As our school grows we are excited to see new
opportunities for our current staff members as well as
welcome new staff.
1. We are excited to welcome Miss Kathryn Cairney
to our staff as our second Grade 3 teacher. Miss Cairney is thrilled to join the Hope staff and has
experience teaching children from preschool to grade 12 in both public and Christian school
settings. She may be familiar to some as she has recently been working in the school as a teacheron-call.
2. Mrs. Lisa Olding will be returning in September from her maternity leave and is enthusiastic
about entering into her new role with the school where she will be responsible for developing a
English Language Learner program at Hope for students in the Elementary and High School. As
this program is developed and implemented more information will be shared with our families.
3. The High School will be welcoming Ms. Maria Hankey who is looking forward to teaching our
grades 8-12 students in a shared PE and Social Studies with Miss Nicole Friesen which will allow
Miss Friesen to teach English which is another passion of hers.
4. Miss Carly Smith, who is currently teaching Grade 1 while Mrs. Lee is on maternity leave, is
looking forward to joining the Hope staff as our grade 5 teacher. She is an experienced
intermediate grade teacher and has enjoyed coaching and leading a girl's devotional group with
the intermediate students this year.
5. We also celebrate the dedication Mme. Elena Swope has shared with Hope Lutheran over the
past 3 years. Her efforts have been a blessing to our school community. We thank her for her
commitment and passion for sharing Christ which is demonstrated by a book she recently wrote
in French for Christian schools which will come out later this year. Our French 3-12 program next
year will be taught by Miss Jessica Gabeli who has taught French 8-12 for the past two years at
our school.
Elementary School Chapel
This week Miss Smith and the gr. 1A class will be leading.
All are welcome to join us!
Next week Mrs. Eisner will be sharing with us.
The Week At A Glance
Monday, April 27
Tuesday, April 28
9:00am & 7:00pm
School Board Info & Input Session @
Elementary Campus
Wednesday, April 29
9:00am Chapel – Miss Smith & gr.
1A class leading
3:15 & 7:00pm
School Board Info & Input Session
@ Elementary Campus
Lunchtime Supervisor Note
The lunchtime supervisors would like to remind parents
to please send jackets to school with their children. We
like to take students outside whenever possible, even if
there is light rain, so please ensure that your children are prepared for
the weather so that they don't get wet.
Uniform Challenge
Thursday, April 30
REMINDER we are in the final week of the Spring
Uniform Challenge! Please check to ensure your
student’s uniform is complete. The winning class will be
rewarded with an open gym time during lunch
Jeans Day
Friday, May 1
Bake Sale – Miss Smith’s gr. 1A class
8:30am Gr. 7 TWU Field Trip
9:15am PTL Mtg @ High School
Campus (Riverside)
Annie Practices
Looking Ahead…
Monday, May 4
3:15pm Staff Meeting
Tuesday, May 5
Gr. 6 TWU Field Trip
Wednesday, May 6
9:00am Chapel – Mrs. Eisner
Voices of Hope performing
Thursday, May 7
Performance time is coming closer and the cast is
excited! Annie practices continue to be on their
scheduled days of:
Tuesdays during lunch time and after school
Thursdays after school
Friday at lunch time
Please note that the Thursday practices will now be full costume
practices. Cast members are to wear their costumes for that practice.
Library News
Thank you to Sarah (KB) for her donation of
"Pinkalicious Puptastic" to our school library, to
celebrate her birthday this month.
Friday, May 8
Saturday, May 9
May Day Parade
School Choir –
“Voices of Hope”
The school choir will be singing in Chapel on Wednesday May 6th.
We will also be having our legendary year-end ice-cream sundae
party that lunchtime. All students who have performed with the choir
this school year are invited to attend.
Annie Tickets Available
Students in grades 2-7 are eagerly looking forward to present the musical, "Annie" on Wednesday,
May 13th at 1:00 & 7:00 pm and Thursday, May 14th at 1:00 & 7:00 pm.
Free tickets are now available in the office and will be required for admittance. In order for all of
our families to have an opportunity to view a performance the tickets are limited to four per
family and must be picked up by Friday, May 1st. Any extra tickets available after May 1st will be
distributed to families by request to a maximum of 2 additional tickets. A freewill donation will
be collected at performance times to help offset the cost of the production. Students in
Kindergarten and Grade 1 will be viewing a final rehearsal at school on Tuesday, May 12th.
Leadership Teams
A variety of leadership teams for Kindergarten to grade 7 students are in place. It
is our prayer that as students lead their peers they will develop leadership skills
and encourage others in using the gifts that God has given to them.
GREEN TEAM April 27 – May 1:
Kindergarten: Munveera, Matthew, Rene, Jaaziah
Kindergarten: Jacob, Mitchell, Michelle, Evie
Grade 1: Lucas, Vicky, Crystal, Amara
Grade 1: Yeju, Amanda, Anna, Emily
Grade 2: Victor, Alvin, Nicole, Abigail
Grade 2: Michael, Alex, Anson, Chris
Grade 3: Joshua, Marina
Grade 3: Danika, Joseph
Grade 4: Ricky, Dima
Grade 4: Alex, Aaron
Grade 5: Charlie
Grade 5: Lauren
Grade 6: Jayden
Grade 6: Tony
Grade 7: Carlo
Grade 7: Valerie
Athletics Department:
The track and field training season is upon us. The Grade 4-7 classes will be
involved in training together and in their separate PE classes until the Track Meet
on May 27th (date still to be confirmed).
As teachers, we would appreciate having parental help on the days that we work together on
running, jumping, and throwing. We will need some help with the set up of stations and
assistance to keep the students on task. If you have interest in track and field, some knowledge
you can add, or have time to help with set up and supervision, please note the following
Track Schedule for April 27th to May 27th:
10:30-11:30 am
9:45-10:45 am
10:30-11:30 am
One hour of parent volunteer time can be calculated for each time you come out and help with
track and field.
Please let your child's teacher know if you can help out and what days work for you and we can
put you to work.
Thank you for your support of physical activity and sport at Hope Lutheran.
The Week At A Glance
Monday, April 27
11:00am Celebration Worship
4:30pm Floor Hockey Practice @
Elementary Campus
Tuesday, April 28
Hope Lutheran In-House Track &
Field Meet
9:00am & 7:00pm
School Board Info & Input Session
@ Elementary Campus
Wednesday, April 29
4:30pm Floor Hockey Exhibition
@ Elementary Campus
3:15 & 7:00pm
School Board Info & Input Session
@ Elementary Campus
6:30pm Grad Meeting
Thursday, April 30
High School Worship
Due to our In House Track & Field event on Tuesday, the
grade 9/10 Christians Studies class shared in our Term 3
Celebration Worship, which took place today. We are
pleased to announce that over 75% of our Grade 8-12 students
achieved Honour Roll status. Congratulations!
There will be no worship service scheduled for the following week as
the grade 8, 9 & 12 classes are away.
“The Well”
Come to The Well this Thursday for nourishment and
fellowship. A wonderful and tasty way to support our
grade 12 graduates!
Jeans Day
The Well
Grade 12 Portfolio Presentations
7:00pm Gr. 8/9 Mission Trip
Parent Mtg.
Friday, May 1
Hot Food Day
9:15am PTL Mtg. @ High School
Jeans Day
This Thursday, April 30th, students and staff will be
sporting jeans in support of Children’s Hospital of BC.
Students and staff are encouraged (but not required) to
bring a donation for the hospital.
Looking Ahead…
May 4 – May 8
Grade 8/9 Mission Trip to
Portland, OR
Monday, May 4
5:30am Gr. 8/9 Mission Trip
3:15pm Staff Meeting
Tuesday, May 5
Wednesday, May 6
Thursday, May 7
The Well
Friday, May 8
11:30pm Gr. 8/9 Mission Trip
Saturday, May 9
May Day Parade
Grad Fundraiser at Marble Slab
The Grade 12 Grads will be working as scoopers at Marble
Slab (Pinetree Village, 2991 Lougheed Hwy, Coquitlam)
this Thursday, April 30th from 5:00 – 9:00 pm. While they
are serving, 25% of ice cream sale proceeds will be going
towards their graduation activities. Come support the grads by enjoying
some ice cream!
Gr.8-12 Badminton
The grade 8-12 badminton players competed this weekend in Surrey. It was a great
time of competition, fellowship, and enjoyment. Great job!
Boys Floor Hockey
Special Alert!! The exhibition game this Wednesday has changed time and location.
The game will be held at the Hope Elementary Campus from 4:30-6:00 pm.
The Gr.8-12 Boys Floor Hockey Tournament will be held on May 13th at Jules Verne Secondary.
Information was sent home with players last week. If you still require these details please email
Mr. Adam. [email protected]
Caption Contest
The Yearbook committee wants you to get as excited as they are about this year's book. That's
why they've created the Caption Contest. Here's how it works:
1. At the beginning of each month, a photograph will be posted in the Monday Note and on a
box in the Commons. On this box, you will also find entry forms.
2. Fill out a form and stick it in the box.
Anyone in the Hope community can enter as many captions as they want. In the interests of
saving paper, we ask that you use as few entry forms as possible. There is room for more than
one caption on the forms.
The winner of last month's caption contest is
Daniel T (gr. 9).
This is an amazing opportunity for EVERYONE to
contribute to the making of the 2014/15 Yearbook!
There are prizes for each month's winner. In
addition, all winners' names will be entered into a
draw at the end of the year for an additional prize.
Submit your entries for March's photo
by Thursday, April 30th.
Winning captions will be included in the yearbook.
If you missed the deadline to purchase a yearbook
please contact Miss Tisdale.
Heritage Fair
This year, instead of holding a science fair, the K-7 campus held
a Canadian Heritage Fair. Students made displays, posters, and
power point presentations on a wide variety of topics, from
politics, to Tim Horton, to maple syrup.