SERVING TODAY CATHEDRAL CHOIR Dr. Joanne Clark Minister of Pipe Organ Delores Ivory Davis Director Dr. Donald Johnson Hammond Organ Dr. Sylvia Hollifield Piano Joseph Hayden Bass Matthew Lemons Drums USHERS: Adult Ministry #1 IZANDLA INTERPRETERS: Reichelle Tucker ** John Harvey Nina White ** Interpreting Sermon MINISTERS ANOINTING TEAM: Jeff Jackson, Captain Ernest Harris Elaine Thomas Marsha Bey Earline Vaughn Leroy Larkin Cynthia Wilson Charmaine Johnson Lurecie Stokes DEACONESSES: Angeline Brown, On Duty Eula Carter, Team Leader st Donna Bradley, 1 Asst. Lannie Davis, 2nd Asst. Verna Brocks Fannie T. Brown Sybil Davis Odell Garrett Bernice Green Clarice Hampton Anita L. Johnson Donna Johnson Janice McCrary Mary Ann Robinson Cynthia Saunders Darlene Spivey-Smith Pearl Stokes Phyllis Turner DEACONS: Thomas Williams, Chairman Johnny Northern, On Duty Sheryl Brown, Capt. Jimmy Johnson, Co-Capt. Helen Beckon Vernita Beverly Cornelius Brown Randolph Butler Edmon C. Carmichael Remonia Chapman Stanley Clifford Ruben Davidson Mildred E. Dixon Barbara Gates Geneva Goods Jason H. Harrison Larry Hathorne Yaminah Hollifield Dorothy (Dee) Jones Justine Lofton David Mitchell John B. Mitchell James C. Price Annette Robinson Robert Thornton Robert L. Welch TRUSTEES: Tyra Williams, Capt. Vincent Tucker, Co-Capt. John Scott Jr., Co-Capt. William G. Anderson Margaret Betts Derek C. Clark * H. Sandra Cook Georgia Daniel Gregory Gaskin Derrick Glass Paul Hubbard Evorn Kendrich Diana Kennedy Wanda Morrison * Margaret Patterson-Bailey Carolyn Rawlings Janet Sangster John Scott Jr. Artistine Taylor Craig Vanderburg * Consultative Trustees NURSES: Elnora Boston Sheryl Brown Lydia Douglas Rebecca Hayes Gloria Howard Penelope Hinton Emily Kilpatrick Helen Lucas Betty Mapp Janice McCrary Pam Parker Pearl Stokes Joe Thomas Regina Thomas CHURCH CLERKS Verna Matthews, Vice Clerk Marsha Clark Sandra Delaine Jewell Jones Doris Rodgers McKinney Vicki Morton Wendy Sanders Cynthia Scott Ruby Weaver Dorothy Weeks ANNOUNCEMENT CLERKS 7:30 AM Maxine E. Johnson 11:00 AM Paula Pope SPEARS-WATSON BOOKSTORE Joann Drake-Gambrell Craig Vanderberg Andrea Whitfield Cherokee Cole Elva Green Dolores Spencer GREETERS 7:30 AM Janice Bush Patricia Brewer Ken Edwards Ernest Ndukwe Carrie Robinson Mabel Smith Virginia Tate 11:00 AM Carol Anderson Betty Bruner Dorothy Clark Sandra Delaine Glenda Givens Dorothy Henderson Ozella Henry Julia Peyton Margaret Pleas Barbara Woods CHURCH OFFICE—HARTFORD INSTITUTE BUILDING 18900 James Couzens Highway—Detroit, Michigan 48235 Administrative Offices—9:00 AM—5:00 PM Monday thru Friday 313-861-1285 / 313-861-1300 — Fax 313-861-0265 SPEARS-WATSON BOOKSTORE Open Sunday after 7:30 AM Service and 11:00 AM Service, and Wednesdays 11:30 AM - 6:30 PM. Bookstore’s direct line —313-864-3404 HARTFORD AGAPE HOUSE 18700 James Couzens Highway—Detroit, Michigan 48235 313-861-1200 — Fax 313-861-7896 Hunger Task Force & Free Shop Mission — 313-861-1202 The Staff Minister on call is Rev. Kevin Taylor. He can be contacted for any emergencies or urgent matters 313-861-1285 or 313-475-0316 — Email: [email protected] SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST BACCALAUREATE SUNDAY Dr. Charles G. Adams, Pastor Rev. Charles C. Adams, Presiding Pastor Rev. Kevin N. Taylor, Assistant Pastor Rev. Lurecie M. Stokes, Minister of Pastoral Care Website: Streaming Live at 11:00 AM Church Building WIFI Access Code: hartford Sunday’s Broadcast will be aired at 7:00 PM on 1340 AM Gospel Radio 18700 James Couzens Highway— Detroit, Michigan 48235 — 313-861-1300/Church —313-861-1285/Office LOOKING AHEAD HARTFORD MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH PRESENTS Next Sunday’s texts are: I Samuel 17:32-49; Psalm 9:9-20; II Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4: 35-41. The lectionary readings might be summarized in the following caption: “The Power of God’s Salvation.” These readings cover every aspect of the multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, many-splendored reality of salvation. In Concert In the reading of I Samuel 17, we see that the salvation of God is personal, political and spiritual. It is little David’s personal triumph over a bully of a giant. It is Israel’s political victory over the naughty, terrorizing Philistines. It is also God’s spiritual victory over the sins of power and presumption: “... for the battle is the Lord’s ...” If that is so, the outcome is decided in advance of the fighting; still, we must fight as if everything depends on us. It is marvelous how God owns the battle without destroying, depressing or discouraging human responsibility, initiative and accountability. The battle belongs to God; still, we must put forth a maximum effort to win it! In Psalm 9, the salvation that is given to us of God is celebr ated as social r econstr uction and economic redistribution of opportunity. God is here depicted as Vindicator of the Oppressed. God takes human oppression seriously enough to challenge its presumptions, pride and power. The oppressors of the world are caught and destroyed in the very entrapments and conspiracies they have set against others. The oppressed must always resist the hopelessness that comes from deifying oppressors and absolutizing evil. “Let the nations know that they are only human.” Evil, injustice and oppression are no match for the salvation of our God! “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE In II Corinthians 6:1-13, we see God’s saving hand at work in ecclesiastical affairs — especially when the church ventures boldly into the arena of public affairs. The church had little power or respectability in the Roman Empire, yet it bore the truth, treasure and tradition of a salvation — liberation that Caesar could not withstand and Rome could not defeat. The saving power is not in human numbers, advantages and privileges, but it is in God’s own determination to save us in spite of us. In Mark 4:35-41, we notice that the salvation of God is cosmic. The sea is a representation of precosmic chaos, threatening to prevent cosmos, order and life. Even as in Genesis 1, the Word of God and the Spirit of God prevailed over primordial chaos, so in Mark 4, the Word made Flesh prevails over the cosmic chaos that dared Christ and His Church to advance the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ ability to sleep during the storm is indicative of His confidence in the face of fierce danger and opposition. Be encouraged! Love ya, C.G.A. 1 TO STAND AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL.” EPHESIANS 6:11 (KJV) Bible Lessons Food Crafts Games Fun 10 A special screening for the Hartford community DETROIT TRIBUTE TO PAUL ROBESON AND HIS WORK FOR PEACE MONDAY, JUNE 29, 2015 — 6:00 PM-10:00 PM Invited guests include: Dr. Charles G. Adams, Jimmie Abbington, Bill Meyer, Pat Fry, Michelle Stone and others Sponsored by Hartford Memorial Baptist Church & One Hamtramck LLC HARTFORD MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH RENOVATION PROJECT CHEF’S CORNER André Brown, Chef On Sunday, June 21st, the Culinary Ministry will be serving for your dining pleasure ‘Pancake Breakfasts’. Also, our regular breakfast menu will be served, accompanied with hash browns, scrambled eggs, pork and turkey bacon, pork and turkey sausage, grits, oatmeal, rice, fresh cut fruit and biscuits. Special Announcement!!! The Culinary Ministry has created a special Dinner menu for Father’s Day. “Yes, we will be selling dinners after the 11:00 AM Service.” The meal will include a meat and two sides at a cost of $10.00 for carry-out only. The menu offers a delectable cuisine of Fried Chicken Wings and Breast, Fried Catfish and Smothered Pork Chops, Greens, Candied Yams, Dressing, Rice, Mac and Cheese, Black-eyed Peas, Okra and Peach Cobbler for dessert. Extra side orders are $2.00. 9 SANCTUARY CELEBRATION THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST – BACCALAUREATE SUNDAY SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 — 7:30 AM & 11:00 AM ORDER OF SERVICE Devotional & Pastoral Advisements “Fanfare” – C. S. Lang Prelude “Be Lifted Up” – C. Cymbala Choral Introit Rev. Kevin N. Taylor Opening Praise Sentences “God of Our Fathers” Processional Hymn #480 Rev. Kevin N. Taylor Prayer of Invocation Glory Be To The Father #541 11:00 AM Service M-PACT (Youth Church) “With Verdure Clad” – Haydn Organ Interlude “Achieved is the Glorious Work” – F. J. Haydn Anthem “Give Me a Clean Heart” – M. Douroux Prayer of Intercession & Dolores B. Davis, soloist Song of Inspiration Rev. Kevin N. Taylor Welcome To The Visitors The Tithes & Offertory Period Luke 6:38; Matthew 6:19-21 (NRSV) Offertory Sentences Leader: Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap. People: For the measure you give will be the measure you get back. Leader: Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. People: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust consume and where thieves do not break in and steal. Unison: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. “I Never Lost My Praise” – K. Carr Offertory Selection Rev. Connie Jackson, soloist Rev. Kevin N. Taylor The Prayer of Dedication “America the Beautiful” Hymn of Preparation #473 The Written Word Preached Word Rev. Charles C. Adams, Presiding Pastor Invitation To Christian Discipleship “Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart” Song of Invitation Prayer of Thanksgiving The Right Hand of Fellowship Recognition of 2015 Graduates “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” Recessional #8 “” – Choral Benediction “O God Our Help in Ages Past” - arr. Cundick Postlude 2 SERMON NOTES ANNOUNCEMENTS The Sarah Haygood Scholarship Committee seeks exemplary students that stand out in their Christian character and Christian service. You may obtain an application at the Church Office, Hartford website or Hartford Institute. The deadline to submit an application is June 19, 2015. For additional information, contact Denise Henderson at 313-333-0875. The Douglas/Taylor Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that Isaiah William Hawkins, Marcellus Keith Mitchell, Malik Sankofa, Destane Turner and Aria Williams are this year’s recipients of a $1,000.00 scholarship. The recipients will receive their scholarships Sunday, June 21, 2015, at the 7:30 AM Service. Save the date for Hartford’s Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts 20th Annual Family Skate Night at Northland Roller Rink, Tuesday, June 23, 2015. Tickets will be on sale beginning today through the Sunday before the event. Please see the Scouts for more details and come out and support our boys! The 2015 Hartford Junior Golf Program is about to begin. We will start our lessons on Wednesday, July 8 th, at 5:30 PM at Rouge Park and will run every Wednesday through August 5th. Lessons end at 8:00 p.m. The donation for the lessons is only $60.00. Enrollment applications are in the Hartford Business Office or in the church business office on Sundays. For additional information, contact Deacon Larry Mathews at 248-3450640 or Deacon Michael Fleming at 313-318-5772. The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History will be hosting a Juneteenth Celebration, Saturday, June 20, 2015, 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM. There will be several activities available. The Wright Museum is located at 315 East Warren Avenue, Detroit, MI. SINGERS WANTED! If you know someone who loves to sing (ages 9-18), the Summer MusiCamp is the place to be. This camp is an 8-week program for singers, Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 1:00 PM, beginning June 15 and ending August 7, 2015. The camp includes vocal training choral singing, performances with choreography and “fun Fridays”. The camp is free and will be located in Pasteur School, 19811 Stoepel at Pembroke. For additional information, call 313-861-5405. Willard Hines, Courville Concert Choir. The Social Services Ministry is collecting old magazines and books for donation to the Oak Adult Day Care Center in Detroit. Help us keep our seniors mentally sharp and excited to read!!! Please contact Tajaunia Braxton, at 313-861-1285 x 456 or Cynthia Reynolds 313-4599450 if you have items to donate. FORBES SCHOLARSHIP MENTORS Do you want to markedly impact the lives of our youth? Can you provide wisdom, knowledge and insight to help young people find their course? Do you believe that the children are our future? The Altar Flowers were placed today in memory of Rev. Paul A. Dillard Jr. by his parents Paul and Marilynn Dillard. 3 If so, please sign-up to become a Forbes Scholarship Mentor. The program runs from July through August and requires only one hour of your time each week. For additional information, contact Frank Taylor, at 248-8907710. Please help us help our kids. 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS Get that Midweek Boost! J oin us for “Hour of Power” Ser vice each Wednesday, in the Chapel, at 12:00 Noon to 12:30 PM. Lunch is served after the Service in the Fellowship Hall. Be connected! Prayer Service: Wednesdays fr om 7:00-8:00 PM, in the Chapel. The Theme for the Month is Forgiveness. Deacons and Ministers will anoint and offer comforting intercessory prayer. "Prayer is the key, but faith unlocks the door." Did you know that the Members Orientation Class is not just for new members? If it’s been years since you last attended, never attended or did not complete the series, you are invited to come and learn more about your Baptist heritage, after which you will be awarded your certificate of completion. Classes meet in the Chapel at 9:30 AM on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Hartford Church Nursing Ministry is looking for car ing Chr istians to ser ve in this ver y impor tant ministry. The only talent or gift you need is a desire to care for God's "Special People". For additional information, please contact Regina Thomas – President- 313-721-3718 or Emily Kilpatrick 313- 930-5633. The June calendar of Events for the Hartford Singles Ministry: Monday June 22, 2015, Hartford Singles Ministry monthly meeting, from 6:30-8:00 PM, in Hartford's Vincent Room. Come see what we are all about, and bring a friend! Saturday June 27, 2015, the Grambling Scholarship Dinner Dance at Pi Banquet Center, in Southfield from 7:00 PM to 12:00 AM. For further Singles Ministry info please contact Deacon Jeffrey Steele at 860-830-8596, or [email protected]. The Pastor's Courtesy Guild Ministry is sponsoring a theatre outing. Tickets for the play "White Ash Falling" to be held on June 27th at the Detroit Repertory Theatre are available for sale on Sundays after the 7:30 AM service in Fellowship Hall. Deacon Artelia Griggs, President. HMBC Prison Ministry is r ecr uiting volunteer s to ser ve at: 1) Ryan Men’s Cor r ectional Facility on 2 nd Sundays, 1:00—3:00 PM or 6:00—8:00 PM; Huron Valley Women’s Correctional Facility, 3 rd Sundays, 1:00—2:30 PM; and 3) Youth Deterrent Prevention Program for male youth who are at the cross roads of life (bordering juvenile delinquents/incarceration), last Friday of each month, 9:00 AM—Noon. Please see Rev. Stephanye Fauntleroy in Fellowship Hall after each Service to sign up and get more details. BEREAVEMENT NOTICES Please keep in prayer the families who have lost loved ones. We have received the following names: DECEASED Henry Carr RELATIVES Glenda Mixon-Carr Tony Johnson LOCATION Pembroke Congregation of Jehovah Witness Detroit, MI DATE Saturday 06/20/2015 TIME Svc-6:00 PM IN THE HOSPITAL/REHABILITATION CENTERS MCLAREN HOSPITAL, PONTIAC, MI James Ray Days OAKLAND REGIONAL HOSPITAL, SOUTHFIELD, MI Florence Tabb EVERGREEN HEALTH & LIVING CENTER, SOUTHFIELD, MI Opralee Beatty REGENCY AT BLUFFS PARK, ANN ARBOR, MI Minister Tommie Latimer Jr. PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL, SOUTHFIELD, MI Dexter Scott STRAITH REHABILITATION CENTER, SOUTHFIELD, MI Leon Johnson Sr. HEARTLAND REHABILITATION CENTER, GROSS POINTE, MI Mary Davis INTRODUCING THE HARTFORD CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Did you know that CANCER is Preventable and that it’s Curable? The Hartford Support Group is here to help you with your coping strategies. Come and LEARN about the complications of Chemotherapy and Radiation! Hear from Cancer Survivors of 10 – 20- 30 years! Come and bring anyone you know who has cancer. Gain the support, resources, and information you deserve! Join us on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 6:00 PM, in Room 202. For additional information call 313.861.1285, extension 423. STEPHEN MINISTRY “Christ Caring For People through People” Deacon William Agee and the June Birth Month Ministry wishes a Happy Bir thday to all of our J une members. Due to the Annual Church Picnic, June 28, 2015, the June Birth Month Ministry’s fellowship in the Vincent Room will be cancelled. Joyce Smith/Program Chair Person. Deacon William Agee, President. The Hartford Business Ministry’s 3r d “Meet and Gr eet” Member ship/Networ king Event held on Sunday, May 17th was a huge success and our next event will be held on Sunday, June 21 st 2015, between 9:30AM and 10:30AM in the Youth Lounge. Hartford business owners are encouraged to attend, as we will chart the Business Ministry’s goals, plans and direction for the balance of this year and beyond. Purchase your breakfast, coffee, etc. from Fellowship Hall and enjoy it with us, as we will have a number of beneficial topics to discuss beginning at 9:45AM. Be sure to invite other HMBC business owners and bring your business cards! Contact John Bradley at 248.789.0504 ([email protected]) or Devin Durrell at 248.224.2590 ([email protected]) for more information. 7 STEPHEN MINISTERS CARE FOR PEOPLE FACING TOUGH TIMES and are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual help needed with crisis that include: Loss of a love one Terminal Illness/Chronic Illness Divorce or Separation Unemployment/Job Crisis Loneliness/ Discouragement …and more STEPHEN MINISTRY IS A CONFIDENTIAL MINISTRY and are trained volunteers ready to provide you with one-on-one care. To Contact a Stephen Minister Call (313) 341-2302 4 2015 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES NAME HIGH SCHOOL CHOSEN COLLEGE / CAREER PATH Tarence Arrington Ben Carson High School University of Michigan-Flint Amir Brown Martin Luther King High School Art Institute of Michigan Que’on Brown John Glen High School Ferris State University Dylan M. J. Clark Cass Technical High School Morgan State University Victor Fleming Old Redford Academy Schoolcraft College Ronald Goldsberry Birmingham-Groves High School Florida A&M University Daryl Gordon-Chambers Covenant House Academy Henry Ford Community College Kylin Hall Heritage High School University of Western Georgia Isaiah William Hawkins International Academy Michigan State University Tamyia Jones Ferndale High School University of Toledo Chandler McCall South East Michigan Academy Marcellus K. Mitchell West Bloomfield High School Lake Erie College Shirley Moulden Wayne Memorial Henry Ford Community College Dorian Murria Mumford High School Wayne State University J’nai Jasmine Pugh L’Anse Creuse High School Malik Sankofa Renaissance High School Michigan State University Miya Terry Renaissance High School University of Michigan Warren Toloson Michigan Math & Science Academy Eastern Michigan University Destane Turner Renaissance High School University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Gabrielle S. White Southfield Christian School Western Michigan University Jaylen M. White Renaissance High School Michigan State University Aria Javier Williams Seaholm High School Spelman College Dalyce Witherspoon PCEP Salem High School Specs Howard/Syracuse University 2015 COLLEGE GRADUATES NAME Jennifer Ashford Jonathan Betts Fields Jessie Brad Zarinah Victoria Edwards Brenda G. Flowers Laura Ashley Flowers Allen Harris Joshua Harris Rev. Denise Henderson Jonathan Louis Kirkland Tawana M. Langford Erin Lasenby Joseph Lemons Tamara Mayo Dana Jenai McKissic Redding Chandler A. Moore COLLEGE Wayne State University Harvard Divinity School Briarcliffe College Wayne State University Walden University Xavier University of Louisiana Yale University Morehouse College Ecumenical Theological Seminary University of Detroit/Mercy Destiny School of Ministry Michigan State University Ferris State University Ashford University Wayne State University DEGREE B.S. Special Education Master’s of Divinity B.A. Healthcare Information Mgmt. B.A. Arts and Sciences Ed. S.-Education Specialist B.A. Biology B.A. Business Administration B.A. Business Administration Doctor of Ministry Juris Doctorate Master of Theology B.A. Accounting Associates Degree Master of Business Administration Master of Educational Psychology Howard University Tiffany Mounger-Hall Alexandra Roman Jason M. White Capella University University of Pennsylvania Eastern Michigan University B.A. Communications (Summa Cum Laude) PhD. Education B.A. Communications (Cum Laude) Education Specialist HOLD THE DATE!!!! AUGUST 15, 2015 A critical part of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church’s education ministry is outreach to the community. The efforts of the NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES, hosted by Hartford's Trustees and the BACK TO SCHOOL/STAY IN SCHOOL RALLY Committee, promises that the 2015 event will be Bigger and Better than ever. Book bag give away, Organized Competitive Games and Activities on Luger Park, Parent Workshops, Prizes, Lunch and much more. STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION!!!! Author Patrice Lee will be here, Father’s Day, June 21, 2015, in Fellowship Hall to promote and sign her new book, Daddy...Can You Hear Me. 5 6
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