SERVING TODAY GODS GIFTED HOST (GGH) AND CHERUBIC CHOIR Dr. Joanne Clark Minister of Pipe Organ / GGH Director Rev. Amani Henry GGH Director & Hammond Organ Deirdre Thompson Cherubic Choir Director & Piano Derek Washington Bass Arthur Reed Drums USHERS: Youth Usher Ministry IZANDLA INTERPRETERS: Reichelle Tucker ** John Harvey Nina White ** Interpreting Sermon MINISTERS ANOINTING TEAM: Natalie Cherry, Captain Ann Allen Derek Arnold Edie Berry Paulette Bronner Ronnie Davis Jonathan Griffin Denise Henderson Connie Jackson Nathaniel Lewis Carla Mackey Lionel Scott Kevin Taylor Charles Turner DEACONESSES Angeline Brown, On Duty Clara Austin, Team Leader Donna Northern, 2nd Asst. Jacquelynn Carter JoAnn Drake-Gambrell Nora Sharpley Ferguson Essie Hamlin Bernice Hood Rhonda Johnson Carnell Jones Emily Kilpatrick Sheryl Massenberg Jacqueline Poole Emma Russ Gloria Taylor Charrise Walker Paula Whittaker-Watkins Mary Watts DEACONS: Thomas Williams, Chairman Veronica Thornton, On Duty David L. Ward, Capt. Raven Cannon, Co-Capt. Terri Asbell Varrie E. Bryant Annie Bush Janice Bush Michael Fleming Tamika Gaines LaMont D. Hampton Thomas Houghton James Johnson Connie McCoy William Moncrief John Moore Marie Mosley Washington Porter Yolanda M. Shepard Matthew Smith Odessia M. Spruill Jeffrey Steele James Taylor Patricia Taylor Gary Teasley Terrell Turner TRUSTEES: Virgil Young Sr., Capt. Wesley Norris, Co-Capt. Rosalind Simmons, Co-Capt. Marseille Arbuckle Patricia Brewer * Audrey LaSalle Brown Dorothy Cleveland J.C. Douglas Daryl Duncan Raymond Flowers Jerome Gibbs Vickie Hall Cynthia Harris Kathy Hemingway Schylbea J. Hopkins Debra Butler Jackson Darnell Jackson Anita Moncrease Joyce Parks Halmond Pringle Sylvia Ross-Sherrill Ronald Spears Frank Taylor Ola Taylor Eleisha Teasley * Linda Tinsley George Turner Vonzie Whitlow James A. Womble Jr. * Consultative Trustees NURSES: Lydia Douglas Rebecca Hayes Gloria Howard Betty Mapp Janice McCrary Pam Parker Joe Thomas Regina Thomas CHURCH CLERKS Donna Lewis, Vice Clerk Regina Holmes Sharon Jones Denise Madlock Eleanor Spears Venetta Watt-Tucker Dorothy Weeks ANNOUNCEMENT CLERKS 7:30 AM Willie Taylor 11:00 AM Sydney Elam SPEARS-WATSON BOOKSTORE Cherokee Cole Nora Sharpley Ferguson Ron Spears Dolores Spencer Andrea Whitfield GREETERS 7:30 AM Terry Graves Ruby V. Jones Kim Paige Roosevelt Paige Jr. Bruce Perry Lamar Reed Lydia Smith Mabel Smith Virginia Tate Phoebe Vanderburg 11:00 AM Kim Gause Alexis Kerr Lavern Lawson Sonia Norfleet-Johnson Dana Smith JaKayla Kerr-Vanhorn Jalaya Word CHURCH OFFICE—HARTFORD INSTITUTE BUILDING 18900 James Couzens Highway—Detroit, Michigan 48235 Administrative Offices—9:00 AM—5:00 PM Monday thru Friday 313-861-1285 / 313-861-1300 — Fax 313-861-0265 SPEARS-WATSON BOOKSTORE Open Sundays—between and after services / Tuesday 4:00 PM—8:00 PM / Wednesday 12 Noon—8:00 PM. 313-864-3404 HARTFORD AGAPE HOUSE 18700 James Couzens Highway—Detroit, Michigan 48235 313-861-1200 — Fax 313-861-7896 Hunger Task Force & Free Shop Mission….. 313-861-1202 The Staff Minister on call is Rev. Kevin Taylor. He can be contacted for any emergencies or urgent matters 313-861-1285 or 313-475-0316 — Email: [email protected] SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY YOUTH SUNDAY Dr. Charles G. Adams, Pastor Rev. Charles C. Adams, Presiding Pastor Rev. Kevin N. Taylor, Assistant Pastor Rev. Lurecie M. Stokes, Minister of Pastoral Care Website: Streaming Live at 11:00 AM Church Building WIFI Access Code: hartford Sunday’s Broadcast will be aired at 7:00 PM on 1340 AM Gospel Radio 18700 James Couzens Highway— Detroit, Michigan 48235 — 313-861-1300/Church —313-861-1285/Office LOOKING AHEAD AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE REFLECTION Next time we meet we will be into the Third Sunday after Epiphany with these texts: Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20. The fact that we live in the moment of crucial and critical opportunity is the message of the verses chosen from Mark. Jesus goes up north from Judea to Galilee and says, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe in the good news.” (Mark 1:15). To repent means to turn completely to God. We must turn from the agenda of the world and turn to the plan, program and priority of God. Only by constantly turning away from the values and demands of the world, and turning to the light, life and love of Christ can we find the highest good and ultimate destiny of life. Either we will take this “current when it serves, or all our life will be wrapped in shallows and in miseries.” Only God is life. Only Christ can save. Only the Holy Spirit can change the human heart. Jesus makes an immediate, unexpected approach to some ordinary fishermen. He called them. They did not know who he really was. They certainly did not know that they had been called and chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world! They had been given no prior instructions on salvation. They saw a man they had never seen. They heard a voice they had never heard, and they followed a God they had never known to a place and an experience they had never encountered! The opportunity to follow Christ is urgent. We may never hear this call again. We may never face this chance again. Can we be as immediate in our response to God as God is urgent in grace to save us from futility and fatality? Death will call us immediately, and no matter what we have planned or arranged, we must drop it and answer the inevitable, abrupt visitor of death. It will honor no earthly commitment. It will not wait for a more convenient season. Whenever the accident strikes as it surprised Bobby Phills of the Charlotte Hornets, whenever the bullet hits its object, whenever the heart stops, whenever the breath leaves never to return, whenever the brain dies, we must immediately and inevitably leave this world. Michael Jordan said that Bobby Phills was the toughest defender he had ever seen. But even this greatest and toughest of all professional defensive players had no defensive strategy against sudden, abrupt and unexpected death. If, when it comes, we must immediately face death, since Christ is visiting and calling now, why can’t we immediately and abruptly drop everything and follow him? Do we have any other alternative, possibility or opportunity to possess eternal life? TRUTH, JUSTICE AND FREEDOM To the memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Melvin Cross Oh, who will walk a mile with me Down life’s hard, lonesome road, And who will stay awhile with me To share this heavy load Oh, who will help me speak for right With truth and justice taught, And who will come and help me fight This battle now being fought Oh, who with courage will feel empowered And not think of being a knave, And if they be branded a coward, Still to stand up and be brave To anyone who must be free To say what must be said, Then let them come join hands with me And let us move ahead To anyone who feels the need To do what must be done, Then let them come with urgent speed To fight until victory’s won In 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, Paul answers, “No.” Everything but God is impermanent, contingent, fleeting, transient, ephemeral and destructible. After considering all the power, pride and impressiveness of human institutions, achievements, systems, positions, offices, relationships and arrangements, Paul says:...For the present form of this world is passing away.” From now on we who are called and chosen of Christ must place no ultimate hope in anything but Christ – not marriage, for it will pass away and be replaced by heaven’s perfect bliss, not grief, for it will pass away into the perfect comfort and companionship of Christ, not earthly experiences of joy, for they must be superseded by Paradise and God’s Kingdom, not business, for it will pass away into the equal distribution of eternal satisfaction, and not our competence, for it will pass away into total dependence upon God. Be free from anxiety, dread, depression and delusion. Only God is ultimate. We have absolutely nowhere else to turn for sanity, security, salvation and certainty. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 1 10 BEREAVEMENT NOTICES Please keep in prayer the families who have lost loved ones. We have received the following names: DECEASED RELATIVES LOCATION DATE TIME Madelyn Kendricks Mt. Vernon Baptist Friday Hugh Whitaker Eleanor Craig Church 01/09/2015 Sallie Lynch Redford, MI June Wilder Reva Gibson Juanda Calloway HMBC Tuesday Patsy Ruth Calloway 01/13/2015 Trustee Halmond Pringle Pye Funeral Home Tuesday Donald Wicker Detroit, MI 01/13/2015 William F. Hill Pye Funeral Home Thursday Obray J. Dixon Rev. Dr. Marlene Garland- Detroit, MI 01/15/2015 Hill Dorothy Henderson Warren AME Church Friday James A. Henderson James E. Henderson Toledo, OH 01/16/2015 Antony W. Henderson Jessie Martin-Ford New Morning Star Saturday Marilyn Martin Myrtle Martin-Nelson MBC 01/17/2015 Dorsey Tallulah, LA Deacon Robert Thornton Fellowship Chapel Saturday Mikael David Bernestine Thornton Detroit, MI 01/17/2015 Thornton Sr. Veronica Massey HMBC Saturday Lowell Massey III Classie Massey 01/17/2015 Kadejah Ford Haley Funeral Home Saturday Younis Holcomb Rosa Holcomb Southfield, MI 01/17/2015 Min. Joe Adams Tree of Life MBC Saturday Leroy Plummer Detroit, MI 01/17/2015 Ora Conyers Pye Funeral Home Monday FH-2:30 PM John B. Conyers Reginald Conyers Detroit, MI 01/19/2015 Svc-3:00 PM Cecil Simmons-Smith Mount Airy, NC Monday Ted Smith Barbara Simmons-Smith 01/19/2015 Deacon Janet L. Gilyard Mr. Pleasant Baptist Tuesday Rev. Otis L. Jeremy L. Gilyard Church 01/20/2015 Blackshear Atlanta, GA Iris Hughey Swanson Funeral Tuesday FH-10:00 AM Midas Ford Deacon Harley Hughey Home 01/20/2015 Svc-11:00 AM Detroit, MI Lina Barnes HMBC Tuesday FH-10:00 AM James Barnes Jr. James Barnes Jr. 01/20/2015 Svc-11:00 AM For additional information on these names and others, please see the notices as posted on the bulletin board in the north corridor, or call the Church Office. 9 Why not let Psalm 65 in its entirety speak to you directly of God’s great power, mercy, commitment and love? If God is all we have, who can ask for anything more? Only God is God, and only God is enough! When you read Jonah, I hope you notice how well the pagan king of Nineveh fared in the eyes of God, and how poorly Jonah, God’s holy prophet turned out, because he believed more in his own inflexible, unmerciful prophecy of judgment than he had confidence in the freedom and power of God to save urgently anyone who turns to God in sincere repentance and trust. The wicked city of Nineveh takes full advantage of God’s generous grace, much to the chagrin of the self-righteous and judgmental prophet who would prefer that God were flat, immovable, unchanging and predictable. The God of our salvation will ultimately surprise the unworthy with gratuitous blandishments of mercy, and disappoint the self-righteous by being superior to their doctrine. Read and return to God for mercy and life! Love ya, C.G.A. HARTFORD EASTER SUNDAY BROADCAST will be pr oduced on February 8, 2015 at the 7:30 PM & 11:00 AM Services. Easter flowers will adorn the Sanctuary, Cathedral Choir & the Jubilee Chorus will provide the music and Pastor Adams will preach the Easter Sermon. All members and friends are asked to attend in large numbers and if possible, dress as though it is Easter Sunday. A One-Hour Program will be edited and submitted to ABC Network for approval; then 200 ABC Affiliates from Coast to Coast will be asked to broadcast the program Easter Sunday between 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM local times. Hartford is ready for Prime Time Television. Ushers will distribute Photo Release Forms for all attendees. Thank you for your cooperation. HELP US TO UPDATE CHURCH RECORDS Please help us to keep your address information current. Take the time to fill out the information including your email address, and give it to an usher or leave it in the Church Office. Thank you. __________________________________________________________________________ NAME ________________________________ MEMBERSHIP NO. __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________ HOME PHONE __________________________________________ CITY ________________________________ CELL PHONE ________ __________________ ST ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, NOTIFY __________________________________________________________________________ NAME 2 ________________________________ PHONE SERMON NOTES IN THE HOSPITAL/REHABILITATION CENTERS WILLIAM BEAUMONT HOSPITAL, ROYAL OAK, MI Jonas Cabil U OF M HOSPITAL, ANN ARBOR, MI Min. Tommie Latimer Jr. PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL, SOUTHFIELD, MI Dianne Carr WOODWARD HILLS NURSING CENTER, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI Trustee Dorothy Cleveland BORTZ REDFORD GERIATRIC VILLAGE, DETROIT, MI Ruby Henderson NOTTING HILL HEALTH CARE FACILITY, WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI Ms. Johnnie Pearl Horton Deacon Lawrence Brown EVERGREEN HEALTH CTR., SOUTHFIELD, MI Cleveland Cole Jr. LAHSER HILLS NURSING CENTER, SOUTHFIELD, MI Ora Conyers 3 8 Please join the community of learners who W orship the Lord by reading and studying through the Hartford Institute of Bible Studies. The Institute’s 2015 cour ses and wor kshops include The Methodology of Early Christian History, Part II. Thursday’s beginning January 22, 2015, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Room 106. Workshops for CEU (Registration required): Youth Mental Health First Aid, Saturday January 24, 2015, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Ministry to the Death and Dying for Stephen’s Ministers, Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Growing in Grace: Get a Grip on Grace, Thursday’s beginning January 29, 2015, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Chapel. STEPHEN MINISTRY “Christ Caring For People through People” STEPHEN MINISTERS CARE FOR PEOPLE FACING TOUGH TIMES and are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual help needed with crisis that include: Loss of a loved one Terminal Illness/Chronic Illness Divorce or Separation Unemployment/Job Crisis Loneliness/ Discouragement Incarceration or Re-entry…and more STEPHEN MINISTRY IS A CONFIDENTIAL MINISTRY and are trained volunteers ready to provide you with one-on-care. To Contact a Stephen Minister Call (313) 341-2301 SANCTUARY CELEBRATION SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY — YOUTH SUNDAY SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 2015 — 7:30 AM & 11:00 AM ORDER OF SERVICE Devotional & Pastoral Advisements Prelude “Melody”– Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Opening Praise Sentences Rev. Robyn D. Moore Processional Hymn #515 “Jesus the Light of the World” Prayer of Invocation Rev. Robyn D. Moore Glory Be To The Father #541 “Deep River”– arr. Adolphus Hailstork Interlude Cherubic Choir Sings Children Sermon (11:00 AM) Anthem “Yes, Lord, Yes” – Keesecker / arr. Fettke Prayer of Intercession & Song of Inspiration Welcome To The Visitors “Sing Praises to Thee” – Judith McAllister Rev. Robyn D. Moore The Tithes & Offertory Period Luke 6:38; Matthew 6:19-21 (NRSV) Offertory Sentences Leader: Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap. People: For the measure you give will be the measure you get back. Leader: Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. People: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust consume and where thieves do not break in and steal. Unison: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. “Good” – William Murphy Offertory Selection The Prayer of Dedication Rev. Robyn D. Moore Pre-Sermon Hymn #402 “This Little Light of Mine” The Written Word John 1:5 Preached Word “THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Pastor Adams Invitation To Christian Discipleship Hymn of Invitation #225 “Beams of Heaven” Prayer of Thanksgiving The Right Hand of Fellowship Recessional Hymn #129 “Open My Eyes, That I May See” Benediction Postlude 7 “In Christ There is no East or West” – Burleigh / arr. Callahan 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Get that Midweek Boost! J oin us for “Hour of Power” Ser vice each Wednesday, in the Chapel, at 12:00 Noon to 12:30 PM. Lunch is served after the Service in the Fellowship Hall. Be connected! Applications are being accepted for the 2015 Christian Debutante and Chaama Program. Applicants must be a member of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church for at least one year and at least a junior in high school. Applications may be obtained from Ms. Georgia Daniel in the Church Nursery any Sunday after the 7:30 AM Service. All Applications must be returned to Ms. Daniel TODAY. For additional information, please call Ms. Daniel at 313-861-1150 or Ms. M. Faye Mance at 248-569-8485. Orientation will be held at Hartford on Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 10:00 AM. Also, The Christian Debutante and Chaama Committee is looking for former Debutantes, Chaamas and their parents/guardians to serve as advisors or mentors to the 2015 candidates. Prayer Service: Wednesday's fr om 7-8 PM, in the Chapel. The Theme for the Month is Self-Control. Deacons and Ministers will anoint and offer comforting intercessory prayer. "Prayer is the key, but faith unlocks the door." Hartford Membership Photographers will be taking individual pictur es in Fellowship Hall Stage area behind the screen on the TODAY and the Fourth Sunday after the 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM Services. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by and not be included in our membership publication. Stop by and ask for Delisa. Married Couples Ministry Meeting: All mar r ied couples of HMBC ar e invited to attend our next meeting: Friday, January 23, 2015 at 6:00 PM, in the Vincent Room. Please join us for food, fun and fellowship. Leon and Rhonda Johnson, Co-chairs — 313-533-8527. Happy New Year to all Hartford Ushers! Please attend our fir st J oint Usher Ministr y meeting of the year, on Saturday, January 31st, 1:00 PM—2:30 PM. Refreshments will be served. Looking forward to a wonderful year in the Lord. Deborah Boatner, President. Did you know that the Members Orientation Class is not just for new members? If it’s been years since you last attended, never attended or did not complete the series, you are invited to come and learn more about your Baptist heritage. After which you will be awarded your certificate of completing. Classes meet in the Chapel at 9:30 AM on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Attention Men of Hartford! Men’s Day is fast appr oaching. We need Financial Captains for Men’s Month 2015. Our theme is “In Whose Image?” Sign up today to be a captain and help us reach our goal of $100,000. Let’s start 2015 off right. Contact HMU President, Gene Kelley II with any questions. Get your fitness on this year by attending either the Ballroom or Hustle classes that are gearing up for the new year! Ballroom classes have started, beginners at 6:00 PM and intermediate at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Donation: $5/per person. Hustle classes will begin Tuesday January 20th in the Vincent Room from 6:15- 7:30 PM. Donation: $7 per person. This is a great way to get your exercise in to begin the New Year. We look forward to seeing you at one or both classes. The Hartford Singles Ministry will hold its first meeting of 2015 on Monday Jan. 26th in the Vincent Room from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. At the meeting we will finalize our 2015 Calendar of Events. Singles, please join us as we embark upon another blessed year!! For additional information please contact Deacon Jeffrey O. Steele 860-830-8596 cell, [email protected] email. Hartford Members and Friends: You can set up recurring donations to the Church. Contact the Accounting Office at 313-861-1285 x411 to learn how it can be done. 5 Mark your calendar and join us for a wonderful interfaith event. The 16th Annual World Sabbath Day will be held Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 4:00 PM, at Adat Shalom Synagogue, 29901 Middlebelt Road, Farmington Hills, MI. There will be prayer, music and dance from the faiths from around the world presented by youth of all faiths. We encourage you to join in on this incredible interfaith experience. If you have any questions, please see Min. Charmaine Johnson, Rev. Robyn Moore or Deacon Brandee Pruitt. The Scholarship Ministry is sponsoring its 2015 Black College Tour, Friday, April 3 thru April 12, 2015. They will tour colleges in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Florida. The donation is $600, and includes transportation and lodging. For applications and additional information, please contact Ms. Georgia Daniel at 313-861-1150 or the Church Office. Teen Connect Bible Study has star ted. Lear n the Wor d of God studying topics suggested by teens that directly impacts their daily living. Studies are 5:30 to 6:30 every Tuesday and include guest speakers, projects, prizes and more. For additional info, contact Rev. Robyn Moore at 248-252-7678. The Joshua Ministry (for adults 18-40) welcomes you to our weekly Thur sday Bible Study at 6:15 PM in the Vincent Room. Join us as Reverend Kevin Taylor leads us in Bible study and discussion. Please contact Kamil Williams at [email protected] so that we can get a headcount for dinner. Keith Gamble-Woodwind Music Lessons is offering music lessons for saxophone, flute and clarinet for a nominal fee. You may reach him at 313-330-0346, or email at [email protected]. Also, Deborah Scales, a retired DPS band and orchestra teacher is available to assist in beginning strings, snare drum, trumpet and trombone. There is no fee for her lessons. Arrangements and times can be made by calling Ms. Scales at 248-939-7358 or [email protected]. Give the gift of a life time, a musical instrument and lessons beginning the New Year. The Pastor's Courtesy Guild Ministry will be holding its first meeting of the new year on January 24, 2015. Please join us at 11:00am in room 108. 2015 promises to be an exiting year for our ministry. We welcome new members! Deacon Artelia Griggs, President Following the loss of a loved one can be a very difficult time. You may experience all kinds of difficult and surprising emotions, such as shock, anger and guilt. A Bereavement Support Counseling Group is being held each 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, in Room 307 at 6:00 PM. Through a setting that embraces confidentiality, participants may: gain insight from others regarding coping strategies to begin to "live again"; share experiences and feelings that keep memories alive; restore relationships when forgiveness is needed; gain wisdom regarding lifestyle changes; and strengthen our spiritual well-being. Please contact the Church Office to register at 313-861-1285 x 429, and begin the journey to healing. 6
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